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Names Activity Responsible Party Due Dates Status

Tamika Taylor Create Projected Timeline Admin

Create Email
Create Group Portfolio
Send Sponsorship Letters/ Make Contact with sponsors 6-Nov

Laurene Ward Source Videograher and Designer Chair 30-Oct

Source Speakers 30-Oct
Broadcast/Advertise the Event on Radio/TV Talk Show 20-Nov
Create Budget 1-Oct
Organize Presentation 10-Nov
Organize Entertainment 1-Nov
Edit all Materials Daily
Conduct Meetings Weekly/Daily
Liason with Charity - Queens School 1-Nov
Liason with Speakers 1-Nov
Organize Token of Appreciation 10-Nov
Collect Funds 30-Oct
Market Event - Social Media Post, email to prospective sponsors 13-24-Nov
Interveiw Styles FM 11:30am 24-Nov
Flyer 13-Nov
Moderator 27-Nov

Jordonna Mckain Marketing the Event - Social Media Post - And email to prospective entities Marketing 4-Nov
Create Package/Proposal 1-Nov

Jannelle Williams Marketing the Event - Social Media Post - And email to prospective entities Marketing 12-Nov

Toni Woodburn Terms of Reference Logistics/Operatio 3-Nov

Logistics 26
Create Budget Real lIfe Budget 3-Nov
Moderator 27-Nov
Loretta Colquhoune Create Letter Head / Logo Admin 3-Nov
Terms of Reference 3-Nov
Edit letters Daily/Weekly
Proof Read Sponsorship Letters to be sent 6-Nov

Ruschelle Clarke Take the Minutes Sponsorship/ Asst 4-Nov

Create Package / Proposal 4-Nov
Program 4-Nov
Call Speakers - Liason Before Event After Event 6-Nov
Complete letters for the speakers 6-Nov
Create Sponsorship Letter to be sent 6-Nov
Take Screenshots of all Comunications Daily/Weekly

Rushawna Dennie Source Sponsors and small Sponsors Program 5-Nov

Take Screen Shots of Com. 4-Nov
Create Certification of Appreciate
Program - Need a sample detailed program 4-Nov

Sabrina Greaves Create Package / Proposal - Marketing 5-Nov

Market Event - Social Media Post, email to prospective sponsors 7-Nov

Donte Harrison Platform Logistics/Operation

Create Peer Evaluation form 4-Nov
EVERYONE Need video presentation 12-Nov

Extened 14-Nov

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