Lesson 7: Photon Theory of Light

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LESSON 7 Photon Theory of

RED longest wavelength
VIOLET shortest wavelength
Violet light has the highest frequency
and energy. Red has the shortest
frequency, and the lowest energy.
Assessment 7

LESSON 8 Light has Dual Nature
Light has a dual
nature – a wave and a
The de Broglie wavelength of a
particle indicates the length De Broglie's hypothesis of matter
scale at which wave-like waves postulates that any particle of
properties are important for
matter that has linear momentum is
that particle. De Broglie
wavelength is usually
also a wave. The wavelength of a
represented by the symbol λ or matter wave associated with a particle
λdB is inversely proportional to the
magnitude of the particle's linear
momentum. The speed of the matter
wave is the speed of the particle.
The energy of the electron is
deposited at a point, just as if it The Davisson–Germer
was a particle. So while experiment confirmed the de Broglie
the electron propagates through hypothesis that matter has wave-like
space like a wave, it interacts at behavior. Arthur Compton established
a point like a particle. This is the wave–particle duality hypothesis
known as wave-particle duality. which was a fundamental step in
quantum theory.
Assessment 8
Explain de Broglie’s idea on
duality of light.

Relate de Broglie’s work to

Davisson and Germer?

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