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Satire Project Reflection

Paragraph 1: Analysis
For this project I chose to focus on something that I've never really researched or thought much
about until recently. I chose the pandemic of medical manipulation and how rich ceos benefits
from our disease. My target was big pharma companies. For my piece I drew a ‘charming’ man
who is offering pills. He is money hungry and wishes for the vulnerability of the medically
disabled. For my satirical devices I used caricature and parody. I used caricature to make the man
seem evil and maleficent. I added eyebags and big shiny teeth. I used some of these features to
make him seem more charming and commercial. For hyperbole I was trying to make fun of people
who suggest that pills will solve all problems especially if they're offering them in exchange for
financial debt. I chose caricature because I wanted my character to really paint the idea of a
facade or phony. I wanted the audience to really see his clique features and understand that he
wasn’t really what he seemed. I used hyperbole because obviously no one has little bills coming
out of their ears or dollar signs in their eyes. I wanted to really exaggerate those features.

Paragraph 2: Learning  
The most important thing I learned from this project is probably time management. At the very
beginning of the building process I didn't really have a clear idea of what I wanted to do in terms
of building my project. I wasn't sure how to include all of the six machines and still have it tie into
my satire. Due to this, I spent a lot of time brainstorming and not building. I ended up having to
build my machine at the very end of the project and didn’t spend much time refining it. That was
my fault. In the future. I will take what I have learned and hopefully apply it.

Paragraph 3: Satire
The role of satire in society today is to prove a point successfully and harmlessly. A lot of people
use satire to make a point that otherwise no one would listen to if it wasn’t satirical. For example,
In The Modest Proposal, the author uses satire to outrage the public. If he hadn’t used satire, no
one would have listened to him. If he had just stated his point, it wouldn’t have gotten any
attention from the public. Other times, satire is used in society to bring light to a topic that maybe
isn’t funny. Personally, me and other people I know use satire and humour to cope with things
that aren’t really funny at all. Another example is the millionaire boat assembly, where celebrities
arranged their yachts to spell out something ‘inspiring’. You see, this isn’t really funny at all until
the author of the article used satire to point out all the flaws in which this event possessed. This
made me see how lining up yachts and claiming that ‘we’re all in this together’ maybe isn’t such a
great idea. His satire really proved his point even further.

Paragraph 4: Self-Assessment
I think I deserve a 8. I come to class with usually all my materials except for maybe a pen or an 
assignment every once in a while. I almost always turn my assignments in on time and complete 
them. I'm usually always focused on the task at hand and engage in classroom activities and 
discussions. One thing that I know I can improve on is to put all my focus on one thing at a time. I 
get distracted super easily and don’t end up using my time wisely. So if I can come to class 
prepared and ready to focus on one thing, I would be better off in my class. I try and listen as well 
as possible, but there is always so much happening around me that it’s hard to focus sometimes. 
Especially in online classes.  
Class Self-Assessment

10 1. I am prepared every day for class with necessary materials, technology, and assignments.
2. When I arrive to class, I immediately orient myself to the day’s learning by dropping in to the starter
or opening activity.
3. I consistently use my class time effectively during in-person and online days to complete my
4. I actively engage in class activities, and work hard to find meaning and interest in what we are doing.
5. I listen to peers and the teacher when it is time to listen.

9 1. I am usually prepared for class with my materials technology, and assignments, but every now and
then I forget an assignment..
2. When I arrive to class, I immediately orient myself to the day’s learning by dropping in to the starter
or opening activity.
3. I generally use my class time effectively during in-person and online days to complete my
4. I mostly engage in class activities, and can usually find a way to be interested in what we are doing.
5. Mostly I listen when it is time to listen.

8 1. I am often prepared for class with my materials, technology, and assignments, but I sometimes
forget assignments or materials.
2. It might take me a few minutes, but once the class momentum goes toward it, I get after the starter
or opening activity.
3. I usually use my class time effectively during in-person and online days, but I spend a little time
distracted or off task.
4. I mostly engage in class activities, but I sometimes check out or get distracted, and get off-track.
Sometimes I just try to finish as quickly as possible rather than engage deeply.
5. Mostly I listen when it is time to listen.

6-7 1. I am often unprepared for class in some way, and struggle to keep track of assignments and
necessary materials.
2. I struggle to start class on time and drop into the moment, but it is something I am working on!
3. I get ​some ​work done in this class, but I spend a decent amount of time avoiding it as well.
Sometimes I get distracted or distract others.
4. I sometimes participate in class activities, but I am often having side conversations, pretending to be
invisible, or just checked out doing something else. Sometimes I just try to finish as quickly as
possible rather than engage deeply.
5. I try to listen when others are talking, but I sometimes tune out and do my own thing.

5 1. I am usually unprepared for class, and often don’t have the assigned work or materials necessary for
2. I struggle to start class on time and drop into the moment.
3. I have not been very productive in this class so far. I generally avoid participating in class activities
and working on things.
4. I struggle to listen when others are talking.

0 I can’t want to do anything productive in this class.

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