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The population living in a big city is bigger and higher than

living in the countryside. Minority people like to live in the

countryside because of the privacy and less population. It is

interesting that some of them do not like to live in a big city due

to the pollution and free lifestyle such us more modern. Living

in the big city brings us happiness and likely to have a fixed job.

While on the other hand, living in a big city makes you live

easier to settling down and start a family than in countryside.

First of all, we could say that living in the big city is easily to

find a job rather than in countryside. Although, the big city has

more job opportunities, it is impossible to find a cheaper place

to live in. for example, you might be qualifies for a job. 10

others people who are applying for the position are slightly more

qualified than you. They were graduated with Master’s degree

and you only graduated with Bachelor’s title. While settling

down and start a new family in the big city needs a job

opportunities to make your family live happily.

Secondly, living in a big city’s education is inflated than in

countryside. There are many schools choices for your kid. You

can choose the school that your kid is talented on. Many schools

in a big city is studying for extracurricular. Big cities also

motivate your children with people who are success. While in

countryside, the schools are not having extracurricular. In big

cities, there are a number of popular schools which not only has

a good teachers but also good facilities to educate young

generation who want to achieve their dream.

Lastly, in a big cities medical facilities are more prohibitive than

the countryside. From the quality of the hospitals to the doctors.

In a countryside if we want to go to the hospital, it is far away

from home. In a big city, we can easily find the hospitals.

Mostly of the hospitals in a big city has modern equipment’s

and it is more trust. Sometimes doctors graduated from overseas

so that makes you more trust the hospital or medical facilities in

a big city rather than rural area. While you settling down and

start a new family, you need a better medical equipment for

your family member so that they don’t need to survive for a long

time and easily recover because of the doctors and medical


Conclusion living in a big city is more advanced because people

can easily find everything that they need. It is true that living in

a big city makes you more comfortable to live in. People better

to live in a big city rather than in the countryside.


Total words : 472

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