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Marketing Plan

Executive Summary
In this report a marketing plan is formed for Patch Plants, a relatively new company

Appendix 1- PESTEL


It is trendy to be eco-friendly:
The younger generation are opting to be more eco-friendly because the negative
implications of previously not looking after the Earth is starting to show. This societal change
has led to 73% of people 22 and under are more willing to pay
more for sustainable items. (
pay-more-eco-friendly-products/2227101)  This means that people are more likely to buy
plants and look after them as they know it is more beneficial to the planet. Patch plants
should take advantage of this and promote their product on social media, so it reaches the
younger generation. They should focus on people in this age demographic and make
them the target audience for their company because it is easier to persuade them to buy

Mental health awareness has increased:

Instead of ignoring mental health as we have in the past, it has become apparent that
mental health is a big factor in society and though often ignored it should be actively
overcome. Plants have been seen to improve mental health
and reduce depression  (
%20interaction,help%20with%20concentration% 20and%20memory) it has also been seen
to improve concentration. Patch plants should aim their products at students, or they
should partner with universities and schools to ensure that plants are in accommodations
and classrooms so that student menta health and learning can be improved.

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