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United States Patent [19] [11] 4,019,423

Johnson [45] Apr. 26, 1977

54 AUT '_ '
6 z . hnso _ ' 1,166,053 3/1964 Germany .................... .. 89/14 E
[7 ] lmfentor . F12’ wlnow $25,136 7/1948 United Kingdom . 89/194
' r 7,371 7/1920 United Kmgdom 89/192
[22] Filed: Oct. 19, 1970 - ‘
[2]] App]. No.: 82,113 Primary Examiner—Stephen C. Bentley
Related US. Application Data , [57] ABSTRACT
[62] Divisim‘ °f 5“- N°~ 7801034’ N°"- 28’ ‘968’ A stable automatic or semi-automatic ?rearm having a
abandmed' _ differential recoil system in which an open bolt has a
[52] US. Cl. ......................... .. 89/178; 89/14 ‘E; designed mass and closing velocity to impact and drive
89/197 a reciprocating barrel forwardly without rebound and
[51] Int. Cl.2 ....................................... .. F41C 21/18 remain locked to the barrel during the period when
[58] Field of Search ......... .. 89/14 E, 159, I62, 177, there is high ?ring pressure in the barrel. Since the bolt
89/ 178, 191 R, 192, 193, 194,v 195, 196, 197 supports the cartridge during the time of high pressure,
[56] References Cited the cartridge is prevented from prematurely being ex
tracted and rupturing; and since recoil momentum is
UNITED STATES PATENTS utilized in arresting and returning the bolt, stability of
459,828 9/1891 Maxim ............................. .. 89/14 E the ?rearm is improved
834,753 10/1906 Reifgraber ....................... .. 89/14 E
2,776,602 l/1957 Sturteiiant ........ ..' ............... .. 89/196
2,956,481 10/1960 Barr et a1. ......................... .. 89/193 7 Claims, 17 Drawing Figures

52 m /l [£30 A? 4/ I‘

3 Z4 / Z0 9‘

3‘5 40 t 34
US. Patent April 26, 1977 Sheet 1 of4 4,019,423



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4,019,423 2
‘ 1
mechanism is mounted in a weapon frame in a manner
AUTOMATIC OR SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM which permits the barrel a limited amount of motion
This is a division of application Ser. No. 780,034, _ along the axis of the weapon. The weapon is ?red from
?led Nov. 28, 1968 now abandoned. the open bolt position, and employs a conventional
This invention relates to a ?rearm; more particularly mechanically locked bolt. In the Holek weapon, which
this invention relates'to a ?rearm of the automatic or is gas operated in the usual manner, an operating rod
semiautomatic type. receives energy from a gas system and subsequently
As is well known, recoil of any gun increases as the unlocks and opens the bolt in ‘the customary manner.
gun, or that part of it which recoils, is decreased in This weapon obtains the effect of di?erential recoil by
weight or the power of the ammunition that is ?red is permitting the barrel to reciprocate within the frame
increased. The physical reason is that a given cartridge without metal-to-metal impact with the frame, the bar
will develop a characteristic amount of recoil momen rel being ?rst moved forwardly by the closing impact of
tum, given a particular length of barrel, regardless of operating rod and bolt, and then arrested and moved
the type of the gun in which it is ?red (excluding the rearwardly by the momentum produced by ?ring be
“recoilless ri?e” type). This recoil momentum results fore an impact with the frame can occur. Weapons of
in a kinetic energy of recoil or recoil energy which is this type are entirely conventional as to the method of
proportionate to the square of the recoil momentum locking and the method of obtaining energy for opera_
and varies inversely with the mass of the recoiling part. tion, and di?er from conventional automatic weapons
In other words, doubling the recoil momentum by in in having provision'for the breech mechanism and bar
creasing the power of the cartridge will quadruple the 20 rel to oscillate over a short distance within the frame of
recoil energy of the gun. Reducing the, recoiling mass the weapon while ?ring. This approach permits the
on the other hand by ?fty percent will double the recoil weapon to attain the stability resulting from differential
energy. Therefore, since reducing the weight of a gun recoil, and does not require special types of ammuni
and increasing the power of the ammunition substan tion or ammunition treatment, but has the disadvantage
tially increases the gun ’s recoil, recoil is a critical prob 25 of being necessarily complex in construction. The sec
lem in stability of lightweight guns when ?ring powerful ond approach which is frequently used is described in
ammunition. ’ US. Pat. No. 1,144,185, issued to Rheinhold Becker.
One system developed to overcome this problem is In this system the barrel is ?xed to the weapon frame
called a differential recoil system. In one variation of and does not participate in the recoil motion. A- simple
this system the barrel and breech are forced rearwardly 30 blowback type of bolt is used, which is not mechani
against a recuperator spring before ?ring and held in cally locked to the barrel at any time. The weapon is
this position by a catch or sear. After the gun is loaded ?red from the open bolt position, and the cartridge is
and the sear released, the barrel and breech are then ?red just before reaching the fully forward position in
driven forwardly by the spring. The recuperator spring the chamber. The forward motion of the cartridge case
is designed to impute to the masses of the barrel and 35 and the blowback bolt is then ?rst arrested by the mo
breech a velocity that would be equal to one-half that mentum caused by ?ring, and then accelerated to the
which would be attained in a conventional gun. In other rear, providing differential recoil in exactly the same
words, the spring would give the barrel and breech a manner previously described, except the bolt is the
velocity to attain a forward momentum equal to one only reciprocating member. This type of weapon re
half of the normal recoil momentum for the particular 40 quires the use of a special over-length chamber, and a
ammunition utilized. This forward momentum is at specially shaped cartridge case which permits the front
tained just prior to the barrel and breech reaching their portion of the bolt to enter the chamber with the car
fully forward or battery position. At this point, the gun tridge. Since the cartridge case and bolt must be able to
is ?red. Since the moving masses at ?ring have a for move within the chamber during the period when the
ward momentum approximately equal to one-half of 45 propellant gas pressure is high, the cartridge case must
the recoil momentum which the cartridge is capable of be heavily lubricated. If this is not done, the forward
producing, one-half of the recoil momentum produced portion of the cartridge case will adhere to the wall of
by the cartridge is utilized in arresting the forward the chamber because of the pressure, while the rear of
motion of the breech and barrel, and the remaining half the case will be forced to the rear with the bolt, causing
is utilized in throwing them rearwardly where they are a case separation and consequently a major malfunc
once again caught and held by the sear. It is important tion.
to note that at no time do the recoiling masses of the It may be seen from the foregoing that automatic
barrel and breech contain more than one-half the nor weapons which utilize the differential recoil principle
mal recoil momentum which would be attained by a have either the disadvantage of being complex in con
conventional gun of the same weight in its recoiling 55 struction or the disadvantage of requiring the use of
parts. This is important since the recoil energy is pro special, heavily lubricated ammunition. These disad
portionate to the square of the momentum of the re vantages have prevented the success of various at
coiling parts. Thus, in terms of recoil energy, at no time tempts to apply the principle of differential recoil to
does the barrel and breech contain more than one automatic small arms of a type intended for individual
fourth of the recoil energy of an equivalent conven 60 use, although the advantages of differential recoil in
tional gun. In addition, rather than impacting directly providing mildness of recoil effects and stability in fully
on the ?rearm’s frame, the recoil momentum is distrib automatic ?re are highly desirable in this class of weap
uted during the movement of the barrel and bolt. The ons.
stability of the gun is thereby greatly improved. As is well known, the use of low powered ammuni
In automatic ?rearms this system has been generally 65 tion in an automatic weapon permits the use of a simple
developed along two different basic approaches. In‘ the blowback mechanism in which the bolt is the only
?rst approach, illustrated by US. Pat. No. 2,146,185, major operating part, and in which the bolt serves to
issued to V. Holek, a conventional automatic weapon lock the action effectively through inertia, while, be
cause of blowback action, it also serves as the operating closed bolt ?ring to move the barrel rearwardly with
energy system. In weapons employing such low pow the bolt during a period of high ?ring pressure.
ered ammunition, the use of lubricated ammunition is Another object is to provide an automatic or semi
not required, and the weapon accordingly very simple automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in
and reliable. The use of high pressure ammunition, of 5 which the chamber of the barrel is ?uted to prevent the
the type usually necessary for ri?es, machine guns and cartridge from adhering to the barrel’s chamber.
automatic cannon, prevents the use of the simple blow Another object is to provide an automatic or semi
back system of operation, and requires either the spe automatic ?rearm having a system of operation with
cial ammunition and heavy ammunition lubrication the bolt and barrel having a low coef?cient of restitu
common to the system described previously, or the use tion or non-resilient impact.
of a conventional, mechanically locked breech mecha Another object is to provide an automatic or semi
nism, combined with a separate operating energy sys automatic ?rearm having a system of operation which
tem. In the latter case, the weapon becomes complex in is easy to ?eld strip and repair.
design and manufacture, and in general, less reliable Another object is to provide an automatic or semi
than the elementary blowback weapon which uses low automatic ?rearm having an operating system which
powered cartridges. Attempts have been made to pro does not malfunction.
duce a gun which can ?re high powered ammunition Another object is to provide a ?rearm having a sys
without the complicity of a mechanically locked breech tem of operation which is unusually simple but exceed
mechanism, but have been unsuccessful. ingly effective.
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to pro 20 Another object is to provide an automatic or semi
vide an automatic or semi-automatic ?rearm having an automatic ?rearm which is practical and economically
operating system which can safely utilize conventional, feasible to manufacture.
unlubricated high-pressure ammunition in conjunction Other objects of the invention will in part be obvious
with an elementary, unlocked blowback bolt. and will in part appear hereinafter.
Another object is to provide a stable automatic or 25 In accordance with these objects, the invention com
semi-automatic ?rearm. prises an automatic or semi-automatic ?rearm. In a
Still another object is to provide an automatic semi preferred embodiment, the ?rearm contains a frame
automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in which houses a reciprocally mounted barrel and bolt,
which the bolt and barrel of the ?rearm move together both of which reciprocate along the frame’s longitudi
during a period of dangerous barrel chamber pressure 30 nal axis. In a cocked position, the bolt is held to the rear
to eliminate or greatly reduce the tendency of the car of the frame against the force of a bolt driving spring by
tridge case to be ruptured by simultaneous adherence a sear. When the ?rearm is to be ?red, the sear is trig
of the front portion of the case to the wall of the cham gered to release the bolt. At this time, the bolt drives
ber while the back portion is forced to the rear by gas forwardly under the in?uence of the drive spring, re
pressure. 35 ceives a cartridge and then inserts the cartridge into the
A further object is to provide an, automatic or semi barrel. When the bolt closes against the barrel and the
automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in cartridge is ?nally seated, a ?ring pin protruding from
which the bolt has a designed momentum to drive the the face of the bolt ?res the cartridge. Simultaneously
barrel forwardly after the bolt closes against the barrel with the ?ring of the cartridge, the bolt’s mass and
such that‘ one-half of the ?ring recoil momentum is
40 velocity is such that as it contacts or impacts against the
utilized in arresting the forward motion of the bolt and barrel it has a forward momentum equal to approxi
one-half is utilized in returning the bolt to its rearward mately one-half of the ?ring recoil momentum. Upon
sition. impacting with the barrel, the momentum imparted to
A still further object is to provide an automatic or the bolt causes the barrel to also move forwardly
semi-automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in
45 against a barrel spring which normally biases the barrel
in a rearward position. The impact of the bolt on the
which a barrel spring is designed to arrest the forward barrel tends to be of a type known as low coef?cient of
movement of the barrel and return it to its rearward restitution or non~resilient impact. In this type of im
position. pact, the bolt and barrel do not tend to rebound after
Another object is to provide an automatic or semi 50 impact, but rather remain in contact.
automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in Thus, the bolt and barrel move together immediately
which the barrel has a natural frequency of vibration after the cartridge is ?red during the dangerous period
against the barrel spring such that the barrel is returned when there is high pressure in the barrel. Since the bolt
rearwardly simultaneously with the rearward stroke of at this time is effectively locked to the barrel, the bolt
the bolt. 55 supports the rear of the cartridge case, and the case is
Another object is to provide an automatic or semi thereby prevented from being stretched unacceptably
automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in or ruptured because of the high pressure. After the bolt
which a propellant gas system arrests the forward and barrels have moved forwardly for a short distance
movement of the barrel and returns it to its rearward the bolt begins to decelerate in its forward movement
position. 60 due to the gas pressure in the barrel acting on the bolt
Another object is to provide an automatic or semi through the rear of the cartridge case. The bolt is even
automatic ?rearm having a system of operation in tually stopped by the gas pressure and then accelerated
which propellant gases are trapped between the barrel rearwardly by this pressure and by the bolt drive spring,
and the forward end of the frame to assist in arresting which had been over extended due to the forward mo
the forward movement of the barrel and then moving 65 mentum of the bolt. Although the bolt moves rear
the barrel rearwardly. wardly at this time, the barrel continues in its forward
Another object is to provide an automatic or semi movement causing the bolt and barrel to move apart in
automatic ?rearm having a propellant gas system for opposite directions. Obviously, at this point, the lock
4,019,423 6
ing effect between the bolt and barrel is at an end. This ward movement of the barrel and then drive the barrel
non-mechanical locking effect is properly designed to its rearward position.
such that the bolt and barrel remain together until the _ In still another modi?cation, the system is arranged
pressure in the barrel’s chamber is suf?ciently reduced for closed bolt ?ring. In this modi?cation the barrel is
to enable the cartridge case to be extracted without initially in a forward position and moves rearwardly
being stretched or ruptured. At the end of the locking with the bolt when a cartridge is ?red. The advantage
effect, the barrel continues its forward movement for a of the differential recoil system is lost; but since the
short distance until arrested by the barrel compression bolt still supports the cartridge during the period of
spring. After which, the barrel is thrust rearwardly by high pressure, this system is bene?cial when closed bolt
the barrel spring until coming to rest in its initial rear ?ring is desired. .
ward position. The bolt meanwhile continues to move Finally, the barrel’s chamber may be ?uted at the
rearwardly under the in?uence of the gas pressure and forward end so as to permit gas on the outside of the
bolt drive spring. As it moves rearwardly, it ‘extracts cartridge case to counteract the gas pressure within the
and ejects the cartridge case from the ?rearm in a cartridge case to still further eliminate any tendency of
customary manner. If the ?rearm is of the semi the cartridge to stretch as the bolt and barrel begin to
automatic variety the bolt may be held to the rear by separate.
the sear upon reaching its full recoil position, in which‘ The invention accordingly comprises the features of
case, the ?rearm is once again ready to be ?red. How construction, combination of elements and arrange
ever, if the ?rearm is fully automatic, the bolt is simply ment of parts which will be exempli?ed in the construc
permitted to return and repeat the cycle. 20 tion hereinafter set forth, and the scope of the inven
When in operation, the gun is extremely stable. One tion will be indicated in the claims.
half of the recoil momentum produced in ?ring the For a fuller understanding of the nature and objects
cartridge is utilized in arresting the forward motion of of the invention, reference should be had to the follow
the bolt and the other half of the recoil momentum is ingdetailed description taken in connection with the
utilized in returning the bolt to its initial position. Thus, 25 accompanying drawings in which:
since the forward movement of the barrel is cushioned FIG. 1 is a partial cross-section elevation view of the
against the barrel spring, neither the bolt nor the barrel ?rearm comprising the invention.
have metal impact with the frame and the frame is FIG. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view of the ?rearm
therefore only subjected to spring forces. Being sub modi?ed with a muzzle booster. .
jected only to spring forces, the frame and operator of 30 FIGS. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are cross-sectional views
the ?rearm receive a low and relatively constant force showing a sequential operation of the ?rearm of FIG. 1.
rather than a succession of impacts as would be the FIG. 9 shows a partial cross-sectional elevation view
case without the differential recoil effect. Thus stability of the ?rearm modi?ed with a concentric gas system.
is improved. . FIG. 10 is a partial cross-sectional elevation view of
In a ?rst modi?cation of this system, the barrel mass 35 the ?rearm modi?ed with an offset gas system.
and the barrel spring rate are adjusted so as to cause FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional elevation view of the
the barrel to have a particular natural frequency of ?rearm modi?ed to enable the bolt to be ?red from a
vibration in conjunction with the barrel spring. This closed position.
frequency of vibration is designed such that the time FIGS. 1-2, 13 and 14 are cross-sectional views show
period corresponding to one-half of a complete oscilla 40 ing a sequential operation of the ?rearm of FIG. 11.
tion is approximately equal to the duration of the pres FIG. 15 is a cross-sectional elevation view of the
sure period within the chamber of the weapon. Thus, ?rearm of FIG. 11 modi?ed with an offset gas system.
when the system is ?red, the spring exerts a rearward FIG. 16 is a partial'cross-sectional elevation view of
force on the barrel closely equal to but in an opposite the ?rearm modi?ed with a ?uted chamber.
direction to the forces tending to move the barrel for 45 FIG. 17 is a cross-sectional end view of the fluted
wardly. When the bolt moves rearwardly the spring also chamber taken along line 17—--17 of FIG. 16.
moves the barrel rearwardly. The result is that the time Similar reference‘ characters refer to similar parts
limit of the locking effect will be extended as the barrel throughout the several views of the drawing.
will not only travel forwardly with the bolt but will also Referring now to the drawings in detail, particularly
reverse and move with the bolt during its rearward 50 FIG. 1, the ?rearm is designated as 10 and includes a
stroke. Since the bolt supports the cartridge case over frame 12 housing a reciprocally mounted bolt 14 and
a longer period of time the tendency of the cartridge to barrel 16. Barrel 16 includes a barrel abutment l8
stretch is even further reduced. slidably received within an elarged cylindrical chamber
In a second modi?cation, muzzle gases, in addition to 20 of frame 12. A barrel spring 24 or barrel biasing
the barrel spring of the primary embodiment are uti 55 means is disposed between abutment 18 and a forward
lized to retard and arrest the forward movement of the end wall of frame 12 to bias abutment 18 of barrel 16
barrel. By so acting on the barrel, the muzzle gases against an annular posterior chamber wall 26 of cham
effectively retard the separation of the bolt and barrel ber 20. When abutment 18 is against chamber wall 26,
and prolong the locking effect of the bolt and barrel. the barrel is in its rearward position; also hereafter
Because of this, similar to the previous modi?cation in designated as a ?rst position.
which the barrel has a particular frequency of vibration A conventional cartridge extractor 28 and ?ring pin
against the barrel spring, the tendency of the cartridge 30 are contained on the forward end of bolt 14. Dis
case to stretch is substantially lessened. posed between the rear wall of the frame and the bolt
In a third modi?cation, a gas system is utilized in is bolt drive spring 32 for driving the bolt forwardly
place of a barrel spring. When the cartridge is ?red, 65 against the barrel. This driving spring is designed to
propellant gases are passed into a compression cham drive the bolt forwardly and cause the bolt to reach a
ber between the barrel and the frame. These gases, velocity just before closing equal to approximately
acting similar to the barrel spring, ?rst arrest the for one-half that which would be normally reached if the
4,019,423 8
?rearm where ?red from a closed bolt position. That is, turned to the position it was in before being ?red. If the
the bolt is given a momentum equal to one-half of the weapon is to be fully automatic, the bolt is simply per
?ring recoil momentum of the cartridge being ?red. mitted to return forwardly and repeat the cycle. With
Between the bolt and the barrel is a conventional car correct spring design, the spring energy capacity of bolt
tridge supply magazine 34 or other cartridge supply spring 32 and barrel spring 24 is suf?cient to prevent
means for supplying cartridges to the bolt as it moves either the bolt or barrel from having metal to metal
forwardly. A customary sear 36, sear spring 38 and impact with the frame while the cartridge is being ?red.
trigger 40 contain bolt 14 in a cocked position in a Therefore, since the recoil momentum acts only on the
manner which is obvious and conventional. When bolt springs, not on the frame, the stability of the ?rearm is
14 is cocked, bolt drive spring 32 is in a compressed improved.
condition.' . In the above embodiment, as described, the initial
The operation of the ?rearm will now be described separation of the bolt and barrel results as much from
following’ the operation sequence of FIGS. 3 through 8. the continuing forward motion of the barrel as to the
The ?rearm is prepared to be ?red by cocking bolt 14 rearward recoil of the bolt. Thus, if the forward motion
and holding the bolt against the force of driving spring of the barrel can be retarded and arrested, or possibly
32 by sear 36 (FIG. 3). The gun is ?red by releasing reversed, at the time the bolt begins its rearward move
sear 36 with trigger 40. Once the sear is released, bolt ment, instead of separating from the bolt, the barrel
14 moves forwardly picking up a cartridge 41 from would remain effectively locked to it. Thus, since the
supply magazine (FIG. 4) and inserts the cartridge into bolt remains with the barrel for a longer period of time
the barrel’s chamber. When the cartridge is ?nally 20 the cartridge would be supported even during the time
seated and the bolt contacts or impacts against the when there is relatively a low pressure in the barrel and
barrel, as shown in FIG. 5, ?ring pin 30 ?res the car any tendency of the system to stretch the cartridge case
tridge. It should be noted that alternatively the bolt can would be prevented.
be designed to impact on the cartridge case, and One method of extending the duration of the locking
through the cartridge case, against the barrel. 25 effect of the barrel and bolt is by modifying the barrel
Impact of the bolt on the barrel drives the barrel spring. In this modi?cation, the barrel mass and the
forwardly. The bolt and barrel are designed so that this barrel spring rate are designed so as to cause the barrel
impact is non-resilient, that is the bolt and barrel do not to have a particular natural frequency of vibration in
rebound apart after impact. This design is necessary to conjunction with the barrel spring. This ?xed fre
maintain the bolt and barrel in a locked position from 30 quency of vibration is designed such that the time pe
the moment of ?ring until the high ?ring pressure de riod corresponding to one-half of the complete oscilla
veloped by the propellant gas is reduced. Some of the tion of the barrel is approximately equal to the duration
factors which are considered in this design are the of the pressure period within the chamber of the
dampening effect of the cartridge entering the chamber weapon. Thus, when the ?rearm is ?red, the spring will
and in forcing the projectile into initial engagement 35 assist in retarding the forward motion of the barrel but
with the ri?ing, the mechanical effort of forcing the will also reverse and move the barrel rearwardly when
extractor over the rim of the cartridge and the subse the bolt moves rearwardly. Thus, the time length during
quent engagement of the extractor with the cartridge. which the bolt will be locked to the barrel is substan
A spring or other dampening means may be provided tially extended. Since the locking effect is extended,
betweenv the bolt and barrel to further insure a non the cartridge case is supported by the bolt for a longer
resilient impact. period of time or until the pressure in the barrel’s
The bolt has a velocity on impact to give its mass a chamber further subsides. This causes the cartridge
forward momentum equal to approximately one-half case to be extracted after the pressure within the bar
the recoil momentum of the particular cartridge being rel’s chamber has subsided to a low level, and accord
?red. The result is that one-half of the recoil momen 45 ingly, the tendency for the cartridge case to stretch is
turn from ?ring is utilized in arresting the bolt’s forward substantially eliminated.
movement and one-half, or the remainder, is utilized in In a second modi?cation, another method of pro
returning it to its rearward position. The masses of the longing the locking effect of the barrel and bolt is
bolt and barrel are also designed such that as the bolt shown. In this modi?cation a muzzle gas system is uti
impacts against the barrel and moves it forwardly 50 lized as seen in FIG. 2. The ?rearm is the same as the
against the barrel spring, the barrel and bolt remain embodiment shown in FIG. 1 with the exception that
together during their forward movement until the gas the frame 42 of the ?rearm extends forwardly of the
pressure in the barrel’s chamber is sufficiently reduced barrel 44 and has a frame end wall 46 threadably se
to allow the cartridge to be extracted without being cured to its forward end. This end wall 46 has a cylin
ruptured or unduly stretched. At this point, shown in 55 drical opening 48 slightly larger than the projectile 49
FIG. 6, the bolt’s forward motion has been arrested by to allow the projectile to pass through the opening
the gas pressure which then reverses and accelerates without interference.
the bolt rearwardly. However, barrel 16 continues in its In operation, as the projectile leaves the barrel, the
forward movement for a short distance until arrested pressure of the gas 47 expelled at the barrel’s muzzle
by barrel spring 24. This position (as seen in FIG. 7) is 60 between the barrel and end plug 46 assists the barrel
hereafter referred to as the barrel’s forward or second spring 24 (FIG. 1) to decelerate the forward motion of
position. Thereafter, as seen in FIG. 8, the barrel spring the barrel to keep it locked to the bolt. The gas pres
returns the barrel to its rearward position and the car sure also assists the barrel spring to move the barrel
tridge case is ejected in a conventional manner as the rearwardly at the same time the bolt moves rearwardly.
bolt moves rearwardly. 65 Thus, the tendency of the barrel to separate from the
The bolt is held by the sear upon reaccing the full bolt by moving forwardly while the bolt is stopped and
recoil position if the ?rearm is to be of the semi reversed is reduced. Since the bolt remains locked with
automatic variety, in which case the ?rearm has re the barrel for a longer period of time, as discussed in
relation to the previous modi?cation of the barrel recoiling parts “float” in the frame and metal to metal
spring with a ?xed natural frequency of vibration, the impact with the frame is eliminated.
cartridge case is extracted at a lower chamber pressure In another embodiment of the gas system, as shown
which substantially eliminates the possibility of the in FIG. 10, instead of a concentric ported gas system of
cartridge case being unacceptably stretched. Other FIG. 9, an off-center or eccentric gas system is pro
than this, the ?rearm operates the same as described vided. In this system the barrel supports on its lower
for the ?rst embodiment shown in FIG. 1. surface a cylindrical housing 63 open at one end and
In a third modi?cation, instead of using a barrel communicating at its closed end with the interior of the
spring to arrest the forward movement of the barrel and barrel through propellant gas port 64. Slidably received
return the barrel to its rearward position, a gas system within housing 63 is a piston 65 journalled on an end
is provided. Referring to FIG. ‘9 which shows one em plug 66 threaded into the open end of housing 63. The
bodiment of this modi?cation, a concentric ported gas space between the piston and the closed end of the
system, the barrel is formed with an annular- barrel chamber forms an expansible pressure chamber 68.
shoulder 50 which reciprocally rides in a cylindrical The exterior end of the piston abuts against a portion of
chamber 52. The chamber is formed by the barrel in 15 the frame 69 where the frame is enlarged to accommo
combination with an annular rearward wall 54 and an date the housing. Port 64 lies immediately forward of
annular forward wall 56 of frame 58. The forward por-v the barrel’s chamber so that propellant gas will pass
tion of the chamber between barrel shoulder 50 and into expansible pressure chamber 68 as soon as the
forward wall 56 is hereafter referred to as an expansible cartridge is ?red.
pressure chamber 59. Immediately forward of barrel 20 The operation is the same as described for the con
/shoulder 50 are a series of gas ports 60 ‘arranged centric ported gas system. When the bolt impacts
around the barrel’s circumference for passing high against the barrel and the cartridge is ?red, propellant
pressure gas from the barrel to expansible pressure gas passes through port 64 into pressure chamber 68.
chamber 59. A relatively weak barrel spring 62, located By acting on the closed end of housing 63, the pressure
forwardly of chamber 59, is substituted for the stronger 25 of the gas ?rst arrests the forward movement of the
barrel spring 24 of the ?rst embodiment shown in FIG. barrel and returns it to its original rearward position.
L . .
In a fourth modi?cation seen in FIG. 11, the ?rearm
In operation of the ?rearm utilizing this gas system, is modi?ed to be ?red from a closed bolt position. The
the gun is ?red exactly as described in the ?rst embodi operational sequence of this modi?cation may be seen
ment. That is, the bolt is released from the sear and 30 by referring to FIGS. 12, 13 and 14.
projected forwardly against the chamber of the barrel Referring ?rst to FIG. 11, a barrel is reciprocally
by the bolt barrel spring 32 (FIG. 1). The barrel is mounted in frame 72 as in the ?rst embodiment, but
initially in a rearward position with barrel shoulder 50 barrel spring 24 (FIG. 1) is eliminated. Similar to the
abutting annular wall 54. As the bolt closes against the modi?cation shown in FIG. 10,. the bottom portion of
barrel and ?res the cartridge, a portion of the high 35 the barrel is cast with a cylindrical housing 74 having a
closed end and open end threaded to an end plug 76.
pressure propellant gases from the bore escape through End plug 76 contains a central opening to journal a
ports 60 into pressure chamber 59. The gas is tapped piston 78. The space between the closed end of housing
from the barrel at a position as close as possible to the
74 and piston 78 de?nes an expansible pressure cham
barrel’s chamber to allow the gas pressure to act on the 40 ber 80 which is in communication with the interior of
barrel as soon as possible after ?ring. As the gas pres the barrel through opening or port 82. The port opens
sure enters into pressure chamber 52, it acts on barrel into the interior of the barrel immediately forward of
shoulder 50 to ?rst arrest or retard the forward motion the barrel’s chamber to enable propellant gas to pass
of the barrel and then return the barrel to its rearward into pressure chamber 80 as soon as a cartridge is ?red.
position. Forward barrel spring 62, a relatively weak 45 Frame 72 of the ?rearm is enlarged to allow housing 74
spring, is only utilized to insure that the barrel is in its toreciprocally ride in the frame and the exterior end of
rearward or ?rst position at the start of the ?ring cycle. the piston abuts against the frame where shown. A
The advantage of utilizing a gas system is that the gas stepped shoulder or wall 84 of the frame limits the
pressure in the system applies force in proportion to the rearward movement of the barrel. To bias .the barrel
force being applied to the bolt through the rear of the 50 forwardly barrel spring 86 is disposed between the
cartridge. This enables the locking effect to be pro frame and housing 74.
longed since both the bolt and the barrel are arrested in In operation, the components are in proper relation
their forward movement simulataneously and then pro ship for ?ring as shown in FIG. 13. At this time, barrel
pelled rearwardly together. In fact, the locking effect spring 86 biases barrel housing 74 against piston 78.
can be prolonged until the ?ring pressure subsides to a 55 This is the forward or ?rst position of the barrel. After
negligible level. The bolt after separation from the bolt 88 is closed against the barrel, the trigger, not
barrel continues to be propelled rearwardly by the gas shown, of the ?rearm is triggered causing the bolt’s _
against the bolt spring exactly as previously described. ?ring pin to ?re the cartridge in a conventional man- '
It is essential that the system be arranged to have a ner. When the cartridge is ?red, gas pressure escaping
minimum initial volume when the barrel is in its rear 60 into the compression chamber acts on the closed end of
ward position 'to insure the most rapid and accurate housing 74 causing the barrel to move rearwardly. The
matching of the bolt’s acceleration. In this modi?cation gas system is designed to exert a suf?cient rearward
the masses of the bolt and barrel and the momentum force on the barrel to overcome various forces which
imparted to the bolt are designed to insure that recoil tend to move the barrel forwardly such as the initial
momentum is utilized in arresting the forward move 65 engraving of the ri?ing into the forwardly moving pro
ment of both the barrel and bolt and in returning them jectile, the projectile friction force and if a necked type
to their initial positions. As in the previous embodi cartridge is used, the forward force exerted by the gas
ments, stability of the ?rearm is improved since the pressure on the shoulder of the cartridge. The system is
4,019,423 12
also designed to accelerate the barrel ’s mass rearwardly It should be evident from the above description that
at a rate equal to the rearward acceleration of the bolt a novel ?rearm has been developed which has a num
which is accelerated rearwardly by propellant gas pres ber of distinct advantages over the prior art. The ?re
sure acting on the rear of the cartridge. Since the gas arm utilizes an operating system which provides for
pressure does force the barrel back at a rate equal to effective lockingand operating energy supply without
the rearward acceleration of the bolt, the barrel and the use of a conventional locking system and energy
bolt are effectively “locked” together during their rear supply system. That is the barrel and bolt are in me
ward movement. This locking effect is designed to chanically free contact. This is accomplished by design
continue until the pressure within the chamber of the ing a blowback bolt with a particular mass and closing
barrel subsides suf?ciently to allow the cartridge to be velocity and a reciprocating barrel with a particular
extracted. At this time, the barrel stops when arrested mass. These components are designed such that the
by barrel spring 86 (FIG. 14) which is the barrel’s bolt impacts against the barrel without rebound and
rearward or second position. The bolt however contin drives it forwardly while remaining in close contact
ues to be propelled to the rear, as seen in FIG. 16, until with the barrel until high ?ring pressure within the
the gas pressure subsides. The cartridge is ejected from barrel’s chamber substantially subsides. Since the bolt
the weapon in a conventional manner on the bolt’s supports the rear of the cartridge case during the pe
rearward stroke. After the gas pressure subsides barrel riod of high ?ring pressure, the cartridge does not
spring 86 returns the barrel to its forward position and stretch or fracture and malfunctions of that type are
bolt drive spring 90 returns the bolt against barrel 70. eliminated. The bolt’s momentum at impact with the
The bolt receives and inserts a cartridge into the cham 20 barrel is approximately one-half of the ?ring recoil
ber of the barrel on its forward stroke whereupon the momentum of the cartridge being ?red. One-half of the
?rearm is again ready to be ?red. recoil movement is therefore utilized to arrest the for
Obviously the advantages of the differential recoil ward movement of the bolt and. the remaining half to’
system as mentioned in the preferred embodiment and drive the bolt back to its rearward position. A barrel
modi?cations thereof is lost. However, this closed bolt 25 spring ?rst arrests the forward movement of the barrel
gas system is of value to prevent the cartridges from and then returns the barrel to its initial ‘position. This
being overly stretched when closed bolt ?ring is de enables the gun to be extremely stable even when ?ring
sired. high powered ammunition since there is no metal to
Instead of an off-center compression chamber, the metal impact with the frame. / - '
closed bolt gas system may be provided with a concen Several modi?cations of the invention are provided.
tric pressure chamber shown in FIG. 15. In this system One of these modi?cations uniquely uses a barrel and
similar to the structure shown in FIG. 9, the barrel is barrel spring combination which is designed to cause
formed with an annular barrel shoulder 92 which recip the barrel to have a natural frequency of vibration
rocally rides in a cylindrical chamber 94 formed by the against the barrel spring such that the barrel spring will
barrel in combination with an annular rearward wall 96 35 move the barrel rearwardly simultaneously with the
and a threaded annular forward end wall 98 of frame bolt to extend the time during which the barrel and bolt
100. The forward portion of the chamber ‘between are effectively locked together. Since the time is'ex
barrel shoulder 92 and forward wall 98 is hereafter
referred to as an expansible pressure chamber 102. tended, gas pressure within the chamber haseven fur,
Immediately forward of barrel shoulder 92 are one or 40
ther subsided when the cartridge is ?nally extracted. In
more gas ports 104 arranged around the barrel’s cir another modi?cation, a similar result may be utilized
cumference for passing high pressure gas from the with a muzzle booster in which gases are trapped be
interior of the barrel to pressure chamber 102. Ports tween the barrel and the frame to retard the forward
104 lie immediately forward of the barrel’s chamber to movement of the barrel and move it rearwardly with
insure that propellant gas pressure will be received in 45 the bolt. The ?rearm may also easily be adapted with
pressure chamber 102 as soon as the cartridge is ?red. gas system in lieu of the barrel spring to retain the same
As an additional means to insure that a cartridge case advantages. Further still, if it is desirable, to use the
is not stretched beyond an acceptable range, a ?uted ?rearm with a closed bolt ?ring position, the ?rearm
barrel chamber may be employed with any of the above may be modi?ed with a gas system which causes the
embodiments or modi?cations thereof. As seen in 50 barrel to move rearwardly with the bolt until ?ring
FIGS. 16 and 17, chamber 106 of the barrel 108 is cut pressure in the chamber has suf?ciently subsided to
with shallow longitudinal ?utes 110 disposed along the extract the cartridge without undue stretching. The
forward portion of the barrel’s chamber. The drawing ?rearm is extremely vsimple, utilizing a minimum of
for clarity, .exaggerates the depth and width of the operating parts. Because of its simplicity, the ?rearm is
?utes 110. Being that the chamber is ?uted, propellant easy to ?eld strip and repair as well as being very prac
gas pressures act both on the interior and exterior of tical and economically feasible to manufacture.
the forward position of the cartridge case where the For simplicity and ease of understanding the inven
?utes are located. This substantially reduces the car tive characteristics of the ?rearm, the ?rearm and its
tridge area over which the internal ?ring pressure acts various modi?cations have been illustrated in the draw
to force the cartridge against the chamber wall. The 60 ings with only the essential operating parts exposed.
adherence of the cartridge case to the wall during high Also, the exact nature of the assembly of the ?rearm,
?ring pressure is accordingly lessened. other than that described, has also been omitted where
Although the ?ring means for the above embodi considered obvious and not germane to the invention.
ments and modi?cations thereof consisted of a conven For example, in FIG. 1 is should be obvious that a
tional ?ring pin on the end of the bolt, it should be 65 provision must be made in frame 12 to remove or insert
understood that other conventional means of ?ring the barrel 16. One such obvious provision would be to
cartridge may be employed such as electric primed thread the frame’s end wall. In such obvious instances,
ammunition or a mechanically actuated ?ring pin. although omitted, it should be understood that the
13 14
?rearm is designed to enable its various parts to be tween said bolt and said barrel is substantially zero
assembled and disassembled. whereby said bolt and said barrel remains in mechani
It will thus be seen that the objects set forth above, cally-free contact during at least a portion of the rear
among those made apparent from the preceding de ward movement. '
scription, are ef?ciently attained, and, since certain 2. The ?rearm of claim 1 wherein said barrel portion
changes may be made in the above construction with comprises a concentric barrel shoulder integral with
out departing from the scope of the invention, it is said barrel, said shoulder reciprocally riding in a cylin
intended that all matter contained in‘ the above descrip drical opening between said barrel and forward and
tion or shown in the accompanying drawing shall be rearward annular walls of said! frame, said expansible
interpreted as illustrative and, not in a limiting sense. compression chamber formed between said shoulder
It is to be understood that the following claims are and the forward annular wall of said frame.
intended to cover all of the generic and speci?c fea 3. The ?rearm of claim 1 wherein said barrel portion
tures of the invention herein described, and all state comprises: a cylindrical barrel housing carried by said
ments of the scope of the invention which, as a matter barrel, said housing parallel to the longitudinal axis of
of language, might be said to fall therebetween. the said barrel, said housing closed at its rearward end,
Now that the invention has been described: a piston riding in said housing, one end of said piston
What is claimedis: . contacting said frame, and said expansible compression
l. A ?rearm comprising: A frame, a bolt reciprocally chamber formed between said closed end of said hous
mounted along the longitudinal axis of said frame, a ing and said piston. -
barrel reciprocally mounted along the longitudinal axis 20 4. The ?rearm of claim 1 wherein said frame extends
of said frame between a ?rst and second position, said forwardly to said barrel, said frame having a forward
bolt having a cartridge receiving means for receiving end wall adjacent the forward end of said barrel, said
and inserting a cartridge in the chamber of said barrel end wall having an opening to pass a projectile from
and a cartridge extracting means for extracting said said barrel, ?ring gases from ?ring said projectile acting
cartridge after being ?red, ?ring means for ?ring said 25 on the end of said barrel to assist in arresting the for
cartridge, a bolt drive spring disposed to drive said bolt ward movement of the barrel and moving the barrel
forwardly, barrel biasing means to . bias said barrel rearwardly with the bolt to enable said bolt and barrel
toward said ?rst position, cartridge supply means for to continuously remain in mechanically free contact
supplying a cartridge to said bolt, said bolt arranged to during their forward movement and at least a portion of
receive the cartridge on its forward stroke and after their rearward movement. '
wards insert the cartridge into the chamber of said 5. The ?rearm of claim 4 wherein longitudinal ?utes
barrel, said cartridge ?red when in said chamber by are disposed in said chamber to substantially balance
said ?ring means, said bolt being biased into operative the ?ring pressure on both sides of the cartridge.
engagement with said barrel when said cartridge ,is 6. The ?rearm of claim 1, said ?rearm being ?red
?red, said bolt and said barrel in mechanically free from a closed bolt position, said barrel being forward
engagement relative to each other, a gas system means when in said ?rst position, an. opening in said barrel
for controlling the movement of said barrel relative to adjacent the forward end of the chamber of the barrel
said frame, said gas system means including at least one for passing propellant gases, said opening in communi
propellant gas port in said barrel adjacent to the for cation with an expansible pressure chamber, said
ward end of the chamber of said barrel, said gas system 40 chamber including a portion of said barrel whereby
means further including an expandable compression when a cartridge is ?red propellant gas pressure acts on
chamber, said expandable cmpression chamber dis said barrel portion and simultaneously acts on said bolt
posed between a portion of said barrel and a portion of through the rear of the cartridge to simultaneously
said frame, said compression chamber in communica move said bolt and barrel rearwardly while in said me
tion with said propellant gas port whereby when said 45 chanically-frvee contact ‘until the high ?ring pressure
cartridge is ?red, propellant gas enters said compres within the chamber of the barrel substantially subsides.
sion chamber to act on said barrel portion to initiate 7. The ?rearm of claim 6 wherein longitudinal ?utes
rearward movement of said barrel relative to said are disposed in said chamber to substantially balance
frame, said bolt moving rearwardly under the force of the ?ring pressure on both sides of the cartridge.
>l< >l< >l< * *
said cartridge such that the initial relative motion be



PATENT NO. 4 ,0l9,423

James H.
26, Johnson

It is certified that error appears in the above~identified patent and that said Letters Patent
are hereby corrected as shown below:

Col. 2, line 27 — U.S. Pat. No."l,l44,l85"

_ .should read —- 1,144,285 -
Col. 4,, “line 58 — "barrels" should read
-- barrel -

Col. ‘5'3;- line 28 _— "Metal impact" should read

:-'— metal to metal impact —
Col. 7, line 13 — "operation" should read
-— operational -—

Col. 7, line 66 —— "reaccing" should read

-- reaching -—
Col. 9, line 21 -— eliminate "/"
Col. 13, line 42 —- "cmpression" should read
-- compression —

thirtieth and
Of Augusl1977


Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
PATENT NO. : 4,019,423
' DATED I April 26, 1977
|N\/4ENTOR(S) : James H. Johnson
It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent
are hereby corrected as shown below:
Col. 2, line 27 — U.S. Pat. No."l,l44,l85"
: should read -- 1,144 ,285 -—
Col. 4,, '--line 58 — "barrels" should read
-- barrel‘ ——

Col. '5"",<.- line 28 _- "Metal impact" should read

. :—'— metal to metal impact -
Col. 7, line 13 - "operation" should read
—- operational ——

Col. 7, line 66 -— "reaccing" should read

I —— reaching -—
, Col. 9, line 21 -— eliminate "/" .
‘jg Col. 13, line 42 —— "cmpression" should read
5 -- compression -—

e- Signed
thirtieth and
Of Augustthis
, [SEAL]


r Arresting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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