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 One Handed: you need at least one free hand to operate the weapon efficiently.
 Two Handed: you need to use both hands to operate the weapon efficiently.
 Primitive: primitive weapons cant cause much harm to armored targets. If your target has an AC of 16 or
more, succesful hits deal mínimum damage.
 Dual Wield: this weapon can be paired with another one of the same type. Dual Wield gives you a -1 to hit
& a +2 to damage rolls with your chosen weapon.
 Burst Fire: this weapon can deliver a rapid burst of shots to your target. Burst Fire gives you a +2 to hit & a
+2 to the damage roll. Using Burst Fire consumes 3 times the usual ammo.
 Slow Reload: reloading this weapon takes both main & movement action or two main actions.
 Shock Damage (ranged): this weapon can inflict minimum damage on missed attacks if your target has an
AC equal of lesser than the expresed in the description of your weapon. The enemy must be in optimal
range in order to apply shock damage.
 Concealable: this weapon is small enough to be undetectable in a routin examination.
 Set to Stun: this weapon can be switched to deal stuning damage to humanoids & beasts. To actívate this
mode, you must spend your movement action. Stuning damage works the same way as normal damage,
but droping to 0 hit points a target wont kill him. Instead, your target is knocked unconscious. Stuning
damage has no effect on targets using power armors.
 Ion Disruptor: this weapon serves for dealing with droids & electric devices. Attaking a droid with an ion
weapon ignores a part of their AC, reflecting his vulneravility to this kind of weapon.
 Area: this weapon affects a specific area expresed in a number of squares or a line, in wich everyone inside
suffer the same consequences of the attack.
 Special: this weapon has an effect explained in the description of each weapon with the Special tag.
 Range: express the effective range of the weapon. Shooting in green range is optimal, while in yellow and
red, the attack suffers a penalty of -1 & -2 respectively.

Slug Thrower Pistol

(Primitive; One Handed; Dual Wield)

Effect: Inflict 1d6+Dex damage.

Range: 20/50/100 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 50 credits.

Slug Thrower Carbine

(Primitive;; Two Handed; Burst Fire)

Effect: Inflict 1d8+Dex damage.

Range: 30/90/200 meters.
Mag: 9 rounds.
Cost: 100 credits.

Slug Thrower Rifle

(Primitive; Two Handed; Slow Reload)

Effect: Inflict 1d10+Dex damage.

Range: 20/100/200/300 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 100 credits.
Slug Thrower Shotgun
(Primitive; Two Handed; Shock Damage: 13; Slow Reload)
Effect: Inflict 3d4+Dex damage.
Range: 08/16 meters.
Mag: 2 rounds.
Cost: 100 credits.

Hold-out Blaster Pistol

(One Handed; Concealable; Set to Stun; Dual Wield)
Effect: Inflict 1d6+Dex damage.
Range: 10/30/100 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 200 credits.

Blaster Pistol
(One Handed; Set to Stun; Dual Wield)

Effect: Inflict 1d6+1+Dex damage.

Range: 30/90/200 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 300 credits.

Ion Disruptor Pistol

(One Handed; Ion Disruptor; Set to Stun; Dual Wield)

Effect: Inflict 1d6+1+Dex damage. The attack roll

ignores 2 points of AC. Only affects droids &
electrical devices.
Range: 30/90/200 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 300 credits.

Blaster Repeater Pistol

(One Handed; Burst Fire; Dual Wield)

Effect: 1d6+Dex damage.

Range: 20/60/150 meters.
Mag: 9 rounds.
Cost: 400 credits.

Heavy Blaster Pistol

(One Handed; Slow Reload)
Effect: Inflict 2d6+Dex damage.
Range: 20/60/150 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 600 credits.
Ion Disruptor Carbine
(Two Handed; Ion Disruptor; Set to Stun; Slow Reload)
Effect: Inflict 1d8+1+Dex damage. The attack roll
ignores 3 points of AC. Only affects droids &
electrical devices.
Range: 50/150/300 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 600 credits.

Blaster Carbine
(Two Handed; Set to Stun; Burst Fire)

Effect: Inflict 1d8+1+Dex damage.

Range: 50/150/300 meters.
Mag: 12 rounds.
Cost: 700 credits.

Combat Mag Shotgun

(Two Handed; Shock Damage: 15; Slow Reload)

Effect: Inflict 4d4+Dex damage.

Range: 12/24
Mag: 4 rounds.
Cost: 800 credits.

Blaster Hunting Rifle

(Two Handed)

Effect: Inflict 2d6+1+Dex damage.

Range: 20/250/500/1000 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 800 credits.

Blaster Combat Rifle

(Two Handed; Burst Fire)
Effect: Inflict 1d10+1+Dex damage.
Range: 10/100/200/300 meters.
Mag: 12 rounds.
Cost: 1000 credits.

Blaster Sniper Rifle

(Two Handed)
Effect: Inflict 2d8+2+Dex damage.
Range: 40/500/1000/2000 meters.
Mag: 3 rounds.
Cost: 1200 credits.
Wookiee Bowcaster
(Two Handed; Area 2x2; Special; Slow Reload)
Effect: Inflict 1d12+2+Dex damage to a single
target or 3d6+2 to all targets in an area if its
charged by spending 2 ammo. In charged shots,
targets take 2 less point of damage for each
point of AC above 15. The 10 range penalty does
not apply to Wookiee users.
Range: 10/30/60 meters.
Mag: 6 rounds.
Cost: 1400 (+100 per mag).

Flame Thrower
(Two Handed; Area: Line; Shock Damage: 15; Special)
Effect: Inflict 3d6+1+Dex damage. Targets take 2
less point of damage for each point of AC above
15, otherwise, targets with AC 15 or lower cant
take main actions until they move aside from the
line of fire.
Range: 06/12 meters.
Mag: 10 rounds.
Cost: 1400 credits. (+100 per tank of fuel).

Rocket Launcher
(Two Handed; Area: 2x2; Special; Slow Reload)
Effect: Inflict 3d6+2 damage. Targets take 1 less
point of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Range: 20/100/300/500 meters.
Mag: 1 rounds.
Cost: 1800 (+50 per ammo).

Light Blaster Repeater

(Two Handed; Burst Fire; Slow Reload)

Effect: Inflict 2d8+Dex damage.

Range: 20/100/200/300 meters.
Mag: 20 rounds.
Cost: 2500 credits (+50 per mag).

Rules for Grenades

Throwing a grenade requires one Dex/Exert skill check tol and the grenade on your target. Targets
can make an evasion saving throw to take half damage o a minor version of the effect. On a miss, the
grenade lands 1d4x2 meters away your target in a random direction, but the effect occurs normally.

Optimal range DC 6
Long range DC 8
Target is exposed -1 DC
Tricky environment +2 DC
Impact Grenade
(One Handed; Area: 2x2)
Effect: Inflict 2d6+3 damage. Targets take 1 less
point of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 100 credits.

Shock Grenade
(One Handed; Set to Stun; Area: 2x2)
Effect: Inflict 2d6+3 stun damage. Targets take 1
less point of damage for each point of AC above
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 100 credits.

Ion Disruptor Grenade

(One Handed; Area: 3x3)

Effect: Inflict 3d6+2 damage. Targets take 1 less

point of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 200 credits.

Laser Trip Mine

(Area: 2x2; Special)

Effect: Inflict 2d4+3 damage. Targets take 1 less

point of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Must be placed before the detonation. The mine
explodes when someone cross the laser wire.
Cost: 200 credits.

Detonite Charge
(Area: 3x3; Special)
Effect: Inflict 5d4 damage. Targets take 1 less
point of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Must be placed before the detonation. Can
destroy vehicles and small ships with ease.
Cost: 300 credits.

Thermal Detonator
(One Handed; Area: 4x4)

Effect: Inflict 5d6 damage. Targets take 2 less

points of damage for each point of AC above 15.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 1000 credits.
Smoke Grenade
(One Handed; Area: 3x3; Special)
Effect: target zone is occupied by a thick wall of
smoke that blocks the line of sight for three
rounds. You cannot see through the smoke
screen unless you are ussing a thermal vision
device. Trandoshans can see normally in thick
smoke or through it.
Range: 10/30 meters.
Cost: 50 credits.

Concussion Grenade
(One Handed; Area: 3x3; Special)

Effect: Affected targets lose their Dex mod bonus

to AC & suffer a -2 to attack rolls and evasion
saving throws for 2 turns. On a miss, targets only
get a penalty of -1 to attack rolls and saving
throws for 1 turn.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 200 credits.

Dioxis Grenade
(One Handed; Area: 3x3; Special)

Effect: target zone is occupied by a red mist of

poisonous gas that deals 1d6 damage per round
during this one and the next two rounds. The
damage is applied at the start of each turn, and If
you succeed on a Physical Saving Throw, you
only take half damage.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 200 credits.

Bacta Grenade
(One Handed; Area: 2x2; Special)
Effect: target zone is occupied by a green mist of
bacta healing compound that heals 1d3 at the
start of the affected’s turn. The mist remains in
the battleflield for three rounds. The healing
provided by this source adds system strain to
the targets. A critically wounded target cant be
healed by this source.
Range: 20/60 meters.
Cost: 200 credits.

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