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StudentsxCEOs Bandung Batch 9 Selection Committee

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

I would like to say thanks to the StudentxCEOs Bandung Batch 9 selection committee for allowing
me to register for this Open Recruitment. My name is Ahmad Khoirurizqi, a 4th-semester student at
Padjadjaran University Department of Business Administration.

Through this motivation letter, I want to express my interest in being able to join the StudentsxCEOs
Bandung Batch 9. Team. I am sure that I am someone who deserves to be chosen. I am a person who likes
learning about new things, love to work together and exchange ideas with many people from various
disciplines so that I have experience from various perspectives of a person without fixating on his field of
science. The operational field is something that I am very interested in and I have gotten this role several
times on several previous occasions.

My goal in joining the StudentsxCEOs Bandung Batch 9 Team is to gain experience, knowledge, and
relations that are very useful. I am sure that if I can join later, there will be many new challenges that can
train my self-development. Because I have the principle of continuing to learn and develop, I will try to
contribute as much as possible here. Through the knowledge that I get here will later help me to be able to
apply many things that I want to realize in the future of my career. I want to be an entrepreneur who is
innovative, creative, and has a leadership spirit. I hope to learn a lot after joining here later.

Thus the motivation letter I made to be taken into consideration. I hope that I will get the chance to
join StudentsxCEOs Bandung Batch 9 Thank you for your attention.

Best regards

Ahmad Khoirurizqi

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