Hands-On Learning On Renewable Energy - A Proposed Approach For Technology Dissemination

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Hands-on learning on renewable energy

– A proposed approach for technology

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 060017 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5043029
Published Online: 26 June 2018

Cucuk Budiyanto, and Indah Widiastuti


Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of

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American Journal of Physics 66, 64 (1998); https://doi.org/10.1119/1.18809

Exploration of student’s creativity by integrating STEM knowledge into creative products

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Implementing energy efficiency and conservation in green homes as learning media for
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AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 060017 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5043029 1977, 060017

© 2018 Author(s).
Hands-on Learning on Renewable Energy – a Proposed
Approach for Technology Dissemination
Cucuk Budiyanto1, a) and Indah Widiastuti2, b)
Informatics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas
Maret, Indonesia
Corresponding author: cbudiyanto@staff.uns.ac.id

Abstract. Indonesia suffers from depletion of fossil energy resources, a similar fate as experienced by other-previously
oil producer countries. Since there is no domestic conventional energy sources were discovered, the energy situation is
dire that leads to dependency on imported oil and gas. Building elementary students’ awareness of renewable energy,
however, may not be as simple as offering the sophisticated knowledge to adults. This paper assesses the potential
contribution of hands-on learning to the understanding of elementary school students in Indonesia on renewable energy.
The analysis considers the Bloom’s aspects of learning domain namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor as the
starting points. A granular view on the subject was expected to set the light on the viability of the development of
approaches to renewable energy dissemination.

For almost two decades, Indonesia suffers from depletion of fossil energy resources, a similar fate as experienced
by other-previously oil producer countries [1]. Since there is no domestic conventional energy sources discovered,
the energy situation is dire that leads to dependency on imported oil and gas. Any shortages in supplies will threaten
the stability of the country and potentially stop the country’s development.
Indonesia has been known for the ownership of overabundant renewable energy resources. The natural sources
of energy regenerate within a short span of time. These energy sources are obtained directly or indirectly from
nature and readily available to be utilized for a human being. Such renewable energy resources are solar, wind,
biomass, hydro, geothermal, waves and tides [2]. Since ancient time, human beings have attempted to harness these
energy sources through different means. In recent times, they have drawn particular attention for their social,
economic and environmental benefits. The awareness of those conditions above, unfortunately, has not been the
focus of educators in education institution in Indonesia.
Building elementary students’ awareness of renewable energy, however, may not be as simple as offering the
sophisticated knowledge to adults. Improper learning methods, for example, may cause the aspects of knowledge
would not be achieved. The obstacles associated with the application of children learning are the absence of
contextual, applicative, accessible teacher models [3]. Although the instructional models are available to be
implemented, the operationalization of the learning and teaching process implementation are hardly found.
Instructional guidance on how to disseminate recent findings and inventions in renewable energy are rarely
available. As the result, the learning of renewable energy is done conventionally or hardly given to elementary
This paper assesses the potential contribution of hands-on learning to the understanding of elementary school
students in Indonesia on renewable energy. The Indonesian context is emphasized to delve a granular view on the
subject in particular geographical area. It is expected to highlight the viability of the development of approaches to

Human-Dedicated Sustainable Product and Process Design: Materials, Resources, and Energy
AIP Conf. Proc. 1977, 060017-1–060017-6; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5043029
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1687-1/$30.00

renewable energy dissemination. The analysis considers the Bloom’s aspects of learning domain namely cognitive,
affective and psychomotor as the starting points. This paper is preliminary to the extent that despite a comprehensive
study of the literature has been conducted, the evaluation of students’ responses and understanding about renewable
energy is not readily reported.


Despite the fact that this paper is conceptual, the exploration adopted a literature review approach as suggested
by Okoli and Schabram [4]. The contribution of hands-on learning for elementary students instructions was
examined based on a classic hands-on science literature [5]. The literature review was conducted on the journals and
other literature in hands-on learning on renewable energy. The following keywords were utilized: ‘hands-on
learning’, ‘constructivist inquiry’, ‘renewable energy’ and ‘science learning’.
A total of 20 papers examined were translated into a matrix of concept. Three research questions were posed
particularly on the benefits of hands-on learning. The research was conducted to answer how a hands-on approach
fits into a textbook-centered science program, and how age differences are facilitated in hands-on activities.


Hands-on learning approach is any instructional approach involving activities and direct experiences with natural
phenomena or any educational experiences that actively involve students in manipulating objects to obtain
knowledge or understanding [5]. Also comprehended as the learning by doing, it involves the effort to enable
children’s ability to think critically in a total learning experience [6]. In contrast to traditional beliefs, learning by
hands-on activities is including the exploration of ideas, objects, and materials, as well as drawing the depth of
investigations with objects, materials, and phenomena. Hands-on activities are based on the use of gadgets, simple
set-ups or low-cost items available from students’ everyday life [7]. Those are the ones that can be found and
assembled very quickly.
Hands-on learning is advocated for recognizable benefits and desirable outcomes. Students in a hands-on science
reportedly have better memory of the material, indicates a sense of accomplishment when the task is completed, and
be able to transfer that experience easier to other learning situations [5]. The hands-on approach tend to stimulate the
less active students to be participating and eventually absorbing information [8].
The relationship between hands-on learning and student’s achievement is prominent in the literature. An
approach to hands-on lab approach, for example, was suggested as a means to improve student achievement in
science education [9]. A set of principles such as critical thinking, information analysis, scientific ideas
communication, logical arguments preposition, and the involvement in teamwork was developed. The developed
activities illuminated the contribution of a hands-on model of learning science to student’s advantages. The
experience in a hands-on inquiry-based classroom is increasingly engaging for students in scientific learning [10].
As students complete scientific investigation, teachers may advocate them to reflect on the activity-oriented
learning. A positive attitude toward science is reportedly increasing in a standardized assessment as well as a
significant achievement in science process skills.
In contrast to the widely-held belief on technology-based learning, some hands-on activities can be done for less
than a dollar per hand [11, 12]. The idea addresses the continuous inadequacy of funding for science laboratories
and demonstration equipment. Hands-on learning emphasizes the use of student’s surrounding materials for
imitating the real technology into a learners-constructed learning environment. Teachers, in this regard, must
continuously search out for low-cost tools to encourage student’s participation in classes.
This paper assesses the potential contribution of hands-on learning to the understanding of elementary school
students in Indonesia on renewable energy application. The examination of literature was developed based on a
classic literature on hands-on science [5]. Some questions were posed to set the light on the efficacy of hands-on
learning method to facilitate renewable energy dissemination for elementary school students.

Pedagogical Consideration of Scientific Learning

Imparting renewable energy at all levels is considered desirable to make the dissemination of the knowledge (as
well as the awareness) to be on a simultaneous pace [13]. To achieve overall efficiency and effectiveness of the
renewable energy education strategy, the consistency and continuity of the inputs of several levels are of

importance. Thorough consideration should be paid on the appropriateness of inputs of all levels to the expected job
responsibilities. Therefore, learning objectives of different level courses should be maintained distinctively. As the
focus of this paper is to disseminate renewable energy to elementary students, the associated courses are mainly
introducing simple concept through environmental studies [13, 14].
Given the characteristics of learners in elementary school level, introducing the relevance as well as the issues
and challenges in harnessing renewable energy sources is a significant challenge [14]. Knowledge and
comprehension of renewable energy technology can be instilled at the school level. The basic principles of
renewable energy conversion and utilization would likely best match the needs of learners at this level.
The availability of the appropriate teaching-learning resource materials is an essential prerequisite for
successfully introducing energy-related concepts in the primary and secondary school curriculum. As learning
outcomes encompass, both specific and general knowledge, skills, and attitudes, participatory in an educational
activity is mandatory [15]. Those parameters refer to specific expectations of what a student will be able to do as a
result of learning activity. In this regard, Bloom’s learning domains offer an overarching model for developing the
learning objectives of renewable energy education. The proposed learning objectives are compiled as means of
mapping learning goals, strategies, and outcomes, drawing on the pedagogical models for guidance. The strategy is
simply integrating learning processes rooted in participants’ cognitive domain (engagement), psychomotor domain
(enactment of theoretical learning through practical skill development and physical labor), and affective domain
(enablement of values and attitudes to be translated into behavior) [16].
A set of pedagogical models was suggested in the literature [15] as depicted in Table 1. Each model resembles
the intended learning outcomes. These pedagogies enable inter/transdisciplinary, experiential, and place-based
sustainability learning. The pedagogies that we found to be most relevant are action learning, interactive learning,
community service learning, participatory action research, and problem-based learning.
TABLE 1. An overview of the pedagogies that relate to the intended learning outcomes (modified from Sipos, Battisti [15])
Pedagogical Model Overview of the intended learning outcomes
Action Learning A form of experiential learning that enlists peers in helping
learners question their assumptions and (optimally) experience a
paradigm shift before applying their learning in new situations.
Interactive learning Interactive learning encourages students to be active in learning
and able to interact with others [17].
Community Service-Learning An educational approach that integrates service in the
community with intentional learning activities. Within effective
CSL efforts, members of both educational institutions and
community organizations work together toward outcomes that are
mutually beneficial.
Participatory Action research A summary of terms in social science that refer to involvement
of participants in the research process, commitment to social
change and that include aspects of social learning. There are
many ways to define true participation, action and exactly what
constitutes true research.
Problem-based learning A framework for learning that is focused, experiential and
organized around the investigation of real-world problems.
Authentic experiences foster active learning, support knowledge
construction and integrate school learning and real life.

In contrast with many schools and advocates of hands-on learning that tend to downplay the value of books,
particularly in the elementary grades, the intention to keep textbooks remains strong. The dominance of textbook in
defining the curriculum has been becoming the landmark for American education since its inception. It is evident
that schools have decided to keep textbooks and use hands-on science activities to supplement a text-based approach
to teaching science. Internet technology-based instruction, such as blended learning approach, is favorable to deliver
such a complex topic to early levels school children [18].

Resources on Hands-on Renewable Energy Learning

Providing children with direct experiences with materials, objects, and phenomena are essential in learning.
Although information can be remembered by teaching through books or lectures, correcting understanding and the
ability to use knowledge in the seemingly novel situation, it still requires an environment in which children learn
concepts in-depth, and supported by a direct experience [5]. Hands-on learning facilitates children to become
independent learners by allowing them to build functional understanding and the ability to inquire by themselves.
In addition to the limited availability of competent teachers [2], salient courses materials on renewable energy
for elementary students remain scarce. Most of the resources available address students in the higher degree
education [1, 2, 14, 18-21] or secondary schools [22]. With the recent development of internet technology and
personal gadgets all over the world, the use of web-based repositories for renewable energy course materials [23, 24]
may be beneficial for educators and practicing teachers. Moreover, the World Wide Web is considered an excellent
vehicle for teaching students who are unable to attend classes on campus as well as schoolteachers, students, and
consumers who wish to access information from their homes and workplaces [25]. The website ensures efficient
dissemination of information about renewable energy sources to a global audience.
Hands-on learning activities offer opportunities for active participation and emphasize learning experience which
supports the learning styles of early adolescents [5]. Science textbooks (including workbooks) are worthless unless
they are used in conjunction with hands-on activities. Teachers who merely utilize textbooks often wonder why their
students lack the motivation to learn, as well as why their students often have difficulty in learning facts for chapter
tests. The use of the textbook in conjunction with the hands-on learning approach is perceived facilitative for a more
favorable learning environment in the classroom.
Pertinent to the hands-on learning experience, the use of miniatures of the life-size technology is prominent in
the renewable energy education. A laboratory-scale water wheel turbine [26], for example, demonstrated the
principles of hydropower and is well suited for the education of students of renewable energy. Some pilot models
are utilized for undergraduate education where combustion of biomass aimed to be performed [27]. The graduate
RES education, however, only relies on specialized computer programs, databases, and plain teaching.
Another alternative of resource material on hands-on renewable energy is virtual laboratory [19]. Such
environment is designed to allow the analysis and studies of the renewable energy sources in certain specific
condition. Practical activities of the virtual laboratory focus on highlighting the characteristics of renewable energy
resources, energy conversion, and the equipment control, as well as the management of these energy production

Contextualizing Renewable Energy Learning in Indonesian Education

Some Indonesian researchers have applied renewable energy in practice. A drip irrigation system in dragon fruit
cultivation [28], for example, adopts a hybrid solar panel and a wind turbine to power a water pump intake of the
water tank. The implementation is deemed successful for its ability to reduce electricity cost. Another research
project applies solar panels as the source of power for their mobile unit of an artificial insemination decision support
system [29]. The decision support system is deployed to indicate the time and location of the female cattle or heifers
which are ready-to-be inseminated. On a regular basis, estrus detector mobile units roam the rural area where the
projects’ clients reside to confirm female cattle’s or heifers’ estrus condition. Solar panels enable the mobile units in
responding to the clients' request amid the lack of power line in the area.
While Indonesia faces a severe fossil fuels crisis, the adoption of renewable energy into school’s curricula is
considered a critical approach. The hands-on renewable energy learning should be developed in accustom to
students’ school levels. A preliminary study conducted in two primary schools in Indonesia’s Surakarta greater area,
for instance, indicates the varieties of student’s habit according to the school’s customs. The initial finding is
considered intricate because different responses to instruction indicate different approach of learning models should
be adopted.


While suffering from fossil energy resources depletion, Indonesia faces another grave concern on the awareness
of educators and educational institutions in Indonesia. Since any shortages of fuels supplies will threaten the stability
of the country and potentially stop the country’s development, a strategy to build awareness on the scarcities of

fossil fuel and disseminate the recent innovation on renewable energy resources is essential. Since this paper is
conceptual by nature and research, undertaking the development of renewable energy knowledge content remain in
its infancy, research on how to disseminate hands-on renewable energy learning for elementary school students
requires further attention from practicing teachers and researchers.


The authors express their appreciation towards the Institution of Research and Community Service Universitas
Sebelas Maret for its financial support during the conduct of the research.


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