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The Effects of Online

Learning in Relation to the

Health of BSEE II Student @

As the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic rapidly spread in the world today, a
lot of changes and adjustments were in affected our daily life. One here is schools;
schools have shut their doors and classes in order to slow the spread of the virus. On
the other hand online classes were implemented that have impacted not only the
teachers, but also the students who have had to adjust in the new learning

One major consequence of this online learning is the impact to the health of
the learners, specifically were the unhealthy habits like sleeping late at night. A lot of
students are sacrificing their sleep in order to finish their requirements and
reviewing hard to understand subject topics, especially major subjects for college
students. A 2001 study by William E Kelly, Kathryn E Kelly and Robert C
Clanton found that sleep deprivation affects students’ ability to perform well in
class in a significant way. The research found that students who slept for nine hours
or more in a 24-hour period had much higher GPAs than those who slept for less
than six hours in the same time period.

Virtual learning has perforce the use of technology more often than in our
normal basis. A long hour in the technology can affect physical health like body
posture, according to the study of Javeria Bashir.

By the new learning environment, some students were also forced to buy
new gadgets. According to the study of Mikaela G. Amdora in her work “Common
problems occurs during online classes”. One problem is the Outdate of Devices &
Software, “Suddenly, my devices were not just up to it. They’ve turned jurassic
and just couldn’t keep up. As most classes are conducted through video
conferences, most platforms need an updated system to work efficiently.   To
make the story short, I needed an upgrade not only of the system; but of the
device”. The state falls to the financial health.
By the many reasons above, the researchers wanted to identify if there are any
relationship between online learning and the health of BSEE II students at Mariano
Marcus State University (MMSU).

Statement of the Problem

To know the Effects of Online learning to the health of BSEE II students at

Mariano Marcos State University. The researchers also aim the following questions:

a) How does online learning affect physical health?

b) How does online learning affect mental health?

c) How does online learning affect spiritual health?

d) How does online learning affect financial health?

Research Hypothesis

To determine statistical probability with this study, null and alternative

hypothesis that correspond with the research questions and objectives of this study

were needed. The null and alternative hypotheses for this study were as follow:

Ho: There is no significant relationship in learning through online between the

health of the BSEE II students.

Ha: There is significant relationship in learning through online between the health of

the BSEE II students.

Mathematical Hypothesis


Ho: X<Y X= Strongly Agree (SA) or Agree (A)

Ha: X>Y Y= Strongly Disagree (SD) or Disagree (D)

Locale of the Study

The target population of this study includes the BS Electrical Engineering II

students. The researchers also chose and decided that this study will be conducted at

Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU).

Population and Sampling Technique

The target population of this study includes 30 BSEE II students at Mariano

Marcos State University (MMSU). The availability of the engineering students is

very rare and with that matter the researchers choose simple random sampling. A

simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member

of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. A simple random sample is

meant to be an unbiased representation of a group.

Instrumentation and Data Gathering Procedure

To fulfill the aim of the researchers, they made questions in the form of a

questionnaire. Due to unavailability to conduct the research face to face where researchers

give and explain how and what the research all about, the researchers used online research

tool to gather data. The questionnaire includes the explanations as well as the instructions to

avoid misunderstandings. For good and better results of the study, the researchers pushed the

respondents to answer properly and answer all the questions that were given to them.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The questions consist of four major items that has eleven sub-items that were

distributed. To interpret the following questions, this tool was used:

W.M. Interpretation

3.25-4.00------------------------Strongly Agree



1.00-1.74-----------------------Strongly Disagree

TABLE 1: Physical Health

4 3 2 1
Do online learning affect 19 11 0 0 3.6 SA
your sleep schedule

Do online learning affect 18 7 4 1 3.4 SA

your eating schedule

Do online learning affect 20 10 0 0 3.57 SA

your eyesight

Do online learning affect 17 9 4 0 3.43 SA

your posture

Do online learning affect 18 11 1 0 3.57 SA

you in doing physical


According to table 1, the respondents strongly agree (3.53) that online

learning does affect their physical health.

Respondents strongly agreed (3.6) that online learning affect their sleep
schedule, they also strongly agreed (3.4) that online learning affect their eating
schedule, moreover they strongly agreed (3.57) that online learning affect their
eyesight, furthermore strongly agreed (3.43) that online learning affect their posture,
and strongly agreed (3.57) that online learning affect them in doing physical

TABLE 2: Mental Health

4 3 2 1
Do online learning cause 24 3 2 1 3.67 SA

Do online learning affect 22 5 2 1 3.6 SA

your mental ability
TOTAL 3.635 SA

The table 2 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that online learning
affect their mental health.

Respondents strongly agreed (3.67) that online learning causes stress in

addition; they also strongly agreed (3.6) that online learning affects their mental

TABLE 3: Financial Health

4 3 2 1
Do you spend a lot of
money in load 18 7 3 2 3.37 SA

Do you often buy school

supplies 3 16 5 6 2.53 A

Are you forced to buy

gadgets just to access 6 13 5 6 2.63 A
online classes

TOTAL 2.84 A

Based on table 3, the respondents agreed (2.84) that online learning affects
their financial health.
Respondents strongly agreed (3.37) that they need to spend a lot of money
in load, furthermore they agreed (2.53) that they often buy school supplies and also
agreed (2.63) that they are forced to buy gadgets just to access online classes.

TABLE 4: Spiritual Health

4 3 2 1
Are you taking advantage 2 9 8 11 2.06 DA
of online learning to cheat

According to table 4, respondents responses on these item shows that they

disagree (2.06) with online learning affect their spiritual health.

The respondents disagreed (2.06) that they were taking advantage of online
learning to cheat.







TOTAL 3.02


Based on table 5, it shows that the respondents strongly agreed that online
learning affects their Physical and Mental Health, while they only agreed that online
learning affects their Financial Health in addition, they disagreed that online
learning affects their Spiritual Health.

 Since the general weighted mean calculated on Physical Health is
3.53 which correspond to Strongly Agree, Online learning affect the
Physical health of the students.
 The general weighted mean computed for Mental health is 3.635 that
correspond to Strongly Agree, Online learning does affect the Mental
health of the students.
 In the Financial health the calculated general weighted is 2.84 which
correspond to Agree; Online learning does affect the Financial health
of the students.
 Since the general weighted mean computed on Spiritual health is 2.06
which correspond to Dis-agree; Online learning does not affect the
Spiritual health of the students.
 Since X (Strongly Agree and Agree) is greater than Y (Strongly
Disagree and Disagree), we reject the null hypothesis. There is a
significant relationship between learning through online and health
of the students.


Mikaela G. Amadora (2020). Common Problems that Occur During Online Classes

SHARUNA SEGAREN (2018). The impact of sleep on academic performance

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