LP in Health Appraisal

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LP for
A. Lesson: Swimming
B. Competency:
1. Describe the different Health Appraisal procedures toward health care.
C. Objectives:
1. Know the importance of Health Appraisal Procedures
2. Appreciate the essence of Health Appraisal Procedures through our everyday living
D. Assessment:
1. Formative: Activities
2. Product:
3. Performance: Recitation, Reflection/Sharing
E. Cross-curricular Link:
F. Value:
G. Materials: LED TV, laptop
H. Procedure

(For Grade 7 Exodus)

a. Prayer
b. Routinary activities
c. Presentation of lessons, objectives and assessment procedure
d. Motivation: “GUESS ME”
e. With the use of PowerPoint presentation, with pictures, and video clips, discuss and explain
what is Health Appraisal Procedure?
f. Collaborative Learning Group (CLG) “Reflection”
1.Health Appraisal Procedure is beneficial to my personal health because

2. I learned that it is important for me to learn Health Appraisal Procedure because

g. Summing-Up/Synthesizing: Ask Question:

1.What are the new things you learned from today’s lesson?
h. Valuing: Ask this Question:
1.What values can we derived from our lesson today
i. Closure:
1 .Is there any question/s you want to raise before ending up our lesson?
j. Agreement: Be ready for the quiz next meeting.

Prepared by: Bernadette Padua

Subject Area Coordinator:

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