Uji Kompetensi KD Cause and Effect 1

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Text 1
This stext i s for questions No. 1 – 3 !

In recent decades , cities have grown so large. Now, about 50% of the Earth’s
population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurences. First,
the industrialization increases, which tends to be located in cities, so many factory
jobs are created. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attract many
people from rural areas. Second, there are promises of a better education, so many
families are interested to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally,
places of leisure, entertainment and culture , such as sport stadiums, theaters and
museum, are published in cities. As a result, these facilities draw them away from
rural communities.

1. Why are people interested in moving into cities ?

A. Cities offer many jobs
B. They are not well educated
C. They are not interested in farming
D. Industrialization spreads into rural areas
E. There are not places for pleasure in rural areas

2. From the text we can conclude that .....

A. there are many unemployment in cities
B. rural people don’t care about education
C. all people don’t want to stay in rural areas
D. cities are more and more crowded
E. people don’t need entertainment

3.Which of the following statements are NOT the reasons why cities attract rural people ?
A. There are many places of leisure in cities
B. Cities offer good education for people
C. Rural people learn how to sell their products there
D. Many jobs opportunities are created to apply for
E. Cities are the right places to expand sport talent

Text 2
This text is for questions No. 4 - 7
The Effect of Horror Movies to Children and Teens
Horror movies are parts of modern entertainment. We can watch them in
cinemas. TV’s , computers and even on atmospheres. However, watching horror
movies is not always entertaining. Watching horror movies can generate long-
lasting effects on people. There are reasons why you shouldn’t watch too many
horror movies.
Horror movies can make viewers develop anxiety and phobia. These effects
mostly happen on kids and teens. Many children and teens do not yet have the life
experience to put horror movies into real life perspective, putting them at risk for
lingering anxiety. They become easily worried whenever they are alone. They are
afraid the scary scenes from he movies might actually happen to them. Children
and teens even develop a phobia after watching horror ovies. They are afraid of
spiders, bats, cats, and many others because they see them as scary creatures in
the movies.
Watching horror movies can also put you to have a sleeping disorder. Many adults
and children have trouble sleeping immediately after watching a scary movie.
Shadows seems intimidating, noises are magnified and dreams are often
unsetting. For most people, these effects are short-lived. In few cases, however,
sleep disturbances persist for weeks, months or even years.
Minimize the effects of scary movies by watching them during the day, keeping the
lights on, or doing something silly before bed.

4. Why are kids and teens prone to anxiety rather than adults after watching horror ?
A. Because they haven’t had abilties to separate fiction movie from reality
B. Because they believe that scary creatures are real
C. Because they tend to overreacted about everything
D. Because they are more afraid to ghosts than to adults
E. Bacause they are still young and impulsive

5. How can you reduce the effects of horror movies ?

A. Watchng them by yourself
B. Watching them in the afternoon
C. Watching them in your bedroom
D. watching them regularly
E. Watching them secretly

6. What is the main idea of paragraph three ?

A. Watching horror movies makes you hard to sleep
B. Watching horror movies prevents you from sleeping
C. Watching horror movies promotes better sleeping
D. Watching horror movies makes you sleep more easily
E. Watching horror movies helps you sleep soundly

7. “ ...... sleep disturbancess persist for weeks ...” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined ord can be replaced with.....
A. cause
B. continue
C. increase
D. improve
E. stop

8. Read the cause and choose the effect.

I ran as fast as I could, passing all the other runners in the race. I wasn’t even tired, either.
A. I won the race
B. I camp in last place in the race
C. I didn’t manage myself to win the race
D. I decided to run the last lap of the race again
E. I stopped at the store for a snack, since I was ahead of everyone else

9. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.
A. The girl spread her germs when she sneezed.
B. The girl keep sneezing during the lesson
C. The girl sneezed because she has a cold.
D. The girl took a nap because she was tired.
E. The girl went to her friend’s house for the day even though she had a cold

10. Choose the correct statement using ‘as’ to express cause and result
A. We don’t need that new computer as we are still using the older one
B. We don’t need the new computer as the older one
C. We don’t need the new computer as a replacement for our old computer
D. The old computer still works, and as a matter of fact, we are still using it.
E. The old computer still works as we don’t need to buy the new one
11. I love living in Australia ______________ the weather.
A. because  
B. since
C. as
D. however
E. because of

12. What is the EFFECT of the following sentence ?

The mother birds gather dried grass to build her nest.
A. gather
B. her nest
C. mother birds
D. build her nest
E. gather dried grass

13. What is the CAUSE of the following sentence ?

The tree fell in the middle of the road because of high wind.
A. High wind
B. The tree
C. The road
D. The tree fell
E. Middle of the road
14. ........................it is raining, we shouldn’t go out.
A. Because
B. Because of
C. Thanks to
D. For
E. But

15. Which one is NOT correct? “He didn’t turn up for the exam. __________, he failed the course.”
A. As a result
B. Consequently
C. As a consequence
D. As a reason
E. As far as
16. John : Why didn’t you wash your car at car-wash service?
Rambo : … the crisis, all fares are killing me. Washing the car there is so
expensive that I can’t afford it.

A. For
B. Since
C. Due to
D. Because
E. Therefore

17. Recently, the condition of the environment has become a popular subject on the television and
internet. This is due to the growing speed of population especially in modern cities and
developed countries.
Population takes places when chemical waste from industries spoils the atmosphere, rivers,
sea and soil. It is one of the most worrying problems of industrial countries.

What would be the best suitable title for the text?

A. Pollution
B. Air pollution
C. Environment
D. Water pollution
E. Chemical waste

18. Recently, the condition of the environment has become a popular subject on the television and
internet. This is due to the growing speed of population especially in modern cities and
developed countries.
Population takes places when chemical waste from industries spoils the atmosphere, rivers,
seas and soil. It is one of the most worrying problems of industrial countries.

A terrible pollution especially occurs in …

A. the air.
B. the village.
C. Industrial countries.
D. developing countries
E. less developed countries
19. The environment problem has become a popular subject …. The growing speed of
population especially in modern cities and developed countries.
A. as
B. for
C. since
D. because
E. thanks to
20. Which of the following has a correct construction?
A. I came late because rain heavily.
B. For his laziness, he didn’t pass the exam.
C. She agrees to join the camping as she gets bored.
D. Shinta was absent due to her father passed away.
E. Owing to she is beautiful, she attracts the attention of all the guests.

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