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1. The doctor asked the nurse …………………………… Mrs. Barbara to the Rontgen
a. Takes
b. To take
c. Took
d. Taken
e. Take

2. Mr. Bill………………………..a heart problem and he is hospitalized now

a. Has got
b. Have got
c. Get
d. Having
e. Gotten

3. They are the essential components of cardiovascular system, except………………….

a. Heart
b. Blood vessel
c. Renal medulla
d. Pulmonary circulation
e. Lungs

4. The new patient……………………….pale when the doctor comes to observe him

a. Look
b. Looks
c. Looking
d. Lokes
e. Looked

5. The nurse gives pt education………………… use peak flow meter

a. When
b. What
c. How
d. Whose
e. Which

6. They are parts of respiratory system, namely…………………………….

a. Trakea, broncheoli and lungs
b. Bronchi, nose and pulmonary
c. Pulmonary alveoli, mouth and stomach
d. Lung, broncheoli and apnoe
e. Esophagus, trakea and bronchi
7. When the patient is breathing a normal respiratory rate, between 12 and 20 breaths per
minute, it is called as………………………………
a. Bradynoea
b. Apnoe
c. Eupnoe
d. Inspiration
e. Tachypnea

8. The patient………………………………of pain in her stomatch

a. Complaining
b. Complain
c. Complains
d. Complainded
e. Complainses

9. Flu is common symptom of………………………..respiratory track infection

a. Fill
b. Upper
c. Attack
d. Diagnosis
e. Sputum

10. Complete human digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract plus the
accessory organs of digestion . They are the accessory organs………………………..
a. Salivary glands, pancreas and tongue
b. Liver, gallbladder and salivary glands
c. Nephrons, pancreas and liver
d. Tongue, trachea and liver
e. Gallbladder, salivary gland and bladder

11. The doctor said that he ……………………… regularly

a. Should
b. Will
c. Can
d. Would
e. May
f. Might

12. Doctor : Mrs. Bella, you must…………………………….to consume spicy food

a. Avoid
b. Take
c. Have
d. Transport
e. Regularly
13. They are parts of urinary system, namely………………………………
a. Uretha, kidneys, ureters, bladder and aveoli
b. Bladder, nephrons, ureters, kidneys and urethra
c. Uretha, proteinuria, bladder, bladder and aveoli
d. Aveoli, anuria, urethra, kidneys and homeostasis
e. Kidneys, nephrons, eupnoe, bladder and uretha

14. The purpose of the urinary system is to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood
volume and blood pressure, control levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulate
blood pH.
The word purpose means……………………………
a. Definition
b. Function
c. Develop
d. Main
e. Task

15. It is the function of urinary system……………………………

a. Contributed to the production of red blood cells by the kidney
b. Helps to produce the hormone
c. Stores the nutrients
d. Regulated the body temperature
e. Contributed the blood around the body

16. If the……………….don’t filter properly, the waste product aren’t removed

a. Stomach
b. Chest
c. Renal medulla
d. Renal
e. bladder

17. If the kidneys stop working properly,…………………..or kidney disease could be

the result
a. Renalia
b. Toxic
c. Renal failure
d. Lethargic
e. Renal transplant

18. Plagiarism is the most common issue that every academic writer faces…….writing their
research paper or dissertation
a. What
b. How
c. While
d. Who
e. Whose
19. All of the statements below are considered plagiarism, except………………………
a. Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
b. Turning in someone else's work as your own
c. Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not
d. Write our selves idea as we can do well
e. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks

20. It is the tip to avoid plagiarism………………………………..

a. Do not copy any word or sentences from the original document
b. The written document includes all proper citation
c. The written document a significant portion of the text copied from any single source
without any alteration
d. Copy another work without any change and claim as his own work
e. To rewrite the sentences into our paper well

21. Anuria is the patient’s condition if she or he…………………………………

a. Doesn’t have urine output at all
b. Has a problem n her or his kidneys
c. Has low urine output
d. Has excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues
e. Has protein in the urine

22. The intake of air into the lungs through expansion of chest volume., is called as……
a. Inhalation
b. Respiratory
c. Exhalation
d. Process
e. Expelled

23. Blood is a fluid consisting of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that
is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and
nutrients to and waste materials away from all body tissues.
The word circulated means……………………………………
a. Managed
b. Developed
c. transported
d. Found
e. Included

24. They are the essential components of cardiovascular system, except………………….

f. Heart
g. Blood vessel
h. Renal medulla
i. Pulmonary circulation
j. Lungs

25. Technology …………….. us to check whether the paper as the product of scientific
writing is plagiarism or not
a. Facility
b. Facilitates
c. facilitateses
d. Had facilitating
e. Is facility

26. When you paraphrase, you rewrite information from an outside source in your own
words without changing the meaning. The bold phrase means……….……….
a. To write many times as clearly
b. Copying the sentences to our paper
c. Write with your own words but the idea is still same
d. Borrowing the sentences to develop our paper
e. Rewrite again the parts of the sentences

27. Paraphrasing, quotation and summarizing are .the technique ………… scientific writing
a. In
b. On
c. While
d. As
e. when

28. They are the trick to have paraphrase, except………………………

a. Use our own words
b. Our paraphrasing length is the same as the original one
c. The meaning must be the same
d. Write parts of sentences only from the original one
e. The idea must be same

29. When you do summarizing, it means your paragraph must be…………………than the
original one
a. Longer
b. Shorten
c. Similar
d. Smaller

30. Which one is correct for these quotation below ?

a. John (2017) argues that……………………………..
b. In 2018, Philips states that…………………………….
c. Richard states (2019)…………………………….
d. Maria writes that……………………………..(2020)
e. Laura explains that………………………………
31. It is the example in our manuscript when there are two writers…………….
a. Calvin and Leo (2011) argue……………………………..
b. (2019) Rickard and Johnson point out………………………………..
c. Benson (2017) and Thomson (2017) said…………………………
d. ………………….(2019, Yongki and Donny) classified……………………….
e. Karenna, 2020 and Francis) claim that…………………………..

32. Which one from the quotation below is true

a. Richard (2017) et al argues…………………..
b. Lawrens (2017) says that…………………….
c. Benson (2019) and Elsha states that…………………………
d. Peter and Robert claim (2017) when …………………………………..

33. This is the rule when you write the source in the references
a. First name, last name, year, tittle, publisher, city, edition
b. Last name, first name, year, tittle, publisher, edition, city
c. Last name, first name, title, year, city, publisher, edition
d. First name, last name, tittle, year, city, publisher
e. Last name, first name, year, tittle, edition, city, publisher

34. …………………………….is when you paraphrase, you write information from an

outside source in your own words without changing the meaning
a. Quotation
b. Paraphrasing
c. Citation
d. Summarizing

35. …………………………….is when you paraphrase, you write information from an

outside source in your own words without changing the meaning
e. Quotation
f. Paraphrasing
g. Citation
h. Summarizing

36. When we take the sources from the seminar, so we must follow this rule to write the
sources in the reference
a. The Tittle, The Seminar Name, Seminar Number, Year, Writer. City: Publising
b. The Seminar Name, Tittle, Seminar number, Year, The Tittle of The Proceeding,
Writer, City: Publishing
c. The Seminar Name, Seminar Number, Year, The Tittle of The Proceeding, Writer,
City: Publishing
d. The Seminar Name, The Tittle of The Proceeding, Seminar Number, Year, City:
e. The Tittle, The Seminar Name, Year, City: Publishing

37. The circulatory system is also …………… the cardiovascular system or the vascular
a. Called
b. Developed
c. Circulated
d. Made
e. Created

38. Food taken in through the mouth is digested to extract nutrients and ……….. energy, and
the waste expelled as feces.
a. Absorb
b. Pertained
c. Maintained
d. Digested
e. Divided

39. According to Naomy et al (2020)………………………..

The quotation above means that……………………..
a. There are more than two writers
b. The first writer adopted from other sources
c. It is the only one writer
d. There are more than two writers but in different year
e. It is written by Naomy and et al

40. When you write scientific writing, you must……………………………plagiarism

a. Avoid
b. Do
c. Follow
d. Understand

41. The cardiovascular systems of humans…………………, meaning that the blood never
leaves the network of blood vessels.
a. Are closed
b. Closed
c. Closing
d. Closes
e. Close

42. The organs of the lower respiratory tract are located in the chest cavity. They are
delineated and protected by the ribcage, the chest bone (sternum), and the muscles
between the ribs and the diaphragm
The word they are refers to……………………..
a. Protected
b. The organs
c. The ribcage
d. The lower respiratory track
e. The muscles

43. Each kidney……………………………. of functional units called nephrons

a. Consist
b. Consists
c. Consisting
d. Consisted
e. is consist

44. The kidneys have an extensive blood supply via the renal arteries
……………………..leave the kidneys via the renal vein
a. What
b. When
c. Which
d. Whose
e. While

45. It is the function of urinary system……………………………

f. Stores the nutrients
g. Contributed to the production of red blood cells by the kidney
h. Helps to produce the hormone
i. Regulated the body temperature
j. Contributed the blood around the body

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