La Aplicación de Redes Neuronales Artificiales A La Deformación Inducida Por Soldadura en Placa de Barco

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Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

The Application of Artificial Neural Networks

to Weld-Induced Deformation in Ship Plate
Data from the weld trials used in the development of the model revealed carbon
content plays a key role in distortion


ABSTRACT. An artificial neural network areas of improvement but not elimina- that has been extended to artificial neural
model was developed to be used in a study tion. These areas have centered on the networks, which is the general terminol-
of factors affecting the distortion of 6- to quality of the steel plate being used, by ogy used to describe the mathematical
8-mm-thick D and DH 36 grade steel improving mill rolling characteristics, and models. A number of studies have shown
plate. The data from a significant number introducing or upgrading cold leveling fa- the benefits of this approach within the
of closely controlled welding trials, and cilities (Ref. 5). Plate cutting processes welding processes. These are metal trans-
subsequent measurements of distortion have been improved too, with the intro- fer (Ref. 13), mechanical properties (Ref.
were input into the model. From this duction of techniques such as underwater 14), acoustic emission (Ref. 15), and pre-
model development, a sensitivity analysis plasma arc cutting and laser beam cutting liminary distortion prediction (Ref. 16). In
was carried out, which highlighted a num- (Ref. 6). It has been claimed that both addition, a review (Ref. 17) of the use of
ber of apparently key factors, which influ- processes minimize the residual stress neural networks in materials science was
enced distortion. From this it was estab- levels of the cut face, and the depth of the carried out and it refers to a number of
lished that the carbon content of the steel hardened zone. Welding techniques have areas in the welding process, but not weld-
plate played a key role in the amount of advanced too, with gradual reductions in ing distortion.
distortion produced by the welding heat input being made. The introduction The basis of a neural network is shown
process. The mechanism of the effect of of laser beam welding (Ref. 7) and deriv- in Fig. 1. This is composed of the follow-
carbon appears to be linked to its effect on atives of it (Ref. 8), have resulted in quan- ing components:
grain size, transformation temperature, tum steps in heat input reduction being • An input layer that receives signal-
mechanical properties and pearlite con- achieved. Consequently, distortion will from the environment
tent at least. It was established that an in- decrease accordingly. • An output layer that conveys the sig-
crease in carbon content was beneficial in In parallel with the practical methods nals to the environment
reducing thin plate distortion caused by of distortion reduction, there have been a • One or more hidden layers that keep
welding. number of other approaches. One has some input and output signals within
been the Risk Shared Management ap- the network itself.
Introduction proach (Ref. 9), which has shown some The behavior of the output depends on
specific benefits. Some preliminary work the activity of the hidden units and the
For many years, deformation induced has been carried out on the application of weight assigned between the hidden and
by welding in shipyards has been a com- artificial neural networks to weld distor- output units.
mon cause of rectification costs. How- tion (Ref. 10). A number of weld distor- Mathematically, the output can be rep-
ever, this effect is being exacerbated by tion models have been developed (Refs. resented as shown below
superstructure and deck plate thickness 11, 12), but suffer from the drawback of
reductions (Ref. 1), as plate thickness de- predicting symmetrical distortion.
creases, the extent of deformation tends Neural networks find their origin in bi- 0 = YnJn*W»
to increase (Ref. 2). In many cases, the ological science. However, the basis of
distortion is actually buckling (Ref. 3). A where O = output, I = input, W = weight.
great number of studies have been carried These values are vectors and the sum must
out with various potential solutions to the be calculated for each layer of the neural
problem of distortion, but the problem network.
still persists (Refs. 2, 4). There have been KEYWORDS
Neural Networks
M. P. LIGHTFOOT and G J. BRUCE are with Deformation
the Department of Marine Technology, University The materials that were used are
of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, Scotland. N. Distortion shown in Table 1. These two steels are typ-
A. McPHERSON is with BAE Systems, Naval Ship Construction ical of those now being adopted in warship
Ships, Glasgow, Scotland. K. WOODS is with Thin Plate construction, with the DH 36 being uti-
Corns Construction and Industrial, South lized in areas requiring higher strength
Teesside Works, Redcar, Scotland. (>360 N/mm 2 ), and the D being used in

•4- -•
input layer ,i

Output Layer 900mm

<1 •


Fig. I — Basic concept of a neural network. Fig. 2 — Trial plate configurations used in the evaluation.

areas where a minimum strength of 235 The plate configurations used are nal edge to the base plate on which the
N/mm 2 is acceptable. All the baseplates (5 shown in Fig. 2, along with dimensions. welding was being carried out.
x 2 m) had been cold leveled, and delivery These configurations were chosen as Welding was carried out using the flux
and storage conditions were similar. Each being relatively common setups within a cored welding process (1.2-mm-diameter
base plate was shot blasted and paint shipyard. After cutting from the base wire) with a shielding gas of 80% Ar/20%
primed on the same processing line, under plate, each plate was marked out with a COi. The actual welding utilized a mech-
ostensibly the same conditions. Table 2 predetermined square grid to facilitate anized welding head on a track, to create
shows the variables that were designed identification of measurement points (36 as much consistency in the welding
into this study from the supplied plate ma- for each plate, i.e., 72 for each welded process as possible. All welding was car-
terial. The complete list of variables has panel). The plates were laid on top of a 25- ried out in the flat position, and the weld
been included in Appendix 1. mm-thick plate that had been milled flat. preparation was a 60-deg included angle,
This was used as the datum for all mea- with a closed root. The angle on the plate
surements. The actual measurement was edge was produced using a cold mechani-
carried out using a movable bridge and a cal process. Plates were tack welded to-
Table 1 — Main Variables Used in the gether from the bottom to a constant pro-
Evaluation digital depth gauge. Each set of plates was
tack welded from the bottom. Measure- cedure. The 6-mm-thick plates were
ments were taken after tack welding, and welded with one pass, and the 8-mm-thick
Plate materials D Grade DH 36 Grade
again after welding was completed. In all plates required two passes, with the inter-
Plate thickness 6 mm 6 mm pass temperature being less than 100°C in
8 mm 8 mm cases, only DH 36 grade was welded to DH
36 grade, and only D grade was welded to all cases. The range in heat inputs used is
Cutting process Underwater Underwater given in Appendix 1. No postweld heat
plasma plasma D grade. In addition, only like plate thick-
treatment was carried out on any of the
Laser Laser ness were welded together, always in the
welded plates.
Variables 4 4 rolling direction.
In some instances plates were re- Distortion measurements were col-
strained bv weldina areas of the longitudi- lated on a spreadsheet, and initially the

Table 2 — Chemical Composition (wt-% I and Mechanical Properties ofthe Base Plate Involved

%C '-Si %Mn %P %A1 %Nb %N, OEM YS UTS

DH 36 grade 8 mm thick 0.11 0.27 1.26 0.023 0.008 0.032 0.032 0.004 0.33 493 566
0.15 0.0 h- 1.36 0.016 0.008 0.029 0.026 0.004 0.38 394 493
6 mm thick 0.14 0.39 1.4 0.014 0.009 0.033 0.027 0.005 0.38 395 534
0.14 0.40 1.5 0.015 0.011 0.036 0.027 0.005 0.39 523 607
DH 36 spec 0.18 0.50 0.90 0.030 0.025 0.015 0.02 355 490
(max) (max) 1.60 (max) (max) (min) 0.05 (min) 620
D grade 8 mm thick 0.10 0.23 0.84 0.017 0.008 0.027 0.001 0.005 0.24 302 422
6 mm thick 0.10 0.23 0.84 0.017 0.008 0.027 0.001 0.005 0.24 432 511«o
0.09 0.27 1.02 0.019 0.007 0.023 0.001 0.009 0.26 333 433
D spec 0.21 0.35 0.6 0.040 0.040 0.015 0.40 235 400
(max) (max) (min) (max) (max) (min) (max) (min) 490
(a) CE = C + Mn * + (Ni + Cu) 5 + (Cr + Mo + V), 15
(b) Specification relaxation for steels for laser cutting.
(c) Concession on this property

B ^i5ss=ss~^ _______ • .M :

y%/ S^5__SSS_55i~^_ 0 23-Z

y%%£ Z$z~Zz^~.^ • 22.2


^giai •20-2

1 • M
• 16-1J
Height Ii; •15-H

1 jyr^^^^^m0i

^y L
• '

distortion was categorized using a single structure within the

figure of the standard deviation of all the topology, which will c
measurements on the plate. This was then foster specialization of
refined to use I numbers. A description of function in each sub-
• 12-1:
the I number and the process to use I num- module.
bers is contained in Appendix 2. This gave In contrast to the
longitudinal and transverse measure- MLP. modular net-
ments of distortion. works do not have full M * '

interconnectability be- l_ :::

^ =i^=:-
Model Development tween the layers. As a ^ffcll B UT': /?'
result of this, a smaller •"* '
In total, 132 test plates were produced, number of weights is
which resulted in 66 small panels being required for the same
welded up. All data were recorded on size of network. This
Excel spreadsheets, and this allowed tends to speed up Fig. 3 —A — Test plate profile after welding (height in mm): B —lest plate
graphical representations to be made of training times and with distortion induced after we/ding (height in mm); C — actual distor-
surface contours after tack welding, after reduce the number tion induced by welding (height in mm).
welding, and of actual distortion. An ex- of required training
ample of each is shown in Fig. 3A-C. exemplars.
The main function of this work was to Twenty-eight sets of data for 6-mm- iteration to incorporate past weight
produce enough actual data to initially thick plate were used to train the models changes and current weight change. The
train an artificial neural network model, and three sets were used to test them. The momentum coefficient (a) can have a
and then with the remnant data, test the three sets selected for testing were chosen value of between 0 and 1. The coefficient
model. at random from the dataset. The ratio of was varied and this led to a momentum co-
The following neural network models testing to training was changed but when efficient of 0.5 being chosen to produce
were considered for selection: the model was trained on less data, the ac- the least number of errors in the final
• Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) (Refs. curacy of prediction decreased. By using prediction.
18-20) the basic model topology provided by the On this basis, the MLP network archi-
• Generalized Feed-Forward (GFF) software, NeuroSolutions, the networks tecture configuration was defined as
(Refs. 18-20) were changed without altering the model Network Model - MLP
• Modular Feed-Forward (MFF) topology to find which can cope best with Iterations-16.000
(Refs. 18-20) the data set provided. It was found that the Hidden Layers- 3
Multilayer Perceptrons are layered MLP model was superior to either the Momentum Coefficient - 0.5
feedforward networks typically trained GFF or the MFF. The next step in the The compete network topology cannot
with back propagation. These networks model development was to select the num- be disclosed, at present, due to the nature
have found their way into countless appli- ber of iterations required to train the net- ofthe funding for this project.
cations requiring static pattern classifica- work, and when to stop the simulations. It was established that by using this
tion. Their main advantage is that they are The network was trained between 4000 configuration, the 6-mm-thick plate situa-
simple to use, and that they can approxi- and 16,000 iterations. It was found in this tion could be accurately represented. Fig-
mate any input/output map. The key dis- instance that the least number of errors, ure 4A-D are taken from 6-mm-thick ma-
advantage is that they train slowly and re- and therefore the best prediction, was ob- terial data and compare actual distortion
quire significant amounts of training data. tained using 16,000 iterations. Following against predicted distortion. Using stan-
The GFFs are a generalization of the this, the effect of the number of hidden dard deviation as the measure of actual
MLP, such that connections can jump over layers on the neural network output had to and predicted distortion, it was found in
one or more layers. In theory, a MLP can bc determined. The number of hidden lay- the case of Fig. 4A and B that the differ-
solve any problem that a GFF can solve. In ers tested was 1, 3, and 5. It was found that ence between the two data sets was 13%
practice, generalized feedforward net- three hidden layers represented the actual overestimated by the prediction. In the
works often solve the problem much more surface topology of the weld most accu- case of Fig. 4C and D, the difference was
efficiently. rately. Lastly, a momentum coefficient 18% underestimated from the prediction.
The MFFs are a special class of MLP. had to bc determined. This is related to In real measurement, these percentage er-
These networks process their input using the need to speed up the back propagation rors are about 2 mm. However, in both sit-
several parallel PLPs, and then recombine algorithm without producing oscillations. uations the direction of distortion was
the results. This tends to create some So, a momentum term is included at each being predicted correctly. This compari-

rest Plate 301 • Distortion
, ^ ^ f _ _ § § § § ^§Jtti!^_^fe^
y ^ ^
^^^§S?^_-— n-7.18
^*'U " ^ ^ ^ ^
016-1? •;:
^||p^>J-» ^SSsSSsa^

• 12-- 3
|__S ^§#H
H«igni ?_l|i|_i||_jj___S ^•_T 49 B i «^#iW • se
Hg l ^ ^
% • 7-8
^ »>. ^ t %. V ~^s H Dl-I

^y- •» ;..T^T-
*"5a^===^ a-to

c Tail Plilt 302 - Di. lortlon

~ - _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ l
^ i ^ ^ y /
Fig. 4 — A —Actual distortion of a 6-mm plate of D grade steel (height in mm); B — distortion predicted from the model for the case shown in Fig. 4A. Over-
estimate between actual and predicted is 13% (height in mm); C — actual distortion of a 6-mm plate ofD grade steel (height in mm); D — distortion predicted
from the model for the case shown in Fig. 4C. Underestimate between actual and predicted is 18% (height in mm).

Table 3 — Ttends from the Sensitivity Analysis Shown in Figure 5 used to develop a software package called
PREDICTOR, the details of which can be
Factor Effect Comments obtained elsewhere (Ref. 22).

Carbon equivalent As CE increases the flatness CE range -0.24-0.39 Sensitivity of Outputs

Carbon content As carbon content increases,
the flatness improves and then C content range 0.09-0.15 The final developed model, containing
deteriorates after 0.125%C both 6 mm and 8 mm lumped data, was run
Yield/tensile strength As YS/TS increases, the to determine which of the main inputs in-
flatness improves YS/TS range 0.71-0.87 fluenced the prediction of resultant weld
Plate treatment Flatness deteriorated in the order distortion. The Sensitivity Analysis was
As rolled-normalized rolled- carried out by the Neural Network Soft-
ware called NeuroSoliitlons. Figure 5
Heat input As heat input increases, H.I. Range 0.145-0.195 kJ/mm--
the flatness deteriorates shows the results of this. One factor that
was found not to be sensitive was the ini-
tial tacked plate topology. Other work
(Refs. 23, 24) has shown that the initial
son was carried out on 6-mm-thick D- welding passes into one, and reassess the shape governs where subsequent weld-in-
grade steel welded with the configuration model outputs. The practice of lumping duced distortion is liable to occur. In sum-
shown in Fig. 2A. weld passes has been used elsewhere (Ref. mary, the most significant factors with sec-
When considering the 8-mm-thick 21), and found to give acceptable results tor of responsibility, in no specific priority,
plate, the exercise was repeated using 28 and also reduce processing time. In this are as follows:
training data sets and 3 testing data sets. specific case the data were assessed using • Steel grade Steel mill
In this instance, the network architecture the MLP model used for the 6-mm data. • Cutting process Shipyard
was a GFF with 16,000 iterations, 2 hidden At the start ofthe modeling, combining • Carbon equivalent (CE) Steel mill
layers, and a 0.7 momentum coefficient. the 6- and 8-mm data was not considered, but defined by Shipyard
When the models were tested against due to the effect of the second pass in the • Yield/tensile strength ratio Steel mill
four additional test plates (2 at 6 mm and 8-mm-thick plate welding process. Based • Cutting process Shipyard
2 at 8 mm thick) it was found that good on the knowledge gained in this work, a • Plate rolling treatment Steel mill
agreement was obtained with the 6-mm- different approach would be taken in the Each of these factors was examined in
thick material. However, there were sig- future that would lead to more versatility more detail, using standard deviation and
nificant discrepancies for the 8-mm-thick of the model. I numbers as the indicator of distortion.
material. This appeared to be related to The total inputs and ranges that were The outcome of this is shown in Table 3.
the complication of using two welding fed into the model are shown in Appendix A number of the factors shown are al-
passes. It was decided to "lump" the two 1, along with the outputs. This data set was ready well established in influencing dis-



40 4. - +~ Plasma: i m m (rom top ol plain

- « — Plasma MiD Plate

35 .•A




10 ^ ^ ^

I P.*-* „ .
Grade Plate YS/TS CEV %C %Mn
Cutting Plate Heat
anc* (rom Cut Face (mm)
05 06

Treatment process thickne s input

Fig. 5 — Sensitivity analysis of identified key factors related to distortion Fig. 6 — Hardness scans of cut edge profile of laser beam cut and underwater
from the current study. plasma arc cut D grade 6-mm-thick plate.

tortion, and to some extent help validate would be removed.

the accuracy of the model outputs. Two of Additional work was
these factors were that higher heat input carried out using the
produced more distortion, and thinner same 6-mm-thick D
plate gave more welding-induced distor- grade steel plate, on
tion. However, other factors that have not which a laser beam
been readily identified in the past with dis- cut edge and an un-
tortion, such as CE, yield/tensile strength derwater plasma arc
ratio, steel grade, and plate treatment will cut edge had been
now be considered in more detail, from a made. This allowed a
metallurgical standpoint. direct comparison to
be made to establish
Steel Grade heat-affected zone
(HAZ) characteris-
There was less distortion associated tics, in the actual cut
with the DH 36 grade than the D grade, face. These data are Fig. 7 — Relationship between plate carbon content and distortion after
i.e., the higher-strength steel was less dis- shown in Table 4, and welding: SD = standard deviation; /, and /,. = I-iuunbers.
tortion sensitive. This could be related to the laser beam cut
microstructural differences, with there HAZ is slightly nar-
being a tendency to produce a finer grain rower on average than the underwater drawn, apart from there being more sig-
size in the higher-strength DH 36, due to plasma arc cut HAZ. However, there was nificant effects than the effect of the cut-
the presence of niobium in the steel (Ref. evidence of a white band in the laser beam ting process on distortion. Figure 5 does
25). In addition, the DH 36 steel had a cut HAZ and this has in the past been as- show that the sensitivity of the cutting
higher average carbon content than the D sociated with the presence of martensite process is relatively low compared to some
grade steel and therefore would have a and by implication higher hardness. of the other factors. However, this does il-
higher pearlite content, which would re- Hardness determinations were carried lustrate the need to question the data, and
duce the ductility of the plate, making it out on the two HAZs and are shown in not accept the outcomes at face value.
less susceptible to distortion. A typical fig- Fig. 6. It is clear that the underwater
ure would be 8 /am for DH 36. However, plasma arc cut material had the highest Carbon Equivalent
there is considerable overlap in the range overall hardness in the vicinity of the cut
of grain sizes produced for D and DH 36 face. However, at the bottom of the weld, The initial view was that as carbon
due to plate thickness effects and other which would be the only cut face left, the equivalent increased then the distortion
processing factors.
underwater plasma arc cut material was decreased. However, in the current steels
approximately 100 HV1 higher than the the main, and most significant, compo-
Cutting Process laser beam cut material. This difference nents of carbon equivalent are carbon and
tapered off on moving back into the base manganese (Ref. 25), as shown in Equa-
One relatively surprising result was plate. There was no evidence to indicate tion 1
that the underwater plasma arc cut plates that the white band had higher hardness
resulted in less distortion after welding. than the rest of the area being tested. It CE = C + Mn/6 +
Previous work (Ref. 6) had shown the op- also shows that the base plate hardness (Ni + Cu)/5 + (Cr + Mo + V)/15
posite effect. The plate edge weld prepa- was reached in all areas approximately 0.3 (1)
ration in this work was a 30-deg angle. By mm back from the cut face.
introducing this, the bulk of the cut face At this stage, no firm conclusion can be The sensitivity of carbon and man-

had a previously unknown contribution to
Table 4 — Cut Face Examination Data Summary distortion.
A number of distortion-related factors
Process Underwater Plasma Laser have now been identified that can be spec-
HAZ Width White Band HAZ Width White Band ified at the plate stage, such as carbon con-
(mm) Present (microns) (mm) Present (microns) tent, YS/TS ratio, and rolling treatment.
Top 0.28 No 0.37 4 to 7 The acceptance of these factors will lead
Middle 0.29 No 0.3 3 to 6 to a reduction of cutting- and weld-related
Bottom 0.34 No 0.19 No distortion in 6 to 8-mm-thick plates, but
Transformation Transformation will certainly not eliminate it.
zone (mm) zone (mm)
Top 0.12 0.12 Acknowledgments
Middle 0.12 0.1
Bottom 0.14 0.09
This work was funded by a grant
through the Shipbuilders and Shiprepair-
ers Association (SSA), on behalf of the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
ganese was tested, and it was quite clear manganese and silicon components ap- Acknowledgment is gratefully made for
that carbon had the more significant ef- proximately cancel each other out in the the contributions from W. McGhie and J.
fect. On extracting the data, there was a ratio. If all the nitrogen is considered to be Gray of BAE Systems, Naval Ships. In ad-
gradual and consistent reduction in dis- combined as aluminum nitride, there is no dition, the authors most gratefully ac-
tortion as the carbon content increased. contribution from free nitrogen. How- knowledge the constructive input from N.
This is shown in Fig. 7, where the standard ever, the increase in carbon content would I. Cooper of BAE Systems, Submarines,
deviation (SD) and the I-numbers (I__ and produce a decrease in grain size due to the and D. Bucke of the SSA.
Iy) are plotted against the plate carbon lower transformation temperature. This
content. would result in a larger contribution to the References
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Appendix 1 and 1800 % chromium 0.013-0.017

Length/width 0.25 and 1.0 % nickel 0.017-0.020
Model Inputs Plate thickness (mm) 6 and 8 % molybdenum 0.002-con
Length/thickness 56-150 stant
Steel grade D and DH 36 Welding voltage (V) 21-27 % aluminum 0.023-0.036
Plate rolling treatment Normalized: Welding current (A) 225-275 % copper 0.005-0.010
Normalized Travel speed (mm/min) 210-360 % niobium 0.001-0.032
rolled: Welding heat input (kj/mm) % nitrogen 0.004-0.009
As-rolled 1.013-1.616 % tin 0.001- 0.003
Yield strength (N/mm2> 302-523 % titanium 0.001-0.002
Tensile strength (N/mm2) 422-607 (raw heat input-not corrected % vanadium 0.002-con
Yield/Tensile strength 0.716-0.871 with arc efficiency) stant
% elongation 24-39
Plate cutting process Underwater Carbon equivalent (CE) 0.24-0.39 Initial surface topology at 72 points
plasma arc Plate chemistry after tack welding
and % carbon 0.09-0.15 Surface topology at 72 Doints
laser beam ''( silicon 0.01-0.40 after welding
Length (mm) 450 % manganese 0.84-1.50 Induced distortion at T.I points
and 900 % phosphorus 0.011-0.023 after welding (after welding—after
Width(mm) 900 % sulfur 0.007-0.012 tack welding)

Fig. 8 — Example of sheet metal exhibiting edge waves. Fig. 9—Elastic stresses are relaxed when a series of length wise cuts is made
in the sheet metal.

XI ><£ KG X4
•J (* La •— o»* s
Jj'-i to* U< JWAM an
. d B t . t l A G L 7 i Q; c ' • • « J - J. . *I_HJ«_ "• -
- ._,,
-J • • • • ( { • • • M X , •= ;= _ - -. - X • •

-.. mt.
VL 0 o 0 o i.
i MM '. 3 0 0
'o: loo Ico 0
101 ICO 100
JATV 3 2 3 : ,x tu ICO 0
'0 uMI*o loom IJOO? WMO: IDOK

. ' i l l nc. ICC-CO 1iKi.CC MM CO UK-i*
Y? o o o '6
Sun. cm
0 0.
G 05

ll •TTT' 0 95

<3 0 O o 0 _
: : •

: • : -


V4 o o o o I_

-=s«« .

F/g. 10 — Example of 16 measuring points on the plate. Fig. 77 — £vce/ spreadsheet showing the calculation process using the for-
mulas provided.

Model Outputs numbers and standard deviation, unless the calculation process using Equation Al
they are exactly the same shape. can be greatly simplified.
Predicted distortion at 72 points The I-numbers would be as follows:
Calculating l-Numbers I in the X direction 0
Appendix 2 I in the Y direction 0.12
The calculation of I-numbers is based For the next example, by examination
Two main flatness parameters have on the equations shown below. the plate is distorted in the X direction.
been used according to ASTM A568/
A568-M 96 1996). The main use of I-num- 2\ XI X2 X3 X4
H(i.j)- '
bers is found in steel sheet flatness appli- 10000 + -100 YI 6 2 3 7
cations (Ref. 29), where the two main v //(M-l) y Y2 6 2 3 7
characterizations in place, are steepness Y3 6 2 3 7
S 2\
index and flatness index. 'H(jd)- Y4 6 2 3 7
The steepness index is based on a rep- 10000 + •100
W /=2
resentation of a sheet sample exhibiting V

edge waves of height H and an interval L, (Al) The I-numbers would be as follows
as shown in Fig. 1 A. I in the X direction 0.66
The height H is typically in mm. The This calculation must be carried out for I in the Y direction 0
steepness index for the samples is defined each point on the plate. This can be easily For a plate distorted in the X and Y direc-
by done by setting out an Excel spreadsheet. tion, as shown below.
S = H/L The example in Fig. 3A has 16 measuring
However, it is normally expressed as a points. The I-number can be calculated XI X2 X3 X4
percentage: for both the X and Y directions of the YI 6 4 3 7
%S = (H/L)xl00% plate, which will describe the shape of the Y2 5 2 1 8
If a series of lengthwise cuts is taken plate with two values. To do this, the dis- Y3 3 4 2 5
through the sheet shown in Fig. IA, then tance between the measuring points has to Y4 6 7 3 9
the elastic stresses present are relaxed, be specified and kept constant. Using the
and this results in narrow strips of differ- marked grid system in the present work The I-numbers would be as follows:
ing lengths as shown in Fig. 2A. ensured that these criteria were met. If all I in the X direction 0.73
Using the length of one of the strips as of the points on the plate are the same I in the Y direction 0.31
a reference (L ref ), the flatness index or the value, then the plate is flat. In that case the The larger the I-number, the greater
I-number value for an individual strip is I-number in the X direction would be 0 the rate of change between each measure-
defined as and in the Y direction it would also be ment, and so the greater will be the dis-
I = (?L/L r e f )xl05 zero. tortion in the plate.
where ?L = difference between the length If the plate has the shape shown below,
of a given strip and the reference strip. then by examination the plate is distorted
For the special case where waves or in the Y direction.
buckles are perfectly sinusoidal in charac- Change of Address?
ter, the following relationship would apply XI X2 X3 X4
between flatness and steepness: YI 2 2 2 2 Moving?
I = [/2(H/L)] 2 x I05 or Y2 (i 0 (1 0
I = 24.7S2 Y3 1 1 1 1 Make sure delivery of your Welding
The use of I-numbers and standard de- Y4 2 2 2 2 Journal is not interrupted. Contact the
viation together was found to describe the Membership Department with your
plate shape very accurately. It was also as- The screen shot from the Microsoft new address information — (800) 443-
sumed that no two plates have the same I- Excel spreadsheet (Fig. 4A) shows how 9353, ext. 480; jleon (flaws, org.


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