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At bs x Ee FRB fee EME AH ATR G HM Lead Author SuYingxia Authors Wang Shuhong Hao Lin #4 Warm-up 1 Lesson 1 H=44{, I’min the third grade. 3 Lesson 2 {2 X{+Zizsh? What's your favorite sport? 8 Lesson 3 #¢#£HiBiJLYE. I’m drawing a picture. 13 Lesson 4 Me, #3! Hello! 18 Lesson 5 #§MZJL~4s. Have some more. 23 Lesson 6 #42823. | can put it on by myself. 28 Lesson 7 4EAIRAR! Happy birthday! 33, Lesson 8 FT, It’ssnowing. 38 Lesson 9 S—€! Smile! 43 Lesson 10 #£8849%? Who runs fast? 48 as pessoal Beareeiaite ety to your brother. Po Lesson12 #5] Review 58 i818 % Vocabulary 61 FRSC AD ae 1% Text and Mini Story Translation 64 | Mix TWA ICA Test Listening Scripts 68 Wik Test Answers 70 YCT 424% YCT Award 71 o 6 KR BE & cll 8 i Warm-up 1 Let's get familiar with each other 1 2 3 * 2 Let's listen "00-01 veri © Let's find shang, mian tian xué yi a bo hao Ak B& CK D¥ ER FF GR HH ou mus 280 at R F k&qi yt wan xiGo shéng o BA OF © % oO} qi xi 3 a yuon, v chi 2d ' ol |e O8 o/ je oO shéng tiGo he Qi a & 4% Put the appropriate Chinese characters in the blanks. & Let's arrange tiGngi fintian = hén hao RX FR th OF shi |dsé chudng de 2% RE RR Hh bi hGochi pinggud xiGngjiGo we wee FR F dudshao ge bdoz gién yi i. op Se kéyl = zn@r_ WS 2Ud_s ma 5. Tk RIL KR RH xiGogdu jiG you ni méiySu 6. 4 FR th RA xiéngmGo didi zhi huG le yi 7, fet HH RB T 10 jijie méiySu qd zudtiGn th RAR shbGo de ni biG zhudz shang zai 9 #82 4H th R RF LE qu baba yi ge yué Bair le lo & €@ — + A RR T Pair work. Arrange the words into sentences. RAFR, Lesson I'm in the third grade. niGnji a ke Se) SUA t= BS Key Sentences Women dou you Hanyti ke. + BU 48 AP RIBIR, We all have Chinese classes. Hoi yu yi ge shi nd léioshr. * BA—AKZE IP, And the other one is a female teacher. gtade LFA | Class, lesson iiR both, all a7, ae class AAs \ Zhang (a Chinese sumame) #k)P nén nti 8 man, -& woman, also, f00 BA, EK male female new #728, aay ' Help your Chinese teacher | | prepare a list of names | | of all the boys and girls in ' your Chinese class. a MBnTE a Ne WO sGn NiGnyi. MILF AB? REFER, yEnanii, er niGnyl_NE sGn niGnyt du you Hany ke, F of A, FR, SPF S EBA A RUE. Question: = BAA IBIR? Booeaa| Wémen ban yu liang ge ai EAS Zhang ldoshi, yi ge shinan hk BV, PAF ere hai ydu yi ge shi nd BM, BA-P RK IGoshT, tmen dou shi xin iaoshi, AEN, RUTAR RARE IP ere tntenneranes eee eee Question fA THER UTS in? | Which grades have Chinese class in your school? Is your teacher a man or a woman? { KSB le R? “ Draw your classmates and teachers in | the frame, and then introduce them to \. the whole class. ; , , a bi. } ee ° ae fi? Make a desk sign for yourself, including | your name, gender, class, grade and ‘courses taken. yer RD «%,..: Yi nigni, —@r nani, dOushi FR, AFR, BR | méimeihé ci AA fed | Sn nian, si nianji, women ZAR, BER, HN dou Idi xué Hanyis. ARE RIB. | Wa nianj, lid nidinji, hi yao EAB, Bh, BR xué hn dus xin dongx. FERS HRD, @ Listening: True or false. %) 04 O Reading. i ied Nimen bGn yé yu yi ge ZhGng IoshT ma? 5. A: Mii] BE A+ HK Eli my? Shi, wémen bGn de Zhang lGoshi shi nan lGoshi. B: 2, Ril] BEM He 2 eB Bi. Zhé liéng ge ni dSu yao ma? 6. A: ik BE PK MB HB ye Dou yao. B: # B. od Er niGnji you Hanyti ke ma? A: (ER A WIA 1B? YOu, Srnidnji, sGn niGnji dSu ySu. B: #, —#R, [ERB A. A NT hGi ySu aidinbbT ma? 1 WE A SE 2 . WO hii yu hn dud. BRL A RZ. TREK ZIBB? What's your favorite sport? ea Key Sentences Tarhdo ie! ° KT! Great! W&hénimen yial ti, Roma? © RAO MI—AH, HF 7H? 6 in| play football with you? . tai |to0, extremely RK | AMT, RAT pea bey méi | every, each HR, BRA iogether RH, RFA hudinying ski |to welcome skietk | Guesswork: Split into 2-3 teams. Each t team has one student acting out } the word on the card and the other students try to guess what it is. The team with the most words guessed correctly wins. j He What's your favoste spor?” 02-02 2 Bj WO xihuon youyéng, hai xinuan = REK Hi, BGK [ff Ni xian snénme yancong? da langid ta HA sesh? eo a Znen de ma? Taino le! Se sm) Kae ge xihuon yéuy3ng POLE he da lenpia. Question Mb TTEBERIt Zea? ‘Thuan, women méitian | we Nixihuan tt 20q102 Tari] i Ap tk epouee EF eT dou 201 xudxido th 2Gqi6. A ERR, te WO hé nimen yigi Ae Fo te — ae pes ti, ho ma? th | Bh, IF? [Dy twanying, nucnying! { —E ~ ik, skit! be | EY L ! Question FFB ABU Z? Se Es ad! | Ask your partner what his or her favorite sport is and } , | invite him or her to play that sport together. zagid °K. langia - B. Sak XxIn (Gosh °C. aR BaF Lanai lonais, dt o& a, SaR MR, tran, zigid 2g, i tT Hh, RRR, BU. ~ patangiG, tT zAqid, ark, BRR, .... women du ydu hdo shént. * BU AR A IF HRT HGi yu yOuydng, shud Hany, SEA BERL HL BGS; mé@itiGn yUnddng hé xuéxi. AR ies EA, HuGnying nT y& 1Gi cGnjiG, Kk ARAM, do péngyoumen zai ial. URE Ap A 38 3h? What's your favorite sport? Lidng ge péngyou HP MK ee —— | eS : ri XiGngmdo hé xiGo mao, mingzi i dou you MB ATE c AR. v 5 A fob th, BELA | | a xidio mao g&zi Gi mo", tGmen shi h&o péngyou. “a Ae MA, | le ee fo.8) Pay 7 = Wémen yigi qi d& a som sn BUI A oO lanai, hdo ma? HF? MéiguGnxi, women yi lal, RA, MIRA. wan, 2hén gdoxing! mst do you do with your friends? K. Bt! 12 3. 4. Qo Reading. ih od NI qd d& langiG ma? WRAAT TERR G2 ‘XiGnzGi? Z5u, B: WE? €, YOuydng Iéi bu lei? : Wik RAR? BO 6, wSmen méi B: AR, Ril WK Mh tk 60 Qing Jin, huGnying |Gi wo jG wGnr. i vE, KU KRALL. Xiéxie ni. B: Wa. WS mBitian dou ynddng. Rk BR MH BH. Wo y& shi. B; % te. 5. A: yigi qu. BK. {Ou yOu lidshi fénzhéng, e s D @ es . Sy 4h : a RE 8) LYE, I'm drawing a picture. Key Sentences W624i hud huar ne. + RA GBI. 'm drawing a picture. R&ng wé kGnkan. °ik RAAT. Letme have a look. to let, to allow or to make (somebody do something) U HERA, RBA wD Wé 201 hua hur ne. See — 4 J Ni 2G 2u5 shenme ne? — BAe HA 9? J Rang . ik KAA, —, AAA Mh | Taiyang hé yuéliang zai poi. de shi shénme? ax tA? Kia fo AGE OH. J Yéye, nina zud shénme ne? ¢ - Lets dass BATA 1 tion OTB, WARTIBE. BEIEIS? [. Do you like singing and dancing? t 2. Do you like drawing? What do you like to draw? | REG HLM, 'm drawing a picture. Oe Rang wé kankan, h&o ma? . + AL ik & AA, 4%? Rang w wanwon, hao ma? . + Bak R RR, 34? ay Rong wd hudhue, hao ma? 3. - + Cit R GS, 1°42 Ae Rang wd 2udzu0, née ma? - ° Dik RRB, 47°57 | Who's the killer? | There was a murder yesterday at 8:00 am. You have to tell the detective what you were «doing at that time as your alibi PRB Standard Course yer | a @e”03-04 | Nainai xthuan taiyang, wis Bk ATA, | yéye_xihuan yualiang, PEK AB. Wanshang, yéye gén yuéliang vii (BL, FRI AI A | pSoba, _yéye zhén JionkGng. (Bo, FF WR. 16 Yéye hé ndinai Ser ” ZGoshang, ndinal gén taiyang yiqi BL, wis RAM He tigowt, _ndinai zhén pidoliang SH, vids Women yiai {di yandong, (BA AAR BAH, ned juéde ener AGAVE & A442 7 How about your grandfather and grandmother? ) Listening. © 705.05 BGoz! bi migntisor hGocht. Fi AIL keAZ Nirénshi_ ziji_ de mingzi ma? UR BOR 4 92 Tamen liing ge dou ai changgé. C til + HB OAR. Jintidn de yualiang zhén pidoliang. A SK iM Ass HM BE. Xixie nin de bangzha! B iV & Ay FEB! Tamen zai kan dianshi. C fil 42 AL. RAG GIL. I'm drawing « picture. Nin rng wo 231 xéngxiang, Bi Ae. Wo xihuan tow, ha SE, ik xihuan changgé. Ex AK. XiGoj8, ma méigui hud ma? MHL, SE BOR 7E 0G? NIE yéye, n&inai yigl ad ma? WA B45, W5H — i A? N&inai bG rang we shuohus. ws Aik Rw. WS maitin dou psobd. RGR B Has. i ’ LENE | SX) Hellol i PWS ERB Key Sentences - Wel, ninhdol : + 98, #84F1 Hello! (on the telephone) W6 zh&o wd mama. j © & 4545. I'm looking for my mom. aitenliin o a (we Hello! (on the telephone) LR, tear! LL U nin 4& you (polite) #34! - zhdo F%&__ to look for #aRik? hui | 1] | foretun,togoback #F wénti 4 | question AA—-7*AAM. wen I | toask AA, AA Touch the card: The teacher reads the new words. The students touch the flash cards as quickly as possible when hearing them. 18 *R, Mae! Ai Helo Pee 2% 0.00 Ni mgm shi shei? By BR inndo! we zndow nl zhtio n@ ge? FR ARAN? By 2 oe Huane vshsng RGBR HH RE ee , a2 Thang Boshi hula le. By ninndoiznsne Wosht 281 ma? EMART. oe, oe! tk EIR A? a7 BY WO yu yi ge wenti, AANA, Keyl wén nin ma? 7? zhtio shél kA Re wénti °C. Ae Liang ge xitio wawa ya, zh8ngzai d& didnhua ya. AH ND BEF, EL tr eis F, Wei wai wa, nf 2a) nll ya? RRR, them ZF? Al Gi GL wdza\ wd de Jd. Bretet, AE ID ho ding ge xo wawa ya, zhéngzai dé diénhua ya. BR Mb BEF, EA ty Bis F. Wel wei wei, nf 201 2ud shénme? RRR, EM A? Ai Gi Gl, w520ixué hud hue. wists, FE | one step to the right and sings to the next student. Try to R, ae! " oa ' Pair work. Find all the hidden pictures in the | me a 2 8 For example: Sioeteey wer {borin this image of friends onthe phone, Ar HAR FEZ) 2? Seemann WO zhGo NI ne? B: & Bevo HIE? Wo zheio Ar Bere e @ Listening: True or false. E9oa-04 Qo Reading. 1G zal zhdo shénme ne? 5. A: fh HE BR A 9? XThuan n& yi ge? 6. A: BK HBT? Wi, qing wén ZhGng Idoshi zai ma? 7. A: I, i fal ok 2M Ze 1? WO kéyi 26 zhér ma? 8. As BE AYLA A ILI? Rang wo kankan, ik AA. WS yo nage héngsé de. :REBS AB H. Ta qd paobi le. : fd: Ha TS keyi, ging zus. : AYA, ff A. PSX) ZBichi jige. * BEL. miantiaor WAIL noodles soz 4%-F Chinese dumplin: Key Sentences Brau, Have some more. \ x ia WO zul Gi cht soz hinese ch dlings the best. ¥ 2 more. 8 th ingty FUR. & S| jo think #866 togive 4k again #t—*. full (after eating) A467. Bingo: Prepare the 3 x 3 bingo sheets. The teacher says the words and the students circle the right one on the sheets. Shout “Bingo” when you get 3 in arow. gs 4S WK TRF, ni xing chi ma? We 2B tH? g cht, wo zu g8i ni, et \| nGinal 2u6 de jidozi Y DW BANE = FY Z0i chi ji ge. FLL, 8021 tdi Mochi le! APR BAT! < eh Bchile, tdi buo be. ROT, Kio Tf ' What do you want to eat most when you're hungry? How much/many can you eat? Whose cooking do you like best in your family? } 24 Art Lt. Have some more. ERA RS af 5 W6 zul dichT RRR 1 - proce name Pa = choice) PORTE £295.03 WS 8 le, chijiéori RRT, "ERT. NI@ le, chishénme? HIRT, PETA? Wifen mléntior wo 2d, RARER ILARR, 02 Goal yé xThuan BF OF LEK. ni’ Zdi chi yi ge éoziba? de: FE MAF PC? nén alchile, taibaole! RET, KUT! * 2 Food monopoly Youneed: 5 VF cards, 5 iH/JL cards, 5 KK cards and a dice Take turns to roll the dice and follow the instructions. Whoever owns the most cards at the end wins. At AR. Your\ a Move 3 opponent will — \ more steps / pick up a candy CLervara [of teh” WRT» You will ‘miss a round. 3 ee Sayasentence | | with “ARE \ and you | can pick up a card. one card. | BILAN, Have some more. Q@ Listening. © b5.05 h&n h&ocht tai sho le yansé bo hGokGn 1. A AR IE BAST CRE KR HE tdiré le tai bao le tai hdo le 2. A KAT BAHT CKET nant pinggud xiGingjiGo 3. A PDS BHR C RR shud Zain yigi wan huiiG qa 4. A BE EL B ig bt CHAS oO Reading. c D Wémen é le, kyl chi ma? Kéyi. 5. A: RAT RT, ATLA we mg? B: ATL Gini, Xiéxie. 6. A: AF fo B: i 7G zi ji niGryi? Nin rang wé xiGingxiang. 7. A: fete SLAP? ik RH RB. Zai chi yi ge! WO chT bio le, bi chile. 8. A: Fiz —4! B: & me WT, AMT. 27 RAL A TF o I can put it on by myself. Key Sentences —— WS bangni, hao bu ho? © & AB Ak, 4E 2% 442 Cant help you? WS néng ZIjI chun. + & 4642 ¥F. |canputit on by myself. pang ho ae (34) tohelp ait. : ¥ an ee to wear, to put on FRM, FE rate voto oneself A2¥, RAS Treasure seeker: One student tries to find the hidden flash cards in the classroom and .e or she is looking for it. When he or she gets closer other students say the word while h to the flash card, other students raise their voices, otherwise, lower their voi ices. REA LF, A Repu er oe a Méimel, qichuGng le! W6 bang | th, RT Ra ni chuGn yifu, ho bu ho? th FE RR, HER A? EOD 4295.00 ? Bd, eo néng zi chuan. mer, AMACF, s im" rr sa see ~ Question $RIRLEWE UE FF ib SF ACHRIS? = Ze € ;_—_8 ASE at Zz (C (se Jide = | | — eae pee sit ‘ ig _ dada, tea |) li fa cepa ca BUnéng, WE de x6 HE AIBIL? Rie, agye ) . da, ni de}jdo xido, | SK, Hag os. xy aE BIE Standard Course oA. - Xiexie, WS zi KSyl. if BOTA, Ba néng, + BR te. aa i zhudzi xiabian. "RA File WS nena Aaa, 1 Use "Ase 8 San! or “RAGE AZ. | - | | HEAD F FRo + the pictures. You can write your sentences in pinyin. | HOF | can put it on by mysetr 900-03 WO 2@i chuGn xié ne! KE F HUE) “Wal wd yGo qi pSobi, ni xing RK, ASA WH, te h8w6 yial gd ma? I teelemar E 357%? — HGo, w0 qi zhi RA RAK |b — LO bGng ni chuan, Hy Xxiao shenmer ; Ra te OF, TRAE HA? 5 hGo bu hao? 241 shuijidio ma? BT HR AF? o i BW 23) chuan xé ne! fe | 80, wnéngazili chun, RRA F, {. What would you say when you want to offer help to others? 2. Offer your help to your teacher or friends today. o Listening: True or false. 06-04 Qo Reading. 5. B: 6. &: 1. iB: 8. a: NT kanjian w0 de xi6 le ma? BW RMT? a tai Ag BR Qlchudng le, 14), chuGn fu, He TR, HC ) AR. shui yt Ak BK NI6 shél yiqi qd? ARAL fe iB? zi bai AB BA Ni bang wd chuGn ma? KC. RH MB? rang néng Aik B ft Zi yizi a: EF ( ian, ) We xia cr Mama, w® if chuan. H: 18, RAC FH. nt ck wo iia. Ke: HK ( ) Bae A ca NF zif chudn. B: WAS H 0 cM + ARR! Tied Happy birthday! Key Sentences Women g&i mama zu yi ge dangdo ba. ° BUN 4% 3345 M4 EA vB, Let's make a cake for mom. WO bG hui zud d&ngGo, danshi w hui hud dangao. RE th EAL, 1224 2 B HAR, I don't know how to make a cake, but | know how to draw a cake. shénge ALA | birthday 444 8 song & to give (a giff) 4k—A4L4n for, to S434 REAR, Hotes AT BIE (used at the end of a sentence to indicate a mild suggestion) ire, re. Pair work. Student A suggests | danshi_| ut, however 2k MaEHESF rE, student B do something, but student = #2@2E fy e ap ge B shall try to find reasons for why not kuaile tRiR | happy 2H! sep ree J Standard Course ‘07-02 [J ington shi mama de shéngfi WA ZX 44h EA, Women song td shénme wi? BAT 38 de HALA? val eee? \ BAY 2 4595 Hk yi ge d&ngo ba, ¥ —S EHS, ry po) te danshi wd , ER | hui hud dangGo. BY Nihui2ud dangco ma? pte ae Se EH. | the ce we 1A Ue & tk BAL B? ue tion $838 OBIS? Tai pidoliang le, —_xiexie. Ki T, tog Mama, shéngtl kya! Zh@ shi 2, SARK! RR wimen song nin de hud. BUT 18 89 7E, Mama, xianzdi_kéyi chi dango ma? PB, LAT vk A eo vas I eestion mmm egtataae 7 4241492 . How do you celebrate birthdays in your family? } What are your suggestions on how to celebrate a friend's birthday? | Let's sing aya Shéngri kudilé g& 8 RRR Zhi ni shéngri kudilé, PUR EA eR, zhi ni shéngri kuGid, uk AA RR, 2h mGma shéngri kuGilé, Fe 4h OR BOR, zhi ni maitiGn kuaile! PUNE BRA! Customs of birthday chéngshoumian shir shéngxido kaw : THAR longevity noodles 12 chinese zodiac shdu bi nnshan Ae ve ly baby draw lots may you age be as high as the southem mountain aA) & Let’s draw and compare What are the similarities and differences in birthday | celebrations between your country and China? ZARA! Hoppy bithday e Listening. dangao hua hua 1A Bite BE Cc i bie méi chi bdo xing chi dangGo- 2. A AIR Bw te tl CM ite BEE sGn hao si hao. JintiGn 3A = 8 BM COR bo kuaiie song liwi je hé xiGo gdu w&n ie 4. A BK Be FLHT ch) f HT © Reading. Ce Ff & 2% Zénme le? BU hgochT? 5. A: BA 7? A be? WO xiting chi shuigud dango. B: RH A me KR BAR Zhé shi sh€i sng ni de shéngHi Mw? 6. A: ik HE HEE ik 1 AEA +L? Women bain téngxué B: Fei] BE Ia Zhé ge dangdo 251 n&r mai de? Zhén hdochi. 7. eS RE EMULE i? FE ne, BG shi m&i de. Shi wd néinal zl 2u8 de. Bs DEIN. HR WASH 1. Rang wo kankan, zhé shi shénme liwil? 8. A: ik R BB, XB He LH? Bd, zhé shi yéye gél wo mal de, A, IE BF MRE FET. RST) It's snowing. Key Sentences \Waimian hén léng ba? + 9h 4K 4% °&? It's very cold outside, isn't it? Bié chUqu p&obd le. | + 3] xh x84 T . Don't go out jogging. xiv ~ 9 to rain ting ¥F& to snow "FF to listen U | Penny bank: The teacher hands out | woe | the penny bank paper (with words $b ta | Oulside A shim | onit) to all students and says the a | Words. The students color the penny yi togo/come out 4, HA | banks with words they hear. The = | 1 tudentwhogets } a don’t #1°é, #138 | the most of the | eaeaal | penny bank ! Heil, | homework fee | colored wins. } TainGole, —w0 zui xThuan xiaxus le. AH, AR GK TET oe Wwaimian hén léng ba? Shi ik Ye ve? ni By warmion weve te. or, shia FT, | nT hGi qu p&obt ma? MEL BY 7H? He, AE? | Bié chUqu p&obi Ie, BA WHT, bang wé zud zudyé ba! RAE kre! pea = . Question: SB5BARLEVANA RITZ ? * What kind of weather do you like best? | | What is the weather like today? ALES atid | Choose the word that matches the picture and write down the pinyin, character or _ | humber. Then choose one of them and use it to say a sentence with “*&” or “3”. | eg KOT, AGH T. (BHARST, HRP. ‘ limian ng chlai_ == chiqu 6 waimian [2m 2 BHR at TA Cobo rs b8-03 B8ying vaxcB dtm 2D Qiyud de Bing, xayu fo. 7A Wa, FT. eK Siyué de B&ling, guaféng le. 4A hae, HAT. Ing, biléng y8 ba 1é 10 A abe, KR ALA xiaxué le FET. ETT 42% 8.04 Waimian waimian xixus le, xopéngySumen piishdu xido, a sh FET, bMA te R. Dut ge xuérén 2u6 péngyou, kankan shéi de g8zi gdo. JENGA th MA, Am RATA XuSrén xusrén ni bis poo, w Idi gi ni dai héngmao, SA SAMA HH, RRM Act, 221 2u0 yi ge chéng bizl, ling zhi yanjing zhén ba xido. FR-S KHF, BRR AKA XuBrén xUBrEn kGi ku xIGo,_xIn péngyoumnen,_nimen ho! BA SAR OR, H MAN, Hii HF! VOT Ein. @iistening. © “8.05 mea ® | eo Reading. Waimian le, w& bi xing qiile. 5. B: Mii )T, RA MET. WO y bG qi le. K: RBRAET? shudhua chtial xcous A iis BK Cre Qing wén, Bai lGoshi 241 ma? 6. B: WE fal, A ei Ze my? kK: ¢ de ba kéqi tae le t0 chiqule AREER B hei Ty C th HT xidyii le, ni hai qa pSobu ma? 7. B: ( FMT. Hi K Hse mye 6. K: Ko limian taiyang waimian A Sift B KPA C SME Jintion méiySu women chUqu wanr ba. 8.8: SR BA ( ), Fe We SULA, | Danshi we yOu. Kk: GE RA. zudyé yandéng waimian A ffl B iam C Sb 42 A&E AE ! — Smile! Key Sentences Shénme dongxi did le? | * 44 RB ZT? Whatis losi? XiGo yi xiGo! | "ROR! G “Antonyms” game: The teacher says a word and the students who have the opposite word (antonym) shall show the card and say it aloud. eg. X-K koh ROE T—RORET Shénme déngxi didi le? San £27. oy Ek ROE? oe : we o: ; - Question PRIA? BIG kG, women BIR, B41 yial zhdo yi zhao. -#BR-R, Tai hao le! Zhdodao le, KAT! KA) T, xiGo yi xidio ba! R-Kre! ps ery Bie kale. WRT» : oA Shénme déngxi did le? a He Re ET? ° iB Women zhao yi zhdo. 3. Gd mem 1G | ED 290.03 XiGo xiOngmGo, qU xuéxido, gaogGoxingxing p&o you tido, ay feb, FPR, HBR 1 TH, Ay JiandGo Gosh wen nin héio, 2U9 x18 nd chil xidio shibao. RS) BNP] , RE Hu ob Ha. vir a2 ShO 8 qiGnbT dou did Ie, _dongxi did fe zhdo bu do. HOGER ET, AGT RA A. BIS ki BIE KO nf bI6 KO, women bing nT zh&o yi zhdo. RRA RAR, AAT A AR BR HK. 7nBoddo le, zh’od’o le, hve péngyoumen haha xiGo. RS) T, RST, HH MAM BOER. K#! A smile! WO de xiéngmdo aid fe, of AT. Xio yi xiao. WO zhGodiés le! RRS) T! Didi did le BRET << Ra Bié zhdoff. wo bGng nf zhao yi zhdo, ymGo, nizénme kG le? i, EAR TI us 2

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