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4:12 4 Brakes – O il lter brake system

4.3.2 Oil lter brake system

Oil lter brake system, general
See Oil lter brake system, description, page 4:48.

4.3.3 Accumulator charging valve

Accumulator charging valve, description
The accumulator charging valve distributes t he oil from the pump
between pressure storage and cooling of t he wheel brakes. The
accumulator charging valve is tted on the beam in front of the
transmission in t he engine compartment.

The accumulator charging valve st ores pressure by directing the oil to

the accumulators. The wheel brakes are cooled by oil being directed to
the drive axle cooling circuit and then on to the brake system's cooler.

The accumulator charging valve prioritises charging of the accumulators

above cooling. A restrict ion of the charging means that a small quantity
of oil also ows to cooling during accumulator charging. At idle the ow
from the pump is so small that all oil ows to pressure storage.

The drain valve (position 5) is used to relieve the pressure in the

accumulators to the tank. The valve opens a connection between the
accumulators and the wheel brake's cooling circuit. The oil is drained
through the wheel brake to the tank.

There is a measuring outlet for measuring the pump pressure (position

11) and accumulator pressure (position 12) on the accumulator
charging valve. The pressures are individual to each machine and
the values are speci ed on the pressure plate on the left -hand frame
member, see Common hydraulics, description, page 10:3. Also tted
1. Connection, parking brake caliper (HB) on the accumulator charging valve is Solenoid valve parking brake
(Y6420) (position 13), Sensor parking brake (B7682) (position 2) and
2. Sensor parking brake (B7682) (LB)
Sensor accumulator pressure (B7683) (position 4).
3. Connection, accumulators (ACC)
• Solenoid valve parking brake, description , page 4:33
4. Accumulator pressure sensor (B7683)
• Accumulator pressure sensor, description, page 4:24
5. Drain valve
• Sensor parking brake pressure, description, page 4:36
6. Pressure relief valve
7. Main valve, charging
8. Safety valve
9. Connection from pump (P)
10. Connection, wheel brake (T)
11. Measuring outlet, pump pressure (P)
12. Measuring outlet, accumulat or pressure (M)
13. Solenoid valve parking brake (Y6420)
14. Connection, brake valve (B)

VDRU01.01GB Workshop Manual DRU 450

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