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Getting People’s Attention and


There are numerous ways that you can get people’s attention and interrupting
a conversation.

These are some of the following phrases of :

Getting Someone’s Attention Response

More Pardon me, sir. Yes? What can I do for you?
Formal Excuse me , ma’am.
Oh Miss?
Sir? Yes? (Can I help you?)
(cough) Yes?
Less (clear throat) Yes?
Formal Hey, Mark. Yeah?

Rude Hey you! (in most cases you will not

Hey! any responses)

Interrupting A Conversation Response

More Pardon me, but…. How can I help?

Formal Pardon the interruption, but….
I’m sorry to interrupt you, but….
I don’t want to interrupt you, but… It’s all right. What can I do for
I hate to interrupt, but…. you?
I’m sorry, but…. It’s OK
Excuse me, but…
Less Oh, were you in the middle of something? No. It’s all right.
Formal Am I interrupting?

Interactional Speech I Page 1

Interrupting An Overheard Conversation Response
More excuse me, but …( I think you want Oh, thanks.
Formal the 18th floor, not the 28th ) Oh , thank you for your help.
I’d like to say something, if you Please do.
don’t mind. Go right ahead.
It’s none of my business, but…
Do you mind if I say something I’m all ears.
I’m listening.
Less Excuse me, but….
Formal Can I butt in here? Sure.


Dialogue A

(Mark stops at Mr. Filan’s open office door and knocks.)

Mark : Mr. Filan?

Mr. Filan : Yes?
Mark : Excuse me , I don’t want to interrupt you…
Mr. Filan : No, no. It’s quite all right. How can I help you?
Mark : Well, I’d just like to ask you to sign a permission slip to take
that course on linguistic you’re teaching next term. Would that
be all right? (he gives Mr. Filan the slip)
Mr. Filan : Of course , Mark. Actually ,I’m glad you decided to take it.
Mark : Thank you. It sounds like an interesting course.
Mr. Filan : I’m glad you think so. There you are.
Mark : Thank you very much. Good –bye , Mr. Filan.
Mr.Filan : Good –bye, Mark.

Dialogue B

Betty : …and you know what? He said that he loves me!!!!

Gill : Really? That’s so sweet!
Karjo : Excuse me, but I could ask you a quick question?
Betty : Sure. What is it?
Karjo : Should I press the green button to switch on the TV?
Betty : Yes…
Karjo : Thanks a lot.
Gill : Sure. (to Betty) Then what happened next???

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