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Running head: IN-CLASS ACTIVITY 3 1

In-class activity 3

Malika Gabbidon and Ramshah Khan

Sheridan college

1. Name of ice breaker: One letter fits all

2. purpose/objective: For group members to increase self-esteem by acknowledging the

positive traits that are in each other. Activity will take place in person.

3. Time needed: 10 minutes.

4. Materials needed: paper, pencil/pen, a timer and a box filled with letter (folded paper)

5. Detail instructions:

- Divide the group into 2 teams and ask each team to write down on one piece of

paper all the names of the people on the other team

- Once all the names are written down, pick a letter of the alphabet from the box

- Tell the other team what letter was picked and and everyone has 10 minutes to

work as a team to think of positive words beginning with the chosen letter that

describes each person

- Example: If a group gets the letter A and Steve, Jen and Peter are on the list my

team may come up with: steve: Ambitious, Jen: amazing, Peter: awesome

- Once time is up each group will read what they have out loud

6. Why do you think this activity is appropriate for your proposed group?: This

activity is appropriate because we support newcomers with their self-esteem. This game

helps build self-esteem as they see how others may perceive them. It also helps promote a

positive perspective on how they see themselves. The traits chosen can be turned into

affirmations that each member can say while looking in the mirror at home.

7. Does your icebreaker promote inclusion?how?consider mobility, literacy, cognitive

level, language, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion etc.: This activity

promotes inclusion because we are getting the group members to only describe each other

with positive traits another individual possesses. Through this we are leaving any biases

or discrimation at the door as we describe each other within instead of physically. This

game makes everyone feel good about themselves.

Question: How do you feel about the words that were chosen to describe you?

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