Weather Forecast Script: News Reporter: Here Is The Weather

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News Reporter: Here is the weather

Weather reporter: Hi I’m Blaze Welcome to the

weather forecast. Now let’s see what the weather is like
today. In the north of the country it’s very windy and
cold. There is a chance of some rain too, so don’t leave
home without umbrella! The temperature is around 10
degree centigrade. In the east it’s rainy all day today , I’m
afraid. There may be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.
The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13 degree. In
the west middle of the country the weather is dry, but
cloudy. So no more rain for you, but it is quite windy and
the temperature is just 10 degree. South of the country
has the best weather today. It’s cloudy most of the time
but sunny thus afternoon. The temperature is around 15
degree. I’m Blaze Babia and That’s your weather forecast


I was weary and slept on the peak;

The air clung close like a shroud,
And ever the blue- fly’s buzz in my ear
Hung haunting and hot and loud;
I woke and the sky was dun
With awe and a dread that soon
Went shuddering thro my heart, for I knew
That it meant typhoon! typhoon!

In the harbour below, far down,

The junks like fowl in a flock
Were tossing in wingless terror, or field
Fluttering in the from the shock.
The city, a breathless bend
Of roofs, by the water strewn,
Lay silent and waiting, yet there was none
Within it but said typhoon!

Then it came, like a million winds

Gone mad immeasurably,
A torrid and tortous tempest stung
By rape of the fair South sea,
And it swept like a scud escaped\
From craters of sun or moon,
And struck as no power of Heaven could,
Or hell- typhoon! typhoon!

And the junks were smitten and torn,

The drowning struggled and cried ,
Or, dashed on the granite walls of the sea,
In surccourless hundreds died.
Till I shut the sight from eyes
And prayed for my soul to swoon:
If ever I see God’s face, let it
Be the guiltless of that typhoon!
Warning/ signages During Rainfalls

- This road may have a water during Rainfall so you should

be careful in this road during rain days.

Warning/ signages During Earthquake

- This is an unreinforced masonry building. You may not be

safe Inside or near unreinforced masonry buildings During
an earthquake.
Warning/ signages During Tsunami

- In case of strong earthquake shaking, unusual ocean

Behavior on noise I move to high around and/or inland
Following evacuation routes were present wait for Official
all- clear.

Warning/ signages during flashflood

- Be alert, water may rise without warning, fast moving

water may result in serious injury or death.
Epicenter is the point earth’s surface that is directly
above the focus, the point where an earthquake or
underground explosion originates.

Focus is the point on the fault where rupture occurs and the
location from which seismic waves are released.

If and Then typhoon signage

- If I’m going listen to the radio then I will know what
is the weather today and or there is a typhoon
coming to our place.

- If there is a typhoon coming to your place then you

need to prepare what you needed the most and
important things during typhoon.

- If the radio says stay at home during the typhoon

then you need to stay at home to avoid the
- If the radio says who lives near to the sea is needed
to evacuate in a high and safe place because the
water is getting higher then if you live near to the
sea you need to evacuate directly.

- During the earthquake if there is a signs/warnings

that don’t go to this place when earthquake
happens because It’s unreinforced building then
your not going to go there because It’s un safe.

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