Solucionario Dinamica 10 Edicion Russel Hibbeler

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1A A biota from rest and ater aetng along a sraight path a distance of 20” reaches f 30 km/h, Determine his acsleraton if ts conan, Als, how ong docs it ake to reach he speed of 50 keh 12-2, A carstarts from rest and reaches a speed of 80 fus after traveling 500 ft along a straight road. Determine its ‘constant acceleration and the time of travel 12-3. A baseball is thrown downward from a SO-ft tower with an initial speed of 18 fs. Determine the speed at which it hits the ground and the time of travel. n= some + a0 wavte2a 9 35" = 04 2400-0) ume ae asa 0+ 1740 Wed eten a (0 = 0+ 24 (500-0) w= 0+ 6a tense “ane Wade aqenn af = an + 2¢22900- Yess sn Am rene sae 8+ 32200 *12-4. A particle travels along a straight line such that in 2 sit moves from an initial position s4 = +0.5 m toa Position s» = ~1.5 m. Then in another 4' it moves from nape Sa t0 sc = 425m. Determine the particle's average 7! @wlacieet(se~ 4) = 2m velocity and average speed during the 6 time interval. hed due ead (05 + 15+ 154-25) « 6m ee ‘Tal ine eave 2 + 4) = 68 = 2 ver? 220mm kw wwednten fee 12-8. Traveling with an initial speed of 70 knvh, a car ee Accelerates at 6000 km/h along astraight road. How long 120-7 cary will it take to reach a speed of 120 knv/h? Also, through what distance does the car travel during this time? $4000 w= 308 nS Peds reann (12 = 1 + ae000)¢2-0) 5072 m= He a 126. A freight train travels at v= 60(1 — e*) fs, where 1 is the elapsed time in seconds. Determine the distance traveled in three seconds, and the acceleration a Sa os a an Beary Prob, 1246 an Oe = 29996 ane 12-7. The position of a particle along a straight line is given by s = (13 — 91? + 154) ft, where ¢ is in seconds. Determine its maximum acceleration and maximum velo- ty during the time interval 0 <1 = 10s, po +15 ds ap Hse liwsis a a ea aws Aryan = 6(10) ~ 18 Ans eae Coeur whe SUF — 1810) + 18= 1351s Ans *12-8. From approximately what floor ofa building must car be dropped from an at-rest position so that it reaches a speed of 80.7 fls (55 mifh) when it hits the ground? Each floor is 12 ft higher than the one below it, (Note: ‘You may want to remember this when traveling 55 mish.) GY Pa +2et— a 897" =0+202.2)¢-0) #10113 f W113 _ 5 45 ‘ot oon = 1 ‘The car ust be dropped from the th oor. Ans 12.9. A car is to be hoisted by elevator to the fourth floor of a parking garage, which is 48 ft above the ground, If the elevator can accelerate at 0.6 fUs, decelerate at 0.3 fils, and reach a maximum speed of 8 fs, determine the shortest time to make the lift, starting from rest and fending at rest. tte Fee iP + Dates) +2061 —0) Bay $200.38 = 9) = 0) 2y ~ 06148 ~ ») 382 fs < 8 Ws 160 tae = 12-10, A particle travels in a straight line such that for a short time 28 165 its motion is described by v= (4/a) ft/s, where a is in fY/s?. It » = 6 fk/s when ', determine the particle's acceleration when ¢ = 3s. -weare Pa arem [Att = 36 chosing te pete rot + x oem? ans I2AL The acceleration of a particle as it moves along 8 straight line is given by a = (2r ~ 1) my/s?, where ¢is in seconds Ifs = 1 mand v = 2 m/s whens = 0, determine the particle's velocity and position when 1 = 6s. Also, ee determine the total distance the particle travels during this time period. faefiarnne Mare fie-eene pelea }teaes vesams au forrs am da er-i= 66m Aa 12.12. When a train is traveling along a straight track at 2 mus, it begins to accelerate at a = (60) m/s', where vis in m/s, Determine its velocity ¥ and the position 3s after the acceleration Prob, 12-12, 12-13, ‘The position of a particle along a straight line is siven by s = (15° ~ 1357 + 2251) ft, where ¢ is ‘seconds. Determine the position of the particle when t = 65 and the total distance it travels during the 6-3 time interval. Hint Plot the path to determine the total distance traveled. ‘Postion Tse posion ofthe parce when = 648 Fagg *15(6) ~18.5(61) 422.5(6 82708 Ane ‘Total Distance Trav led: The voc of the pace cn be deeined by wppting By. 12—1. 4.50 -27.04225 ‘The tines when he pari stops are 4302-2700022.5=0 fal wd teSe ‘The positon of te paricieatr= 0s, Le 1085 #6 aay #1.5(08)~13 (0) +22.5(0)=0 day #13()-135(18) 422501) «1058 15(3)-135(s') 22515-3750 From the pais's path, he wa dtr is Ao: * 10.54.4804 105469.08 Ane wO) vatsme=3930 fos arn odo OT st SHER SH 50 Suohe L165 tees ho tals 2-14. The position of a particle on a straight line is given by s= (0 — 9+ 189 ft, where is the position of the particle when listance it travels during the 6-8 time interv Hint: Plot the path to determine the total distance traveled. IZAS. A particle travels to the right along a straight line with a velocity » = [5/(4 + s)] m/s, where sis in meters Determine its position whens = 6 sifs = 5 mwhens = 0, *IZ16. A particle travels to the right along a straight line with a velocity v = [5/(4 + s)} m/s, where s is in meters. Determine its deceleration when 5 seh -9P +18 ye0 when te sandinSs ta, s00 rely s278 taSu east tabu a-1f Am sp2T47425¢@5-10) 6468 Ame | Sarna ise seas? 08654 wate se aoe ns0 Saving forte pekive rot pate kw sae wa wales 2 12-17. Two particles A and B start from rest atthe origin 5 =O and move along a straight line such that a4 = (6? — 3) fils? and ag = (121? — 8) fuS*, where ¢ is in seconds. Determine the distance between them when 1 = 4 s and the total distance each has traveled in r s Velocity: The velocity of particles A and B can be determine using Eq 122 dey sand [feu [oo yada ‘The times when particle 4 stops are 32 -5=0 r= Osan = ‘The times when particle B stops are 48-120 = 0sandr= vie Postion: The position of panicles 4 and B can be detenmine using Bq. 121. sy = vad [ane [or—aoar 3 dsp = bpd tue fae wn Bae Tsand 4s are 0.500 5y=-80R S=0 tevis ta0s Particle A has traveled dy =205)+40.0= 41.080 Ans ‘The postions of panicle # sts = V3s and 4s are BY ASB m= 4 elas saline =) — 407? = 192-8 Particle B has travel dy =24)+ 192 =200 f Ans ALE = 45. the distance botween A and 2 is Asyp = 192 40= 15241 Ans 32-18. A car starts from rest and moves along a straight, line with an acceleration of a = (3s""9) m/s*, where s is in meters. Determine the car's acceleration when t= 4 5. shies Qapt=2e=26m hgg = 302.6275 = 1,06 /s? Ane 12:19. A stone A is dropped from rest down a wel, and 1 in 1 another stone B is dropped trom rest, Determine steeatniefa? the distance between the stones another second later. n.2020¢ Jeane neman tenor 0s donne? nie aon ete s61e ae "12-20, A stone A is dropped from rest down a well, and | in 1's another stone B is dropped from rest. Determine | the time interval between the instant A strikes the water | and the instant B strikes the water. Also, at what speed | 1 cropped one second er A, 3 at do they srke the water? arte km shasmonsedee t= 0404 taaayey tera sbeensas y= 0+ m2a2291) vaTaen ame Aa, u Vee ge f= oF + 2682.29 vemsae Ane 12.21. A particle travels in a straight line with sone accelerated motion such that a = ks, where s is the ats va tance from the starting point and k isa proportionality, too constant which is to be determined. For s = 2t the tM stem Siva velocity is 4 us, and for s = 35 ft the velocity is 10 fus. What is s when » = 02 Sar=35% ye 10%, Tank * -1018 = 10264 ane Wren = 0 vena 12-22, The acceleration of a rocket traveling upward is given by a= (6 + 0.02s) m/s*, where 5 is in meters Determine the rocket’s velocity when s = 2 km and the time needed to reach this altitude. Initially, » = 0 and = 0 when t = 0, [ravamnes fra sesame = woe = 2000 vemms A : Igoe MTOR + 11+ sar= 200m a3 an 12-23, The acceleration of a rocket traveling upward is given by a= (6 + 002s) m/s’, where s is in meters. Determine the time needed for the rocket to reach an altitude of s = 100m. Initially, © = 0 and s = 0 when r=. ve rome fave a Jaren "1224 At r= 0 bullet A is fired vertically with an initial (muzzle) velocity of 450 m/s. When 1 = 3, bullet B is fired upward with a muzzle velocity of 600 mis. Determine the time f, after A is fired, as to when bullet B passes bullet A. At what altitude does this occur? "12-25. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of a= $/(3s" + 3°) m/s, where s is in ‘meters, Determine the particle's velocity when ¢ = 2m, i it starts from rest when $= 1 m. Use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral 1226, Ball A is released from rest at a height of 40 ft at the same time that a second ball B is thrown upward ' ft from the ground. Ifthe balls pass one another at a height of 20 ft, determine the speed at which ball B was thrown upward, PT = de #8 +hae pewor etre oom? staal jae fy = 0+ OME 3) + HeBEME-37 Rogues, = * 4s01~ 49087 = 6004 1800 ~ 49051 + 29491 - 64145 se au wa adavav Sarah asstely vel2om/s Ane reat Dem teereda? meosorgorn? Den teatede? se o+eyc1aido e fos2ay L146? bess am a 912-27. A projectile, initially at the origin, moves vertically downward along a straight-line path through a vases” fluid medium such that its velocity is defined as v= 3(8e" +1)! m/s, where £ is in seconds. Plot the Position s of the projectile during the fist 2 s. Use the sng He Rasee-Kona neo Runge-Kutta method to evaluate s with incremental values of h = 0.25 5. "12:28 The acceleration of a particle along a straight line is defined by a = (2¢ ~ 9) m/s, where risin seconds. At r= 0, s=1m and v= 10m/s, When 1 = 95, ‘determine (a) the particle's position, (b) the total distance traveled, and (c) the velocity anm-9 na vetoe P91 eel veh 91410 A. ashe [fare fe -s9 198 Je -ase sor se Paes? stored Note weeny = 097994100 fe 1286 and = 17018 Wat = 77014, 2 -3608m Womte9, re -m50m @ pe-msm Am 0) fg = (ADD #713 + 3665 + 3668 - 3050) tr =$60m me (@ y=wm Aw 1229. A particle is moving along a straight line such that when itis atthe origin ithasa velocity of 4 mys. Ifit begins to decelerate at the rate of a = (1.50!) m/s?, where v is in m/s, determine the distance it travels before it stops. ea-o98tan fae [a-ene' ae oseosast) a sucisevoune® enh (epee \ ona-a7e snes ta2ear © 42. 667)~1 502.667} +0,1875(2.667) 3.56 Ane 12,30. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of a = 5/(3s43 + 5°) mst, where s is in meters. Determine the particle's velocity when s = 2m, if it starts from rest when s = 1m, Use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral wa adsnvdv Seite 1 osssiely ye129mie Ane 12:31. Determine the time required for a car to travel 1 kn along a road ifthe car starts from rest, reaches a ‘maximum speed at some intermediate point, and then sops at the end of the road. The car can accelerate at 1.5/8? and decelerate at 2 m/s. lng format of conan: 1000-1384 = 2g - 8 weiss a= had ese On m 2h ee ee SM cota ei fetta nea seisd f= mas 34 = 276056 ene aman kw 12-32, When two cars A and B are next to one another, they are traveling in the same direction with speeds v4 and vg, respectively. If B maintains its constant speed, while A begins to decelerate at a, determine the distance d between the cars at the instant A stops. Motion ech veya Oem -at wevberqe-s) Om rh -aNe4-) aah aa, eon 08 APs] 12.3. If the effects of atmospheric resistance are [accounted for, freely falling body has an acceleration defined by the equation a ~ 98i[1 ~ v*(10-*)} m/s*, ‘where vis in m/s and the postive direction is downward. tthe body is released from rest ata very high atiude, determine (a) the velodty when = 5 sand (b) the body's terminal or maximum attainable velocity (as > =) w eeSean(i 200) [pte fener © mG + )=(.si(107)) @ [ esaico): = toounk(9.81(10%)¢9) = 100 wah(0 4005) =48.Sm/s Ame ©) From, @, wit, y= 100m == 100m/s Ane 12-34, As a body is projected to a high altitude above the earth's surface, the variation of the acceleration of gravity with respect to altitude y must be taken into Srcount, Neglecting air resistance, this acceleration is Gerermined from the formula a= ~gli@/(R + yF) sehere go isthe constant gravitational acceleration at sea evel, Ris the radius of the earth, and the positive rection is measured upward. If gy = 9.81 m/s? and R = 16356 km, determine the minimum initial velocity (escape Velocity) at which a projectile should be shot vertically Trom the earth’s surface so that it does not fall back to the earth, Hin: This requires that = 03s y > ®. ve ne tt (in be we a of at a0! olla MGS) 7" sofn( 0222) mi] =o. When 1258, uae, oo om 22667 i 10047=266.7-2.6679 166.7 va WBZ aas.smre Ame = VIS RTETHTOP 11167 mem 12k Ane 12.35, Accounting for the variation of acceleration a with respect to altitude y (see Prob. 12-34), Serive an equation that relates the velocity of a freely falling particle to its altitude, Assume that the particle is released from rest at an altitude y from the earth’s Surface. With what velocity does the particle strike the ‘earth fit is released from rest at an altitude yo = 500 km? Use the numerical data in Prob. 12-34 From Prob, 12-34, on ee -aghe OD ss -aghs Sine gay = va en "42.36, When a partic falls Ubrough the a its initial fccceration a= diminishes until it is zero, and thereafter it falls ata constant of terminal velocity 1. It this variation ofthe acceleration canbe expressed as @ GiedNer~ v?). determine the time needed for the Serocity to become v < 0. Initially the particle falls trom When yy = S00 km, y= 0, €386(10'y|_ OOOO Bsesse+ soo; v= -2016 m/s 3.02 km/s Ane 1237. An airplane starts (rom rest, travels 5000 ft down a runway, and after uniform acceleration, takes off with ‘a speed of 162 mi/h. It then climbs ina straight line with ‘uniform acceleration of 3 ft/s® until it reaches a constant speed of 220 mi/h. Draw the s-1, vf, and a+ graphs that describe the motion. nao tim sm ve Cae Weds 2atn—4) eno? = 6 + xqs0-0) sd = seis . sue nena eo ans = 0+ sass 4 tapes wth, wm UN S008 ean vs = 205 goat m a Bed s2e-a care tay cen? = a9" + 218 500, es) p= nsaue as wentat : +0 mae + 276431 ae 70k tats 12,38. The clevator starts from rest atthe first floor of the building. It can accelerate at 5fy/s? and then | decelerate at 2 ft/s’. Determine the shortest time it takes toreach a floor 40 ft above the ground. The elevator starts ‘from rest and then stops. Draw the a-, »-,and s-t graphs for the motion. 408 Henan 0455 stensar = mu = 25 = Oy, stay en nts ted bn 002 Lene) « 259 TO be OF aah HOVE Tavis aae-a9 a an = 0+ 25KK-0) the 108 Om wha + H-2KH0-m) Wa = 10-48 To, 10h 160-0 Aa naon Yan = 1008 te per 4 = 53450 pen ey tate a ye) vate toa: 1239, A freight train starts from rest and travels with 8 constant acceleration of O5 ft/s? After a time fit ‘maintains a constant speed so that when ¢ = 160 sit has traveled 2000 ft, Determine the time and draw the ‘raph for the motion, ‘Total Distance Traveled : Toe dstence for prone ofthe motion can be ‘lad to tenet =” by aplyng By, 12—5 wih = and ty =O. o a sn s0soehaso?=oase? 1 ptoyredae “The veloc atte canbe obuine by aplying Bq 124 with Up =0. (A) vavtqreoraseose a) “Te tine fo te seoond stage of motion t= 1601 and he nin teeing contunt velokyof 0 = 057 (By 1). Ths, te distance ox this pat of motion is (3) avg 205¢060-1 =0¢-05007 etal anc tree fq," 2000, en eel 2000 = 02561774 807 -05(09? 025(¢)'~$0r'+2000=0 (Chote rotates han 1605, ten fanstser3s Ane ‘0-4 Graph : The eatin fo te veloc i given by (1), When t= 2734s,9 8050730 = 137 12-40, If the position of a particle is defined by = [2sin (7/5) + 4) m, where ris in seconds, construct the s-t:o-4,and ant graphs for 0-=¢= 108 sunk > Peashe 12-41, The v-t graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure. The acceleration and deceleration that occur are consiant and both have a magnitude of 4 m/s. Ifthe plates are spaced 200 mm apart, determine the maximum velocity tqux and the time r for the particle to travel from one plate to the other. Also draw the 5-1 graph. When ¢ = 1/2 the particle is at s = 100 mm. ante = 0mm = o1m 3 Ved +2q0-5) = 0+ 2401-0) vn = 089402 0/4 Ame feaumte am Poor, peor os ha! 12-42, The 1+ graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure, where 1’ = 0.2 and tay = 10 m/s. Draw the s+ and a-t graphs for the particle. When 1 = 1°72 the particle is at 5 = 0.5m, b$—$Snu—< ’ @ Reocre ole ane ata) Frae= fore lee sa 98 mei en t= Ot 100 pa 05m Reais craze am) v= 1001+ 20 ' a= f -10 est a oreo [oj e= Sf, cory aoe 2-05 = (50 + 201-15) be -08 +001 tee 12-48, ‘The as graph fora ep traveling alongastaight | food igen fore fist 20 of ts mation Contract oo) | | the vs graph. At s = 0,0 = = (002146) mie? 1-8 Graph : Tue funcion of voy v intems of can be obne by seplyag Uo = ar Forte interval 0 m <1 <200 m, ny [lose oats o=(0n me ew200m,———v=0100(200)=200m/6 Fert ineval200 mcr 300 m, | do ate Sindee [shir 9=( JHOGFTTE=T) als Ms=300m, vm y=DORSOOT TSO TDG = 24.5 mle ‘1244 A motorcycle starts from rest at s = 0 and travels along a straight road with the speed shown by the v-t graph. Determine the motoreycle’s acceleration and position when! = 8s ands = 12s, ane foe 0 fein +c-m9 <0 same a st ve ts ase are fre 0 = Lays) + 0-945) + Las-r0x5 - S292 5-0 = Fens) + 10-99 + Jus-10n9 - Feo 1245, An airplane lands on the straight runway originally traveling at 110 fi/s when s = 0. If itis subjected to the (Cara shad of xB. ieee S22 5t-02 12-54. A two-stage rocket is fired vertically from rest at s=0 with an acceleration as shown, After 30 s the first stage A burns out and the second stage B ignites. Plot the v-1 and s~1 graphs which describe the motion of the second stage for 0.< 1 < 60 s. For <1 < 30s =0.00333") When [[4e= [ome = 900083344 05, ve 90 mis When 1 =308, 5 = 675m For 0551 < 60s [n= [os 15 —360 When t= 608. [or= [los soe £752 — 3600 +4725 540 mis When t= 60s, ¢= 10125 m > & fo Le 1sr=30 1s) sn) y= 7512-36014 4725, 10,128 ors ti 1.008334 "12-58. The a-s graph for @ boat moving along a straight path is given. If the boat starts at s = 0 when v =O, determine its speed when it is at s = 75 ft, and 125 ff, respectively. Use Simpson’s rule with » = 100 to evaluate v at 5 = 125 ft Velocity: The velocity v in terms of s ean be obtained by applying ‘ads. For the interval 0 ft ¢s < 100 (WR) ts JOST 274 fe Ans Avs 1008, y= YTOTOOT 31.62 fs Ans For the interval 100 ft <5 = 128 ft, edu = ads Lesnar [Eo tere - 10" ]a0 actus) a Evaluating tho integal on the right using Simpson's rae, we have 2888.53 = 823 fs Ans "12-86. The jet plane starts from rest at s = 0 and is subjected to the acceleration shown. Determine the speed of the plane when it has traveled 200 ft Also, how much time is required for it to travel 200 ft? cats?) . sit on 75-015 [fede Slas-o1syar vs O=Oe ats = 2008, = VOGT = OTRO = 15500 Aas pee de 0 Tir ose = 2582 wat eye a9 Ans ie traveling song Theo gph of car wilt : i ‘had eshown Drow he tande-tgapio ore mon 19) a2 Peat alms Ay 20-20 $51520 ante OP og 4 ostss Ay _ 0-20 sts ae ER aaa Fromitev-rerphat h =Ss, m= 20s, and» =30, 5 (920) =50m 4s i ase 228A hy =5042000-5) 350m . eA sh thy = 3804130~-2900 «480m ‘Tee equations defining te portions of he +t gph ae OSSSE vets dave [dem fluids nae Ur — RSH y82G0-9; deevd [del 200- pd ener e50 12.58 A motorcyclist at A is traveling at 60 ft/s when hhe wishes to pass the truck T which is traveling at @ REastant speed of 60 ft/s To do so the motorcyclist Seeeterates at 6 fi/? until reaching a maximum speed of is /s ithe then maintains this speed, determine the time ected for him to reach a point located 100 fin front of the track, Draw the v-t and s-f graphs for the motorcycle Onde = 1654 con30" = 1432 5 ODrensae (on, = 1834 mae" + (2220406 = sas OT CRF «9200 ke 12-98, Determine the horizontal velocity v, of a tennis | i cami heir eta pittnm aoe Vertical Motion : The vertical component of inital lacy is (04), = | For etal wavel fom A w 8, tinal and fia vertical poston ae | (a), 2 7Sfiand “D 2, Ce), M00), HP | foc alt evel fom Cefn nd ver pose (), oa stnda, =O, pet 1 6D ate, Hoyer}? onrsvortenand sense “Horizonte! Motion : Toe rion component of vocky (9), = Y4- Forte bal eave rom A to B, the ea and final horizontal poston a (5), and 2, = 21, repocvely. The ie is = 4 = 0.5287. ico) te =a), HPdt +94 (0.528) | 04 = 38.72 4 39.7 fs Am Forte bal evel fom 0, te inl an fal horizontal positon are and 2, = (2142) 8, respectively. The ine =f = 0.6825 © t= Coade +(ODE 21+2=0+39.72(06025) 16118 Ane "12-96. A boy at O throws a ballin the air with a speed | 9 at an angle 6}, If he then throws another ball at the same speed ug at an angle & < 64, determine the time between the throws so the balls collide in mid air at B. | 12.97, The man at A wishes to throw two darts at the target at B so that they arrive at the same time. If each dart is thrown with a speed of 10 m/s, determine the angles 6 and 6p at which they should be thrown and the time between each throw. Note that the first dart must be thrown at dc(>@p), then the second dart is thrown at 8. Time of ihe renee 5 = 06 vp cont, 5 a Bye Orn coues @ ™ ee ct, ea, eget,” arey nna Be (dren ente dee 9 D+0% aaOnna) ~ Hed vem aa pane hoa feat renee dears sting ond sling for, = By = x = Bier etoine = ay) are, - eo) Suing to Ba (3) se 2 fon cond) oe Ba] ane fe) a 7 Lame, oe, regent Sa 040m? o GDvensat tome = ose - 981 t= 210880) _ ao2oune 3a roe 54.00), ‘5+ maspaindooo ‘Gace sn2e = Duncans sa20 = 04505 ‘Te 0 rot ae Op = 47" « au 12-98. The balls thrown from the tower with a velocity, of 20 ft/s as shown. Determine the x and y coordinates to where the ball strikes the slope. Also, determine the speed at which the ball hits the ground. yefonefoanay emeiaei6ut [Bquation of slope: yy = mGr—n1) a 201th, t0+ 16-161? =0.5(129~ 16.19 10/-50-0 4 + | hosing te postive | 12 2.69525, 7 ee ‘Since 32.3 fe> 20 fe, assumption is valid. | (ye B+ 162.6852) 16.12.6052) = 6.17 Ane (4) se -Jom-n8 1) sows rare fae(eaayaansy «0745 ATETCOTITF = 1.805 Ans 12-99, The baseball player A bits the baseball at v4 = 40 fs and 8, = 60° from the horizontal. When the ball is directly overhead of player B he begins to run under it, Determine the constant speed at which B must ran and the distance d in order to make the catch at the same elevation at which the ball was hit, 4-405 8 2 wie Lise Vertical Motion: The vertical component of initial velocity forthe feothal is (iy), = 40sin 60" = 34,68 fs. The inital and final vertest Positions are (So), = O and 5, = 0 respectively nA ED = lade + wet t Heder ono sen + L328 e215 Horizontal Motion: The horizontal component of velocity for the baseball is (4), = 400860" = 2000 fs. The initial and inal ori ont positions ar (i). = O and s, = R, respectively. Os oh + Cadet Rm 04-2002.152) = 4303 “The distance for which player B must travel in order to catch the bascbal it R- (303— 152808 Ans Player Bis eguied to run ata sume sped a the horizontal component of velocity ofthe baseball ia order to each i vp = 4c0s60" =200 fs Ans "12-100, A car is traveling along a circular curve that hhasa radius of 50m, If its speed is 16 m/s and is increasing 5 velems uniformly at 8 m/s, determine the magnitude of its ‘acceleration at this instant, anime 2 aot 2 a5 osm = (FGF = 250m ae 12-401. A car moves along a circular track of radius 250 ft such that its speed for a short period of time O51 5 45, is v = 3(0 + £) fs, where £ is in seconds, 2 Determine ‘the magnitude of its acceleration when a 1 = 3s, How far has it traveled in ¢ = 33? vem ey rete, 23 +0n aa! BOF ssn OFT nsee a Jan fuebe abet seas ne 12-102. Ata given instant the jet plane has a speed of 400 ft/s and an acceleration of 70 ft/s* acting in the direction shown. Determine the rate of increase in the plane’s speed and the radius of curvature p of the path. = SE = romneor p= 20430 12-103, A boat is traveling along a circular curve having 1 radius of 100 ft If ts speed at ¢= 0 is 15 ft/s and is b = (08) ft/s, determine the magnitude of its acceleration atthe instant ¢= 5. usaeue OFT TTR re ane 512104 A boats taveling slong dea along cela path hai 8 radius of 20 m. Determine the magnitu 1 s eae acceleration when the sf aiaeeaeee cue Peed is v = 5 m/s and the rate of increase in the speed is @ = 2 m/s? eZ eZerasae 7 (ara VIL = 236m Ane '"12-105. Starting from rest a bicyclist travels around a horizontal circular path, p= 10 m, at a speed of v (0.057 + 0.1:) m/s, where isin seconds. Determine the ‘magnitudes of his velocity and acceleration when he has ttaveled 5» 3 m, {fds f(008e 0.19 4+ suc e008? aefeasnso 32003? +0082 Wes 230. satan? sos. aus 2° VaFFaE = JWT TOHEF «0 950m? “ vet nome +0 a ve o0nd. 4 +0.14.147)= 1.96mi Ane 12106, The jet plane travels slong the vertical parabolic path. When itis at point A it has a speed of 200 m/s, which is increasing at the rate of O8m/s?. Determine the ‘magnitude of acceleration of the plane when it is at point A. sim 12-107. Starting trom rest, motorboat travels round the circular path, p = SO m, at a speed » = (0.8) m/s where +i in seconds. Determine the magnitudes of the boats velocity and acceleration when it has traveled 20 m. Velocity: The efor which he Dost wave! 20m mast be determined fist. ‘Thermgride of boas velit (1.071) = 5.657 mie= S66 mit Ane ‘Acceleration: Tae angen seekraion it 4 =0208mit ‘To deci tenomal acter, apy Ey 12-20. vt sosr ‘i 4-5-2 coswmi’ ‘Thus, de magne of wnaleraon JG =VOFFORE = 10am Ane a. aos = EEO rete 12-108. Starting from rest, the motorboat travels ‘around the circular path, p = SO m, at a speed v = (02A) m/s, where 1 isin seconds. Determine the ‘magnitudes of the boats velocity and acceleration at the instant ¢= 35, Velocity; When 1= 3, the boat eaves ata spe of 23) =1.80m Ans Te angen ecelaaion i 4.2 04(3)=120 m/s? ‘To eemnine te normal acelin, apply Bq 12—20. 068 mie? “Ts, the mgninde of eccention i an (FFa = (TIFFOOONF = 120m? Ane 12-108. A car moves slong a circular track of radius 250 ft, and its speed for a short period of time 0 = 1= 2 is v= 3(¢-+ ¢) ft/s, where 1s in seconds, Determine the ‘magnitude ofits acceleration when ¢ = 2 s, How far has it traveled in r= 2? When t=. 453060) 215 tus! a¥ BO+2F o° 380 2s OTST IF 15.10 Ane deve 296 fue Jar=faee)a aedevol arsi4h Ane 12-110. The car travels along the curved path such that speed is increased by 3 = (0.Se) m/s2, where fis in seconds. Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and 8m starting acceleration after the car has traveled ‘rom rest. Neglect the size of the car. 7064 + vease™t—r 2 0.5e lay nts = 20.35 ml 98S rnd 0 an Vara = (MSFT «242 mst Ans 12411. Ata given instant the train engine at E has a speed of 20m/s and an acceleration of 14 m/s? acting in the direction shown. Determine the rate of increase in the train's speed and the radius of curvature p of the path. 4 Meets = 3.02 an? “12-112. A toboggan is traveling down along a curve which can be approximated by the parabola y = 0.0L, Determine the magnitude of its acceleration when it reaches pot A, where is speed ig = 10 m/s,and itis increasing at the rate of 34 = 3 m/st. Acton Te no re ppt mate * dewmin in on Btn £0.03 on pelle? Lron'T| =19057m Talat Toor “To derine he normal coeration, aply Ea. 12=20. Her, q » 0, =31m/s. Tas, te magne of cselerton an (qra= (FIST =305 mis? Ane 12-113, The automobile is originally at rest at s = 0. If its speed is increased by # = (0.05) fr/s?, where ¢is in seconds, determine the magnitudes of its velocity and ‘acceleration when 1 = 185. a= 4ienao) Went tb 9 748 “Terefonee ca 6 om 8 cued pa va oon = 9728 kee 1B" 6 sos eie “- a ** = 00819? = 162 047 = ORT an esn? Am is originally at rest s = 0. If it then starts to increase its speed at = (0.0542) f/s?, where ¢ is in seconds, determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration at s = 550 ft. as 1211S, The truck travels ina circular path havng a radius ‘of 30 m at a speed of 4 = m/s. For a short distance from 5 = 0, its speed is increased by i = (0.05s) m/s?, where sis in meters. Determine its speed and the magnitude of its acceleration whem it has moved s = 10m, = 005s) mi? Tae carn te caved a, = 0057 [rar= ffoaste y= o08? [Lam [Looe a fe ase) 4 S90 = can) f= 19068 = 00167 (19097 « 184 vest Ane 4. 0051909" = 1816.9? = (SAFTTRI = seam Am 0571-2897 VeASSeA Stas Ane 22. aseF a 0 420 m/e? 40.0510) 0.5 mi a= OOF OTF = 0.653 mis Am "12-116, The jet plane is traveling with a constant speed. of 110 m/s along the curved path, Determine the ‘magnitude of the acceleration of the plane at the instant it reaches point A (y = 0). -0.1875 L (= -.002344 ay ‘ Lewe TET ewe 140.15? Teaeaieay — = “49-4 2.2 scone papa “2690 ‘Soc te plane aves with a constant speed = 0. Hence = 269ml An 1217. A train is traveling with 2 constant speed of |4m/s along the curved path. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the front of the train, B, at the instant it reaches point A (y= 0)- xe 102) vaisn(3) Pie) = a S10) 6m I2AI8. When the motoreclist is at A, he increases his speed along the vertical circular path a the rate of = (030 ft/s where isin seconds If he stars from Fest at A, determine the magnitudes of acceleration witen he reaches B {fave sa Ise = fpo.isear ose ven o= F300) #000) =0.057 re 1859s ved IS(IR4S3? = 51.08 5 = 51.1 fs Ame 0 0.3thasn a9. =5.536 108 22.08 5.696 06 00 Fra = (CREO = 103 Ane 1m12-119, Thecar B turns such that its speed is increased by bp = (0Se") my/s?, where ris in seconds Ifthe car starts from rest when 6 = 0°, determine the magnitudes of its | velocity and acceleration when the arm AB rotates 0 = 30°, Neglect the size of the car. 3000 A g r\ = (oun = 20m m= coee-t sae oe To, 021) = 5678 = Set An (a nig te wT a = VETS ERS = 4980s Am “12-120, ‘The car B turns such that its speed is increased by ig = (O5e") m/s*, where ris in seconds Ifthe car starts from rest when @ = 0°, determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when ¢ = 2s, Neglect the size Of the car. Also, through what angle 0 has it traveled? 12121, ‘The box of negligible size is sliding down along, ‘a curved path defined by the parabola y = 04x”. When it is at A (24 =2'm,y4 = 16 m),the speed 8 m/s land the increase in speed is dvp/dt = 4 m/s?. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the box at GED LOOT a sece La. | OF wt aa area an GF Fad = (OFFS = 8.61 st Ans [f= ffosew weasel, ease Ya OSe = 1) = 51045 319m A 42058 = 565s me | Given? = IMO aout wie 0= CBT TOF = 420ml ee 12-122, The ball is ejected horizontally from the tube witha speed of 8 m/s Find the equation of the path, y = fla), and then find the ball’s velocity and the normal and tangential components of acceleration when 1 = 0.25 s (5) sane (1) remaneedeet 25m, Am onan Wen 1=0.255, ae eee yy -24825 als 4 =9.81 cot7.04° =9.38 m/s? Ame v= AOE BRE = 8.37 wie Ane 4 = 9.81 sint7.08° = 2.86m/st Ane 12,123, ‘The motion of a particle is defined by the ‘equations x = (21 +?) m and y = (2) m, where tis in seconds. Determine the normal and tangential components of the particle's velocity and acceleration when ¢= 25, Veloctey : Here, r= {(2t¢2)1+ 5} m, To deen he velocity v, spp. 12-7 * ((2+291426) mis When 1225, ¥ = [2422)11+2()) = (6.44) as, Ten v= YEE = 7.21 m/s. Since the velocity is always rected tangent the path, 0 and v= 7.21mi An = 38.69" wit he x wi ‘Acceleration : To derive the scseaions, apply Ea, 12-9. * 2 ae Se atsay wi a (FFB a 282m ‘Toe wsoneraton a makes angle # = un 4 Sain ee 28286 31° #0885 m/e? Ane $2808 131827 ve Ane arzszemis™ “12-124. The motorcycle travels along the elliptical tack at a constant speed v. Determine the greatest ‘magnitude of the acceleration if a > b. ’ Acceleration: Deltereiaing twice the expression y = 27a°=H, we have “Te radio carat of the ph ay wf Hey mat. Tes) wal = ‘Tove te main norma sceceaion, the rads of curvature of he pth must be ‘numa. By brea, bs happens when y= Oand x= a. When 2 => 5 pe pores 7? sea [exes] ~[aeoa be 12-125. The two particles A and B start at the or and travel in opposite directions along the circular path at constant speeds v4 = 0.7 m/s and vy = 15 mV/s, respectively. Determine in = 2, (a) the displacement along the path of each particle, (b) the position vector 10 each particle, and (c) the shortest distance between the particles. 4-07 om Aw a 15 =3m kw : 0, = Es assem. = 1604 | eZ easton «se mea Fo SaeMoe 6 es atm Cia 7 Nicene» a190= asm tea ret Ssto3430 2900 = 242m Y= X1-cas43) = 0874 = 0 (2mivosaym Ae (0 bw g—ny = (4201+ 0678 = SFT = 426m haw 12-126. The two particles A and B start atthe origin O and ‘travel in opposite dizecions along the circular path at constant speeds v4 = 0.7 m/s and vp = 15 m/s, respectively. Determine the time when they collide and the ‘magnitude ofthe acceleration of 2 just before ths happens. 422K = A199 nore anise gure ata ena 0786 1312 nae fe uate = uae 04s mi? =o. a9 aes 12-127, The race car has an initial speed 4 = 15 m/s at ‘A. If it increases its speed along the circular track at the rate a, = (0.4) m/s, where sis in meters, determine the time needed for the car to travel 20 m. Take p = 150m. (weet “ nas [efecto (e+ VTE), 0.602456 nse FTES) —3166 196 = 0.652 456¢ Ms=20m, retate Ame "124128, A boy sits on a merry-go-round so that he is always located atr = 8 ft from the center of rotation. The merry-go-round is originally at rest, and then due to rotation the boy's speed is increased at 2 (i/s*. Determine the time needed for his acceleration to become 4 f/s* 12.129, A particle travels along the path y= a + bx + eF, where a,b,c are constants If the speed ofthe particle is constant, o = vg determine the x and y components of ‘velocity andthe normal component of accleration when x0. 5 = be + eli + teak Savrzr Wrens 0, y= be y 4.4 oye Ci wat eee fiero) neue am NEE p= GHBPE ie eles wb m= eas ae! 112-130, The ball is kicked with an initial speed v4 = 8 m/s at an angle #4 = 40° with the horizontal. Find the equation of the path, y = f(), and then determine the balls velocity and the normal and tangential components ofits acceleration when ¢ = 0.25 5 ‘origontal Motion: Torin component of vlc ie), (cou 40" = 6128 m/s and the ial horizon and final postions ae (a, a Vertical Moton : The vera component of intial veloc is (), [US a/s Theil and final vera ponions a(t), = 0 ed 4) =e), #000), 04), ? yeorsisrede-nan(?) a ininse tom By ad. we have 23912-01060} m= (0839-01317) m Ane neonates ng one" 2O4 23% wtb carton: 0025s, fom {0 204612025 « Cioran 208-026 A= Sim 2 soo. < 040 eames ale 0 = un 10.4399 = 23:70" with he x wis, The mage of he ‘eoskradon so 981 m/? ands zed downward, From the fgur, @=23.10 Therefor, qe asin a= 9.8lsin 23.70" = 3.94 mi An 4. = ene =. 8100823.70" = 8.98 m/s? Ane i231, Particles A and B are traveling counter. Clockwise around a circular track at a constant speed of {m/s Ifa the instant shown the speed of A is increased by ba =(4s,) m/e, where sq is in meters, determine the istance measured counterclockwise along the track from B to A when ¢ = 1s What is the magnitude of the ‘acceleration of each particle at this instant? uae Trae ny te teen op 68 : 1 te) 1041 Win 0 pee ny ate nly pec oa Indo fst red a “Tha, tne distnce between ow eet fr Isis dndyteqnty=IOATS14SI-B=170m Ams ‘Acceleration : The angel acelaton for ovat A and B when 1= Lis (a), = Ag =S(0451) = S80 rand (a) = 0 (parle B vee at constant spend), roxpcively, When #= 1 from Eq 1}, 4 =2/TESTSTS 173010 m/s. To demi the noma aclraon, aply 9.1220, i nn ZeAy ae G4 fenton? =18LtTmiet “The magninde ofthe sesendon for paricle A and B ae oq =V@EO@ = /SRORFTRLTF = 1908? Ane oy V@) ea) = (FFIERT = 128 mh? Ans 12.432 Particles A and B are traveling around @ circular track ata speed of 8 m/s at the instant shown. If the speed of B is increased by 3p = 4 m/s, and at the same instant A has an increase in speed B4 = 0:8 m/s", ‘determine how long it takes fora collision to occur. What js the magnitude of the acceleration of each particle just before the collision occurs? ne Tree ey be even ee = ts) soa Sep icin nants en en 1 soda HCOada 5 4 sie 3 = (See24) a se cep Aces ows doyent fteo= [ome oar) wi a ng = oat [otaig= [[(0ae +8) ah 44 201333" +81 a onde for he alison 1 000 then oa? +8r+1047= 81427 Selving by tisland enor 1=2.50745=2515 ve Note sf pai A suis B hen, 3, = wilreantin = 14642516 “Acceleration: The wagentia scorn for parle A wd B When 1= 2.5074 tev (a), #084 08(2.5074) = 2.006 m/s? and (y= 4.0/8 respectively. ‘When 1 2.5074, fom Ba, [1], Yy = 04(2.5074) +8 1051 is and p= (Op)p #4t= 844(2.5074) = 1803 m/s, To determine he normal secckrso, apply 612-20 ‘The magnate te scetraion fr pales A and B jst before colision re VGH = TOOTEITF =22m/e Ane 24 « Voght Ha lh = VFO = 65.1 mis! Ane 124133, The truck travels at a speed of 4 m/s along a circular road that has a radius of 50m. Fora short distance. from + ~ 0, its speed is then increased by 3 = (0.058) m/s, where sis in meters. Determine its speed and the ‘magnitude ofits acceleration when it has moved s = 10m. Velocity: The speed v in teras of postion scan be cbained by applying do =a ‘dv = ade [foo foes VOOEFTS) mis Ats=10m, v= JOSIE I6=4585 mie= 4S8m/s Ans Acceleration : Tenge weston of he tack as = 02s = 00810) '=0.500 m/s. To determine te normal aceon, apply Ey, 12-20. ‘The magnindeof he scales t = (FFG = /ORTFOT =0.653m/e? Ans 12-134, A go-cart moves along a circular track of Fadius 100 ft such that its speed for a short period of time, 0514s, is v= 60(1—e) ft/s. Determine the magnitude of its acceleration when ¢ = 2's. How far has it traveled in t = 25? Use Simpson's rule with n = 50to ‘evaluate the integral ve emtne) = B= er }e29 = me ‘las = INDE = 43558 Hoar = C=) = 505011 sasou? = SU. sue = CRT + BR = 350.0 Aas Sfar~ Soares 124138, A particle P travels along an elliptical spiral path such that its position vector r is defined by r= {2 cos (O11 + 1.5 Sin (0.10j + 20k) m, where ris in seconds and the arguments for the sine and cosine are given in radians When t = 8 s, determine the coordinate direction angles a, B, and 7, which the binormal axis to the osculating plane makes with the x, y, and z axcs. Hint: Solve forthe velocity vp and aceeleration ap of the particle in terms of thet J, components. The binormal is parallel to vp x an. Why? p= 2 con(. 16+ LS sin. 10) + 2 vp ek 0.2 sin(0.19+0.15 coo 10+ ty = = 0.02 cot 0.191-0.015 sin} When t= 85, 4.2 sin. fra +015 cut. Sa +2 0.143 47140.106 5+ 2k 8p = 0.02 cos(0. Bead ~ 0.015 sn 0. ad = -0.013 934-0.010765 Since te bnormal veces perpendicular the plane conning them fans, and ap td vy ein ths plane, hen by te defiaton of he eos product, ‘ , ¥ bevpxap=|-014847 0.10451 2] = .021 s2t-0.027 $64 + 0.005 I-o.013936 -0.01076 ol = SCC ORTSAF +O ORTRCAT + (OOF = 0.035 338 0.608 91-0.788 62} +0.085% en coa\0.608 9) #52." Ame Paces -0.78862)= 142" Ana reew"@.085) 285.1" Ame Nove: The deson ofthe bncrma axis may ao be specie by the unt ecor bnined fom B= app. For hie cae, a= 128", B=37.9", 72949" Ane 12.136 The time rate of change of acceleration is referred to as the jerk, which is often used as a means of measuring passenger discomfort. Calculate this vector, ay in terms of its cylindrical components, using Eq. 12-32. an(i-r ee (Boda)nevie (doa iy ae(roi ofa a inrdecion Substinting and combining tems yes (Fm Am an (i208 aboard 70-1} 12-137. If particle's position is described by the polar coordinates r= 4(1 + sint)m and 8 = (2e*) rad, where fis in seconds and the argument for the sine is in radians, determine the radial and tangential components of the particle's velocity and acceleration when f = 25. Wren 25, re Whang = 7057 Fe hers 15509 re 30672 onze = -26% » -camer 26 = 02768 the Hts ame Yen PO TOT = 207 a haw SF rb! = -309~ 1631-02067 = 420m ane mB 6 2r0 n6SHOZ70665) + 2-1.86189¥-027067 = 297 0K? Ane 12-138, A particle is moving along circular path having ‘radius of 4 in. such that its position as a function of time is given by 8 cos 21, where @ isin radians and seconds Determine the magnitude ofthe acceleration of the particle when 8 = 30°, Fecostt 120.5009 1.7089 as 2.084 rd? 16! =0~ (01,7039) = 11.6135 9 #15 +278 = 402.0864) 0-8 3776 nist VOFrG = SCT MISSES = 14,3 nls? Ans 12.138, A car is traveling along the circular curve of radius r= 300 ft At the instant shown, its angular rate ‘of rotation is = Ot rad/s which is ncreasing atthe rate of B= 0.2 rad/s*, Determine the magnitudes of the ca's ‘locity and aecleration at this instant Velocity: Applying Bq.12-25, we have 0 vari = 300004) = 120908 “Tas, te magne of he veloc of he ca is v= (FE = (EFT = 10s Ans [ago =76.80ust ame £12-140. Ifa particle moves along a path such that r= (@ cos 1) ft and = (1/2) rad, where ris in seconds, plot the path r= (0) and determine the particle's radial and. transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Ane 12-141, If a particle's position is described by the polar coordinates r= (2sin28)m and 6 = (41) rad, where ris in seconds, determine the radial and tangential components of its velocity and acceleration when ¢ = Is, ~aaa20(0" + beoe209 = — 126608 vere o2sme Am ve = rom Lom) = 791ms Ane = Fort = 18088 sr = —188 wt y= 14 240 = 19TH) + 2-23080K6) =~ a 12-142, A particle is moving along acircular path having .2400-mm radius Its position asa function of time is given, by 8=(2r°) rad, where 1 is in seconds. Determine the magnitude of the particle’s acceleration when @ = 30°, “The article starts from rest when 0 = 0° 12-143. A particle moves in the x-y plane such that its position is defined by x = {(2ci + 44} ft, where 1 is in seconds. Determine the radial and ‘tangential components of the particle's velocity and acceleration when = 2s, ernst, on wid « se FFT TR = 61065 216 4 = 786278 = 40004) +0 = 1600 When «30 (=) 0.5236 rd, then 05236027, reo.siits Hence, V CROC STITPF + T6007 = 2316.76 els 232m Ame te 6s 204 Bitlnn = 20-6 1 ve 16i24Sem65112* « 160.4 au y= W6rmsang9uI2 = 194-0 ane b= 90-0 = 080 = Boe de = 776 017 am au = Saint 028 = 198 0 ane #12144, A truck is traveling along the horizontal circular curve of radius r = 60m with a constant speed v = 20 m/s. Determine the angular rate of rotation 6 of the radial line r and the magnitude of the truck’s acceleration. ra reo zo vem r= 00 m0 +02 ate fn aero = 0-039? ac reeae -0 ven barbed nos a0 Ten, ano 12-148, A truck is traveling along the horizontal circular ccurve of radivs r = 60 m with a speed of 20 m/s which is increasing at 3 m/s*. Determine the truck's radial and transverse components of acceleration. ro 2 oso were econ ke weacaee 12-146. A particle is moving along a circular path having, ‘a radius of 6 in. such that its position asa function of time is given by 8 = sin 3, where 0s in radians, the argument for the sine is in degrees, and is in seconds. Determine the acceleration of the particle at @= 30°. The particle starts from rest at @= 0°. rain, re, Feo in ™ dese 3225589 mais a bear. ratist — 29 F 18 00-6(2.55599 =-29.196 ensan 248 = 6(-4.7126)40=-28.274 setosass 82 ACF CTF a 48,3 net Ans 12-147, The slotted link is pinned at O, and as a result of the constant angular velocity 8 = 3 rad/s it drives the peg P for a short distance along the spiral guide 7 = (0.4 6) m, where 6 is in radians, Determine the radial and transverse components of the velocity and acceleration of P at the instant @ = 1/3 rad. reaae Fn 08 eau reams = 120 = 0Km =o vars 120m aus Ye = rO= 0418S) = 126m Ane Qt bord 20-0409) = 277m Ae 4 = 104270004 20209) = 720m Ane 12-148. Solve Prob\123 147 if the} slotted link has an angular acceleration 8° 8 rad/s? when 6 = 3 rad/s at @= w/Stad. ee 12:149, The slotted link is pinned at O, and as a result of the constant angular velocity 6 = 3rad/s it drives the pes P for a short distance along the spiral guide 1 = (046) m, where 6 is in radians Determine the Welocity and acceleration of the particle at the instant it leaves the slot in the link, ie., when r = 0.5 m. onan reose re ono re ano peu Fe 0Me 9 320 Fem a y= rb = 041913) = 12608 Ane get r = 320 o41an9) = -050t ane ay D4 2rd = OH + 20.2903) = 106m An reose re oae eos feta wnh= 120m fo Yee TO = 043) = 1s0ms Ane 4+ F- 110" = 0-055) = -450. ae Ane oy = 784 2r0= 0+ 12040) = 72008 fm 712-152, At the instant shown, the watersprinkler is rotating with an angular speed @ = 2rad/s and an Gas angular acceleration 6 = 3 rad/s. Ifthe nozzle lies in : Oe the vertical plane and water is flowing through it at a iF constant rate of 3 m/s, determine the magnitudes of on ans the velocity and acceleration of a water particle as it exits the open end, ¢ = 0.2 m, 3 14-020) = 04 (OPFOR = 30304 ne 420-02? = ~080.m8 ay + 06) + 2091) = 126 mis? [ORFS TERR = 128 wh? Ane 124153, The automobile is traveling from a parking deck «down along a cylindrical spiral ramp at a constant speed of v= 1.5 m/s If the ramp descends a distance of 12 m for every full revolution, @= 27 rad, determine the ‘magnitude of the car's acceleration as it moves along the ramp, r= 10 m. Hin: For part of the solution, note that ‘the tangent to the ramp at any point is at an angle of = tan“! (12/[2n10))) = 1081° from the horizontal. Use this to determine the velocity components vy and 2, which in turn are used to determine 6 and 2. onuer( ao} ~y vaLSms # 0 oa 100+ 200K0.1479) =0 on COR SOFS OF =0217 ave? Ane 12-154, Because of telescopic action, the end of the industrial robotie arm extends along the path of the limagon r= (1 + 05 cos 6) m. At the instant @ = 7/4, the arm has an angular rotation 60. rad/s, which is increasing at 6 = 0.25 rad/s. Determine the radial and transverse components of the velocity and acceleration ‘of the object A held in its grip at this instant. oe Saas o=06 x02 1+0,s0088 rosea + =-0.5(c0%08" + sin6) (cnt suns) woes pensse 0221 Fe-o21s7 0212 m/s Ans aera 2157-(1.354(0.6=-0.708 mis? Ans venrO= 123840, S12m/s Ane 99 784270=1.3840.29)+2(-0.2121¥0.6) = 0.0838 wis? Ame 12-185. For a short distance the train travels along a track having the shape of a spiral, r = (1000/6) m, where isin radians. fit maintains aconstant speed v = 20 m/s, determine the radial and transverse components of its velocity when @ = (97/4) rad, Paar eot (a = SE 5 Lae can = ODay eycae 12-156, For a short distance the train travels along a track having the shape of a spiral, r = (1000/8) m, where 9 is in radians. If the angular rate is constant, = 02 rad/s, determine the radial and transverse components of its velocity and acceleration when = (9n/4) rad. 12-157. The arm of the robot has a fixed length so that r= 3ft and its grip A moves along the path z= (sin 46) ft, where 0 is in radians If @ = (0.51) rad, ‘where 1 is in seconds, determine the magnitudes of the arip's velocity and acceleration when ¢ = 3s. 10001678 Fm moe? ~ 100068 * wren 0 = SF var = Mi47102 = 283m Ane a= Fro w 0226513 — 141477028 =~ 545 mit ne 4 = 19 +240 = 0+ 2¢-4000812402) = - 160 mi On 0st res goatee O60s to tw bee Deo eo Ew tan te Minas, c= ~08see b= 578 Fess yoo Y= 405) = 15 ve = 5761 9 = MOF TOSS CT = 595 0 Ace 4+ 0-405) = ~075 we noron0 qn sas = VOI TOT OT = 54s me 12-158. Fora short time the arm of the robot is extending at a constant rate such that F = 1.5 {Us when r = 3 ft z= (4r) ft, and @ =0.5¢ rad, where 1 is in seconds, Determine the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of the grip A when 1 On 0s raat we HOS rads FISTS f= BH Me Bie wats 1 =305) ume = OF FOT FE 26.1 fle Ans 4 = 0-300)? = ~075 ay = 0425/05) = 1S UFO S17 US Ans 12-189, The paral surface ofthe cam i that ofa loga- rithmic spiral r = (40e°°*) mm, where @ is in radians. TT the cam is rotating at a constant angular rate of @ = 4 mds, determine the magnitudes of the velocity and ac- celeration of the follower rod at the instant @ = 30°. cote, aan *(S) ma.0610 ° b= arate 20 pare ne ye + 208g CE) aes Lod mms? Ans "12-160, Solve Prob. 12-159, ifthe cam has an angular acceleration of 8 = 2 rad/s? when its angular velocity is B= 4 rad/s at 0= 30 peat rareettg Paone! Serer ests} oa) axed Ye =r = 41.0610(4) = 166.24 610 2122 124161, The searchlight on the boat anchored 2000 ft from shore is turned on the automobile, which is traveling, along the straight road at a constant speed of 80 ft/s Determine the angular rate of rotation of the light when the automobile is r = 3000 ft from the boat. "12-162, If the car in Prob. 12-161 is accelerating at 15 fs atthe instant r = 3000 ft, determine the required angular acceleration @ of the light at this instant, Dap 2? ay a5.209 = r+ 210 = 41.06100)+ 28.2122) = 05 (COTTA = 668 amis? ase Ane ond v= ACAD = 164 m/e ona ~ 16 2 $.749~41.0610047 = 651.2 a2 1.98197 Ana arom (07 = 13854109" + sam K¢ aor = rte ame 2100 006 ir -2000eeane & ‘Aer = 30008, 0 = 418109" nrbenre 4 = 30008 + 2(-3354.100) 00177775 Sine ay = 15 an41. A108" = 10m Then 12-163. A particle P moves slong the spiral path r= (10/6) ft, where @ sin cadians. If ¢ maintains a constant speed of » = 20 ft/s, determine the magnitudes », and vg 4s functions of @ and evaluate each at @= 1 rad, a ve=(B) rere Ane 12-164. A particle travels along the portion of the “four- {eaf rose” defined by the equation r = (5 cos 28) m. If the angular velocity of the radial coordinate ine is = (32) rads, where is in seconds determine the radial and transverse components of the particle's velocity and 0. 30°, When acceleration atthe instant sot 1 (at) = 0305, bass pee) ra 50020 ir -100u20 8 Fe ~torzea20(" + sade) Mone reas re 1088 Fe wah “169m Ans 70 = 25.95) = 487 m/e Ans 42 FH! = 1986-25195) = ~894 mist -s70t a2 427d = 2548 + (-1680)095 g E 12-165, The double collar Cis pin connected such that ‘one collar slides over a fixed rod and the other slides over 4 rotating rod AB. Ifthe angular velocity of AB is given (2") rad/s, where s in Seconds, and the path defined by the fixed rod is r= |04sin 0+ 02| m, determine the radial and transverse components of the calla velocity and acceleration when = 1 When @'= 0°, Use Simpson's rule to determine 8 at ¢= 15 Bn. = 18 ais Bae Utley, = L669 rads? a0 [fea Lise neha + a0dsnosa2 7 sand F =-0.4aind' +0,4e0008 meets, ream rae F-07696 w2rs02im/s An vy 278 =0:5721.60) = 0.943 m/s Ans anh —18 = 07604-0.57210.6099 =-252 m/e? Ane 24218 +278 = 0S721(1.649) +20.2021)0.649) = Theale? Ans [aam-faam| 12-166. The roller coaster is traveling down along the ramp with a constant speed v = 6 m/s. Ifthe track descends a distance of 10 m for every full revolution, @=2zrad, determine the magnitude of the roller coaster’s acceleration as it moves along the track, = Sm, Hint: For part of the solution, note that the tangent to the ramp at any point is at an angle = tan*[10/2m(5)] = 17.66° from the horizontal. Use this to determine the velocity components v, and v,, which in turn are used to determine @ and 2. 12-467. A cameraman standing at A is following the ‘movement of a race car, B, which is traveling around a curved track at a constant speed of 30 m/s. Determine the angular rate 6 at which the man must turn in order to keep the camera directed on the car at the instant 6 = 30°. quepwer nee ota eon ve ~6aI7 66 = =149 ah Ya = Som 1766" = ST a fer = 5 sm a= 81 Hea eco? Om 215 + 200,70 + ri) ono a Far 0-165 = 6597 wt garbstie0 grisieo a= 6stmn Awe 1 220008) = 0 009 ie tonne @ vain tribe, ore C0? = Hosa? + oor 20" = (atone + ox 9? oe Bana = 12-168, The pin follows the path described by the ‘equation r = (02 + 0.15 c0s 8) m. At the instant 0 = 30°, 5507 rad/s and b= 05 rad/s. Determine the magnitudes of the pin’s velocity and acceleration at this, instant, Neglect the size of the pin. 70.240, 1Sc089 = 0.2+0:1Se0830" = 0.3299 f= 0115s 0.185in30%0.7)= -0.0525 mis pea isfcoad ine] 0 ifeosoa? esinarO.)] = 10118? u 0525 ws ‘yp =18=0.3299(0-7) = 0.2309 mis JAG = (Romy +O BO oastms Ans a.2f-1 = 0.10118 -0.32990.77 = 0.2608 mit 14-248 = 0 32990,5)+2(-00525)(0.1) = 0.09145 wi OraF OUT 0.27mi haw 12-169, For ashort time the position of the roller-coaster car along its path is defined by the equations r = 25m, Sal ad te Ctontan wes cai TS" feos Determine te mapatde ofthe car vey 9 So teteraion mien = te oO 0-03 neta Eben = Wool ou” 02609 a? vaino 122403) =75 0 vpet=2208 on fF) = (PFT IDT = 1 gntardn0-25033' «225m y= 14219925) + 210,03) =0 124170, ‘Themechanism of machines constructed so that the roller at‘ follows the surface of the cam described by the equation r = (03 + 02 cos 6) m.1f6 = 0.5 rad/s and 1 = 0, determine the magnitudes ofthe role’ velosty and acceleration when 6 = 30°. Neglect the size ofthe roller. ‘Ais compute the velocity components (v4), and (vy of the roller at this instant. The rod to which the roll is attached remains vertical and can slide up or down along the guides while the guides translate horizontally tothe et ve = 70 = 047905) = 0237 v= {CROFT TORT = 0200 mie Ame ano ri = -onis— onrs05)* + -016 mit ae orb +21’ = 0421-00905) = -005 mie ey = TFTA = 0100 wi! Ane cmd (yo, = 005 eu" + 0287 30" oth Ker = 01am how on 0.05 sa30" + 0237 e083" I2ATL, The crate slides down the section ofthe spiralramp such that = (0.52) ftand z = (100 ~ 0.4) ft, where tis jn seconds. If the rate of rotation about the 2 aris is 6 = 0. rad/s, determine the magnitudes ofthe vlsiy and aceleraton of the crate atthe instant z = 10 rao 1 =0-00sc0=5 ee imn-0ur +=-0100)2- Ts, Fea 7250-0088 0.128560) » 3.74991 n0.12566 2=-0.200)0-6 0.08 ead = 0125661 44 =r +278 = 0.12866) + 2(-3)0.76901) «21.98 qt=-02 | (TAF ITO 74 5 tus! Ane bn0.12566 += (CE ROFTH fs Am 10= 100-017 $0.1 50.76901) = 71.16 t=308 "12-172, Ifthe end of the cable at A is pulled down with ‘8 speed of 2 m/s, determine the speed at which block B Portion Coordinate Equation ‘Dus is esnblshed u fxd pay C ‘Te positon of poin A and block @ with respect to datum aes, snap especie Byte at ‘Time Deriverve: Taking the te derivative of te above quan yes 2e+y=0 m Sine v4 = Sims, from E51} eb 2p +220 Ime t 12-173, Ifthe end of the cable at A is pulled down with ‘a speed of 2 m/s, determine the speed at which block B Position- Coordinate Equation : Daum is eombished at fixed pulley D ‘The posion of point A, block B and paley C with eapetio dam ae 4,55 and respectively. Since the system consist of vo cord, vo positon: coordinate gations can be dvd, (ate +ey fede eh a aetienh am ‘Bing rom Bs] an (2 ike Since Vy =2/s, fom Bq (3) ob 2440, =0 tant speed at which the 32474, Determine the const a pote ceable at A must be drawn in by the mot hoist the load at B 15 ft in Ss 4 2-178. Determine the time needed for the load at B to attain a speed of 8 m/s, starting from rest, ifthe cable is drawn into the motor with an acceleration of 0.2 m/s, 4 fae 4 = ~005 wi OD neon ear t = 0~ (oases "12-176. Determine the displacement of the lo if the ‘truck at C pulls the cable 4 ft to the right. 2a steanschet Since Ase «4, then Miry 4 Ae =-L388 1330 Ame 12-177, The crate is being lifted up the inclined plane using the motor M and the rope and pulley arrangement shown. Determine the speed at which the cable must be taken up by the motor in order to move the crate up the plane with a constant speed of 4 ft/s “The positon of point Pand rae A with expect dati ar pa, reapecvay Bg tleq—anret Beans Time Derivative : Ting ha tine derivative ofthe sbove eatin yi 3o4-vp20 Since 04 =4 Us, fom Bg (1) w) 3-0, =0 ‘Ups 2 Rie 12-178, Determine the displacement of the block at B if A is pulled down 4 ft. 24 62h fot aL ie 2a = te Lh mm tan» an tanya 4 dye caneat hee 2-179. The cable at Bs pulled downwards at 4 fs and is slowing at 2 fs Determine the velocity and acceleration of block A at this instant. Be sthesedet awe fetc-m)=1 denn ein wees ation Ane oe date (ye Cc % 205A =0507L Ane A ¥12-180. The pulley arrangement shown is designed for hoisting materials If BC remains fixed while the plunger P| is pushed downward with a speed of 4 ft/s, determine the speed of the load at A, 12-81. If block A is moving downward with a speed of 4 ft/s while Cis moving up at2 ft/s, determine the speed of block B. Ay eaced MAI He 20 42m -220 E1157 Ang Site —ny at nel mao 60 = % yet ke 12-182, If block A is moving downward at 6 fs while block C is moving down at 18 fs, determine the relative velocity of block # with respect to C. tat dan tse ty $20n + 642m +180 12s. 2 fie 12 t1=18 1 +fewe 1 ajc = 30 88 Ans 12-183. If the end of the cable at A is pulled down with a speed of 2 m/s, determine the speed at which block E rises. Position-Coordinate Equation: Datum i established at txed alle. ‘The position of point A. pulley B and C and block E with respect to datum are 4,39. 5¢ ands. respectively. Since the system consists of thee cords, thee position coordinate equations ean be developed, Bete Ol fetue-meh Bi fetes BI Eliminating se and sp from Eqs. 0, [2 and 31, we have sat ep = 1) +2 + 4h Time Derivative: Taking the tine derivative of the above equation wields uy +8up=0 HH) Since vy =2 ms, fom Es. [3] Gb 2H =0 "12-184, If block A of the pulley system is moving downward with a speed of 4 ft/s while block Cis moving up at 2 ft/s, determine the speed of block B. rd sdest ° ke a dng 6-0 eno Ae 124186. The crane is used to hoist the oad. Ifthe motors at A and B are drawing in the cable at a speed of 2 ft/s ‘and 4 ft/s, respectively, determine the speed of the load. jon Coordinate Equatlon : Daum esblihed as shown. The tad se Pos pon of point Asn B and load C with respet dam a. respectively Arctg ty thet Time Derivative: Since is w.constant. Taking te ie ervtive of the shove equation yids doe top +oy a fussed vy =45, fom B31] doct244n0 150 fem 150 RT Ame 12-186. The cylinder Cis being lifted using the cable and pulley system shown. If point A on the cable is being. ‘Grawn toward the drum with a speed of 2 m/s, determine the speed of the cylinder. be tet eM 4 FeoB— td wy Bette = 2h J By On 3% -% aan cae apo nt ater insets AFF st fer 44 +16) Gein oan #0 tea ntaia ho tsyt (64) 4 +16) seeta Od oy bo ai (DE Gai)) jue fat (oa) renin G9 Gag valaing these equations jy H-2(G? +1642 12080 L Ans © (ores 2 +34) 168 Stes Live t Ane "12-188. The roller at A is moving upward with a velocity of v4 = 3 f/s and has an acceleration of a4 = 4 ft/s! when s4=4 ft. Determine the velocity and acceleration of block B at this instant, atlareier inelfoate2Tlanigao asf T (ein tafe (ad ofa oT Joa + (uis)=0 Aes 2h ig 3s dy btu vy s-24Is=2.4000s-» Ans | sr0r+(or-(Eow-0 Oy = -3.AS CUS AS ASR Ane 12-189. The crate C is being lifted by moving the roller at A downward with a constant speed of v4 = 2my/s ‘along the guide. Determine the velocity and acceleration Of the crate at the instant s = 1m. When the roller is at B, the crate rests on the ground. Neglect the size of the pplley in the calculation. Hint Relate the coordinates xc ‘and x, using the problem geometry, then take the first and second time derivatives. at the instant the rope length AB is SO f. 4e| 4 6s c 7 re VETTE Jot erase = Se fe 8 Je- Joh + ase, + a +10 Gp*+ OF + 19 GG) =0 Went te, yes 3m ariao Ts, ve +10" + 16H =0 ven lame ita me lO FO"? + HCH! + 0 = 0 | ost2 mi? = asia t 12-190. The girl at C stands near the edge of the pier and pulls in the rope horizontally at a constant speed of 6 ft/s Determine how fast the boat approaches the pier Te ng of corte (OFA reo! “ing ee dete: fot +artans reo znom Wes aD = 908, 15 VORA » wasn From B4.(0 Jest « cssahr*xanasos 6 6+ 0 jn By = 607 = 60 a 12-491, The man pulls the boy up to the tree limb C by ‘walking backward. Ifhe stats from rest when x4 = Oand moves backward with a constant acceleration a4 = (0.2 m/s?, determine the speed of the boy at the instant yo = 4m.Neglect the size of the limb. When x4 = O.ya™ ‘Bim, so that A and Bare coincident, ie, the rope is 16 m long, Poriion- Coordinate Bquatton : Using te Pyngoren theorem 9 deeming hes webave he = YHTFH. Ths, Ietetrs 1s m ” ‘Time Derivative: "Ting the tine dvvaive of Ba (1] where vy = a Aheinstantyy = 4m, frome Bt of the ana at instant canbe obi = YFG 2, = 8946 The velocity oh = (onnh +204 [F4 Goda] vf =042(02)(8944-0) y= 1491 mle ‘bette sbove cess into By (2 yi a9 (1.091) =-L4I miss Aims T Ane fase [Note:The nepive sigs indicates tht veloc vis in he opposite detion wa of postive yp 912-192. Collars A and B are connected tothe cord that passes over the small pulley at C. When A is located at 'D, B is 24 fe to the left of D. If A moves at a constant speed of2i/sto the right, determine the speed of B when ‘Ais 4 {eto the right of D. 16 OTUs 10-368 OORT + (TORT = 36 }+4u00+ 4) i(araie) 20 400A) mans VOOR +a + (OP + 47 = 36 ae aise a Se S, Ts 5 | . 2167) spy aos tes Am 12:93, If block B is moving down with a velocity vg ‘and has an acceleration op, determine the velocity and ‘acceleration of block A in terms of the parameters shown. ald tye neke 1 manana, an acts i el 6 ayn pte ae ay 12194. Vertical motion of the load is produced by movement of the piston at A on the boom. Determine the distance the piston or pulley at C must move to the left in order to lift the load 2 ft. The cable is attached at B, passes over the pulley at C, then D, E, F, and again around E, and is attached at G. 12-195. Sand falls from rest 0.5 m vertically onto a chute. If the sand then slides witha velocity of ue = 2m/s ive velocity of the sand just falling On the chute at A with respect tothe sand sliding down the chute. The chute is inclined at an angle ‘of 40" with the horizontal (1) Meni eteta sy Yi n0+20-9.81905-0) ve eI ws =3 132) = 2coso"-2 snl") + (well On10 1 = 204 + (rede 3.1201 =-2 nt? + Oe), Sobving, (vel 18321 (veh = 1.8468 wc = VOLS CTEM = 240 m/s An LM) soe 7 an onset esae 7 "12-196. Two planes, A and B, are flying at the same altitude. If their velocities are v4 ~ 600km/h and vg = S00km/h such that the angle between their straight-line courses is @ = 75°, determine the velocity of . plane B with respect to plane A. 2 (50061 = 1008 + ran 02 cn + On, Crud, = 68529 OD 0m — co0sn7se + (vn4>, \ mud, =579567 | (au) = ABET CHE Ya = 975 2h 12min sora And Bat 2 aes rg 4 ae rg increasing its speed by 1200 mi/h?, while A maintains a ‘constant speed, determine the velocity and acceleration | of B with respect to A. | % AP = sous Ones a ~ 7 t Ci “ Co) ~t0ea90" © 30 Oau ih—t (eT) meet = nus Solon Onde = 204 Cm) 12 T | va = ACEH TTF = 265 mi ane wid 99 Ame (2) 1200090" + 1588300" (Onde Ge) 12000 + 15883 # (Gy setveg Ceoude SAT 5 COuady #089 can = LORIE S TET » 1.19009 mint t 12-19%. Atthe instant shown, cars A and B are traveling at speeds of 30 mi/h and 20 mi/h, respectively. If A is increasing its speed at 400 mi/h? whereas the speed of B is decreasing at 800 mi/h?, determine the velocity and acceleration of B with respect to A. ae, €3 mi A y= 20 mim ih <— oom 12-199, Two boats leave the shore at the same time and travel in the directions shown. If v, = 201/s and vp = 15 fs, determine the speed of boat A with respect to boat B. How long after leaving the shore will the boats be 800 ft apart? etn (Bessy mo) = (001+ aad + asd ey ol ee 219933 020" + 90090" = = 400+ Coe ad, = 19547 G7) 19983 aso" 2006010" = Cua (asad = 26154 = 263504 6) = RT RE ou = 955 mint é PONT + MAY» LHS 18nd) + Yay Yan = (2080 ~ 6714) 0 ae = AOE TTT wm 247 016 "12-200, Two planes A and B are flying side by side at 2 constant speed of 900 km/h, Maintaining this speed, plane A begins to travel along the spiral path r = {15006)- ke, where 6-is-in-radians, whereas plane B continues to fly ina straight line. Determine the speed of plane A with respect to plane B when r = 750 km. 750 en, 750 = 15000, 0= 05 ea = 2868. Her, 205, y= 26.57" and 0+ y= 55.21". Appling ‘Thus, the magne ofthe elatve velo yg on ACRES TOIS = 64h Ame “The diction ofthe relive loc tthe same a the rection ofthat for rave Ave 12201. At te instant show, the bicylist at Ais traveling at 7 /s around the curve on the racetrack while increasing his speed at 05 m/s2, The bicycist at Bi traveling at 85 m/s along the straightaway and increasing his speed at 0.7 m/s Determine the relative velocity and relative acceleration of A with respect to B at this instant Smt 17M = (85-91 + trade 91+ randy A Talat = 85+ (run), Dre = undp Ts, Cam = A004 any = 36m an) = AEDST van = 60 m8 a on tS one 2 (are B= 000000? ete [09H] +1051) = 107-31 + Couede 1+ Kaun, C0900 conker + 05 tad = 07 + unde re mite (uns (2 090 cnt +05 ext = (a), (a), = 1019 wb Ca) = OFS CHER due = 152m Ane on Am 12-202. At the instant shown, cars A and B are traveling at speeds of 55 mi/h and 40 mi/h, respectively. If B increasing its speed by 1200 mi/h?, while A maintains a ‘constant speed, determine the velocity and acceleration a radius of curvature of 05 mi. 4253 mi 12.203, Cars A and B are traveling around the circular race track, At the instant shown, has a speed of 90 ft/s and is increasing its speed at the rate of 15 ft/s, whereas B has a speed of 105 ft/s and is decreasing its speed at 25ft/s?, Determine the relative velocity and relative acceleration of car A with respect tocar B at ths instant. Yo = HOOP stay = (3h. +205) mm of B with respect to A. Car B moves along a curve having un ween) mit (Sas 209 ~ $8) =(2034+2) aim nu = VIET = 85 me ane (a = 12008? = (320060860 ~ 12000000") (3200060 + 20030 § = {560.784 357128)) win are sae 1 (5e0.70+ 3971.25) — 0 = (5607357128) msn? a A CBTIT GST = 518 mn? ane art AE sage ay ae Oe a vn = Cara say an “an = ATES TOT 984 ws | on = (106 + 1670 ar | OUTS TTT = 198 0 any Bnew | 12-204, The two cyclists A and B travel at the same constant speed 1: Determine the speed of A with respect to Bit A travels along the circular track, while B travels along the diameter of the circle. a= vsinetevess8) wy sui se toninairu20s99)~ vt = (vnne- + ve080) /(wxin OF (oes “Vem win Aas 12-208, A man can row a boat at 5 m/s in still water He wishes to cross a 50-m-wide river to point B, SO m downstream. If the river flows with a velocity of 2 m/s ‘determine the speed of the boat and the time needed 10 ‘make the crossing. Relative Velocty = ‘ups 4594 vy coe 4S} = 2) S08 Sein quing end) component, we have yn 45" Se08 8 v0 45° =-2= Sa @ Solving Ho.) an (2 yids =28s° 9 =6210m/s=621 0/8 “Tha, the sme ¢requred by the boat wave fom point w Bie u a 12-206. A passenger in an automobile observes that raindrops make an angle of 30° with the horizontal as the auto travels forward with a speed of 60 km/h. Compute the terminal (constant) velocity v, of the rain if it is assumed to fall vertically. 12.207, Ata given instant the football player at A throws ‘football C with a velocity of20 m/sin the direction shown. Determine the constant speed at which the player at B must run so that he can catch the football at the same elevation ‘at which it was thrown. Also calculate the relative velocity and relative acceleration ofthe football with respect to B at the instant the catch is made, Player B is 15m away from ‘A when A starts to throw the football, am ake | ~1sm—J bh renew 331 sey 02, = Matera 732m 1 = 1733) © 598 $A Contd 3) 045154 ond GD -110 Gon, oh = 428 ee Gon) = samt $ wD oreo a woo thee aa 12-208 A man can swim at 4 f1/s in still water. He wishes to cross the 40-ft-wide river to point B, 30 ft downstream. Ifthe river flows with a velocity of 2 ft/s, determine the speed of the man and the time needed to make the crossing. Nore: While in the water he must not ditect himself towards point B to reach this point. Why? Relative Velocity: By set Bogie bog 2+din OF deoe feats foade2ieas 4 ‘Bguating he andj components, weave Boars. a Bog eden o a Sobing Bg.) and 2] yes enn by = 4.866 fe = 8.87 UE Ane “Tha, the tine egud by the boat ave rom point At Bis aE F806 =103 Ane nose forthe mn to reche point B, the man aso dir Rims 53 wi y si. 8 J wails Sgt 134, The moon has a f 73.5(108 bs mass of 73.5(10") kg, and the th has amass of $98(10!) ky. If thie centes ne 384(10*) m apart, determine th a determine the gravitational atractive : force between the two bodiex onal vat “ 103.9810") = sso" GoM = 9010") Nae 13-2. The 10-Ib block has an initial velocity of 10 ft/s on the smooth plane, Ifa force F'= (2.50 Ib, where is in seconds, acts on the block for 3 s, determine the final velocity of the block and the distance the block travels, during this time. drnads Save fesra v2 400s? 610 : Wher 1235, Whe to35 veds20/s Ane 6628 Ane [E0250 +10) a 34172 +106 13.4 By using an inclined plane to retard the motion of a falling object, and thus make the observations more ‘accurate, Galileo was able to determine experimentally that the distance through which an object moves in free fall is proportional to the square of the time for travel. Show that this is the case, i.e, s & 12, by determining the time fa, fc, and fp needed for a block of mass m to slide from rest at A to points B, C, and D, respectively. Neglect the effects of friction. panennoy = 33990? 7 rehe = 134, The van is traveling at 20 kavh when the ‘coupling of the trailer at A fails. Ifthe trailer has a mass of 250 kg and coasts 45 m before coming to rest, determi the constant horizontal force F created by rolling friction ‘which causes the trailer to stop, 20110) ean” = 5556 mvs 2300981) N 25003829) WB +2a0—m) . a 55 2aV45 ~ 0) (a ~0.3829 mis? = 03429 mi? SEF amas P= 25003129 857N Ans 13-5. A block having a mass of 2 kg is placed on a spring scale located in an elevator that is moving dow ward. Ifthe scale reading, which measures the force in the spring, is 20 N, determine the acceleration of the elevator. Neglect the mass of the scale, +t ED Rema: 20-2081) 20 = 019 mie? Ans ‘The elevator is slowing down, 13-6. The baggage truck A has a mass of 800 kg and is, used to pull the two cars, each with mass 300 kg. If the tractive force F on the truck is F = 480 N, determine the initial acceleration of the truck. What is the acceleration of the truck if the coupling at C suddenly fails? The car wheels are free t0 roll. Neglect the mass of the wheels, SEP emo: 480 = 1800+ 2000) Shon a= 034% 033 mvs? Ans SEA amas 480= 800+ 300, CFS sow 6 = 03836 mis Ans 13-7. The 500-kg fuel assembly for a nuclear rector is being lifted out from the core of the nuclear reactor Using the pulley system shown. Itis hoisted upward with a constant acceleration such that s = Q/and v = 0 when t = 0, and s = 2.5 m when 1 = 1.5 s, Determine the tension in the cable at A during the motion. ayes)? +04 Fan sy 50049819 8 2202 mi? SPE Fy sma: 27 ~s00v9.sty = 002.222) T= 3008 N=301KN Ans 913-8. The man weighs 180 Ib and supports the barbells which have a weight of 100 Ib. If he lifts them 2 ft in the air in 1.5 s starting from rest, determine the reaction of ‘both of his feet on the ground during the lift. Assume the ‘motion is with uniform acceleration 100 ema, F— 100~ 180 = 2%, +EK 00 = 180 = 3 G1 se0ton+ dae sem tne + La 100 Laas? +04 dass 778 wus Thus, = 285.52= 28610 Ane 13-9. The crate has 2 mass of 80 kg and is being towed by a chain which is always directed at 20° from the hori- zontal as shown. If the magnitude of T is increased until the crate begins to slide, determine the crate’s initial accel- cration if the coefficient of static friction is jz, = 0.5 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 12, = 0.3. Equations of Equilibrium: If te crate is on the verge of slipping, F) = 14N = 05N. From FBD(s) FP EF =O: N+ Psin20" ~ 80098 nm SED =o: Teos20"—05w Solving Eqs. 1) and (2) yields a 7 = 35329 = 663.7 N Equation of Motion: Tho fii force developed between the crite and its conteting surge is F) ‘OA since the crate is ‘moving. From FRD(), FTE Fy = mays N 809.81) +355.295i020° 1 = 663.97 N AEF. = may: 3832900820" ~ 0.31663.97) = 800 a= 1.466 mis Ans 2058 13-10, ‘The crate has a mass of 80 kg and is being towed by a chain which is always directed at 20° from the horizontal as shown. Determine the crate’s acceleration in ¢ = 2s if the coefficient of static friction is 1, = 0.4 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is jz, = 0.3 and the towing force is T = (901°) N, where 1 is in seconds. Equations of Equilibrium: At FED) 360 N, From +t¥e, N+ 360sin20°—s0¢081) = 0 N SER =O 36000820" F; 0 Since_6 > Fd Equation of Motion: The fiction force developed between the cate and its contacting surface is Fy = 4,8 = ON since the erate is ‘moving. From FED), +t EF = may: N 809.81) + 360sin20" = 8040) N= 66167 N SEF = mays 360c0s20" — 0.31661.67) = Be = 178 evs? Ans 13-11. The water-park ride consists of an 800-Ib sled a which slides from rest down the incline and then into the (iit pool. If the frictional resistance on the incline is F, = uti 30 Ib, and in the pool for a short distance F, = 80 Ib, determine how fast the sled is traveling when $ = 5 f too : 500, +2 ED Fama: s0sinds’ 30 S84 1.361 tus Lf oon son Qe » 300 FDA ama: -80= My sco 18 Bee eco 1» 18.093)? + 21-3225 —0) m=T19 8s Ans “13:12. The 61 particle is subjected to the action ofits weight and forces Fy = (21 + 6) ~ 2k) Ib, F, = {7 4gj~ 1) Ib, and Fy = [=24H} Tb, where «is in seconds. Determine the distance the balls from the origin 2s after being released from rest. ER =a (he 624) + (8449 1k) 246 Jase, se0h) Ga yen compone Gale Since d= ad, inepracng from v=0, 1=0, yk ntre2 (56a, =e 6 23 sane st ATETF SSF TAT «97.4 Ans 13-13, The 2.1b particle A is acted upon by its weight fand the force system Fy = (21+ 6] ~ 2k) Ib, Fy (34~ tl 1b, and Fy = (14 5 ~ 2k) 1b, where + is in Seconds Determine the distance the particle is from the origin 3s after it has been released from rest. Be ema; 203+t—(s23)e rhene: 6 (2, Whee 1235, 62434708 4, #3290058 2 VGRIF TEE COTIS = 1458 Ane r y ae ¥ 13-14, Each ofthe two blocks has a mass. The coefficient cofkineti friction at all surfaces of contacts. Ifa horizontal force P moves the bottom block, determine the acceleration ‘of the bottom block in each case. ref Pato dam = me Eps mgs uma To mg sien (3) tom B42) Pe dung = ma) — We Bs ge te Am 13:15. The driver attempts to tow the erate using a rope that has a tensile strength of 200 Ib. If the crate is originally at rest and has a weight of 500 Ib, determine the greatest acceleration it can have if the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the roadis , = 0.4, land the coefficient of kinetic friction is ie = 03. ‘Buia tone te the ee te owing fre mn overcome ae a ri Suen —rwortewee iy sah $TER =O Netensor—sco=0 (2) niece eoneome see at awn ennai aes oe — +125 mq: ¥420«0I0-S0080 N= 4008 ag : 5 SEE =ma; r000030"-03;400) = 2, a mi sean es ans. mF au N 13-16. The double inclined plane supports two blocks A and B, each having a weight of 10 Ib. Ifthe coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and the plane is 4x = O.1, determine the acceleration of each block. Equation of Motion: Since blocks A and 8 ar sliding slons the plane, the fiction forces developed between the blocks and the plane are CFpa = uaa =01Ny and (Fda = wp = 01M. Here, ay ap = 2. Applying Eq, 13-7 FRD(), we have ao SHER anaes t-te" = (22 Jo 2 =sm i Efe amee 74018001060" (Jo tn From FBD(b). Cee Dre eons? = (1°) 0) vp = 5601» “ PAE Femmes, m= soear = (22, . SE Ramee roan = (Jee > Solving Eqs. [1] and [2] yields N 2309 18 Ans Fan 01 Ne T= 7013 tb ™ ° 13.17, The speed of the 3500: spons car is ploted Over the 30-e peri. Pie the variation of the action __ force F needed to cause the motion. vu) = 119) v= +50) Us. Applying Few) 6524 Equation of Motion: | Foro st EN He E | F | Pe wt sip, atkse ano ke atin soo-18-F =o ™ 2 Eben reex F how Fra = 021860) = SEANCES styl even aC Aasme 20 splag bee D mC, a SR sma: 1000 924~ he g tq ozs FF aes at (eee png ene DanC nha Aap emg: Poise mane st Faw = O35) = 943 € 99388 5 ‘upping ewe aC ata Sup emg: 10- 82-ve= “ Sm ens: 2d 22ts)= tow aims Ane eon « ane | 7 tan | 08 | Sup ema: Wa- i= 10% oe Toes | er len sam 1345, A projectile of mass m is fired into aliquid at an ‘angle 6 with an initial velocity vp as shown. If the liquid develops a frictional or drag resistance on the projectile which is proportional to its velocity, ie, P= kv, where is a constant, determine the x and y components of its position at any instant. Also, what is the maximum distance Xue that it travels? Sag emg: chrn ees oe amg; man tvane i step eme - en = OE = cotta, Y= tne ie rye or jo Bo ins EO epson pote 8 Bs 8 0" y= Began «Pee wnear= 0, ays Ot Bem qe os ao Stew a0 in Bhacety Ane ya BEE Beran ts BH 1346. The tractor is used tolift the 150-ke load B with the 24-m-long rope, boom, and pulley system. If the tractor is traveling to the right at @ constant speed of 4m/s determine the tension in the rope when s4 = 5 m, ‘When 54 = 0,59 = 0. aay + fil SUD = 24 -n Gd r14s) (an) <0 Hin (10) oc 5 +146) i() os aay Hogi a= [poten 1.0687 mvs? farsa cag] om + TER =maj: T= 15019.81)= 150.0487) T#L63eN Ane 13-47, ‘The tractor is used to lft the 150-kg load B with the 24m-long rope, boom, and pulley system. If the tractor is traveling to the right with an acceleration of 3 m/s" and has a velocity of 4 m/s atthe instant 5 = 5m, Getermine the tension in the rope at this instant. When. 44 = 0.89 0, am of oUF 228 sey as aa sey (ons) HG o14sy (oC tyes) =0 { Ak _ sents] Gre Gris) [tit tsa Geral oF 148) = 22025 me + 72R, =a: T~ 1809.81) = 1502,2025) T=LS0kN Ans en 15008 )N. \ | 15009. 21)N "13.48, The smooth block B of negligible size has a mass ‘m and rests on the horizontal plane. If the board AC pushes on the block at an angle @ with a constant acceleration ag, determine the velocity of the block along the board and the distance 5 the block-moves along the board as a function of time 1. The block starts from rest when 13-49. Block A has a massm, andis attached toa spring having a stiffness & and unstretched length If another block B, having a mass mp, is pressed against A so that the spring deforms a distance d, determine the distance bboth blocks slide on the smooth surface before they begin to separate, What is their velocity at this instant?” Bloc: SER amas Hed -Namay Bick a Sth ema: Nomar Sinseay Om ming 88 ae) suc a te Wee = fg tne ae ve 88 kay | tc fa waa ee f= jemoe i 13-50, Block A has a mass m, and is attached to spring, having a stiffness k and unstretched length l-If another A block B, having a mass mp, is pressed against A so that the spring deforms a distance d, show that for separation tooccuritisnecessary that d > 2ug(ma + ma)/k, where uxis the coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and the ground. Also, whats the distance the blocks side fon the surface before they separate? lock # S3h= may: Nosumek= mace Sones ves a om sdna)-mgina om), Kido ~ Gg +m) Tuomas & N te) Felony mation f incom) Zool Nyany (N20, tea x= for separation. Ane t | Ae ament of separation viveade 7 (lateend« je-mesy | ‘Ta Fm v= (Fina e Vem) Roque ¥>0, 50 hat ta? 2a gm +maid>0 ms, > ta gia +m) tBLim ome) OED, 13:51. The block A has a mass m, and rests on the pan B, which has a mass m, Both are supported by a spring, having a stiffness k that is attached to the bottom of the pan and to the ground. Determine the distance d the pan should be pushed down from the equilibrium position and then released from rest so that separation of the block will take place from the surface of the pan at the instant the spring becomes unstretched "1352 Determine the mass of the distance from the earth to 413-1 torepresent on the earth, : the sun, knowing that the sun is 149.6(10°) km the force of gravity acting ema: CMM yt e thoma: OMe ay aOR ef ag 2088.61108) 17 esteem) “2410 m/s [@snurPawoce : EE TO 80 «56 (10%) keane 43-53, The sports car, having a mass of 1700 kg, is traveling horizontally along a 20° banked track which is, circular and has a radius of curvature of p = 100 m. Ifthe ‘coetfcient of static friction between the tires and the road is 4," 02, determine the maximum constant speed at which the car can travel without sliding up the slope. Neglect the size of the car. Neos 20-0.2Nsin20* ~ 1700.81) = y=19140.6N Eze mas; 19140.68020°+0.2019 140, 6)o0820" san ane er Besa ota = mg Be: +125, = mg) Blk a pn +12 = mg Grama, fi Bate ai 3 bravmarg, Hl NES HO A = etm <4 13654 Using the data in Prob, 13-53, determine the ‘minimum speed at which the car can travel around the track without sliding down the slope. TER <0; Nooe20"40.2Nsia20° -17000.81 =O N= 6848.1 . 3Lsin 20° ~0.2(1 on = 1700{ Ya Eanene: usnar-oaso.neaar «1m 1355. A girl having amass of 15g, sits motionless relative to the surface of a herizontal platform at a distance of 'S m from the platform's center. Ifthe angular motion ofthe platform is slowly increased so that the g's tangential ‘component of acceleration can be neglected, determine the maximum speed which the girl will have before she begins to slip off the platform. The coefficient of static friction between the girl and the platform is ws = 02. ~— Equation of Motion Sie te gis on he verge of sping, ‘Aplying Bi. 13~8, we bave 1N=02N, BR=0, N-IS@BN <0 W=147I5N caver anf) "13-56, Solve Prob. 13-55 assuming that the platform starts rotating from rest so that the girl's speed is increased uniformly at = 0.5 m/s? Bquation of Motio Since te gli on he verge of siping, f= 2, = 0.26. ‘Aarlying By, 13-8, weave » Bh=0 — Na1s@81)"0 NeteTISN ER =ma: — 02(142.15)sin@= 15105) 6= 1476" A= mq; 02(14718)c0r 14.7 23.08 m/e Ans 13-57, The 600-kg wrecking ball is suspended from the crane by a cable having a negligible mass. Ifthe ball has a speed v = 8 m/s at the instant itis at its lowest point, @ = OF, determine the tension in the cable at this instant. Also, determine the angle @ to which the ball swings before it stops. oa PY] | etenemas ro smeny «on 2m — : | enema: -eonsanane = ang oF é seen =e wey Qe -sain |e ao fo ook gt -9.81(12)(—co0® + 1) i rf ayo as Gotan 13:58. Prove that if the block is released from rest at point B of a smooth path of arbitrary shape, the speed it attains when it reaches point A is equal to the speed it attains when it falls freely through a distance A; ie, Ir v= agi a a 2 s ‘ ee eee a vie dea psnode Hower dyed * x N\ es t 13-59. At the instant @ = 60°, the boy's center of mass G has a downward speed vg = 15 ft/s. Determine the rate of increase in his speed and the tension in cach of the two supporting cords of the swing at this instant, The bboy has a weight of 60 Ib. Neglect his size and the mass of the seat and cords. Napemg: coonsora Bg g=t6i0 Awe oo one LULU 13-60. Atthe instant @ = 60°, the boy's center of mass | Gis momentarily at rest. Determine his speed and the tension in each of the two supporting cords of the swing when @ = 90°. The boy has a weight of 60 Ib, Neglect his size and the mass of the seat and cords. a NBhe ma: ? 2. Sat 4=322ome 1361. An acrobat has a weight of 150 Ib and is sitting ‘on a chair which is porched on top of a pole as showa. If by a mechanical drive the pole rotates downward at a constant rate from 6 = 0°, such that the acrobat’s center fof mass G maintains a constant speed of vg = 10 M/s determine the angle @ at which he begins to “ly” out of the chair, Neglect frition and assume that the distance from the pivot O to Gis p = 15 ft 6 pom gual of Motion: te ott out yo ca, tral eae 0 Appyog B.13-8, webae them: stan 0» (12) aa ¢ 6= 78.1 Ans ae 1362, Solve Prob. 13-61 if the speed of the acrobat’ center of mass sincreased from (y)9 = 10/5 at 8= 0" by a constant rate of, 15 ft/s 150 Ib ! i miata tant Serta ter taeacean oo seem mee (tt soos 2 aa aa Solving for @ by wial and error, 6=75.6" a Ase 13-63. If the crest of the hill has a radius of curva- ture p = 200 ft, determine the maximum constant speed at which the car can travel over it without leaving the surface of the road. Neglect the size of the car in the calculation. The car has a weight of 3500 Ib. ie ns Neo Ans "13-64. The aizplane, traveling at a constant speed of 50 mvs, is executing @ horizontal turn. If the plane is banked at @ = 15°, when the pilot experiences only a normal force on the seat of the plane, determine the radius of curvature p of the turn. Also, what isthe normal force of the seat on the pilot if he has a mass of 70 kg? HE Acna: ims 998 =0 p=265N An EER =m: roms =70 (2) p= 63m Ans 209.81)N wl, 13-65. The 150-Ib man lies against the cushion for which the coefficient of static friction isp, = 0.5. Determine the resultant normal and frictional forces the cushion exerts on him if, due to rotation about the z axis, hhe has a constant speed’ v = 20 fi/s. Neglect the size of the man. Take 6 = 60° FNER = mtan)ys N 15000860" = 2 +L ER Sma: — F + 150sin60" F 34 fb Note: No slipping occurs Since N= 1384 b> 13.4 1 13-66. ‘The 150-Ib man lies agai which the coefficient of static friction is 4, = 0.5. If he rotates about the z axis with a constant speed » = 30 fl/s, determine the smallest angle @ of the cushion at which he will begin to slip off. st the cushion for érrn gs SW C080 + N sin a(") = 150+ Neost— 058 sing = +tEK es ged = 05ci08 (OScos6 + sino130 150 (eon = 050m) ~ 322, 2) é O.Scost + sin = 349378 cont ~ 1.74689 sin onans’ Ans 13.67. Determine the constant speed of the passengers ‘on the amusement-park is observed that the supporting cables are directed at 6 = 30° from the vertical. Each chair including its passenger has a mass of £80 kg. Also, what are the components of force in the 7. and 6 directions which the chair exerts on a SO-kg passenger during the motion? homes t= ma: hme: “13-68. If the ball has a mass of 30 kg and a speed » 4/m/s at the instant it is at its lowest point, 6 = 0°, determine the tension in the cord at this instant. Also, determine the angle 9 to which the ball swings at the instant it momentarily stops. Neglect the size ofthe ball. we soon oft) TER =m: Tesl4N Ans gy2h «mag, ~309.800 = 306 a= 9.81808 aatoxoseh = so2nsd-=-8 ome Am eae Teas" - 90980 = 0 ee wan v= 630m an wash i = soe Ave 7 fe ase 0 nomseo oe Re won ro 30(A70N 1369, The ball has a mass of 30kg and a speed v= 4m/s at the instant itis at its lowest point, 8 O° Determine the tension in the cord and the rate at which the balls speed is decreasing. at the instant @ = 20°, 6 - Neglect the size of the bal SER emai T-200281)-00«30( 2) 309.81) = 30, 6 dev dy Sine de = 440, ten 981 fs dos fod a aan ca = Lt Leo? s9.24(con8-1) +8 LY 9 \ N= 20 Bo0G70N venas als 536mis'= 3360/2 / Ane T2360N Ane 13-70, The package has a weight of 5 Ib and slides down the chute. When it reaches the curved portion AB, itis traveling at 8 ft/s (0 = 0°). If the chute is smooth, determine the speed of the package when it reaches the intermediate point C (@ = 30°) and when it reaches the horizontal plane (0 = 45°). Also, find the normal force ‘on the package at C. L Dye ma: Seon = | ee ¢ ae moan a Am eng wa sany = Se ord u sh [fra =f sezempcaneny 1, Mg 2A sr = 19, ve = 19939 018 Ne 191% am Mee ras aor vy owe ane 1371 Cartons having a mass of 5 kg are required to | ‘move along the assembly line at a constant speed of | 8 m/s, Determine the smallest radius of curvature, p, for the conveyor so the cartons do not slip. The coefficients | of static and kinetic friction between"a carton and the conveyor are y, = 0.7 and uy = 0.5, respectively, 113-7, The smooth block B having amas of 02 kg. is attached tothe vertex A of the right cular cone ting A 8 light cord. The cone is rotating at a constant angular rate about the z axis such that the block attains a speed of 05 m/s. At this speed, determine the tension in the cord and the reaction which the cone exerts on the block, [Neglect the sizeof the block. 2.0 a 50 20 ym = 0.120 m “feb oma; 1-920.80(3)=[0a a 1) RIN Ane 1m -0.20.80(3), {ESO Ny =0.888N Ane 0 J " T “Gen ()-o20m-0 a aes MnOMN am * ABE 13-73, The 0.8-Mg caris traveling overthehill having the y shape of a parabola. If the driver maintains a constant speed of 9 m/s, determine both the resultant normal force ‘and the resultant frictional force that all the wheels of the ‘car cxert on the road at the instant it reaches point - Neglect the size of the car 4 ty Geometry: Hew, 2 = 0.00825 nd 5 » 0.00625. The Hope angle @ & ae st point Ais given by ct ee w (80) @m-2657° | 6009.81) dite aus of curvature a point is Bs2b.n7° aL I0 Pr -o0osesrp a) onan OT ean Bauation of Motion : Here. «= 0. Applying By 13~8 with @ = 2657" snd p= 22361 m, wehave 2 Brom: wioabastsr pam Taam am Beem: wiayearvere( 2 Neensen 13-74. A girl having a mass of 25 kg sits at the edge of the merry-go-round so her center of mass G is at a distance of 1.5 m from the axis of rotation. If the angular motion of the platform is slowly increased so that the Bir’s tangential component of acceleration can be neglected, determine the maximum speed which she can have before she begins to slip off the merry-go-round. ‘The coefficient of static friction between the girl and the merry-go-round is 4, = 03, Sag emg: 09004825 = 25 ae y= 2000 13-75, The 10:b suitcase slides down the curved ramp for which the coefficient of kinetic friction i py = 02.16 at the instant it reaches point A it has a speed of S ft/s, determine the normal force on the suitcase and the “qe sear-(22,( 25) PER ems 8 105066.31°= (505) a ae s783=5.88 Ane DYER =max; ~0.215.8783)+ Osin86 31° aa20qe Ans '*13-76. ‘The 2-kg spool 5 fits loosely on the inclined rod for which the coefficient of static friction is 1, = 02. If the spool is located 0.25 m from A, determine the ‘minimum constant speed the spool can have so that it does not slip down the rod. ean = ma: ota ema: 13-77, The 2-kg spool S fits loosely on the inclined rod for which the coefficient of static friction is u, = 02. If the spool is located 0.25 m from A, determine the maximum constant speed the spool can have so that it does not slip up the rod. 22N p= 02s(f) = 02m 3 4 ns) ~ 02m = 26 sean) -xoay «0 v= 0960m p= onset = 02m 2 3, 4 MQ + 0a = ae 3 my ~ 02n,8) 208) = 0 y= 235N vata Ane L ‘5.319 ation oa Me 13-78, The man has a mass of 80 kg and sits 3 m from the center of the rotating platform. Due to the rotation his speed is increased from rest by = 0.4 m/s?. If the coefficient of static friction between his clothes and the platform is 4," 03, determine the time required to ‘cause him to slip. ER ma: 5 = 9x04 foros hewn ne ang fe . ae eae) w= 1000.90 Fn Me = NOTOE exces = [anes con ssa = 1006+ oan) Slee flose ve oar 29875 = 041 13-79. The skier starts from rest at A(10 m, 0) and descends the smooth slope, which may be approximated by a parabola. If she has a mass of 52 kg, determine the normal force she exerts on the ground at the instant she arrives at point B. Neglect the size of the skier. Hint: Use the result of Prob. 13-58. dy 0 @y Comers tae, 2 a wt pore sre ono 2) =o ono" ‘and the Fadia of curvature at point B is (49) | U4 @y/asr 10 | evar = 17a —| Ven ere EAs ma; 528I)sind = —$24 a = -981 sind Them mas N= s2.8rco0 =m m Kinematics: The speed of the skier can be determined using vdi ‘ads, Here, a, rust be in the dicetion of postive ds. Also, ds = a, fi VIF eFax Then, sind 98 my ‘Also, one can obtain v? by using the result of Prob, 13-58. vm gh (9 81)(5) = 98.1 m/s? Substitte and p= 100m into Eg. (1) 52980) "13.80, The block has a weight of? Ib and itis free to move along the smooth slot in the rotating disk. The spring has a stiffness of 2.5 b/ft and an unstretched length of 1.25 ft. Determine the force of the spring on the block and the tangential component of force which the slot __ ‘exerts on the side ofthe block, when the block is at rest with respect to the disk and is traveling with a constant speed of 12 ft/s 2 = ma a= ma ase wt = 2p: L ® Xp-125) fee 2552249" ~ 1.259) = 28 P= 1aip -288 = 0 Coan ihe pote rx i pane a asae-i2y = saree 13.81. If the bicycle and rider have a total weight of 180 Ib, determine the resultant normal force acting on the bicycle when itis at point A while itis freely coasting at v4 = 6fY/s. Also, compute the increase in the bicyclist’s speed at this point, Neglect the resistance due to the wind and the size of the bicycle and rider. yee ma: mere = By 13.82, The collar has a mass of 5 kg and is confined to ‘move along the smooth cireular rod which Ties in the horizontal plane. The attached spring has an unstretched length of 200 mm. If at the instant 6 = 30°, the collar has 8 speed v= 2m/s determine the magnitude of normal force of the rod on the collar and the collar’s acceleration. Equation of Motion : The spring frei given by Fy = Kb) += 40(2cos30?~0.2) = 61.28 N. The normal component of wscenon is 4 m3 Aopying Ea 13-8, we have M508 =O M=4905N Emmy: 612in 30 =5q 6.128 ae ER ama; 61.2805 50°-N, =5(4) Ny = 3307 N Thus, he again of the scseraion is an NGF = (TH = 732m Ane 1d the magne of ermal fore is Na (ERR = (BOSTTOR. 1343, A particle, having a mass of 15 kg, moves 4 path defined by the equations r= (4+) 1, (i? 2) rad, and 2 = (6~ 2) m, where 1 is in seconds Determine the r 8, and z components of foree which the path exerts on the particle when Peete 10m P= 3 a rao athe tags Sedna isbn sense Fe -6i3) 2-2? 16 20-106)? = 160 mist 4 = rB4 26 = 10(2)+ 20348) = bast ae ase Ba or Fe LS(160)=-HON Ame h=men Fy (44) =66N Ant BR ema: A= 150.81)= 15-12) Au e 13-84. The path of motion of a S-Ib particle in the horizontal plane is described in terms of polar coordinates as r= (21+ 1) ft and @ = (0.51 —1) rad, where 1 is in seconds. Determine the magnitude of the unbalanced force acting on the particle when t lisesnn fe F, m2 + Te fs =o $057 thas = mag: P= Np sin30 = 008(20) wa ™ 7 . FevstN Aes 7.2086 } Nye AN 13-98, Solve Prob. 13-97 if = 2rad/s? when 6 = Srad/s and 6 = 60°. r= 08 sine = 08 cond i Fm 08 sino (3 + 08 cos ons On2 | Mewar, r= 068 jer F-16501 427-110) » ~16521-0.6028(57 = ~33861 28 = os + 205) « 21386 Rat; § = 3068-029 = 2268N AE a ma; —1aeee Noort" © 0046-3384) NB = mays Fy end0" = 000121386) PeTRN Am p= 226 13.9. Fora short time, the 250-kg roller coaster car is ‘traveling along the spiral track such that its postion measured from the top of the track has components, 7 = 8m, 6= (0.11 + 05) rad, and z = (0.21) m, where # is im seconds. Determine the magnitudes of the components of force which the track exerts on the car in ther &.and directions atthe instant = 25 Neglect the Kinematie: Has, r= 81, -=F 0. Taking te red ine dt ur=2s, wehwve a me 82010405), 20700 6: ono £2024, zo ‘Applying s.12~28, we have 4 Ff? =0-8( 0100") = 008006? 55 =18 +218 = (0) +2(0)(0.200) = qatno Bquation of Motion Lema; F=250(-0.0800) =-200N Ane Bh,= maj; = 250(0) =0 Ans hema: 29009.) =230(0) A =USISN=245 EN Ane 913-100. Using a forked rod,a smooth eylinder C having. ‘amass of 05 kgs forced to move along the vertical slotted path r = (0.5) m, where @ is in radians. f the angular position of the arm is @ = (051?) rad, where ¢ is in seconds, determine the force of the rod on the cylinder and the normal force of the slot on the cylinder at the instant ¢ = 2s. The cylinder is in contact with only one edge of the tod and slot at any instant pa0s0 r=058 F050 oxost ber Oat 5 needs, ernd e145 B= 2radls B= 1nd oa pelm falmie Fe0Smit Arhanes +050) . anys a4 = 258) aa os aah-r@ 205-107 2-35 $f8h =a 24 = 74278 = Wh) 2000) «5 2 % | f joe , we Aan 6 % ane 05-35, = 3.0M0rin26.57° + 4.908524. 59° = 0.565) FaLsiN Ane 13-101, The ball has a mass of 2 kg and a negligible size. It is originally traveling around the horizontal circular path of radius ry = 0.5 m such that the angular rate of rotation is dy = I rad/s. If the attached cord ABC is drawn down through the hole at a constant speed of 0.2 mms, determine the tension the cord exerts on the ball at the instant r = 0.25 m. Also, compute the angular velocity of the ball at this instant, Neglect the effects of friction between the ball and horizontal plane. Hint: First show that the equation of motion in the 4 direction yields ap = ri +26 = (1/r)(d(r26)/dt) 0. When integrated, r36 = c, where the constant ¢ is

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