PCK 303 Understanding The Lesson 7

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Bagsit, Kemuel G.

Understanding the Lesson 7

1."Playing house" is part of kids childhood experiences. How beneficial is it in

cognitive development?
Play is an important part of the childhood development. Through play children
learn about shapes, colors, cause and effect, and themselves. Besides cognitive
thinking, play helps the child learn social and psychomotor skills. It is a way of
communicating joy, fear , sorrow, and anxiety. Play with imagination and fantasy is the
child's natural medium of self-expression and one that gives cues about the child's
conscious and unconscious states. In play therapy, clinicians employ various
techniques designed to reveal the child's psychological and social development.
Clinician directed play therapy is, therefore, not naturally self-directed play, but play
designed by a professional to facilitate understanding of the child and the child's healing
2. Research has shown that learners from low-income groups are at a
disadvantage because parents cannot provide educational toys and
entertainment media. How important are these technological tools in an early
Early childhood educators can use technology in a purposeful way, much like
they do with other learning materials, such as art supplies, blocks, books, toys, etc.
Technology allows teachers the ability to record, save, and share what they learned in
class that day, or more specifically during a particular lesson. Assistive technology can
also be a helpful tool in communicating with or promoting the development of children
with special needs or disabilities. Screen media are increasingly common in young
children's life. It is therefore essential to understand the impact of specific technologies
such as tablets or e-books for literacy and the best ways to include these technologies
in children's routine at home, in childcare or in the classroom. Emerging practices and
their implications for parents, teachers and policy makers are reviewed in this topic
3. Recall your past teachers whom you labelled as good teachers. What were their
practices that could be labelled as scaffolding? How were these helpful in
understanding difficult lessons?
I remember Sir Efren Guinoban. He is my science teacher when I am in
elementary. He always gives us science trivia so that we can learn new things every
day. Also, he supports us in learning science and always ready to give a hand for us to
gain knowledge to his subject. It is helpful because if there is no support in learning, the
students may find it difficult at later on lose interest on it.

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