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Bagsit, Kemuel G.

Understanding the Lesson 8

1. Why is attention essential in the learning process? Give some ways to

sustain the interests of the learners?

Effective attention is what allows us to screen out irrelevant stimulation in

order to focus on the information that is important in the moment. This also
means that we are able to sustain attention which then allows us to engage in a
task for long enough to repeatedly practice it.

Here are 10 teaching strategies that you can do to keep your class
interested and engaged.

Discover new things together – It’s much more fun for both parties when
students and teachers learn new things together.
Make it interactive – If you want your students to be interested in what you are
teaching them, you must make it interactive.
Incorporate mystery into your lessons – Learning is the most fun when it’s
surprising. Don’t just tell them information; cloak it in to mystery.
Be crazy, but show you care – Let loose; laugh; make fun of yourself. Don’t
worry about sacrificing your authority.
Participate in projects – I had a creative science professor at my school who
would bring his own material to class for the students to workshop. It was great
fun for all of us, and enjoyable for him as well.
Avoid “going through the motions” – Make an effort to be fresh, try new
things, take risks, make mistakes, and enjoy the moment.
Share your passion with students – Show students how you have fun. Passion
is contagious. If you’re having a good time, chances are your students will too.
Laugh at your students’ jokes – It’s one of the best ways to ensure teachers
and students have fun: enjoy one another.
Replace lectures with conversations – Why should teaching be so passive?
Forget the sage on the stage and engage your students in a casual conversation
like you would a good friend.
Enjoy yourself – We pay a lot of attention to those people, who enjoy

2. Why are drills and exercises necessary in the teaching-learning process?

Is this connected to the concept of teaching to the point of mastering?
Students benefit from practice because they are able to apply knowledge
through interaction. Students connect with the material when they work with texts
and concepts beyond a one-time exposure. When students practice using the
knowledge through application, they connect with information on a deeper level.
For instance, when learning about writing, students have to write. They have to
hone the voice, tone and style of their writing. This cannot happen unless they
revise, see examples and learn to improve their own work. Students cannot
transfer a lecture on good essay writing into an actual good essay without
practical application. While drills are associated with a regimented style of
instruction, they do have a place. Drills are used successfully when teaching
students technique. For instance, when young people are learning their
multiplication tables, they can do drills on each number set to help them
memorize; they can then proceed to more difficult concepts that use the
information obtained from drills. In physical education and music, coaches and
teachers use drills as a method to hone skills that need repetition for
improvement. Additionally, students can use this technique with one another for
shared learning opportunities. Mastery learning is based on the idea of narrowing
achievement gaps between students in the same classroom. Therefore, with the
help of drills and exercises the gaps on the student’s knowledge will be narrowed
and it can help them acquire the needed knowledge and sklls.

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