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Running head: CASE STUDY 2 1

Case study 2

Malika Gabbidon

Sheridan College

Dear Jaden,

I am so glad that you had the courage to speak out about what's going on in your life. I’m

sorry this is happening to you and it is okay to feel this way. I am glad you're talking to me now,

things may never be the same, but they can get better. Coming out is a brave and important step

you took in your life. It is heartbreaking that people are unable to accept your pronouns, try to

limit your identity as well as say hurtful comments about your identity and birthmark. You are

stronger than you may think, you were able to come out again despite the first time you did and

the reaction that you got. That takes a lot of resilience and you should be proud. This must be a

difficult time especially at your age, you will meet people who will respect you and don't let your

current situation define you as a person. It is important that you are careful and mindful because

coming can lead to physical harm and your safety is what is most important. It is good though

that you have reached out to the school and they can help make sure to keep a safe environment

for you. I am honoured you trust me enough to tell me about this, but I am concerned. Instead of

cutting how about we find other alternatives? You can try listening to music, going for walks,

mediation, practice self-kindness phrases and most importantly build a support system. Find

trustworthy friends and adults you can confide in. When you feel overwhelmed just take some

deep breaths in and out to slow down your heart rate. The Egale Canada organization has a

virtual community, pronoun guides and affirmations. There is also the Canadian Mental Health

association where they offer individual and group therapy, relapse prevention and education.

Again, I am glad you were able to talk about what you are going through and I hope to hear from

you soon as we create action plans to help you cope.

Best Regards,


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