Happiness Beyond Color: Ber Comfortable of Your True Self

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Happiness Beyond Color

Society tends to create standards in different aspects of our lives. People are obsessed over every
single detail not only on the things you do but on who you are. This makes every one of us push
harder and do more in order to justify that they are worthy of praise and love. You become eager to
be perfect; you change yourself to fit in the crowd. Why? Because you want to be accepted. However,
this kind of mentality only sets you to unrealistic and unachievable expectations which make you
forget to live your life.

Perfectionism puts intense pressure on oneself. Instead of feeling loved, you only end up feeling
worse about yourself and begin to sacrifice your happiness- offering you only a negative impact on
your well-being. There you would realize that even pushing yourself harder, it is impossible to reach
the finish line which seems to get further. As a woman of color, you might have encountered people
or resides in a place that measures your self-worth. Perfectionism may have greeted you and tried to
replace the real you. Anxiety then drives you to live up feeling miserable. You begin to question your
race, to find the reason why such is a big deal. Instead of worrying about them, you have to prioritize
your dreams and your happiness.

Ber comfortable of your true self

The first step towards having a positive life is to be comfortable with who you are. What about your
skin? What about your nose? What about your hair? Nothing’s wrong with them. When you begin to
accept your true identity, you begin to appreciate yourself. You’ll learn that regardless of your color or
your physical attributes, you are a woman full of thousand capabilities and not even negative remarks
can take them away from you. Bear in mind that lack of contentment forbids you to recognize your
ability and your own beauty.

Let go of perfectionism

When you release yourself from perfectionism, you would have a clearer view to find your happiness.
Only when you let go of these unrealistic expectations you can find your peace. Embracing
perfectionism is imprisoning yourself. Come out of your comfort zone and move forward. Don’t hold
back and leave the idea of following society’s standards. Your happiness is in your hand.

Live for yourself

Living up the way others wanted prevents you enjoy your life. Don’t listen to their nasty remarks; you
are more than that. When you become a people pleaser, you’ll miss many moments that should be
for yourself. You have to realize that your life is your own and living for them only means wasting your
time and effort. Focus on the moment and live the way you wanted. Your color is not your limitation.
Make yourself a priority

You are not obliged to make people happy. Yes, you have to prioritize maintaining a positive
relationship with other people like your friends but that doesn't mean sacrificing your connection
with yourself. Prioritizing yourself means putting your happiness first. People of color are also human
beings in need of freedom, love, and peace- and they shouldn't be deprived of those. We all share the
same blood with the same strength and capabilities.

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