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Review Problems for Exam 1

1 . Consider a machine which showed the following benchmark results

Instruction Type Cycles to execute Frequency

A 1 30%
B 2 25%
C 3 20%
D 4 15%
E 5 10%

What is the CPI for machine based on this data? Assuming a 125Mhz clock, what is the
MIPS rating?

The compiler group decided to improve the performance. The new optimization resulted
in the following.
Instruction type Percentage of instructions as compared to
unoptimized programs
A 95%
B 85%
C 80%
D 90%
E 75%

That is, if the unoptimized program executed 200 type B instructions, the optimized
program will need only 170 type B instructions.

What is the new CPI after the compiler optimization? What is the MIPS rating?

Key: For the first part, the CPI is given by

1 * 0.3 + 2 * 0.25 + 3 * 0.2 + 4 * 0.15 + 5 * 0.1 = 2.5

That is, on the average an instruction takes 2.5 cycles. Since the clock is operated at 125
Mhz (125 Million cycles per second), the MIPS rating is given by that is 50 MIPS.
MIPS = (Instruction count)/(Execution time X 10 6 ) = (clock rate/CPI X
10 6)=(125 X 10 6 )/(2.5 X 10 6  )=50 MIPS

For the second part, we can construct the actual instruction frequencies. We can find the
CPI rating as follows.
1 * 0.3 * 0.95 + 2 * 0.25 * 0.85 + 3 * 0.2 * 0.8 + 4 * 0.15 * 0.9 + 5 * 0.1 * 0.75
= 2.105
We need to scale the CPI since now the total is not 100% but is
0.95 * 0.3 + 0.85 * 0.25 + 0.8 * 0.2 + 0.9 * 0.15 + 0.75 * 0.1=0.8675
So the new CPI =2.105/0.8675=2.43
In other words, after compiler optimization, the benchmark has a CPI of 2.43 cycles per
instruction. Using the same clock of 125 Mhz, the MIPS rating is 51.44 MIPS.
2. Consider the following possible enhancements for floating point applications
Make multiplication 10 times faster
Make Load/Store 4 times faster
Make add 2 times faster

a). If we have 8% FP multiply instructions and 7% FP add. For Load and Store, we
have 15% FP load and 7% FP store. Indicate the performance improvements (speed-
up) that is possible with each of the enhancements.

b). If you can choose any two enhancements, together, which two will produce highest

Key. We have 8% FP multiply and 7% FP Add. For Load and Store, we have 22%.
a). Making FP Multiply 10 times faster gives us
1/(0.92 + 0.08/10) = 1/0.928 = 1.0776 0r 7.76% speedup
Making Load/Stores 4 times faster
1/(0.78+0.22/4) = 1/0.835 = 1.198 or 19.8% speedup
Making FP adds 2 times faster
1/(0.93+0.07/2) = 1/0.965 = 1.036 or 3.6%

Thus Load and Store improvement achieves highest speed-ups

Multiply + Load/Store
= 1/(0.7 + 0.08/10+0.22/4) = 1/0.763 = 1.311 (or 31.1%)
Multiply + Add
= 1/(0.85+0.008+0.035) = 1/0.893 = 1.12 (0r 12%)

Add and FP Load/Store

1/(0.71+0.035+0.055) = 1/0.8 = 1.25 (or 25%)

3. Assume you have a 32-bit address. Show how the 32-bits are used if your cache is 32-
Kbytes for each of the following case. Also show to which cache set the (hex) address
ABCED8F8 falls to in each of these cases.

a). 32-byte cache lines and direct mapped

b). 64-byte cache lines and direct mapped
c). 32-byte cache lines and 4-way set associative.


a). Since we are using 32-byte cache lines, we will have 1024 cache lines. We need the 5
least significant bits to find a byte within a cache line, and we will use the next 10
significant bits to locate a cache set (here each set has one element since we are looking
at direct mapped cache.
17-‐bit Tag 10-‐bit set 5-‐bit byte

The address ABCED8F8 translates to 1010 1011 1100 1110 1 101 1000 111 1 1000
Thus the set number is 101 1000 111 (711) and the byte is 20.

b). With 64-byte lines we have 512 cache lines; we need least 6 bits to find a byte (byte
offset) and we need next 9 bits to index a set (or a line since each set has only one line in
direct mapped)
17-‐bit Tag 9-‐bit set index 6-‐bit byte

The address now maps as follows 1010 1011 1100 1110 1 101 1000 11 11 1000
Thus the set number is 101 1000 11 (355) and the byte is 56.

c). Note that like in (a) we still have only 1024 lines of 32-bytes each. However since he
have a 4-way set associative cache, we only have 1024/4 = 256 sets (each set containing
4 lines).

19-‐bit Tag 8-‐bit set index 5-‐bit byte

Now the address map looks like 1010 1011 1100 1110 1 10 1100 0111 1 1000.
The set number is 1100 0111 (199) and byte is 20.

4. Consider the following problem for computing miss penalties and CPI due to cache
misses. It takes It takes 4 cycles to send an address and initiate a DRAM memory access.
It takes 4 cycles to read (or write) a 4-byte word from memory (using non- interleaved
memory). It takes 1 cycle to send (or receive) a 4-byte word.

a). If your cache uses 32-byte cache lines, how long will it take to exchange data
between the main memory (DRAM) and the cache (i.e., miss penalty).
b). 30% of all instructions access data (load and store instructions). We will assume
split data caches (separate Instruction and Data cache) and that the instruction
cache miss rate is 5% while the data cache miss rate is 10%. If the CPI on a
cache hit is 1 cycle, what is the CPI with cache misses?
c). Let us assume that we are using write-back caches and that 50% of the cache
lines are dirty. What is the CPI under this assumption?
d). If we are using 4-way interleaved memory, what is the miss penalty. Note that
all 4 memory modules can read their respective words in parallel but need to
send one word at a time.


a). Here we have a latency of 4 cycles. For each word (4-bytes), we need 4 cycles to
access the data and 1 cycle to transmit the data. Since we have 32-byte cache lines, we
need to access and transmit 8 words.
Miss Penalty = 4+ 8*4+8*1 = 44 cycles
b). Since we have split caches, let me compute the CPI contribution due to instructions
and data separately.
Instruction CPI = 1 + 5%*44 = 1 + 2.2 = 3.2 cycles
Data CPI = 30%[1 + 10%*44] = 30%*5.4 = 1.62 cycles

Total = 4.82 cycles

c). If we have write back cache, only the Data CPI will change; on a miss we have 1.5
memory accesses since 50% we need to write a dirty line back to memory.
Instruction CPI = 1 + 5%*44 = 1 + 2.2 = 3.2 cycles
Data CPI = 30%[1 + 10%*1.5*44] = 2.28 cycles
Total = 5.48 cycles

d). If we use a 4-way interleaved, we only 4 cycle latency to initiate access to all 4
modules, the four modules can access a 4-byte word in 4 cycles in parallel; then each
module will need 1 cycle to send its word in series. Since we need 8 words, we need 2
accesses to the 4-way interleaved memory.
Miss Penalty = 4 + 2*4+ 8*1 =20 cycles.

5. Consider a processor with a 16 Kbyte 4-way set associative cache, with 8-byte lines.
Show how you will translate 32-bit address to find the data in cache. Show the cache set
to which the following (hex) address falls: ABCED8F8. How many bits are needed for
tags in this cache?

A 16K Byte cache with 8-byte line will contain 2048 lines and with 4-way set
associativity, we will have 512 sets (each set with 4 lines). Thus we need 9-bits to locate
a set, and 3-bits to locate a byte within a line (since each line has 8bytes). So we will
divide a 32 bit address as follows.

20-‐bit Tag 9-‐bit set 3-‐bit

Address ABCED8F8 = 1010 1011 1100 1110 1101 1000 1111 1000
Yields 1000 1111 1 = 287 as the set number (and byte zero in the line)
This leave the tag as ABCED = 1010 1011 1100 1110 1101

There are a total of 2048 lines and each line will have 20 bit tags. So the total number of
bits for tags = 20*2048 = 40,960 bits

6. The instruction set of your architecture has 32-bit addresses, with each addressable
item being a byte. You elect to design a direct mapped cache with a line size of 32 bytes.
Assume that there are 32-sets in the cache.

a). Show how the 32-bit physical address is treated in performing a cache reference
(assume that you are using virtual addresses in cache memories).

b). Consider the following sequence of addresses (all are hex numbers). Compute the
miss rate. Assume that none of the above addresses are initially in the cache. Show
what will be the tags in the cache set(s) that contain these references, after each

1) B01AA050; 2) B01AA073; 3) B2FE3057; 4) B01AA07E;

5) B01AA050; 6) B2FE3057; 7) B01AA073

c). Consider now designing a direct mapped cache with an victim cache with 2 entries
(a fully associative cache). What is the miss rate?

Key. You need to play a closer attention to tags. Simply because two references fall to
the same set, it may not mean a hit or a miss, unless you compare the tags. If two
references fall to the same set and if their tags match, then it is a hit. Otherwise it is a

We are looking at a 32 bit virtual address. Since we have a line size of 32 bytes, the least
significant 5 bits are used as an address of the byte in a line. Since we have 32 sets in the
cache, the next 5 bits will be used as an index into the cache (to find one of the 32 sets).
That leaves 22 bits for cache Tag.

b). Let us first find the tags and sets for the 7 references.

Ref# Tag Set # Byte Offset

1. 1011 0000 0001 1010 1010 00 00010 (2) 10000
2. 1011 0000 0001 1010 1010 00 00011 (3) 10011
3. 1011 0010 1111 1110 0011 00 00010 (2) 10111
4. 1011 0000 0001 1010 1010 00 00011 (3) 11110
5. 1011 0000 0001 1010 1010 00 00010 (2) 10000
6. 1011 0010 1111 1110 0011 00 00010 (2) 10111
7. 1011 0000 0001 1010 1010 00 00011 (3) 10011

Note that references 1, 3, 5 and 6 all fall to the same set. Comparing the tags, you will
find that the tags are different (from 1 to 3, from 3 to 5 and from 5 to 6). However, even
though references 2, 4 and 7 fall to the same set, their tags match. So, there are actually
referencing different bytes of the same line. Let us consider which references cause

Ref# Miss or Hit Any Victim?

1 Miss none (cold start)

2 Miss none (cold start)
3. Miss Ref # 1 (B01AA050)
4. Hit none
5. Miss Ref # 3 (B2FE3057)
6. Miss Ref# 5 (B01AA050)
7. Hit none

Of the 7 references, we have 5 misses. The miss rate = 5/7.

c). If we use a victim cache, the victims shown earlier can be stored in the cache. This
eliminates the misses caused by references 5 and 6 -- these references can be satisfied by
the victim cache. So, the new miss rate is 3/7.

7. Consider a system with L-1 and L-2 caches, main memory and disk (or secondary
memory) with the following parameters. It takes 10 ns to access L-1cache, 100ns to
access L-2 Cache, 500 ns to access DRAM and 10ms to access disk. A program makes
250,000 memory references of which 215,000 are hits in L-1 cache, 235,000 are hit in
L-2 cache, 245,000 are hit in DRAM.
What are the L-1, L2 cache and DRAM miss ratios?

L-1 Miss rate = 35000/250,000 = 0.14 (or 14%)
global L-2 miss rate = 15000/250,000 =0.06 (6%)
local L-2 miss rate = 15000/35000 = 0.4286 (42.86%)
global DRAM miss rate = 5000/250,000 = 0.02 (2%)
local RAM miss rate = 5000/15000 = 0.33 (33%)

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