Mansville - : Name of Your Island Background Questions Produced

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Name____TAMAR D.

WISNER____________ Date_______ Period______

Name of Your Island__________Mansville___________

Background Questions


1. Overall, what goods will be produced?

Our village produces pencils.

2. How will the goods be produced?

These good will be produced threw the people.

3. Who will receive the produced goods? How will you decide who received the
goods (based on wealth, equality, talents/ability)?

Anyone can receive these goods, but we export most of the pencils to Test

Taking Island.

4. Who will make decisions about production (government, individuals or a mix)?

The individuals

It will be a mix between the people and the government on production. Just to
keep the safety, resources, and labor in check.

5. How will the island government be involved in the economy?

The government will be involved by making restrictions and emissions to keep

the island health while making money.


1. What natural resources will be used to produce goods?

We will use resources such as trees and graphite rocks.


1. What kind of capital (tools, machines, etc.) will be used to produce goods?

There will be machines to cut the metal, form rubber erasers, and to harvest


1. Will the land be privately owned by the people or will the government own all of
the land? Explain

The land will be privately owned by the people. If they buy the land, it’s theirs.

2. If the land is privately owned by the people, how will it be distributed (equally, the
rich, the poor, etc.)?

The land will be distributed by people who inhabit the land that buy it from each

3. Geographically, where on the island should you live? (You will need to create a
map of your country) Why?

Our island is off the coast of Australia ; it’s an untouched island ran by the

Basic Needs/ Government Regulation

1. What regulations/ laws will government (if any) have on the economy?

The government will have laws similar to the USA, being in that they have their
own liberties.

2. Are there some basic needs that you believe should be guaranteed by
government for all people in society? Or do you think that individuals should
secure their needs by themselves? What are the basic needs?

The basic needs will be to bear arms , to express their opinion and to have a just
jury, public schooling , transportation


1. Which economic system does your society most identify with? Explain
Why using your answers from above. ( 1 paragraph).

The USA is a mixed economy. We are a mixed economy because we both are
privately owned and government owned. We are a supply and demand type of society
we just don’t make one thing we make a lot . yet we have some socialist concepts we
are more mixed free market economy. This is what separates us from many other
countries and their way of moving. Rather they are fully government owned or fully
citizen owned. We have a little bit of both.

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