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Mathematical Translations Matching Activity

Cut out the hearts of mathematical translations matching activity sheets and pair matching equations and
expressions. After you make their matches,

more than twice a number six more than the square of
than six less
a a fore than fore thana foreless
three than
a number diminished by six one half
a number
number a a a a
six times
number number

five times the three times a

fore than fore than ½ n than
fore +6 n –than
fore 6
sum of n and number minus a
a a a
seven eight

fore –
(6n than
3)2 fore
–8 5(n
fore +than
7) fore
n +than
6 2n than
fore –6
a a a a a

Mathematical Translations Matching Activity

Cut out the hearts of mathematical translations matching activity sheets and pair matching equations and
expressions. After you make their matches,

more than twice a number six more than the square of
than six less
a a fore than fore thana foreless
three than
a number diminished by six one half
a number
number a a a a
six times
number number

five times the three times a

fore than fore than ½ n than
fore +6 n –than
fore 6
sum of n and number minus a
a a a
seven eight

fore –
(6n than
3)2 fore
–8 5(n
fore +than
7) fore
n +than
6 2n than
fore –6
a a a a a

Mathematical Translations Matching Activity

Cut out the hearts of mathematical translations matching activity sheets and pair matching equations and
expressions. After you make their matches,

more than twice a number six more than the square of
than six less
a a fore than fore thana foreless
three than
a number diminished by six one half
a number
number a a a a
six times
number number

five times the three times a

fore than fore than ½ n than
fore +6 n –than
fore 6
sum of n and number minus a
a a a
seven eight

fore –
(6n than
3)2 fore
–8 5(n
fore +than
7) fore
n +than
6 2n than
fore –6
a a a a a
Grade 7- Mathematics

Name:______________________________ Date:___________________________________
Section:_____________________________ Subject Teacher:__________________________

2nd QUARTER Week 3

Learning area: MATHEMATICS Grade Level: 7

Most Essential Competencies :

1. Translates English phrases to mathematical phrases and English sentences to mathematics sentences, and

vice versa.

2. Illustrates and differentiates related terms in algebra:

a. where is a positive integer

b. constants and variables

c. literal coefficients and numerical coefficients

d. algebraic expressions, terms and polynomials

e. number of terms, degree of the term and degree of the polynomial

“ Hanging Heart Decorations ”

Task 1: Mathematical Translations Matching Activity

Direction: Cut out the heart shape of mathematical translations matching activity sheets and match the given
mathematical equations and expressions. After you make their matches, paste it together (Back to Back) and
make a simple row of hanging hearts decorations. (Color it if you want)

Materials: paper with equations and expressions, scissors, glue, string or yard or thread, carton (any hard


Look inside your kitchen and get the following items: spoon, fork, plate and drinking glass. The items
will represent the variables. ( use any variables to represent each item)
A. Express the following in algebraic expressions.
a. 2 spoons and 2 forks ________________________
b. 1 plate, 2 spoons, 3 forks and 5 drinking glasses ________________________
c. 5 plates, 5 drinking glasses and 10 spoons ________________________
B. using those materials make your own examples
d. ___________________________________ _________________________
e. ___________________________________ _________________________

LEARNING TASK 1: What mathematical operation corresponds to the following words?

Mathematical terms Mathematical Mathematical terms Mathematical

symbols /operations symbols /operations
1. sum 6. more than
2. the product of 7. difference
3. diminished 8. total
4. divided by 9. decreased by
5. quotient 10. times

LEARNING TASK 2: Translate the following verbal phrases to mathematical equations. (use n for the number)
VERBAL PHRASES Mathematical equations
1. Twice a number increased by four.
2. The difference of five and a number.
3. Eight diminished by thrice of a number.
4. Ten added to a number.
5. The quotient of a number and two.
Terms in algebraic expression are separated by plus (+) or minus (-) signs. When the operation between
variables or variable and number is multiplication or division, it is considered as one term only.
Examples 1. 4xyz is a single term algebraic expression
2. 5x + 3 it has two terms, 5x and 3 as a constant

Algebraic expressions are named according to number of terms.

A. Monomial is an algebraic expression with one term
B. Binomial is an algebraic expression with two terms
C. Trinomial is an algebraic expression wit 3 terms
D. Multinomial or polynomial is an algebraic expression with more than 3 terms.

The DEGREE of the algebraic expressions is the highest exponent of a n expression with one variable or the
highest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of the expressions.
The CONSTANT of the algebraic expressions is a number with fixed value. (number only)
A VARIABLE is a letter which represents a number.

LEARNING TASK 3: Identify the kind of algebraic expression and determine the degree, variables and
constant .


(highest exponent) (number only)
1. 4x – 7 + 5x + 8
2. – 3m
3. 2x + 1
4. 3x² - 6x + 5
5. 6m³ + 5m² - 10m + 17

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