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The earth is my home

I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful
I will love the land the air the water And all living creatures
I will be a defender of my planet.
United with friends. I will save the earth.

United with friends, I promise to keep it.

United with friends, I will love the land.
United with friends, I’ll be a defender.
I will save the earth.

United with friends, I promise to keep it.

United with friends, I will love the land.
United with friends, I’ll be a defender.
I will save the earth.
I will save the earth.

1. What message do we get from the lyrics of the song? Indikator : Amanat
A. We should live in harmony.
B. We should keep our promise
C. We should protect our friends.
D. We should be united with friends.
E. We should take care of the environment.
2. “United with friends, I’ll be a defender.”
Which of the following has the same meaning as the sentence above? Indikator : Persamaan kata
A. I will defend my friends to develop.
B. My friends and I will try to be a defender.
C. Along with friends, I will keep the earth.
D. Apart from my friends, I will keep the earth.
E. There is association among to live in the world.

To: Members of School Farm Extra Curricular Activity

In connection with the plan of building of Green House at our school, you are invited to attend
a meeting that will be held:

Day/Date: Saturday, January 11th, 2020.

Time : 09.00 AM to 14.00 PM
Place : School Auditorium

If you have any Green House design, bring with you and share it at the meeting.

Bayu Leksono

3. What issue will be discussed at the meeting? Indikator : Informasi tertentu

A. Making a plan.
B. Planning a house.
C. Constructing a green house.
D. Establishing an extra curricular activity.
E. Empowering members of the extra curricular activity.
4. According to the text, what will the participants of the meeting do? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. They will grow plants.
B. They will deliver a speech.
C. They will invite a guest speaker.
D. They will browse green house designs.
E. They will show pictures of green house.
Dear writers,
Now you are on the third phase of Book Writing Mentoring. On this stage, you should write
three possible titles of your book and short description of it. Then, send it here on December
15th , 2019 by 11.59
We will choose one of the titles or put forth another one that we think it is more appropriate.
Then, we will post it here.
Sea Wulandari

5. What issue is being announced? Indikator : Informasi tertentu

A. Choices of titles.
B. Third phase of mentoring
C. Book writing mentoring.
D. Titles and description of a book.
E. The right of entor to choose the titles.
6. Why might the mentor make a title instead of the titles proposed by the writer? Indikator : Tujuan
A. It is more interesting.
B. It is her right to do so.
C. If the description is unclear.
D. She never takes it from the writer.
E. If she is dissatisfied with the writer’s.

Subject: Application for the Post of Software Developer

Dear Mr. Setiawan,

This is regarding your post on about a vacancy in your

company for the role of Software Developer.

Here is a brief about myself. I have completed my study in Computer Science from
Gunadarma University. I secured 3.5 for my GPA.

During my studies, I participated in various technology fests and also won a gold medal for
creating an application from scratch in an inter-university technology competition.

I am confident that I have the skills to excel at your dynamic organization. I have always
dreamed of being a part of your company due to the development opportunities you provide. I
request you to give me an opportunity to learn and grow at your esteemed firm through this
job role.

Please refer to my resume and cover letter, attached with the email, for detailed information.

Yours sincerely,
Aditya Wicaksono

Email :
7. What is the purpose of the author to write the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. To give his detailed information about his academic achievement.
B. To present his personal description to the personnel manager.
C. To influence the company to accept him as a new employee.
D. To fulfill the requirement as asked by the company.
E. To show his expertise and skills to the recipient.
8. Apart from his academic achievement, what is the other thing that strengthens his personal
reputation? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. He became the first winner in an inter-university technology competition.
B. He studied in the university that is well known with its technology development
C. He got a medal gold when conducting an application competition
D. He was an active student in joining several competition
E. He wrote the application letter coherently

9. “I have always dreamed of being a part of your company due to the development opportunities you
Which of the following has the same meaning as the sentence above? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. A good company and development opportunities become my dream.
B. Your company always develops opportunuties, so I always dream of it.
C. I hope my dream comes true with the development opportunities you provide
D. Your company provides development opportunities that I have always dreamed of.
E. Because of the development opportunities you provide, I want to work in your company.

City dwellers are responsible for their city beauty and cleanliness. A group of youngsters show
their sense of belonging. While skateboarding, they are picking up trash.
10. What is the author’s intent to make the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. To tell how clean the city streets.
B. To show how enjoyable the people are.
C. To tell how people do make them clean.
D. To show the social responsibility committed by some teenagers
E. To tell what city dwellers do during their leisure time.
11. “A group of youngsters show their sense of belonging.” Indikator : Makna kata
In this context, what does the phrase mean?
A. Living in the city.
B. Doing some exercise.
C. Leading a healty life.
D. Making the city clean.
E. Creating the city peaceful.

Air conditioner is now a major requirement in a dwelling. It is not possible in one house an AC
is turned on all day in order to increase the coolness of space. Follow a few tips from below to make your home air conditioner durable.
Use a timer
Use the timer feature when turning on the air conditioner so that it will automatically turn off in
time. Set the time as needed.
Clean the AC Filter
Clean the AC filter regularly at least 1-2 months. If it is too dirty you can replace a new filter.
Clean the AC Coil
Air conditioning coils also need to be cleaned because dust also often accumulates in this
section. Dust that builds up on the coil can reduce its ability to absorb heat. This can cause
the AC to be overloaded and cause a short circuit. Check the coils regularly every year and
clean them.
Check Thermostat
Set the thermostat to a higher temperature when there are not many people or activities in the
house. Or, if there is not anyone in the house, you should turn off the air conditioner.
Check Fan
Check the fan installed above the outside condenser unit. Make sure the fan is still in good
condition. Replace the fan blade if there are cracks or shards.
Periodic Service
Perform regular service. You can use an AC repair service to check eligibility.
12. What is the benefit of this text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. Knowledge of how to maintain AC.
B. Information about elements of AC.
C. Understanding of how to use AC.
D. Facts about AC in details.
E. The advantages of AC.

13. Why is it necessary to clean the AC Coil? Indikator : Tujuan

A. To prevent the AC from a short circuit.
B. To get rid of disturbing sound.
C. To keep temperature cool.
D. To save the electricity use.
E. To look clean and neat.
14. From the text we know that ...make AC inactivate as determined, we can set the timer.
Indikator : Makna kata
A. in order to
B. despite
C. before
D. due to
E. after

The Satriamandala Museum is located on Gatot Soebroto Street in West Kuningan,

Mampang, South Jakarta, and sits on 5.6 hectares (14 acres) of land; the exhibitions are
divided amongst three buildings and the grounds. It is the main military museum in Indonesia.
The name Satria Mandala derives from Sanskrit and translates as "a sacred place for the
knights". It holds numerous artefacts, weapons, and dioramas.
The museum is open to the general public and has archives for persons researching the
history of the armed forces.
The museum contains numerous exhibitions on the military history of Indonesia. It includes a
room dedicated to squadron banners, one dedicated to artefacts belonging to General Oerip
Soemohardjo (the military's first Chief of Staff), General of the Army Sudirman (the military's
first commander in chief), General Abdul Haris Nasution, and General Suharto . A nearby area
contains hundreds of rifles, grenades, sharpened bamboo sticks, and other weapons dating
from the 1940s and later. A Hall of Heroes holds life-size statues of members of the military
who have been declared National Heroes of Indonesia, with Sudirman and Oerip in places of
honour at the back of the hall.
There are also seventy five dioramas. They exhibit pre-independence rebellions, leading to
the proclamation of independence, the national revolution, and military efforts after the
revolution. The dioramas were created by craftsmen from Yogyakarta. Further exhibitions in
the building are photographic.

15. What can we get after reading the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. Knowledge about pre-independence rebellions.
B. Information about the need for visiting a museum.
C. There is a building in South Jakarta that is used for museum.
D. Information that there is museum showing military history in Indonesia.
E. There were moments that Indonesian fighters struggle for independence.
16. How does the museum management explain the national revolution to the public? Indikator :
Informasi tertentu
A. They put it on a screen.
B. They show it by means of videos.
C. They depict it in the form of dioramas.
D. They provide a number of guides.
E. They give some booklets.
17. The museum situated on Gatot Soebroto Street in West Kuningan, Mampang, South Jakarta
...the main military museum in Indonesia. Indikator : Makna kata
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
E. had been

In the early days of the construction of Batavia there was an area called Ommelanden. This
was the name for the vast plains around the city of Batavia. The VOC intentionally emptied
land outside the city walls and banned settlements there.
The area was also not very interesting because it was still forested and filled with swamps. At
the initiative of VOC Governor General Jan Pieterszoon Coen, since 1620 lands around the
walls of Batavia had been distributed to employees and followers.
Ommelanden initially stretched from the Batavia coast to Mount Salak in the south. In the
west it was bordered by Tangerang and the territory of the Sultanate of Banten. Meanwhile in
the east it stretched at least to Karawang. In the 19th century the region began to shrink to
the extent of approximately Jakarta today.
The private lands were possesed by rich VOC and Chinese landlords . Therefore,
Ommelanden is more like small countries controlled by autonomous landlords.
There were no professional police in Ommelanden, at least until the 19th century. Instead, the
landlords employed bullies or bandits to ensure order and security. Ordinary citizens
generally work as farmers and laborers on plantations owned by landlords.
Betawi people were practically native residents here, but the composition of the community
was largely Javanese, Sundanese or other ethnic groups who had worked for the VOC.
18. Ommelanden began to happen in the ... Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. seventeenth century.
B. eighteenth century.
C. nineteenth century.
D. fifteenth century.
E. sixteenth century.
19. How was Ommelanden in the early times? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. It was full of jungles.
B. It was densely populated.
C. There were neatly planted tall trees.
D. It was surrounded by native residents.
E. It was surrounded by a great number of fortresses.
20. How do we compare the second and the third paragraphs? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. Both paragraphs tell the area of Ommelanden.
B. Both paragraphs tell the width of Ommelanden.
C. Both paragraphs tell the ethnic groups who lived in Ommelanden.
D. The second tells the description of the land; the third tells how the area was ruled.
E. The second paragraph tells the geographical condition of Ommelanden; the third tells the
21. “The private lands were possessed by rich VOC and Chinese landlords .” (Paragraph 4)
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? Indikator : Makna kata
A. had
B. sold
C. rented
D. traded
E. purchased
Setu or Lake Babakan which covers 30 hectares has a legend relating to the appearance of
white crocodiles by local. At one time in a village located on the edge of the lake, there lived a
pair of teenagers who loved each other but their love was not approved by the father of the
girl. Because the young man, named Joko was just a poor farmer.
One day, Joko said to his lover, Siti “To keep our relationship, I have to become rich. I’ll go
abroad. Wish me luck. One day we will definitely be together again. "
Three years had passed. There was no news from the young man. The girl began to be
anxious, especially since the girl's father had set her up with a rich widower from the next
When the time for her marriage was getting closer, Siti was increasingly nervous. She
continued to pray and hope that his ideal young man returned soon. Another year had
passed. She tried various ways to postpone her marriage to rich widower. However, the
young man never appeared.
Finally, Siti was desperate. She went to Lake Babakan. With a broken feeling shee threw
herself there. The stealth of the lake dwellers had mercy on the girl. So she did not die
immersed in the lake, but transformed into a white crocodile.
Until now, the white crocodile is loyal to guard the lake. if someone is indecent around the
lake, then that person will become a victim of the white crocodile.

22. What was the first cause of the legend of a white crocodile? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A.Siti’s desire to mary Joko was refused by her father.
B.Joko’s going abroad was beyond Siti’s knowledge.
C.Siti’s and Joko’s parents were in quarrel.
D.Siti and Joko lived near Setu Babakan.
E.Siti was eager to guard Setu Babakan.
23. How do we compare paragraphs 3 and 4? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. Both paragraphs tell Joko’s adventure.
B. Both paragraphs tell how the girl felt depressed.
C. Both paragraphs tell the girl’s struggle to find her lover.
D. Paragraph 3 tells the girl’s sadness; paragraph 4 tells the girl’s relief.
E. Paragraph 3 tells the girl’s father’s attempt to find her future husband; paragraph 4 tells the girl’s
obvious objection.
24. “Finally, Siti was desperate.” (Paragraph 5)
What was the closest meaning of the underlined word? Indikator : Makna kata
A. Hopeless.
B. Nervous.
C. Agitated.
D. Angry.
E. Sad.
25. What can we learn from the story? Indikator : Amanat
A. Parents should be responsible.
B. Marriage should be planned carefully.
C. Children and their parents should communicate well.
D. Parents should let their children choose their own lives.
E. Parents should teach their children how to be independent people.
Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on
Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide.

Without plants, humans and animals would have less fresh air to breathe. Through the
process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen back into the atmosphere. What you may
not have known is that plants from the ocean are what provide most of the air that we
breathe. In addition, terrestrial plants make up the rest of atmospheric oxygen that is
essential for the survival of living organisms.

During this time of climate uncertainty, it is important to realize the role plants can play to help
mitigate the effects of climate change. One of the biggest environmental issues the world
faces today is the burning of fossil fuels which has resulted in high levels of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. This is where plants come in to play. Terrestrial and oceanic plants are
considered carbon sinks because of their ability to store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Important carbon sink ecosystems include: grasslands, boreal forests, tropical rainforests,
peat bogs, wetlands, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems.

On the ground that plants help humans and the environment, we have to protect them and
grow new ones. In this case, every neighborhood can propose a program of growing plants.
26. What is the author’s intent to write the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. To tell that there are oceanic and terrestrial plants.
B. To notify the danger of carbon dioxide.
C. To describe how oxygen is produced.
D. To inform that we need oxygen.
E. To expose the roles of plants.
27. How do plants help human in breathing? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. They form tropical rainforests
B. They function as carbon sinks
C. They have a lot of green leaves.
D. They help mitigate the effects of climate change.
E. They produce oxygen through photosyntesis process.

28. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? Indikator : Makna kata
A. There is climate uncertainty.
B. They belong to carbon sinks.
C. There is burning on fossil fuels.
D. Plants can reduce the effect of climate change.
E. Terrestrial and oceanic plants should be protected.
Global warming is a process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean
and land mass. Global average temperatures on the surface of the Earth have increased by
0.74 ± 0.18 ° C (1.33 ± 0.32 ° F) over the past hundred years.

The surface of the Earth will absorb some of the heat and reflect the rest. Some of this heat
takes the form of long-wave infrared radiation into space. But some of the heat remains
trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as
water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and methane which trap these radiation waves.
These gases absorb and reflect back the radiation waves emitted by the Earth and as a result
the heat will be stored on the surface of the Earth. This situation occurs continuously, causing
the average annual temperature of the Earth to rise.
When the atmosphere warms, the surface layers of the ocean will also warm up, so the
volume will enlarge and raise the sea level. Warming will also melt a lot of polar ice,
especially around Greenland, which further increases the volume of water in the sea. Sea
levels around the world have risen by 10 - 25 cm (4 - 10 inches) during the 20th century, and
scientists predict a further increase of 9 - 88 cm (4 - 35 inches) in the 21st century.
29. What is the writer’s intention to write the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. To explain how temperature increases and the effect of it.
B. To tell the relation between the Earth and its surroundings.
C. To expose the annual temperature of the Earth.
D. To describe the Earth and its surface.
E. To tell the trap of radiation waves.
30. How do you compare the second and the third paragraphs? Indikator : Informasi rinci
A. The second paragraph tells the process of global warming; the third one tells the impacts of it.
B. The second paragraph tells the efforts to minimize global warming.
C. Both paragraphs tell the accumulation of greenhouse gases.
D. Both paragraphs tell the ways how global warming occurs.
E. Both paragraphs tell the effects of global warming.
31. “But some of the heat remains trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to the accumulation of
greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and methane which trap these
radiation waves.”
From the text above we know that water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and methane the
Earth’s atmophere. Indikator : Makna kata
A. is trapped
B. are trapped
C. are trapping
D. was trapped
E. were trapped
Technology-based art festival Wave of Tomorrow will be back for its second year, featuring
17 new media art installations by local and international artists. 

The festival, organized by Level 7, will be held from Dec. 20 to 29 at The Tribata
Dharmawangsa in South Jakarta and will explore futuristic art through new technology, such
as robotics, coding and virtual reality. 

This year’s art curator is Mona Liem, a Switzerland-based Indonesian “artpreneur” and
curator, who in 2018 was an international judge at contemporary art festival Apexart in New
York, United States, and computer-based international art festival CYNETART in Dresden,

To organize Wave of Tomorrow 2019, Mona made an open call for local artists from Jakarta,
Bandung and Yogyakarta.“We selected artists based on the theme we determined. We
explained our concept to every artist who was going to be involved. So, with that and
countless interviews, we selected based on context, content and display,” Mona said during a
press conference on Tuesday.

Nine local and four international artists will be featured at the festival. Sembilan Matahari,
whose 2018 installation Constellation Neverland got significant attention, is returning this

“If last year’s immersive installation was surrounded by romantic nuances of serene snow
clouds, this year we are going to try to deliver a mechatronic environment, which is the basic
principle of robotics,” said Adi Panuntun, CEO of Sembilan Matahari.

32. What is the topic of the text? Indikator : Informasi tertentu

A. Art fest which is based on technology.
B. Technology-based art competition.
C. International artists’ performances.
D. Art exploration by Level 7.
E. Futuristic art exhibition.
33. How did the organizer choose the participants? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. She had them show their academic achievement.
B. She asked them related questions.
C. She told them to be present.
D. She conducted some tests.
E. She selected from the list.
34. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? Indikator : Informasi tertentu
A. An organizer’s profile.
B. A curator’s design.
C. A curator’s origin.
D. Art of the year.
E. A artist’s profile.
35. “So, with that and countless interviews, we selected based on context, content and display,”
(Paragraph 4)
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ... Indikator : Makna kata
A. many
B. some
C. rarely
D. less
E. few

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