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Ancient Libraries:

Tombs of the Past

Michael Adebowale
Junior Division
Student Composed Words: 1140
Process Paper: 415
Process Paper

How I chose my topic

I first learned about my topic while I was taking a test. One of the passages in the test
was talk about monks and how they were trained to write and make manuscripts for
libraries. Then after this we were assigned the NHD project. So, with the image the
monks making manuscripts for a library still fresh in my head I decide to research a bit
about it to see if it would fit and it seem like it was a good fit.
How I conducted my research
At first it was hard to do research on the topic because I was still lacking in some
understanding. Then as I started to do some more research, I had realized that I was
being too narrow with my search. So, after I started to search more general topics and
then get progressively more specific with my searches so that I could get better search
results. Furthermore, I found that it was easier to get information on my topic if I used
sources encyclopedias. One that I used a lot was the World History Encyclopedia. I found
that is was an easy what to find accurate information on more ancient history. Lastly, I
think the only real bad information I got throughout my research would be information
the was something that was believed to be true but was written to be the real truth.
How I selected my presentation category and created my project
The reason that I chose the presentation category website was because it was the best
option for the way I wanted to show my project. To be specific I wanted to present my
project in a way that the viewer could choose what they wanted to see and wanted to
know. Also, I wanted to choose the formant that was the best for me to do at home due
to online learning. Finally, I created my project in a way that the website would flow in a
set sequence but also allow the user to be able to jump around from area to area with
How my project relates to this year’s theme
My project relates to this year’s theme by showing how much we have been to learn
about how people used to communicate. My project helps show who ancient libraries
affected history and how they have had affect on how we do thing today. For example,
how we express ourselves through theater was pass down through history in the from
book. Lastly, Ancient Library have been able to hold information that us humans were
able to use to find out more about ourselves and our past.

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