Tocilizumab For Treatment Patients With COVID-19 - Recommended Medication For Novel Disease.

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International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018

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Tocilizumab for treatment patients with COVID-19: Recommended T

medication for novel disease
Hamidreza Samaeea, Monireh Mohsenzadeganb, Shahram Alaa, Shahnam Sedigh Maroufic,
Parisa Moradimajdc,

Departement of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Departemernt of Anesthsia, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) virus has spread all over the world. Scientists are trying to discover
Tocilizumab drugs as effective treatment for patients with COVID-19. So far about 30 drugs have been introduced that one of
COVID-19 them is Tocilizumab. Recently Tocilizumab has been introduced to treat patients with COVID-19 and researchers
Coronavirus disease are investigating further the efficacy of this drug for different are patients. In Iran and China, some reports
showed a positive effect of Tocilizumab on Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen (SPO2) but results of CT scan in
patients in different. In some patients, CT scan showed reduced infiltration, however in other no change was
observed. Unfortunately, until now there has been no definitive and effective treatment for patients with COVID-
19. Although Tocilizumab has been accepted by China Health Commission to treat infected patients, its positive
effects still cannot be predicted in all patients. Based on evidence of the Tocilizumab’s effect on the SARS COV 2,
researchers hope this drug will make effective and promising treatment to improve lung tissue inflammation in
patients with the fatal COVID-19 virus. The present study provides an overview of respiratory inflammation with
COVID-19 and probable effect of Tocilizumab on SARS-COV 2.

1. Background COVID-19 such as Lopinavir, Ritonavir, Oseltamivir, and Ganciclovir

[9]. There is a classification of used drugs to treat respiratory infections
Two known zoonotic coronaviruses, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, from COVID-19 and stratified into three categories: 1. immune system
have been reported to damage the respiratory tract and cause severe enhancement (Interfron,Glubolin), 2.Chloroquine phosphate, 3. Anti-
outbreaks in the past decade [1–3]. The coronavirus disease 2019 viral components [11]. Tocilizumab (a humanized anti-IL-6 receptor
(COVID-19) virus, emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China [4]. On antibody) is one of drugs discussed for the treatment of these patients
Jan 30, 2020, WHO declared the current novel coronavirus disease [12]. Xiaoling Xu and colleagues conducted a clinical trial study in
2019 (COVID-19) as the sixth public health emergency epidemic [5] china and demonstrated that Tocilizumab is effective treatment in pa-
This virus has rapidly spread in china, japan, South Korea and with tients with severe COVID-19 [13]. The current study reviews re-
cases now confirmed in many countries [4,6]. spiratory inflammation with COVID-19 and probable effect of Tocili-
Common symptoms at the onset of the disease include fever, cough, zumab on SARS-COV 2.
myalgia, fatigue, dyspnea and diarrhea [7]. Most of the patients de-
veloped pneumonia, which can rapidly worsen into respiratory failure 2. What’s the mechanism of respiratory inflammation with
and develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) [7–8]. COVID-19?
Higher susceptibility and mortality was observed in elderly and patients
with low immune function [9]. According to a report, Yang X and Although, the exact mechanism of immunology that reinforces the
colleague, the mortality for critical cases with ARDS increased and potential damages of the respiratory system with COVID-19 has not
reached 60.5% [10]. been elucidated, but based on SARS COV, we can describe it [13].
Researchers are discovering new drugs to treat this emerging virus. CD4+ T lymphocytes are rapidly activated and-differentiated into T
So far about 30 drugs have been introduced to treat patients with helper and generate granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Moradimajd).
Received 12 August 2020; Received in revised form 13 September 2020; Accepted 14 September 2020
Available online 16 September 2020
1567-5769/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Samaee, et al. International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018

Fig. 1. Possible mechanism of lung tissue

injury by Covid-2. Virus particles become
phagocytosis by alveolar cells. These cells
present the virus peptides through MHC-II
to CD4+ T lymphocytes. CD4+ T lympho-
cytes activate and produce IFN-γ, GM-CSF
and other inflammatory cytokines. These
inflammatory cytokines recruit blood leu-
kocytes such as neutrophils and monocytes
into inflamed lung tissue. Neutrophils and
monocytes activate and produce reactive
oxygen species (not shown in the figure) and
IL-6. IL-6 bind to sIL-6-R that form an IL-6/
sIL-6R complex. This complex bind to al-
veolar epithelial cells through gp130 and
during the hierarchy happen tissue injury.
Tocilizumab neuralizes binding of IL-6/ sIL-
6R to alveolar epithelial cells. GM-CSF:
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
factor, gp: glycoprotein, IFN: interferon, IL:
interleukin and MHC: major histocompat-
ibility complex, sIL-6-R: soluble IL-6 re-

(GM-CSF). The cytokine environment provides inflammatory mono- patients with IPF. Neutralization of soluble IL-6Ra attenuated fibrosis in
cytes with a high production of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 mice by a decrease in collagen, myofibroblasts and fibronectin in the
[14]. In the observations, large amounts of inflammatory cells infiltrate lung. In addition, it has been shown that the production of soluble
into the lungs of patients with COVID-19. This process may be re- IL6Ra from macrophages interfere with IL-6 trans signaling and affect
sponsible for an immune damaging and causing lung functional injuries fibrosis in lung tissue. These results indicate the recovery of lung fi-
and quick mortality [15]. brosis by neutralization of soluble IL-6Ra [18]. Another study was
According to the studies in ICU patients with COVID-19, higher performed by Kobayashi et al. who investigated the neutralizing effect
plasma levels of cytokines including IL-6, IL-2, IL-7, IL-10, granulocyte- of anti-IL-6 antibody on lung injury induced by bleomycin in mice.
colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), interferon-γ-inducible protein Inhibition of the early increase of IL-6 by IL-6 neutralizing antibody
(IP10), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP1), macrophage in- promoted apoptosis of type 2 pneumocytes and infiltration of neu-
flammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP1A), and tumor necrosis factor alpha trophils and presented lung fibrosis. However, inhibition of the second
(TNF-α) were found [7,16]. This increase of inflammatory cytokine increase of IL-6 by IL-6-neutralizing antibody recovered fibrosis in the
levels occurs as cytokine storm and is related to the severity and lung. The results of this study showed that IL-6 could have a bidirec-
prognosis of the disease [16]. tional role in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis in animal models [19].

3. Role of IL-6 in lung fibrosis 4. Tocilizumab

IL-6 is produced in response to tissue injuries and various types of Tocilizumab known as traditional Actemra and Atlizumab is an
infections and contributes to host defense through activation of immune immunosuppressive humanized monoclonal antibody drug [6–20]. This
responses and stimulation of acute phase reactions. IL-6 is of great drug is mainly used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and
importance in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory diseases in- systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis [21–22]. Tocilizumab selectively
cluding infectious inflammations associated with tissue fibrosis and for and competitively binds to soluble expressing the IL-6 receptor (IL-6)
this reason, tocilizumab, anti-IL-6 receptor antibody, has been devel- and then blocking the signaling caused by IL- 6 [21]. This drug displays
oped. IL-6 binds to the membrane IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) which is only dose-dependent, nonlinear pharmacokinetics and has a long elimina-
expressed on hepatocytes and some of the leukocytes and leads to tion half-life [22]. Mechanism of Tocilizumab for inhibiting IL-6 re-
classical signaling through the membrane-bound β-receptor glycopro- ceptors is shown in Fig. 1.
tein 130 (gp130) [17–18]. There is another pathway, called trans-sig- The elimination of Tocilizumab has been relatively slow and de-
naling, such that IL-6 binds to soluble forms of the IL-6R (sIL-6R), and pendent on concentration. After saturating the IL6 receptors, clearance
this complex, IL-6/sIL-6R, can activate all of the tissue cells due to the of dependent begins by the mononuclear phagocyte system. It has been
expression of gp130 on all cells [17,19]. In this section, we review the shown that increase of the dose leads to prolongation of the half-life,
role of IL-6 in lung inflammation and fibrosis. but it should be considered that the elimination of Tocilizumab is ca-
Saito and colleagues revealed the significance of IL-6 production in pacity limited [6]. In a review study of Sheppard and colleagues (2017),
the infiltration of inflammatory cells in Broncho alveolar lavage fluid of effects of gender, age, ethnicity, mild renal failure and treatment with
wild-type and IL-6-deficient mice were treated with bleomycin. The methotrexate, NSAIDs or corticosteroids on the pharmacokinetics of
number of neutrophils and macrophages decreased in BAL fluid in IL-6- Tocilizumab were unclear [22].
deficient mice. In addition, lung pathology showed a decrease of the
accumulation of inflammatory cells in IL-6-deficient mice compared 5. What is Tocilizumab medical use and side effect?
with wild type. These findings revealed the significant role of IL-6 in the
pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung injury and lung fibrosis [17]. Tocilizumab is prescribed to treat moderate to severe active arthritis
Le and colleagues evaluated the importance of soluble IL-6Ra in in adults, Giant cell arthritis, Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The increase of soluble IL-6Ra was and cytokine release syndrome in patients 2 years of age older with
observed in mice during the onset and progression of fibrosis as well as active disease [23–24]. The recommended dose of Tocilizumab is

H. Samaee, et al. International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018

4–8 mg/kg administered as a single 60- minute intravenous infusion Tocilizumab in treatment of COVID-19 but recent studies doubt about
every 4 weeks. This drug should be stored refrigerated at 2 to 8c (36 to its effects.
46F) [24].
Individuals with active infections should not be treated with 7. Expert opinion
Tocilizumab. There are no adequate studies of Tocilizumab in the
pregnant women. Also, it is not known whether Tocilizumab is excreted The probable reason for the serious deterioration and the loss of
in breast milk [23]. some organs in coronavirus disease are cytokines, known as cytokine
We can categories side effects into 1) common side effects (re- release syndrome (CRS) [1,27]. Therefore, drugs used in the past for the
spiratory tract infections, headache, hypertension, elevation in liver CRS have been considered as effective drugs for treating patients with
test), 2) reactions of injection site (rash, redness, swelling, itching), 3) COVID-19 [13]. Recently Tocilizumab has been introduced to treat
associated serious infection (tuberculosis, sepsis, fungal infection), 4) patients with COVID-19 and researchers are investigating further the
side effects reported in studies (hyper sensitivity reactions, developed efficacy of this drug for different patients [13].
cancer, reactivation of herpes zoster, gastrointestinal perforation in There are multiple RCTs in progress to evaluate the efficacy of
patients with diverticulitis) [22,24]. Tocilizumab include NCT04320615, NCT04317092 and NCT04363853.
About side effects of Tocilizumab in infected patient with cor- [41] Based on the results of reviewed studies, many patients observed
onavirus, initial researches did not reveal any side effects. Although positive effect after prescribing this drug Xiaoling, 2020; Michot et al.,
may be reported longer time side effects. 2020; Luo et al., 2020; Mihai et al., 2020; Toniati P, Piva S, Cattalini M,
Garrafa E, Regola F, Castelli F, Franceschini F, Focà E, Andreoli L, La-
6. Tocilizumab; treatment of COVID-19 infection tronico N, Research BI. Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe COVID-
19 pneumonia with hyperinflammatory syndrome and acute respiratory
Tocilizumab inhibits IL-6- receptor, witch as described above is a failure: A single center study of 100 patients in Brescia, Italy. Auto-
key cytokine leading to an inflammatory storm which may result in immun Rev. 19[13,30–38]. However, we cannot claim that Tocili-
increased alveolar-capillary blood-gas exchange dysfunction, especially zumab has approved and confirmed positive therapeutic effect on this
impaired oxygen diffusion, and eventually lead to pulmonary fibrosis viral disease.
and organ failure. [25,27] Based on some reports, Tocilizumab can be a Initial studies has been shown that Tocilizumab had reduced mor-
suitable and effective drug for COVID-19 patients. [28–30] tality and improved clinical manifestation in patients infected with
As mentioned in table 1, to date some studies such as case reports, coronavirus. Michot et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020; Mihai et al., 2020;
retrospective studies, and clinical trial about effectiveness of Tocili- Toniati P, Piva S, Cattalini M, Garrafa E, Regola F, Castelli F,
zumab in COVID-19 have been published in many affected countries i.e. Franceschini F, Focà E, Andreoli L, Latronico N, Research BI.
China, France, Italy, Switzerland and Qatar Xiaoling, 2020; Michot Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia with
et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020; Mihai et al., 2020; Toniati P, Piva S, hyperinflammatory syndrome and acute respiratory failure: A single
Cattalini M, Garrafa E, Regola F, Castelli F, Franceschini F, Focà E, center study of 100 patients in Brescia, Italy. Autoimmun Rev.
Andreoli L, Latronico N, Research BI. Tocilizumab for the treatment of 19[30–40] But recently, Andrew Tsai and colleagues published an ar-
severe COVID-19 pneumonia with hyperinflammatory syndrome and ticle that debates the use of Tocilizumab should be limited to the
acute respiratory failure: A single center study of 100 patients in context of a clinical trial until more evidence is available [40]. Indeed,
Brescia, Italy. Autoimmun Rev. 19[13,30–39]. However, still no evi- the researchers claimed there was no difference in mortality in patients
dence based study confirms efficacy of treatment with this drug. Some treated with tocilizumab versus those receiving supportive care. How-
researchers have even criticized the use of this drug [40]. ever, a systematic review study conducted by Avi Kaye and Robert
Toniati and colleagues in a single center study of 100 patients in Siegel in Stanford University, investigating several other studies, con-
Brescia, Italy prescribed 8 mg/kg (max800mg) by two consecutive in- cluded positive evidence for the potential efficacy of Tocilizumab re-
travenous infusions 12 h apart. Based on the results of this study sulting in less deaths. [42–44]. According to the authors of this article,
Tocilizumab was rapid, with sustained response and was associated notable limitations such as different data of geographies, resources,
with significant clinical improvement in patients with COVID-19. demographics, and TCZ dosing amount, number and timing can affect
Toniati P, Piva S, Cattalini M, Garrafa E, Regola F, Castelli F, the result of main conclusion. In this regard different studies have
Franceschini F, Focà E, Andreoli L, Latronico N, Research BI. different participants, complementary drugs such as hydroxy-
Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia with chloroquine, azithromycin, lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavirin, and/or in-
hyperinflammatory syndrome and acute respiratory failure: A single terferon α2‐a, Meropenem, Azithromycin and dexamethasone, different
center study of 100 patients in Brescia, Italy. Autoimmun Rev. 19[33] doses (4, 8 mg/kg), different time [1–3] and different route (IV, SQ).
In a retrospective study conducted by Alattar and colleagues in Qatar, Therefore, we can assert that continuous accurate protocol and method
25 patients with COVID-19 received one to three median doses 4.8 mg/ of treatment with Tocilizumab is not found and physicians prescribe
kg. Result of this study showed that Tocilizumab decreased the in- this drug with trial and error.
flammatory markers, improved radiological outcomes and reduced In some studies observed positive effect of Tocilizumab with com-
needs for ventilator support [34]. bination of antiviral drugs such as lopinavir/ritonavir (400 mg/100 mg
In a case report study of 61-year-old man with COVID-19, who twice a day) or remdesivir 100 mg/day and corticosteroids able to
underwent kidney transplantation, it was observed that 324 mg improve clinical manifestations of patients. In this studies other drugs
Tocilizumab via subcutaneous with hydroxychloroquine can success- were different, for example in chinies and Italian clinical trials some
fully manage the infection [35]. drugs such as glucocorticoid, interferon α2, and antibiotic were used.
On the other hand, in another study that was recently published, Therefore, maybe antiviral drug, especially lopinavir/ritonavir
new impact of Tocilizumab administration on mortality in severe (400 mg/100 mg twice a day) with Tocilizumab reduced mortality in
COVID-19 was assessed. Patients received several doses of Tocilizumab severe COVID-19 patients.
including 400 mg (96%), followed by 800 mg (1%), 8 mg/kg (1%), and Timing for prescribing Tocilizumab and selecting suitable patients
4 mg/kg (1%). Based on the results of this study, current analysis does for treatment is also an important question. All of the reviewed studies
not support the use of Tocilizumab for the management of cytokine included patients in severe phase of disease. Some researchers claim
storm in patients with COVID-19 and use of this drug should be limited that the optimal time to prescribing Tocilizumab is in beginning of
[40]. inflammation and first steps of dropping O2 saturation. But still accu-
We estimate that many of studies haves mentioned positive effect of rate time and infection stage to start this drug is unclear.

Table 1
Clinical outcomes of patients with Covid-19 after Tocilizumab therapy.
References Title Country Patient no Study design Dose of Tocilizumab Other drug Key results
cited in the
H. Samaee, et al.


13 Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with China 21 Patients with Clinical trial 4–8 mg/kg (one dose) antiviral therapy of lopinavir/ ritonavir tocilizumab is an effective treatment
tocilizumab severe COVID-19 and 400 mg through an (200/50 mg per tablet for adults twice a to reduce mortality
ranged from 25 to IV drip up to a day, IFN-α (5 million U each time for
88 y maximum of 800 mg adults or equivalent dissolved in 2 mL of
(3dose) sterilized water and aerosol inhalation
twice a day, ribavirin (recommended for
use with IFN or lopinavir/ritonavir,
500 mg per dose for adultsglucocorticoid
(use for a short period of time, range 3 to
5 d, as appropriate, at a dose not
exceeding the equivalent of 1 to 2 mg/kg
per day methylprednisolone
31 Tocilizumab, an anti-IL6 receptor antibody, to treat France 42 year patient with Case report 8 mg/kg IV for each lopinavir-ritonavir 400 mg-100 mg orally tocilizumab is an effective treatment
Covid-19-related respiratoryfailure: a case report COVID-19 dose, 8 h apart to reduce lung
inflammationcytokine storm
decreased from 225 mg/L to 33 mg/
32 TocilizumabtreatmentinCOVID‐19:A single center China 15 patients with Retrospective 80 to 600 mg per time Unclear Single dose of TCZ seems to fail to
experience severe COVID-19 study improve the disease activity in
critically ill patients although it was
used in combination with
glucocorticoid. However, repeated
doses (even repeated with a lower

dose) of TCZ might improve the
condition of critically ill patients
33 COVID-19 in a patient with systemic sclerosis treated with Switzerland 57- year- old Case report 8 mg/kg IV every Unclear a patient with insulin- dependent
tocilizumab for SSc- ILD woman with 4 weeks type 2 diabetes mellitus and SSc-
systemic sclerosis ILD treated with tocilizumab
(SSc) and COVID- developed a mild form of COVID-19
34 Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe COVID-19 Italy 100 patients with Clinical trial 8 mg/kg (max800mg) antiviral drugs (lopinavir The response to TCZ was rapid,
pneumonia with hyperinflammatorysyndrome and acute severe COVID-19 by two IV infusions 12 h 400 mg + ritonavir 100 mg twice a day sustained, and associated with
respiratory failure: A single center study of 100 patients in apart or remdesivir 100 mg/day), antibiotic significant clinical improvement
Brescia, Italy prophylaxis (azithromycin, ceftriaxone or
dexamethasone20mg/ day
35 Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe coronavirus Qatar 25 patients with Retrospective 4.8 mg/kg (range, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, Tocilizumab was associated with
disease 2019 severe COVID-19 study 2.7‐7.5 mg/kg)(one to lopinavir/ritonavir, ribavirin, and/or dramatic decline in inflammatory
three doses) interferon α2‐a markers, radiological improvement
and reduced ventilator support
36 COVID-19 pneumonia in a kidney transplant recipient Italy 61-year-old man, Case report 324 mg SC Meropenem, Azithromycin was the infection was successfully
successfully treated with tocilizumab and who underwent administered orally for 3 days, managed with the use of
hydroxychloroquine kidney Hydroxychloroquine, IVIG hydroxychloroquine and a single
transplantation administration of tocilizumab
37 Off‐label useoftocilizumabinpatientswithSARS‐CoV‐2 Italy Three patients with Case series 8 mg/kg IV with a Unclear Rapid relief of respiratory
infection COVID-19 second dose 12 h after symptoms, resolution of fever, and
the first and a possible reduction in CRP and no adverse
third dose after further events were registered
24‐36 h (three dose)
(continued on next page)
International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018
Table 1 (continued)

References Title Country Patient no Study design Dose of Tocilizumab Other drug Key results
cited in the
H. Samaee, et al.


38 Rapid and Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia with Severe Acute France One patient with Case report 8 mg/kg IV (one dose) Hydroxychloroquine Improvement in Patients condition
Chest Syndrome in a Sickle Cell PatientSuccessfully Severe Acute Chest and level of SPO2 after 3 days.
Treated with Tocilizumab Syndrome in a
Sickle Cell
39 Favorable changes of CT findings in a patient with COVID- Italy A 64 old man with Case report 8 mg/kg (two doses) Unclear Improvement in chest CT finding
19 pneumonia after treatment with tocilizumab after use of TCZ
40 Hydroxychloroquine and Tocilizumab Therapy in COVID- US 198 patients Observational 400 mg (96%), followed Unclear Tocilizumab demonstrated a trend
19 Patients - An Observational Study Study by 800 mg (1%), 8 mg/ association towards reduced
kg (1%), 4 mg/kg (1%) mortality among ICU patients.
41 Impact of tocilizumab administration on mortality in New Jersey 132 patients Cohort study 10 patients (15.1%) Unclear The current analysis does not
severe COVID-19 received 800 mg of support the use of tocilizumab for
tocilizumab, 3 patients the management of cytokine storm
(4.5%) received 600 mg in patients with COVID-19.Use of
of tocilizumab, and 53 this therapeutic agent should be
patients (80.3%) limited to the context of a clinical
received 400 mg trial until more evidence is available
46 Efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in severe COVID-19 Italy 32 patients Cohort study 400 mg IV hydroxychloroquine 400 mg daily, This is the first study comparing
patients: a single-centre retrospective cohort study lopinavir/ritonavir 400/100 mg twice tocilizumab to standard of care in
daily, ceftriaxone 2 gr for 6 days, severe COVID-19Tocilizumab in
azithromycin 500 mg daily severe COVID-19 patients did
influence 28-day clinical
outcomesTocilizumab safety was
satisfactory except for ICU-admitted

47 Outcomes in patients with severe COVID-19 disease USA 96 patients Case–control Unclear Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, non-statistically significant lower
treated with tocilizumab: a case–controlled study Corticosteroids, Remdesivir, Vitamin C, mortality in patients with severe to
Zinc critical COVID-19 disease who
received tocilizumabbut use of
tocilizumab was associated with
lower mortality in intubated
48 Tocilizumab for Treatment of Severe COVID-19 Patients: Italy 21 patients Clinical trial 8 mg/kg IV (up to a hydroxychloroquine (200mgbid), TCZ administration did not reduce
Preliminary Results from SMAtteo COvid19 REgistry maximum 800 mg per azithromycin (500mgonce), prophylactic ICU admission or mortality rate
(SMACORE) dose) dose of low weight heparin, and
methylprednisolone (a tapered dose of
1 mg/kg up to a maximum of 80 mg)
49 Improved survival outcome in SARs-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 44 patients Case- control Unclear Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Tocilizumab group have improved
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome patients with Steroids - hydrocortisone/ survival outcome
Tocilizumab administration methylprednisolone/ dexamethasone

COVID-19: corona virus disease −19 , TCZ: Tocilizumab, CRP: C-reactive protein, IVIG: intravenous immune globulin, SPO2:Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen, CT: Computed tomography, SSc: systemic sclerosis, IV: Intra
venous, SC: Subcutaneous.
International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018
H. Samaee, et al. International Immunopharmacology 89 (2020) 107018

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