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Section 3: Reading Comprehension

35 Questions

Direction: in this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of
questions about it. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), or (C) to each questions.

petunjuk: Pada bagian ini anda akan membaca beberapa paragraf (teks). setiap
pertanyaan ditujukan kepada masing masing teks. pilihlah jawaban yang sesuai
A,B,C,atau D
Questions 1- 5

If you want a brief history of information technology, here is one. Human were the first
“computers”. Then machines were invented to carry out the computational tasks. Now, these
machines have given way to new form of information technology information has become
accessible from anywhere. Information technology deals with the acquisition, processing, storage
and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics
based combination of computing and telecommunication. Thanks to the continuous development
of computers, the original computing system become minicomputers and later personal
computers took the lead. Nowadays, mobile phones are dethroning the personal computers and
computing is evolving faster to become disembodied more like a cloud, becoming accessible
more easily whenever needed. Information technology in this sense has transformed people and
companies and has allowed digital technology to influence society and economy like.

Which title best expresses the ideas in this passage:

Human were the first computers
Information technology
The use of machines

According to the authors the first computers were:


The word “these” in line 3 refers to:

Information technology
the use of machines

Development of information technology is the result of:

Advances in computing system
Development of machinery in general.
Human need
Information technology needs

Computing system are taking the form of clouds means:

Computers have become smaller
Computing power will be disembodied.
Computers and computing is evolving faster.
Information technology is very important.

Questions 6-10
Women won their present status through struggle and sacrifice rather than through men’s
kindness. Women and their supporters have fought and in some places continue to right for the
same right as men. Women have gained higher position in the world at all levels: political,
economic and social. During the middle ages women were enslaved and were denied all right in
Europe. In the late 18th century, however women status became a subject of political debate. In
the 19th century women start their fight for equal rights. In the late 19 the century they won the
right to vote (suffrage) in various countries in the world. Then, women gained more economic,
social, and political status in various degrees and in different countries. In spite of all the success
women still suffer from discrimination at various levels. For example women work more and earn
less than men. In addition to that, the majorities of the world’s poor and illiterate are women. The
road to real equal is still long.

What does this passage mainly discuss?

Women rights
Women life
Women political issues.

How did women won their rights ?

through struggle and sacrifice
through men’s kindness
through political debate
through won the war.

The word “their “ in line 12 refers to

women rights
women issues
women politics

when was Political debate over women’s status started?

in the 18th century
between 610 and 661
in the 19th century
between 18th and 19th

The idea in paragraph 3 mainly discuss about…?

Women were always minors and subject to men
Women start to fight their equal rights.
Various degrees of women rights.
Women get their rights same rights as men.

Questions 11-15
In a society life, Maluku is characterized by the orang basudara who have a culture of helping
each other. This culture shows the attention and the compassion to each other. Maluku people
have known some of culture values are badati, masohi, and maanu. Masohi is a term in mutual
help among the people for doing some activities in the village. For example, building a house is
helped by the people in the village, making the garden fence in the garden, and felling trees in the
forest. Mutual help also used for personal interest as badati, means mutual help tradition to a
person with joint liability of other residents. Badati tradition is often performed in the wedding of
the country. While ma’anu or maano means cooperation for revenue sharing. Maanu is a habit of
helping each other and bear on a job, the results will be shared with those who agree. Maano
tradition is economical.

What is the passage talk about?

Tradition of helping in Maluku
Maluku traditional culture
People activities in Maluku
Person joint with other person

What did Moluccan characterized?

To help each other
To hate each other
Fall in love each other
Hand by hand each other

What did Badati tradition mean?

Mutual help tradition to a person
Perform in wedding of the country
The result will be shared each other
Traditional of economic life.

What is “this culture” in line 2 refers to?

Orang Basudara

What did Maanu mean?

Habit on helping each other
Helping for building a house
Doing some activities
Making the garden in the village

Questions 16-20
Maluku people have noble fraternity system and it is famous in the world. Kinship and
brotherhood in the country seribu pulau has a unique and good model of harmony. The harmony
are not discriminating and questioning the religious beliefs and territorial differences in the
country. Pela comes from the local language of the word pelau which means brother. In
terminology is defined as a bond of friendship or brotherhood that is connected between the
whole society to the native land of two or more of the bond. There are several forms of pela. First,
it is pela tuni/pela darah.

This Pela is strict category. Prohibitions and obligations in this pela is very tight and handled and
followed. The second is pela tampa sirih. Pela tampa sirih is soft category. This Pela is not set
through an oath. The rules in the form of rights and obligations between the pelas is not so tight.
While gandong is a form of fraternity or friendship formed because of the bond offspring.
Gandong comes from "biological" which implies a brotherhood based on lineage. At the beginning
of the life of society, after having formed a community of genes (family), they usually split up
looking for a new settlement. This situation according to the nature of traditional community life
like moving (nomadic), for adjusting to the nature and needs. The seeking like this scattered in
genetic ancestry or the community to some uli/new hena. In a new place they settled and formed
a community that later evolved into the aman (country).

Which is the best title to express this passage?

The unique fraternity in Maluku
Siwa lima in Maluku
The meaning of Pela and Gandong
The traditional habit in Maluku

What is the meaning of Pela?

Brother and sister
Family relationship

What did “gandong” in local language mean?

The rule of life and obligation
A brotherhood based on lineage
The situation of traditional of community in Maluku
Split up looking for a new settlement
What did the people always call for Maluku?
Pela gandong
Orang Basudara
The country of Seribu Pulau
The beautiful sea garden

The word “it” in the sentence “it is famous in the world” in line 1 refers to?
Maluku people
Kinship and brotherhood
The country of seribu Pulau
Noble fraternity system

Questions 21-25.
Ambonese feared with the water situation which is increasingly depleted. Air Besar area is one of
the buffer zone of water that is needed in everyday life by the people of Ambon city, especially
people who dwelt in Kebun Cengkeh until Ahuru area. Day of change, people from outside Ambon
and flocked to the area to Air Besar to build houses and estates with no regard to the
conservation of natural resources that affect the flow of water in the region that has become
central to buffer the water.

The lack of knowledge and ignorance of society in preserving the environment and ecosystems of
natural resources become crucial to the survival of the availability of water. Deforestation due to
clearing land without clear rules, causing depletion of forest areas resulting in the depletion of
groundwater reserves and a large decrease in river discharge water. The other thing too is the
chaotic arrangement of residence in the region that also contribute substantially in aggravating
the condition of the water.

What did the paragraph discussed above?

Water crisis in Ambon
The crisis of water
The crisis of environment

Where is Air Besar located?

Ambon city
Seram island
Banda island
Tual city

Why did the people in Ambon get the crisis of water?

There were many buildings
The lack of knowledge and ignorance of society in preserving the environment and
ecosystems of natural resources
There were many trees
The condition of water

What is the synonim of “lack” in paragraph 2 line 1?

Do not know

The word “situation” in paragraph 1 line 1 could be replace by the word?


Questions 26-35
Two days ago Mira and all participants took a test. The test was on UKBI. That was the Uji
Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia. My teacher said that is the competency examination of
Indonesian Language. Everybody has to know the meaning of the UKBI. All of the participants
studied very hard for the test. They studied for three days before the test. Before class, everyone
was outside of the classroom. They were waiting for class to start. Mira’s teacher named Mr.
Ahmad. He asked Mira if she was ready for the test. Mira said that she had been studying for
three days before the test. So finally, she was ready for the test. The class started and everyone
went into the classroom. They sat in their seats. Mr. Ahmad gave Mira a book of Indonesian
language. The book had no title. It was her job to give the book title.
Mira knew all contents of the book. She wrote them down in ten minutes. Mira felt good about the
test because she knew the answers. She gave the test to Mr. Ahmad. Then she walked to her
seat. Mr. Ahmad took the test. He was surprised because Mira finished so fast.
Mr. Ahmad graded Mira’s test. Mira got a 100% on the test. It was a perfect score! Mr. Ahmad
told Mira her score. Mira was happy.

For how many days did Mira study for the test?
One day
Two days
Three days
Four days

What did Mr. Ahmad give to Mira?

An encyclopedia of Indonesia.
A map of Indonesia.
A book of Indonesia.
A history of Indonesia.

What score did Mira make on the test?


Which of the following words similar with the word meaning?


Why did Mira feel ready for the test?

Because she was healthy.
Because she was excited.
Because she studied for three days.
Because she is smart.

What is Mira’s teacher’s name?

Mr. Taylor
Mr. Ahmad
Mr. Smith
None of the above

How long did it take Mira to finish the test?

Five minutes
Ten minutes
Fifteen minutes
Twenty minutes

UKBI is the ….
Uji Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia
Uji Kompetensi Berbahasa Indonesia
Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia.
Uji Ketelitian Berbahasa Indonesia

A classroom is a place where…

you go to eat.
you go to sleep.
you go to learn.
you go to exercise.

Mira knew the names of all contents of the book. That means she ….
already knew their contents.
remembered their contents.
must have known the contents.
must have cheated the contents.


Questions 20 minutes

Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar, A,B,C atau D

1. Andi….to campus every day.

Is going

2. My mother drink……..cup of tea.


3. There are some books……the table


4. Ambon, the capital city of Maluku, is famous for…


5. These are the……..Questions

Really difficulty
Real difficult
Really difficult
Real difficulty

6. Let……the job
We finish
We to finish
Us finish
Us to finish

7. How many……. are there in the room?


8. My sister is……clever that she gets straight A in the faculty


9. The singer is famous, but……..character is very bad


10. The man………the newspaper is my father’s friend

Is reading

11. ……………did you meet her? I thought she was out of town.

12. The air is very……and there is…….ice on the road

Warm, lots of
Humid, huge
Cold, a lot of
Cool, many

13. The extra…….shirt was too….for me

Big, crazy
Large, big
Heavy, small
Wet, rainy

14. My family ………the weekend in Natsepa beach on last Sunday

Is spending

15. Amir and Anita……….about their English homework in the classroom

Is talking

16. The sea in Ambon…….absolutely rich of many kinds of fish

Has been
Is being

17. Tugu Trikora is located in Jl. Anthony Reebok, it is …….Silo Church

In front of

18. My teacher carry outs some …… the classroom

The book
A book

19. My friend is…….

Avid reader
A avid reader
An avid reader
Avid readers

20. I have……..idea. Let’s go on………picnic on Sunday.

The- a
An- a
The- the
21. We ……..a lot of souvenirs for friends and relatives when we were on vocation.
Have been bought
Have been buying

22. Does ……….sister know you are using her stereo?


23. That candy is one of the …… I have ever eaten!


24. His response to my ideas………great.


25. ………milk do you need to bake that cheese cake?

How much
How many
What bottle
What glass


Questions 35

Terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu: Part A, Part B, dan Part C

Nama Lengkap *

Directions: in part A, you will read short conversations between two people. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions
will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the possible answers in your paper and
choose the best answer. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the

Pada Bagian A anda akan membaca percakapan pendek antara dua orang. seteelah selesai,
anda akan menjawab pertanytaan sesuai percakapan. bacalah pertannyaayaan dengan baik dan
pilihlah jawaban yang benar,a,b,c atau d

Man : Where is Aisyah?
Woman : She went to get dinner Narrator : Where is Aisyah?

Post office

Batalkan pilihan

Woman : Why wont the ATM machine work ?
Man : it is out of order
Narrator : what is wrong with the ATM machine?

It is not in order
It is working
It is unavailable
It is empty

Batalkan pilihan

Man : I’m running out of stamps
Woman : me too. Would you get some for me?
Narrator : where will the man go?

Post office

Batalkan pilihan
Girl : How are you holding up with that assignment?
Boy : Hardly
Narrator : what is wrong with the boy?

He is holding an assignment
He has finished his assignment
His assignment is hard
He has difficulties finishing his assignment

Woman : what kind of jacket are you looking for?
Man : the one that is waterproof
Narrator : what is the woman’s profession?

An assistant buyer

Man : Do you mind if I turn on some music for a while?
Woman : no, I don’t mind
Narrator : what does the woman mean?

a. Music will not bother her

b. She hates listening to music
c. She wants to think harder
She does not have any music

Man : how do you like living in Ambon?
Woman : I am used to it know
Narrator : what does the woman mean..?

a. She has always liked living in Ambon

b. She hates living in Ambon
c. She is accustomed to living in Ambon
d. She would rather live in Ambon

Man : Do you usually take a nap?
Woman : I do now and then.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?

a. She occasionally takes a nap

b. She always takes a nap
c. She never takes a nap
d. She used to take a nap
Woman : Pardon me; do you know what time that this store opens? Man : I do not, but I believe
that it is written on the door.
Narrator : What does the man imply that the woman should do?


Open the door
Ask someone else
Come back later

Woman : I need some shampoo for my hair.
Man : all of the shampoos are in the back of the store on the third shelf
Narrator : what did the man probably do?

Walk out of the store

Buy the shampoo
Come back later
Go to another store

Man : I’m really tired on studying for English every weekend
Woman : I hear you
Narrator : what does the woman mean?

She has an excellent hearing

She has heard the man talk about this frequently.
She understands his point of view.
She needs to have her ears checked.

Man : We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?
Woman : I am waiting for a package to be delivered.
Narrator : what does the woman imply?

She does not ice cream.

She has no money.
She does not like packages.
She will not be going.

Man : Can I have your sandwich?
Woman : Please, help yourself. I am not hungry.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?

The man can eat her sandwich

The woman doesn’t feel hungry
The man needs help.
The woman wants help the man.
Man : Where do you study?
Woman : I study at Islamic State Institute of Ambon
Man : How come I never see you?
Woman : I am mostly at the library.
Narrator : what can be concluded from this conversation?

The man and the woman spend a lot of time in the library.
The man does not know they study in the same Institute even though they both
always at the library
The man barely sees the woman even though they study at the same Institute.
Both the man and the woman like to read in the library.

Man : that’s a nice car.
Woman : I got it almost four years ago.
Man : it looks brand new
Woman : Yes, it’s in good cheap
Narrator : what does the woman mean?

The woman needs a new car

She likes to exercise
She has a new car
The car is in good condition.

Part B
Directions: in this part of the test you, will hear longer conversations. After each conversations,
you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you
hear a questions, read the four possible answers in your test paper and choose the best answer.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write on your test pages.

Part B
Pada Bagian ini, anda akan membaca percakapan yang agak panjang. Setelah percakapan
selesai, anda akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan sesuai percakapan tadi, dan pilihlah options
yang sesuai, A,B,C atau D

Questions number 11- 15

Man : Would you like a cup of coffee?
Woman : Yes. That would be good.
Man : Cream and sugar?
Woman : Please.
Man : Oh, no.
Woman : What’s the matter?
Man : This machine is out of order.
Woman : Did you lost your money?
Man : I sure did.
Woman : You ought to complain. These machines are always out of order
Man : Well, I still want a cup of coffee, don’t you?
Woman : Let’s go to the restaurant at the Student Center
Man : I don’t know. The last time I was there it was so crowded that I had to wait in line for almost
an hour.
Woman : Really? Let’s go somewhere else then. I can’t be too long because I have a test at three
Man : Okay. Let’s go to the library. There’s another vending machine downstairs by the

16. What prompted the conversation?

The speaker wanted coffee
The man lost money
The Student Center was crowded
The woman needed to make a phone call

17. What do the speakers mainly discuss?

The time.
The money.
The coffee.
The test.

18. What’s the matter with the machine?

it is going well
it is out of order.
it was broke
it is good

19. Why didn’t the couple go to the restaurant at the Student Center?
They decided that they did not want any coffee.
They thought that the Student Center would be closed.
They thought that the Student Center would be crowded.
The man lost his money in the vending machine

20. Why did they decide to go to library ?

To study for a test.
To use the telephone.
To complain about the vending machine.
To get a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

Questions no 16-20
Boy : How is your plan to recycle that pile of papers of yours going?
Girl : it’s going really well that I started to collect papers from friends and teachers. Hey, maybe
you can give me your
used papers too.
Boy : sure, I will. So, What do you do with these piles of used papers?.
Girl : I bring them to the recycle center downtown.
Boy : then you just leave these piles there?
Girl : of course not. I also volunteer to help workers do the recycling process.
Boy : what do you do?
Girl : I turn the used papers into pulp by mixing them with water using blender. Then, some of the
workers in the center
will put the pulp into a pressing machine that will flatten the pulp. I helped them dried the flattened
pulp too.
Before we knew it, the used papers have turn into a recycled paper.
Boy : that’s very interesting. Can I come to help?
Girl : of course. Come with me.

21. What is the girl’s plan?

To collect used papers
To recycle used papers
To volunteer at the recycling center
To turn papers into pulp.

22. How does the plan work?

It’s going really well.
It’s not going well
It’s going well so far
It’s going really well that she gets involved in the recycling process.

23. What did the girl do with the used papers she collected?
Brought them to the recycling center
Turned them into pulp
Flattened them using pressing machine
Dried them under the sun

24. What did the girl do at the recycling center?

She collects piles of used papers from friends and teachers.
She turns papers into pulp by mixing them with water using blender.
She flattens pulp with pressing machine.
She dries pulp under the sun.

25 Which of the following that is not part of thee recycling process?

Piles of used papers are collected
Papers are turned into pulp by mixing them with water using blender
Papers are flattened using pressing machine.
Pulp is dried up under the Sun.

Part C
Directions: in this part of the test you, will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some
questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a questions, read the four
possible answers in your test paper and choose the best answer. Remember, you are not allowed
to take notes or write on your test pages.

Pada Bagian ini, anda akan membaca percakapan yang agak panjang. Setelah percakapan
selesai, anda akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan sesuai percakapan tadi, dan pilihlah options
yang sesuai, A, B,C, atau D

Questions 26-28
Mobile phones, which are properly called cellular phones, allow calls to be made wherever the
caller happens to be. They are called cellular phones because a territory is divided up into a
series of small areas, or cells, each with a small radio station. When a call is made, the telephone
sends a radio message to the base station, which in turn passes it to a mobile phone exchange.
Here the signal can be routed to the ordinary telephone system, or transmitted back to another
mobile phones. Mobile phones use low-powered microwaves to send and receive messages to
and from the base station.

26. Why are mobile phones called cellular phones?

Because mobile phones allows calls to be made wherever the caller happens to be.
Because mobile phones operate with a series of cell.
Because mobile phones sends a radio message to the base station.
Mobile phones work with cell exchange.

27. What happens initially when a call is made by mobile phones?

The telephone sends a radio message to the base station, which in turn passes it to a
mobile phone exchange.
The telephone passes a radio message to a mobile phone exchange, which in turn
sends a radio message to the base station.
The telephone signal routes to the ordinary telephone system, or transmitted back to
another mobile phone.
The telephone signal is transmitted to another mobile phone, or routed to the ordinary
telephone system.

28. What does mobile phones use to send a receive message?

High-powered microwaves
Low-powered microwaves.
Dial number

Questions 29-31
Rainbows are formed when sunlight falling on raindrops is split into the different colors of the
spectrum (range) of light. Sunlight is really a mixture of all the colors of the spectrum: red,
orange, green, blue, indigo, and violet, but our eyes always see them as ordinary white light.
When a beam of light passes the angle through a curved transparent surface, such as raindrop,
the beam is bent when it emerges. The different colors of light are bent by different amounts, so
the white light is split into the colors of the spectrum. This effect can also be seen when light
passes through a piece of glass cut at different angles, such as a prism.

29. How are the rainbows formed?

They are formed when sunlight falling on raindrops is split into the different colors of
the spectrum of light.
When the sunlight spectrum mixed colors.
When a beam of light passes at an angle through a transparent surface.
When a beam of light passes through a piece of glass cut a t different angles.

30. Which colors that is not included in the spectrum of sunlight?


31. How else can we see the spectrum of light other than through raindrops?
Through a white light
Through transparent layers.
Through the mirror.
Through a piece of glass cut at different angles, such as a prism

Questions 32-35
Good morning students. The school bulletin lists this course as a required writing course for the
first second-years students. This doesn’t mean the first year students may not take it. What it
means is that those of you who have never learned how to write a research paper ought to be
here, and those of you who already know how should leave immediately and sign up for another
English course. I hope to cover the entire process of writing a research paper from selecting a
topic to putting together the final former and presentation. I’ll be here to help you every step of
the way. But it is your responsibility to hand in each assignment or time. Your final grade will be
the grade your receive on your paper.

32. Who was the speaker?

A librarian
A professor
A researcher
A student

33. For whom is the course intended?

All second-year students who failed first-year English.
All first, second, third-year students.
Students who don’t know how to write a research paper.
Students who want extra credit in English.
34. What does the speaker ask the students to do who have already learned to write
a research paper?
Take notes
Help the other students
Speak to her after class
Enroll in another English class.

35. hat does the speaker ask the students to do who have already learned to write a
research paper?
A student
A librarian
A teacher
A professor

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