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Den Angelica S.




Assignment #1


Read pages 1-9 of Bilbao, et al. (2019).Technology for teaching and learning 1. Quezon City,
PH: Lorimar Publishing, Inc. And be prepared to share your insights on your favorite and least
favorite performance indicators. Read pages 10-25 and prepare to share your insights on what
you have read.



Produce digital learning material designed to enhance teaching-learning.

Through personal observation, it has become evident that 21st century students have
much more access to information due to technological advances when compared to previous
generations. Real time information is expected and questions should be answered with a few
clicks on a mobile device. The pace of information sharing is increasing and instructors are
discovering that if they do not adapt, students identify their own way to access and interact with
conceptual frameworks. There has been an assumption, that because students like us have grown
up with technology, they automatically know how to use it for learning. For me, it is not always
the case .What we know today is that students need explicit and hands-on instruction not only on
how to use technology for learning, but also to understand what purpose the technology serves in
terms of their learning. In other words, students still need their teachers to guide them in order to
learn how to use new technology and how to relate it to the content they are covering in their
classes. Students excel when they are engaged in active learning and technology can offer a way
for that to happen, provided that students are helped along with explicit instruction and given
time to learn the technology for themselves. It is important to remember that students who have
an interest in the subject matter are more likely to have an interest in using technology to help
them learn about that subject. That is, the more students are interested in learning about a topic,
they more likely they will engage with technology.


Initiate flexible learning material through online communications (synchronous or

asynchronous modality)
Use technology tools in the assessment process
We live in an era in which we are relentlessly presented with triggers distracting us from
tasks that require focused attention and deep processing of information. Learning that happens
in the classroom or during study, unlike classical or operant conditioning learning it requires
cognitive effort to stay focused and process information deeply. This is a “troublesome effort”
especially in the digital age for the many that are driven to digital distraction and compelled into
doing double duty with their limited resources. Technology can certainly take away our cognitive
resources and can be negatively detracted from both teaching and learning. But technology is not
all bad. Indeed, at the same time that the possibility exists that some form of technological
trigger could detract from comprehending, this same technology offers a tremendously
advantageous learning and teaching tool in other ways. The benefit of technology in real time
immediacy and the ability to create, also presents a cost of real time distraction. We need to learn
when to use technology for our betterment and when to let it go. The question is not whether
technology is good or bad but rather, when and how can it best be used to expand and enhance
human capacities, not “amputate” them.

Technology barriers beyond instructors’ control are noted as being one of the primary
reasons teachers either do not or cannot incorporate technology effectively into their practice.
These barriers include technology that is out-dated or difficult to use, along with Internet
connectivity issues. Among educators who use and understand technology for learning there is
saying that the technology is effective only when it becomes invisible. In other words, there is a
correlation between the technology failing and learning becoming less engaging and effective.
The moment there are technology issues, there are learning issues.

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