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Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts in Grade VI

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to;

A. Content Standard
Demonstrate; understand of lines, color, space, and harmony through painting.

B. Performance Standard
Draw natural or man-made places in the community with the use of harmonies color.
a. Identify color harmonies.
b. Appreciate color and aesthetic in indigenous arts; and
c. Make artworks using the different color harmonies.

II. Subject matter:

A. Topic: Color Harmonies
B. Reference: Dizon,Hernando S. Sining sa Araw-araw. Book Media Press. Marikina city.
C. Materials: Water, painter, color wheel.

III. Learning Activities/ procedures:

Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity

A. Preliminary activity
1. Greetings
Good morning Children! Good morning ma’am
Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity


Let’s pray with Rj Father in heaven we would like to thank you for
guiding us and protecting us, Lord help us today
as we study, give us wisdom from above.

3. Checking of attendance

Please raise your right hand and say present if you’re

here. ( all of them say present)
Rj ligon,Grace laraga,Caleb Joshua,

B. Developmental activities

1. Review Ma’am “different kind of line”

What was our lesson yesterday?

Very good!
Ma’am “straight line,zigzag line, wavy line, dotted
What are those lines? line and curve line”.

Ma’am we learned that lines can be use or seen
What did you learn about line? in our daily lives.

Good answer!

2. Motivational
Video clip ( color song)
Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity


What comes into your mind when you hear color? Ma’am rainbow.
Ok, what else? Ma’am clothes.
Very good what else? Ma’am crayon.

Colors that could be blended to each other are colors

with harmony. What are the things that come to your
mind if you hear the word
“Harmony”? State it using incomplete sentence.
Harmony is unity

Harmony is oneness.

Harmony is peaceful
Bravo! Children.

Harmony is visually satisfying effect of combining

similar related elements.

Also harmony is the overall is achieved when the

elements of an artwork come together in a unified

But our lesson for today is harmony of color.

Now did you bring the things that I told you

The paints and container. Yes ma’am.

Now let’s start. Always remember our rule in

the class if you don’t want to have your scores

Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity

These are the steps

1. Paint the color blue in your board. Label it The learner’s follow and they are amaze by
BLUE. what they are doing.
2. Drop a little amount of blue then mix it with
What happens to the color?
Ma’am it become light blue
Ok then paint the new color at the right side of the
original blue then label it LIGHT BLUE.

3. Drop a little amount of blue then mix it with

small amount of black. What happens to the
Ma’am, it becomes dark blue.

Then label it as dark blue.

Ma’am we notice that the colors are family of

blue. Blue, light blue and dark blue.
Show me your works and tell me what did you notice?

Very good!

Blue, light blue and dark blue are called Grace (ma’am green,light green and dark
monochromatic colors.

Give me some example of it Grace?

Very good! Ma’am monochromatic are colors that are shade

or tint variations of the same hue.
Looking at the 3 color, how can you define
monochromatic colors?

That’s correct.
Ma’am they are in opposite color.
Now I have color wheel here.

Find red. Find green.

How are green and red related? What are their

Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity

Yes, opposite colors on the color wheel are
called complementary colors.

Orange and Blue

Can you site other complementary? Yellow and Violet
Red Orange and Blue Green
Yellow Green and Red Violet

Yellow Orange and Blue Violet

Very good!

So, complementary colors are those colors

across from each other on a color wheel.

Lastly analogous colors, they are any three colors

which are side by side on a 12 part color


Can you site other analogous colors?

Yellow Orange, Orange, Red Orange
Yellow Green, Green, Blue Green

Red Violet, Violet, Blue Violet

Bravo! Children.

Application Students will respond to the teacher’s question.

I will show you some pictures of ethnic
artworks then tell me what are the color

harmony present in each picture.

It’s either analogous , monochromatic or

Teacher’s activity Learner’s activity
IV. Generalization

Now class what are the things that you have learned in
our lesson? Ma’am the things that we have learned is that

Color harmony is the combination of color that

Ok superb answer. create another color. Then if you mix it when
you are doing your artwork it create harmony
Don’t you know class that in the Bible there is also to the picture and it makes the pictures
called the color of salvation. Beautiful.

Black is for sin- Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God.

Red is for blood of Jesus Romans 3:35 God present Christ

as a sacrifice of atonement ,through the shedding of His
blood to be receive by faith.

White is for purity Psalm 57:1 I will be clean; wash me

and I will be whiter than snow.

Blue is for Baptism Mark 16:16 Whosoever believes and

is baptized will be saved and whosoever does not
believe will be condemned.

Yellow is for heaven Revelation 21:18-21

We shall live in the city of gold.....

. Thank you for your good answers class.

V. Evaluation

Group yourselves into 3 group.

When the arrow points to the color, find a

thing with the same color in our surroundings. Then tell
me it is a monochromatic color, complementary color or
analogous color. The first one that will bring me a thing
will be the winner. Always remember

that noisy group will be deducted a score.

VI. Assessment

Choose what you want to make. And bring it next

1.Cut out colorful pages of magazine

& design your own collage. Make sure there

are monochromatic colors present. Give a title

to your artwork.

What do you call in your artwork? Why?

What values have you learned while you’re doing it.

2. Draw a site from the nature,

Seascape or landscape or any other places.

Make sure analogous colors are present. Give a

title to your artwork.

What values have you learned while

doing it?

3.Draw ethnic symbols on the paper.

Make sure complementary colors are present.
What do you call your artwork? Why?
What values have you learned while
doing it?

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