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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand the spoken English. There are
four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to 4
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and the questions
will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying.
After you hear the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be
the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:

Man : Who wrote that exciting spy adventure novel, Topez?

Woman : That was Lion Yuris
Man : Didn’t he also write the famous stories about bullfighting in Tempelona, Spain.
Woman : No, that was Ernest Hamingway

Question : What did Lion Yuris do?

A. He was a spy
B. He was a bullfighter
C. He wrote famous stories
D. He wrote about bullfighting
E. He wrote an adventure novel

Narrator : The best answer to the question is “He wrote an adventure novel”. Therefore, you should answer (E).

Now let’s begin with number 1.

1. A. Discovery Channel
B. Street children
C. A documentary
D. Films awards
E. Country

2. A. Apartment
B. Clothes
C. School
D. Work
E. Vacation

3. A. At house
B. At grocery shop
C. At market
D. At department store
E. At coffee shop


4. A. To read a novel
B. To buy a novel
C. To lend a novel
D. To go to a bookstore
E. To finish reading a novel

Questions 5 to 7
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogue spoken in English, followed by four responses, also
spoken in English. The dialogues and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each

Now listen to a sample question.

Man : I’m so sorry you didn’t pass the audition for the new movie
Woman : Yeah, but the director of the movie thought are not suitable with the character
Man : ……………..

Question : What would the man reply to express encouragement?

A. It’s alright. The movie is too expensive
B. Are you ok? You must like the movie
C. Don’t worry you still have many other opportunities
D. Is the movie the same thing for the next movie?

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What would the man reply to express encouragement?” is “Don’t worry
you still have many other opportunities” Therefore, you should choose answer (C).

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Questions 8 to 11

Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues spoken in English. The monologues will be spoken twice. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker is saying. After you
listen to the monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most
suitable one for the monologue you have just heard.


8. A. B. C.

D. E.

9. A. B. C.

D. E.


10. A. B. C.

D. E.

11. A. B. C.

D. E.

Questions 12 to 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker is saying. After you hear a
monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to
the question you have just heard.


Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following monolog.
12. A. To kill human
B. To increase the body immune
C. To create an unnatural environment
D. To process the germ in human’s body
E. To press or stop a process of organism’s growth

13. A. To inform about antibiotics

B. To tell the story of antibiotic
C. To inform about disinfectant
D. To describe about antibiotic
E. To entertain the readers

Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monolog.

14. A. Hills
B. Forests
C. Mountains
D. Another village
E. Towers and logs

15. A. The young woman’s brother

B. The young woman’s son
C. The young woman’s brother and nephew
D. The young woman’s brother’s son
E. One of the men who fetched a stick

This is the end of the listening section


This text is for questions No. 16 and 17

SMART School invites you to show your English speaking skill and win big prizes.

Please join the contest that will be conducted:

 on Saturday, 11th May, 2019
 at 9 a.m. sharp.
 at the Language SMART School

Enroll yourself not later than Tuesday, 7th may, 2019 to:
SMART School, Jalan Sumpah Pemuda No. 8, Bandung.

For details, please contact:

Kartika ( 0822233440019), or
Tara (0890123456788)

16. What contest is it?

A. A writing contest D. A drama contest
B. A speech contest E. A short film contest
C. A singing contest

17. The targets of the announcement are….

A. smart students D. students who are good at English
B. English students E. students who understand English
C. English teachers

This text is for questions No. 18 to 20

PT Alfindo Stell Tbk,

Jl. Permata Hijau No. 23

10th April, 2019

Dear Mrs. Amanda Santosa,

Allow me the pleasure of inviting you, and a few of your fellow associates, on behalf of PT Alfindo Stell Tbk
to a business luncheon at our offices on Wednesday, 17th April 2019.

As our companies will begin to have a closer working relationship in the upcoming months, it would be a
good opportunity for us to get to know each other better and discuss future business prospects in properties.

Please give our reception a call on (061) 3445566666 to inform us whether wou will be attending. We look
forward to seeing you there and getting to know you better in the coming months.

Yours sincerely,

Andika Hendrawan
T Permata Konstrulsi Tbk


18. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
A. To introduce himself to his business partners
B. To invite his new business partners for a feast
C. To make an appointment about the business feast
D. To offer a business cooperation to the receiver’s company
E. To celebrate the business relationship of the two companies

19. What should the receiver do after reading the text?

A. Call Andika Hendrawan for an appointment
B. Prepare the materials for the coming meeting
C. Reply the letter and send it to Andika Hendrawan
D. Go to PT Permata Konstruksi Tbk and meet the receptionist
E. Contact PT. Permata Konstruksi Tbk’s receptionist.

20. “…and a few of your fellow associates,….”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Employees D. Workers
B. Friends E. Partners
C. Mentors

This text is for questions No. 21 to 24

Ryan had a memorable experience when he was at a primary school.
One day Ryan and his schoolmates returned home earlier. Ryan’s teacher gave the students homework and it
should be submitted the next day. Arriving at home, Ryan asked his mother’s permission to go to his friend’s house.
His mother reminded him to do his homework first, but he refused. He told her that he would do it in te evening, after
having dinner.
Ryan spent his day in his friend’s house and arrived home at about 5 p.m. After having dinner, Ryan’s mother
reminded him of his homework. Ryan went to his room and prepared his book. Suddenly, a blackout occurred. It was
very dark and he couldn’t see anything. For matters worse, his emergency lamp was out of battery. The blackout lasted
for hours. Being tired, he fell asleep.
The next morning, Ryan was afraid of going to school. However, his mother encouraged him. She asked Ryan
to apologized to his teacher and tell him the truth.

21. Why did Ryan not do his homework?

A. He was lazy D. He left his book at school
B. He forgot to do it E. He couldn’t use his emergency lamp
C. A blackout occurred

22. What should Ryan do to avoid the bad happening?

A. He woke up early D. He didn’t go to his friend’s house
B. He went to bed early E. He did his homework in the afternoon
C. He set his alarm clock

23. What lesson can we learn from Ryan’s experience?

A. We should do our best D. We should not delay to do our duties
B. We should keep our promises E. We should not blame others for our own mistakes
C. We should realize our mistakes


24. Ryan fell asleep … being tired.
Which of the following words completes the sentence best?
A. but D. because
B. since E. although
C. because of

This text is for questions No. 25 and 26

“Stay away from fake people because you

don’t know when they will throw you”

25. What message does the caption suggest?

A. Fake people do not care about us. D. Don’t stand too close to fake people.
B. We must be aware of fake people. E. We must not be petrified of fake people.
C. Fake people are always fun to see.

26. The underlined word in “Stay away from fake people because ….” is synonymous with ….
A. bad D. pretend
B. cruel E. harmful
C. cogent

This text is for questions No. 27 and 28

Waterfalls are beautiful and powerful, and they are often popular tourist attractions. Waterfalls are common in
the upper course near the source of river where gradients are steep.
Waterfalls occur when the river flows over rocks of different resistance to the water erosion. A hard band of
rocks lies on top of the soft rock. River erosion wears away weaker rocks. The hard band of rock is eroded less quickly
than the weaker rock below it, forming a step. Softer rock is undercut as the water flows over the hard rock. A plunge
pool forms. Eventually the overhanging hard rock falls into the plunge pool. The broken rock is carried away by the
water. The process is repeated. The waterfall retreats upstream. A gorge is left behind. The river plunges over the step
often in a spectacular way.

27. The text above explains….

A. where we find waterfalls D. how water cycle occurs
B. why waterfalls are popular E. the process of condensation
C. how waterfalls are formed

28. How does water often fall into the plunge pool?
A. popularity D. hardly
B. quickly E. spectacularly
C. slowly


This text is for questions No. 29 to 31

Faster and cheaper flights are making it easier than ever before for people to travel. In the most ”developed”
societies, visiting exotic places is a sought-after status symbol. The tourism industries of both developed and
developing countries have recognized this fact and are learning to take advantage of it. There are, however, some
problems associated with this new industry.
Firstly, there is the increasing crime rate. Some locals see tourists as an easy prey because not only they are in
unfamiliar territory and therefore less able to take care of themselves, but also they carry visible items of wealth, such
as cameras and jewelry which can be disposed of quickly for profit.
Another major problem is health. With greater mobility comes greater danger of spreading contagious diseases
around the world. One carrier returning home could easily start an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed.
Moreover, the emergence of many diseases which resist antibiotics is causing scientists to be increasingly concerned
about this issue.
Also to be considered is the natural environment, which can be seriously threatened by too many visitors.
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, for example, is in danger of being destroyed by tourists and there are plans to restrict
visitors to some of the more delicate coral cays.
These are just three of the reasons why any country should be wary of committing itself to an extensive tourism
development program.

29. What is the main point of the passage?

A. The natural environment is damaged by tourists
B. Things to consider before a country commits itself to tourism country
C. Crime rates may rise as well as the growing number of tourists
D. Tourism industry may bring about the spread of contagious diseases
E. Several tips to consider to improve the tourism industry

30. According to the text, what is the relationship between tourism industry and the spread of disease?
A. A sick person from another country can infect other people in the country he/she visits.
B. A person from a country may be sick in the destination country
C. A sick tourist may not be treated well in the destination country
D. A tourist may not realize that he/she carries a disease while traveling
E. A tourist will not get the medication while he/she travels

31. Paragraph 4 discusses….

A. how Great Barrier Reef is closed because of irresponsible tourists
B. how to prevent coral cays from damage
C. how to promote natural tourism
D. how tourism can affect the natural environment
E. what people have done to the natural environment

This text is for questions No. 32 to 34

Kim Da-Sol The Korea Herald/Asia News Network, Tue/September 11, 2018/ 08:07 am

Starbucks Korea is testing out the use of paper straws at some 100 stores across Seoul, Busan and Jeju, the
company said on Monday.
The two-month-long trial is part of the global coffeehouse chain’s plan to phase out plastic straws and reduce the
negative impact on the environment. After gathering consumer feedback through the test run, paper straws will be
introduced at all its stores in November, the company said.


For the first two weeks starting from Monday, Starbucks Korea will provide green paper straws. White paper
straws will be provided in the following two weeks. Both straws have received food safety approval from the United
States and South Korea.
Starbucks Korea currently provides five different types of straws depending on the beverage type. It will firstly
provide paper straws for cold drinks before expanding this to other types of beverages.
Plastic straws and stirrers will be removed from stores. Instead, it will offer wooden stirrers to replace the plastic
ones, it added. The company said it expects the measures to eliminate more than 1 billion plastic straws per year from
all of its stores here.

32. What is the topic of the text?

A. Trying out the use of paper straws. D. Reducing the negative effect of using plastic straw.
B. Changing plastic stirrers with wooden stirrers. E. Gathering consumer feedback on using plastic straw.
C. Providing green paper straws Starbucks Korea.

33. Before providing white paper straws, Starbucks Korea ....

A. has provided green paper straw D. is going to receive food safety approval
B. will plan to phase out plastic straws E. gathers consumer feedback through the test run
C. had removed plastic straws and stirrers

34. In this text, paper straw is expected as a way to....

A. approve the food safety D. stop the use of plastic straws
B. expand the use of straws E. reduce the use of wooden stirrers
C. gather consumer feedback

This text is for questions No. 35 to 38

Long time ago, things on this Earth were bigger and better than they are today. Fruits, Vegetables, grains,
even people animals were bigger and stronger.
Those were the days when people didn’t have to work very hard. When the grains of rice were ripe, they
just fell down on their own and went rolling into the village. There they would offer themselves to be eaten.
Once, an old woman and her daughter were building a storehouse for rice. A big grain of rice came rolling
in before the building was ready. Being already tired of hard work, the old woman became angry when she saw
the grain of rice rolling down to her incomplete storehouse. She kicked the rice and said” Could you not wait in
the field till we were ready? Why do you keep running after us?”
The grain of rice broke into thousands of pieces and said” We have always been kind to you. We give you
food to eat. We make things easy for you so we come to you and don’t give you trouble of collecting us in field.
From now on, we will not come to you. You will have to come and gather us. You will have to cook and eat a lot
of grains of rice to fill your stomach.”
From that day on wards, rice grains have become smaller in size. They do not come to people as they used
to come earlier. People have to gather grains from the fields and carry them to their stores and homes

35. Which is the most possible reason why the story was created?
A. People never respected the food they ate.
B. People never felt satisfied with the service granted.
C. People always underestimated the gift they got.
D. People were not grateful for the favor given.
E. People always hurt the grains they had.

36. “We give you food to eat.” (Paragraph 4)

The sentence above means …
A. Food is given to eat.
B. Food given is for you.
C. Food and you are given.
D. You are given food to eat.
E. You are given to eat food.


37. How are paragraphs 3 and 4 related?
A. Both paragraphs are about how the old woman and her daughter treated the grain of rice which were rolling to
their incomplete store house.
B. Both paragraphs show how the old woman and her daughter built a store house for rice and their treatment to
the rice that were rolling down to their store house.
C. Paragraph 3 is about the storehouse for rice built by the old woman and her daughter; paragraph 4 is about the
rice gathered from the field.
D. The old woman’s cruel conduct to the grain of rice in paragraph 3 was immediately responded by the rice grain
in paragraph 4.
E. The old woman’s behavior towards the rolling grain of rice in paragraph 3 made it break into thousands of
pieces in paragraph 4.

38. What moral value do we learn from the story?

A. Never underestimate anyone. D. You have to work hard to in order get food.
B. Never hurt the grains we have. E. You have to know who you are speaking to.
C. You must respect the grains of rice.

This text is for questions No. 39 to 42

I personally think that a person with a mental illness that we usually find wandering around our neighborhood
aimlessly is not dangerous, but a serious act needs to be done on this matter. The following reasons will show you why
we need to do something to those insane people.
Firstly, people with mental illness who walk around our neighborhood or workplace may look scary. It is
because most of the time they are found in dirty condition and in zombie-like state (having no consciousness).
However, they rarely endanger the people around them, except if they were disturbed.
Secondly, losing their conscious mind does not mean that they have forgotten their basic instinct for food,
drinks and self-preservation. We can imagine what will happen when they feel hungry or thirsty. They are roaming
around on the street. They will cause trouble to the people around them.
Thirdly, people with mental illness may not have a healthy mind, but they do have a healthy body or at least
healthy body parts. Without anyone caring, they are the best target of human trafficking business as no one will notice
if they disappear.
Based on the explanations above, it is clear that we need to protect the people with mental illness by placing
them in a special and secure facility. There, they can be cured and taken care in appropriate way.

39. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. The way mental illness person lives. D. The reasons to protect mental illness person.
B. The effort to isolate mental illness person. E. The basic instinct of mental illness person.
C. The way to keep mental illness person from trafficking.

40. Paragraph three is about ….

A. the danger of mental illness person
B. mental illness person’s need for food
C. the healthy body of mental illness person
D. mental illness person as human trafficking business
E. the basic sense of mental illness person for food and drink

41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Insane people loses their conscious mind. D. Mental illness person still feels hungry and thirsty.
B. People are not afraid of mental illness person. E. Protection to mental illness people is needed
C. Insane people is the target of human trafficking business.

42. “There, they can be cured and taken care in appropriate way”
The underlined word has closest meaning with….
A. proper D. important
B. strange E. unusual
C. sufficient


This text is for questions No. 43 to 46

Bali is to host the Indonesia Coffee Festival in Ubud on September 15 to 16 this year to better promote Indonesian
coffee and make the country a coffee hub for the world.
Tourism and Creative Economy Deputy Minister Sapta Nirwandar said that the festival would be one of the most
important tourist events, as the ministry was currently developing culinary tourism.
“Cuisine, including coffee, is strongly related to tourism, and Indonesian coffee is among the best in the world.
Thus, we want more people to know our coffee better by holding this festival, “Sapta told reporters in Jakarta on
“We also want to make kopi tubruk (ground coffee beans served with scalding hot water) and kopi luwak (civet
coffee) more popular through the festival.
Tuti Mochtar, a member of the festival committee, who is also a coffee producer, said there would be 40 booths in
the festival serving all kinds of coffee varieties from across the country, from Aceh to Papua.

43. The text tells us about ….

A. An Indonesian festival D. A festival serving all kinds of coffee varieties
B. An Indonesia festival’s promotion E. A tourism and Creative Economy Deputy Manager
C. An Indonesian coffee festival in Bali

44. Based on the text above, what did Sapta say?

A. Indonesian festival contestants are foreigners
B. Indonesian festival coffee is good in the world
C. Indonesian coffee is one of the best in the world
D. Indonesian coffee producers are seasonable producers
E. Members of the festival’s committee are coffee producers

45. After we study the text above, we know that the writer intends to ….
A. promote Indonesian coffee
B. report the Indonesian Coffee Festival
C. introduce Indonesian coffee to the public
D. explain how to make ground coffee and civet coffee
E. describe the excellence of the Indonesian coffee to the world

46. Tuti Mochtar in the news above can be categorized as…

A. agent D. authority
B. witness E. victim
C. expert


This text is for questions No. 47 to 50

Severe bleeding can be potentially life threatening since it can cause shock and lead to unconsciousness.
You will need to act very quickly to control it.

1. If possible, wash and dry your own hands. Then, put on the disposable gloves in your first-aid kit to
protect against infection.
2. Apply pressure to the wound with a pad or fingers to stem the bleeding. If a large object embedded in
the wound, leave it.
3. If a limb is injured, raise and support it. For shock by laying the casualty down and keeping them
4. If possible, apply a sterile dressing. Firmly bandage it, but not so tightly that it stops the circulation to
fingers or toes.
5. If there is a large embedded object, cover it with sterile dressing. Build up padding around the object,
then bandage.
6. Call an ambulance. If blood seeps through, cover with a second bandage. If this fails, remove both and
apply a new one.

47. The text is about how… .

A. to bandage wounds D. to protect against infection
B. to apply a sterile dressing E. to treat an unconsciousness person
C. to stop severe blood loss

48. Why should we give the first aid to the victim before calling the ambulance?
A. To give him/her better treatment D. To make him/her conscious
B. To keep him/her warm E. To stop bleeding which can harm him/her
C. To calm down him/her

49. “If blood seeps through, cover with a second bandage.” (Last step)
Which of the following words has similar meaning to the underlined word?
A. Clots D. Heals
B. Leaks E. Ceases
C. Flows

50. “If this fails, remove both and apply a new one.”
The word “this” refers to….
A. covering with the second bandage D. building up padding around the object
B. covering with sterile dressing E. calling ambulance
C. applying sterile dressing


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