3 HR Frame Worksheet-1 2

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:Mason Stewart

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The Organization that I will be working internally with this semester is Nike

Brand in the Jordan Department.

As the Project manager/Creative Director in the Jordan department My goals are

to try and produce more products for the mass public, Retro past Jordan's allowing more

underprivileged and less wealthy people opportunity's to purchase iconic sneakers with

no outrageous price tag. I want to provide a good communication tool allowing

companies to reach out to each other for easier access to collaborations and branding

rights. Along with those goals I am determined to establish myself as a Creative, Senior

Project Manager, and Leader! As I make my transition from a LEAD Program assistant

into the role of a Project manager I feel that there will be a lot for me to learn. I am

opening minded to all ideas that come to mind. I will also make this transition as smooth

as possible and develop into the knowledgeable Nike consultant I know so much about.

Nike Brand will continue to work for the people and provide quality gear for all who seek


2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

The Organization that I will be working internally with this semester is Nike

Brand in the Jordan Department.

Human resources in my organization influenced my situation by getting me in

contact with the future brands I want to collaborate with. When I first interacted with the

Human Resources department it took a lot of convincing to show my trust. As we begin

the project it started rocky because one of my co-workers was not a fan of what I was

trying to accomplish. He started by saying :

HR Rep.: "why are you trying to go out of your way to release shoes that don't even mean

anything. You are just trying to repeat history and that is not what we need in the

workplace. Nike is about innovation and bringing the best of the best to the game. Why

do you think those old sneakers will make a big deal.

ME: " I know fourteen sneakers that will break the internet if they were re-released not

only because of the hype but also because the current shoes are listed for a cray amount

of money. As were release this shoe allows the shoes to become more mainstream but

allows people with the older shoes to either keep it and it goes up in value or they end up

just wearing the sneaker. I am sorry you don't see what I am trying to accomplish but I

am doing this for the younger me who never had enough money to purchase the new

jordans just to go to school and see all my classmates with them. As I processed to help

those that look at me I hope to get your help eventually.

As I explained to HR how I felt and the direction I want to take it took some time but I

was able to paint the picture into their head. I am personally happy that I was able to

convince them into seeing what I see and lending a helping hand with the project. As I

continue to work towards my goal I am up to convincing anyone who doesn't feel that

same way.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

With Human resources being the department that helps bring on new staff and

making sure that everyone that is currently employed with the company is happy. As I

learn about HR and figure out who they are as people I try to also figure out who

everyone else is in the workplace as well. As I build the relationship with the HR

representatives it allows me to understand what other people think about the workplace

and also myself.

If the team doesn't like me then I can change that by providing meetings for

people to get to know me better and find out how I feel about things. I then already enjoy

the way I carry myself in the workplace then I can continue doing the job I have been

doing all along.

I don't expect to have everyone's respect in the first two months of working there.

After three months I o intend to know everyone and understand how to lead each person

that is employed in the workplace. To do this I will need to conduct a lot of team

meetings allowing us all to get to know each other professionally and casually. With my

previous job having team gatherings will be a breeze that is something that we had to do

consistently. Using those skills and transferring them into my current position will be no

problem at all.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame

Given what I learned the thing that I would differently is just not assumed that my co-

workers understand where I am coming from. I also would keep things open a calm in the

first given weeks. When you tend to be too forceful you scare those around you. As I get to

know the team I will let them know how I feel and my objective as soon as possible. The

sooner they understand my perspective the sooner I can make things happen. As I get more

comfortable with myself it will make it a lot easier to get what I need from then rather than

waiting till the last minute.

There has to be a sense of trust when building a team together. As you get more comfortable

things become easier for some reason. I feel that we will be better in the long run as get to know

each other and understand what we want to accomplish. I know that we can accomplish what I

want to do I just will need some help. After I let them know how I feel it should make things

different. I have a lot of confidence in my team and faith that we will get things done as a


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