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Bacheche > Localities > Caribbean > Leeward Islands > St. Christopher > The de Bonrepos Family


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The de Bonrepos Family Inviato: 24 Lug 1999 08:00AM

Aimee Burpeau Lurkins (Visualizza Classificazione: Domanda
annunci) Cognomi: Bonrepos

Rev David (born about 1654) and his brother Eli (Elias) (born about 1652/56) de
Bonrepos apparently le! Dalphine, France, settled on St Christophers Island for a
short time then they arrived in Boston, MA, USA 1686. How can I obtain any additiona
information regarding the de Bonrepos family and their stay on St Christophers?

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Bonrepos Inviato: 28 Ott 2000 08:00AM

William Knecht (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Cognomi: Bonrepos

Elie de Bonrepos le! Grenoble in 1673, for St. Christopher. His name appears as a
member of the Company of du Sieur LaFont. Etat Civil, Recensements, Antilles, St.
Christophe, 1665-1701, p. 303. The call number of the film for the LDS Family History
Library is FHL 1098207.
Rev. David was still a seminary student at Die, France, in 1673.
David is frequently reported to have been in St. Christophre but I have never found
his name on any of the few records available from there.
It is likely that Elie found his first wife in the Islands, and it may be that his first child,
Elie de Bonrepos (b. 1685) was born there. There was great civil disruption on the
island at this time, and it may be that Elie's wife had already le! for the mainland.

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de Bonrepos Family Inviato: 29 Ott 2000 08:00AM

Aimee burpeau (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Cognomi: Bonrepos

Thank you so much for the information - I had forgotten about the query I had made
and so thrilled with the response as i have not been able to locate any specific
information regarding Eli and Rev David de Bonrepos in France.

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de Bonrepos Inviato: 10 Gen 2001 07:00AM

RGWindsor (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Modificato: 07 Dic 2002 07:35PM
Cognomi: Bonrepos

Aimée Burpeau Lurkins --

First time I have ever found anything on the origins of Elie de Bonrepos and his
brother David, and appreciate your information about their leaving Dalphine, also
William Knecht's response as to Elie's leaving Grenoble, etc. I have little to contribute
about his family, but what I have I'll reprint for you here:

ELIE DE BONREPOS, b France, 1652/56, d New Rochelle, NY, 1719; m(1) Westchester,
NY, c 1682, Esther _____, bc 1663, living 1705; m(2) bef 1710, Jane _____, b 1663. Elie
was brother to the Rev'd David de Bonrepos, was ae "46" in 1698 census but "54" in
1710, his will dated 3 Apr (proved 26 May) 1719. All known children were by first wife,

i. ANNE-MARGUERITE, bc 1683; m Mamaroneck (?) Westchester Co, NY, c 1705,

Obadiah Palmer, son of Samuel & Mary (Drake?) Palmer

ii. Elie, b 1685

iii. Alexandre, b 1687

iv. Esther, b 1693

v. Blanche, b 1696

vi. Marion, b 1697

vii. John, b 1699
viii. Mary, b 1705

Elie journeyed first to Holland (interestingly, he owned land in Flushing, Holland);

thence to St Christopher, West Indies; thence to Boston and Salem; later to New Pfalz
(on the Hudson River); finally, was a schoolmaster at New Rochelle, NY.

Elie's son Alexandre was indentured, 1703, to John David of New York City, a
sailmaker, for 6 years and 4 months from 5 Sept 1701, and as of 11 June 1723 was a
freeman at New York City.

Elie's brother David was first at St Christopher, then removed to Boston, 1686, to New
Rochelle, 1688, and thence to New York City where he became a freeman, 14 Aug
1695; was a resident of Staten Island by 1696, then removed to New Pfalz, Ulster Co,
1700-1702; lived in New York City, 1706-09, and died at Staten Island, his will dated
New York City, 16 May 1734; m(1) Blanche du Bois; m(2) the widow Martha (Billiou)

Refs: Norman Davis, "Westchester Patriarchs," Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1988;
"Historic Landmarks of New Rochelle," pp 6-11, 44-45.

Genouillac, "Dictionnaire des Fiefs," p 56, notes the following:

BONREPAUX, S. (Langue d'oc) - Riguet, 1737

BONREPOS, B. De la Baume, 1409

[S = Seigneurie; B = Baronnie]

The name Bonrepos is also noted in D'Hozier, "Etat Présent de la Noblesse

Française," p 1499:

MOREAU DE BONREPOS -- 1er Ludovic - Saint-Max M. de B., receveur particulier à St-

Armand, &c. Armes: Vivarais: D'argent,au chevron d'azur, accompagné de trois
testes de Maure de sable.


Thanks again VERY MUCH for your query and its information!

R. G. Windsor Spellman

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deBonrepos, Elie Inviato: 11 Gen 2001 07:00AM

William Knecht (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda

Glad to know someone is looking. I have some notes relative to your response about

I have never been able to confirm from any sources in Holland that Elie owned any
land there. There is a report that he had some debts there, which report came from
his will, if my memory serves me correctly.

My link, Anna Marguerite married 1st Obediah Palmer and 2nd Pierre Angevine.

If that is your connection, you have just obtained anouther cousin. I will be glad to
trade my links with yours, if they are of interest to you.

Thanks for your information.

  

Elie deBonrepos Inviato: 12 Gen 2001 07:00AM

William Knecht (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda


I shall be glad to try and put together a list of sources, but I have to say it will take
weeks. I have checked, I believe, every printed source, including those you cite. O!en
they are wrong, in whole or in part. The report from the Society about Rev. David's
issue is, we believe, without foundation and they cannot o"er any information about
where they got it. His will lists none of his issue.

Some of the New Pfalz publications have confused generations and make wives into

But to the more exciting part. I have had two French researchers working in Grenoble
and southest Franch mining records in many a village, as well as the historical
archives. One of them found the will which Elie prepared as he was getting ready to
leave France for the islands.

I have searched the records from St. Kitts and find Elies name included on a miltia
role. There is no record I have been able to find of David there.'

I think Elie found his wife there. He was still in his teens when he le! France and the
ages of his children, which ever census you prefer suggest that some of the older
ones were born on the island.

From his will, we confirm his father's name as Alexandre. There was a Pastor
Alexandre deBonrpos mentioned in many places, in Savoy and sometimes at Die.

The name deBonrepos is very rare in France. It has two general locus in near modern
times. The references from western France (Toulouse) suggest no relationship to
anything we can confirm in eastern France. I have been in correspondence with some
of those folks and unless there is some nexus back in the 13th or earlier centuries, I
think that is a dead end.

There are ties to Savoy where many of the families in Grenoble had roots, but while
all of that is interesting, it is of little help until we can find Alexandre.

There are some clues from the names which Elie gave his children with tend to
suggest links with the deBonrepos de Armuet family of Haute Jarrie, close to and
south of Grenoble. We have searched the parish records of Grenoble and of many
other villages where the name appeared, without finding anything about baptizms of
Elie and David, or a marriage of Alexandre.

There are the remains of a very large chateau Bonrepos in the hills above Haute
Jarrie. Speaking from memory, I believe construction was begun in the 15th century
with continuous occupancy until 1900. Its then owners moved out and the roof fell in
in 1920. There is a committee in Haute Jarrie organized to solict funds for its
restoration. A very long and interesting article about it and its chapel was published
a few years ago by the University Press at Grenoble but of course they shed no light
on Alexandre, much less on David and Elie. I have sent them funds just to insure that
they remember our searches.

As for Die, it was one of the four theological schools for the reformers. I have
searched its records in vain, for any note about David or Alexandre. I have no clue
about where Alexandre studied, but there are references to a Pastor Alexandre in
various places, suggesting that he never had an established church.

Wills have not generally been filmed. Wills are o!en found in the records of Notaries,
but they were not systematically or centrally preserved as were parish records, and
so the search if frustrating and I have no memory of ever seeing an index to such
records as have been collected so one must read each document. I think that the
parish priests and the notaries o!en went to medical school to learn penmanship.

We have had the services of one of the leading students of history in the Dauphine,
who has a lovely home there as well as a home in Paris. She recognizes the names of
Notaries and says, "He was here" or "He was in the service of so-and-so." But she has
run out the string and we are all just frustrated.

I had some hope, earlier this month that my youngest son and his family would take
up residence in Geneva. I told them to hurry and get unpacked and I would be on
their doorstep. Unfortunately, he took a di"erent job and so I lack that excuse to get
over there.

If you are planning on making a trip, be sure and give me notice so that I can put you
in touch with fhe folks who have been so helpful. But be warned that searching in
those archives is frustrating. You will schedule a trip and when you get there will find
that the sta" have decided to strike and you sit and look at your thumbs for a week.
My expeience has been that the researchers there, licensed and accredited, ask us for
answers out of the collection of records in Salt Lake City, they being easier of access,
despite the di"erence, than the records there.

In at least one instance I paid to have parish records filmed and we got them
transliterated and then translated, because they had never been filmed. So it is a
two-way street and my search, now in its 17th year has been rewarding, if not fruitful.

Keep in touch and I will try and answer specific questions, but a general bibliography
will take a lot of doing.



  

Elie de Bonrepos Inviato: 12 Gen 2001 07:00AM

RGWindsor (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Modificato: 07 Dic 2002 07:35PM
Cognomi: de Bonrepos

Dear Mr. Knecht -

Yes, I am "another cousin." I was delighted to learn through Aimee Lurkins that you
and she had both done research on Elie de Bonrepos and particularly so to learn of
his Dauphiné origin. Was very interested to learn of his brother David's attending
seminary in Die. I've since been reading up on the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
and now have a better idea of what must have been the circumstances resulting in
the de Bonrepos' departure from France.

I take it Ms. Lurkins sent you a copy of my e-mail to her, detailing the way I descend
from Elie. I, too, descend through Anne-Marguerite and Obadiah Palmer. I have
hunted in vain for the notes I took down some years ago re Elie's having property in
Holland; it could be I was mistaken. I shall try to find the source. Speaking of sources,
I would love to have you share with me any notes you have vis-à-vis my response to
Aimee Lurkins' query.

My sources include just about everything I could find on the Huguenot emigration to
New Rochelle, also on the de Bonrepos' ministry in New Pfalz.

I do want to thank you for the work you have done, pointing me to Grenoble and Die.
This coming spring I hope to find out what if any records might be found there to give
me a clue to the antecedent history of the family.

R. G. Windsor Spellman (Bob)

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Bonrepos descendents Inviato: 30 Mar 2001 08:00AM

MBurpoe (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Modificato: 02 Ago 2004 04:49PM
Cognomi: Bonrepos

I have been in touch previously with Aimee Burpeau Lurkins, but have put this aside
for awhile. I am trying to figure out how we descended from the Bonrepos family. We
stayed in New York (unlike some of their descendents) and have been in Westchester
County since. I can trace our family back to around the mid to late 1800's (my father-
in-law's father's and grandfather's names are known. I am trying to connect Aimee's
tree to ours by finding out about family members in New York in the early to mid
1800's. Any ideas on how to do that? (As you can see, the spelling changed in our
branch to "Burpoe" in the beginning of this century.)

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Re: deBonrepos, Elie Inviato: 29 Set 2001 09:19PM

LauraMcHam (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Modificato: 15 Ago 2003 08:19AM

I am descended from the marriage of Anna Marguerite De Bonrepos and Pierre

Angevine through their son Eli. I would like to contact you to exchange information.

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Re: deBonrepos, Elie Inviato: 29 Set 2001 10:03PM

William L. Knecht (Visualizza annunci) Classificazione: Domanda
Cognomi: de Bonrepos, Palmer,

Hi, cousin. My records show that Anna (or more o!en Anne) Marguerite de Bonrepos
married first Palmer from which union I am descended. A!er his death, she married
Pierre Angevine, who must have been related to the de Bonrepos family, although I
do not have all of those notes at hand.

Your Eli was, I have been told, the middle of the three children of that union. He was
listed as the middle child between Peter and Ester, according to email received 07
Oct 1998 from another of your cousins. There are references to this union in James
Stuart Angevine, "The Angevine Family", n.p. 1997 and in Clyde V. Anvegine,
"Angevine Genealogy", Endwell, NY, 1977.

How can I help you?

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