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Table 1.

Renewable Energy CSO (RECSO) Network Members observations and recommendations on the draft CSO Position paper on Sustainable
Energy (attached) based on the Budget Framework Paper FY2021/2022 (attached) – Sustainable Energy Programme.

What draft CSO Position Reference in draft CSO Position paper on Sustainable Proposed suggestions for consideration by CSBAG in the
paper on Sustainable Energy Energy Final CSO Position paper on Sustainable Energy
1.3 Sub-programmes for Sustainable Energy Development
(SED) Programme
Need for a fair and equitable distribution of the budget so that
There are 6 Subprogrammes under Sustainable Energy adoption and use of Renewable Energy; Energy Efficiency and
Development (Ref: Table 2: Medium Term Projections by Conservation gain a fair share of it. A deliberate scaled-up
Sub-Programme (UGX billions). For both FY 2020/21 investment in these subprogrammes could ensure realization of a
(approved) and FY 2021/22 (proposed), share of steady improvement in the % of households and institutions
Renewable Energy Development & Energy Efficiency and cooking with: (LPG, Biogas, Solar thermal applications, etc.), that
Conservation remains low (only 2% in FY 2020/21 and to has the cumulative effect in other sectors of the economy; and to
further fall to 1.7% in FY 2021 /22) when compared with the promote utilization of energy efficient practices and technologies
rest of the programmes (given the current energy wasted in transmission and distribution;
and in use of inefficient technologies
1.4 Key ISSUES and recommendations for the energy

Analysis on the challenges of gender and equity well- There is need for a clear countrywide promotion of local solutions
articulated along with planned interventions in the BFP (pp that are accessible and affordable in use. For example, there is a
200). However, the planned interventions (and subsequently Catalogue of such sustainable solutions that can greatly benefit
the budget allocation of UGX 2 billion) are not in tandem with the grassroots communities, women and others and can be
the identified capacity / awareness; public information and disseminated by different agencies. This has benefits to the sector
access constraints. targets, as well as to socio-economic and environmental paybacks
(based on NDPIII, SDGs etc.) to the country in the long-run.

A contribution to a Joint CSO Position Paper with issues, gaps and recommendations for presentation & consideration by the Natural Resources Committee of Parliament / Feb. 3, 2021

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