Vocab Booster (Ver 2.0) : Mark The Letter A, B, C or D To Indicate The Word Which Best Completes Each Sentence Below

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word which best completes each sentence below.
Question 1: She was a (n) _______ woman, volunteering all of her free time for charitable organizations.
A. benevolent B. enormous C. huge D. wicked
Question 2: As the evening _______ on, we became more and more bored.
A. passed B. drew C. struck D. wore
Question 3: I was really looking forward to going to the game and I could hardly wait until the _______ day
A. grand B. big C. major D. huge
Question 4: I kept some small _______ of my limit success for my son when he was older.
A. memorials B. recollections C. reminiscences D. mementoes
Question 5: Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really _______ my eyes.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Question 6: His city’s streets were full of people—some scared to death, others _______ stores.
A. stealing B. raiding C. embezzling D. looting
Question 7: San Francisco’s Music City Hotel offers _______ such as daily housekeeping and fresh
towels, complimentary toiletries, and larger bunks.
A. facilities B. amenities C. utilities D. conveniences
Question 8: He told the court that it was his desperate poverty that had _______ him to crime.
A. driven B. brought C. induced D. compelled
Question 9: She was _______ from hospital yesterday only one week after her operation.
A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged
Question 10: Some turn into wonderful friendships that do last, through marriage or long-term
relationships, whereas others sadly _______ for a while before fading away.
A. flourish B. flower C. bloom D. blossom
Question 11: Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to _______ heart diseases.
A. push off B. put off C. ward off D. throw off
Question 12: The loss of both parents at such an early age took a terrible _______ on her mentally and
she became disturbed during her adolescent years.
A. burden B. toll C. strain D. pain
Question 13: Architectural pressure groups fought unsuccessfully to save a terrace of 18th century
house from _______.
A. disruption B. abolition C. demolition D. dismantling
Question 14: The company was declared bankrupt when it had _______ more debts than it could hope
to pay.
A. inflicted B. incurred C. entailed D. involved
Question 15: I’m afraid I can’t tell you what he said. It would be a _______ of confidence.
A. rupture B. break C. rift D. breach
Question 16: The quite beach made a _______ setting for the midnight wedding.
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A. serene B. bashful C. desolate D. gloomy
Question 17: It’s not easy to make friends with him, because he puts up a _______ between himself and
other people.
A. barrier B. barricade C. border D. boundary
Question 18: They worked from dawn to dust with such _______ that they were exhausted.
A. boredom B. debility C. zeal D. crack
Question 19: He’s one of the best doctors in town and held in high _______.
A. esteem B. estimation C. value D. appraisal
Question 20: Such relaxed places were few and far _______ in her hectic life.
A. between B. beyond C. past D. over
Question 21: The two countries met at the conference to _______ their difference.
A. leave out B. put out C. iron out D. get out
Question 22: We had a _______ future ahead with little comfort, food, or hope.
A. cruel B. pessimistic C. grim D. fierce
Question 23: Williamson and her co-workers live _______ the mercy of schedules that are hard to
access and rarely available in advance.
A. in B. with C. on D. at
Question 24: Uber offered insultingly _______ wage and benefits changes, none of which were approved
by drivers.
A. meager B. vast C. ample D. countless
Question 25: Even if interest rates don’t turn negative, they are likely to remain low for some time,
miring many investors in a _______.
A. dwelling B. grudge C. array D. quandary
Question 26: The idol group’s comeback is in the _______ making their fans nervous. They waited for
them for a long time.
A. balance B. consideration C. decision D. delay
Question 27: Households across the board _______ spending as coronavirus-related restrictions began in
A. reduce B. increase C. slash D. highlight
Question 28: It’s always difficult for the designer sportswear to _______ into the market because there
is too much competition from leading brands like Adidas.
A. invade B. penetrate C. break D. cut
Question 29: While Vietnam is quickly moving up the _______ into smartphones and semiconductors,
the biggest chunk of its exports to the UK remained textiles.
A. success B. tendency C. fame D. ladder
Question 30: The government is going to decrease taxes to _______ an economic depression.
A. avert B. subvert C. convert D. divert
Question 31: Although famous film stars make a fortune, they are always in the public _______.
A. eye B. watching C. service D. investigation
Question 32: When the journalist asked her for more details, and she refused to _______ them.
A. divulge B. release C. expose D. admit
Question 33: Adapted from a South Korean hit beginning early last year, “The Masked Singer” features
a panel of regular and rotating judges in front of a _______ studio audience.

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A. deafening B. raucous C. boisterous D. vociferous
Question 34: They are near starvation, effectively under siege and living in _______.
A. contamination B. decay C. squalor D. pollution
Question 35: The peach pile was so delicious that we _______ the whole thing.
A. polished off B. coughed up C. wound up D. sponged off
Question 36: Given these advances, it seems _______ that we might witness the wide use of artificial
and bionic eyes in daily life within the next decade.
A. compatible B. feasible C. liable D. accessible
Question 37: There’s no way we can afford to eat at this restaurant – the prices are _______.
A. astronomical B. theatrical C. uneconomical D. reasonable
Question 38: _______ of tourists come here every summer.
A. Trains B. Hordes C. Boards D. Crews
Question 39: My uncle’s hobby turned into _______ business when he started leasing boats.
A. an exorbitant B. a lucrative C. an extravagant D. an impoverished
Question 40: Tracey was upset when her plan didn’t _______.
A. come off B. work off C. pick up D. go with
Question 41: Over half of the population of this earthquake-stricken area are living _______.
A. on the house B. on the tenterhooks C. on the breadline D. on the cards
Question 42: The child’s _______ questions were beginning getting on her nerves.
A. consistent B. recurrent C. persistent D. pertinent
Question 43: The whole country is up in _______ about the new tax the government has imposed on books.
A. rage B. fists C. anger D. arms
Question 44: Her parents were thrilled to _______ when they found out that she had passed the exam
with flying colours.
A. shreds B. heavens C. bits D. goodness
Question 45: The collapse of the company will have _______ for the whole industry.
A. repetitions B. repercussions C. reflections D. reformations
Question 46: As employees return, they’re confronting an almost incomprehensible _______ of
paperwork and requests for help.
A. backstage B. backdrop C. backlog D. backlash
Question 47: Mia continues to stay _______ of the coronavirus statistics around the world, often updating
her Twitter account with the number of daily deaths in New York.
A. float B. abreast C. afresh D. afield
Question 48: Although he held some strong opinions, he eventually had to _______ down and admitted he
was wrong.
A. move B. wear C. back D. put
Question 49: Around the age of 50, your productivity, creativity and adaptability begin their _______ decline.
A. incalculable B. inexorable C. unwieldy D. illicit
Question 50: We’ve travelled the length and _______ of the country looking for the next Teen Star.
A. width B. breadth C. depth D. load
Question 51: Kenny believes that sport professionals deserve high salaries because constant training is
necessary so that they can _______ themselves to the limit when they complete.
A. exert B. ahead C. go D. apply

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Question 52: As humans are destroying their own planet, the _______ for a new homeland in the universe is
A. demand B. quest C. request D. search
Question 53: Don’t take it as _______ that you’ll be promoted in your job, other colleagues stand a
good chance too.
A. standard B. availability C. read D. common
Question 54: Many schools abandoned the policy of _______ punishment for children who misbehave
and prefer to give extra work or detention after school instead.
A. corporal B. mental C. physical D. strict
Question 55: He’s a tough politician – he knows how to _______ the storm.
A. ride out B. run down C. keep up D. push back
Question 56: His classmates are always _______ him for his oversized nose.
A. lazing around B. picking on C. running down D. shrinking down
Question 57: At first children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty _______.
A. went off B. died out C. died down D. wore off
Question 58: On the 20 November this year, we had a meeting and decided to _______ to hold a party
and invited all the teachers who had taught us at high school.
A. chip in B. pay on the nail C. pass the buck D. dish out
Question 59: The media always manage to nose ______ some interesting facts about the politician’s past lives.
A. at B. on C. out D. in
Question 60: There’s a bomb scare and the police have _______ the area.
A. made out B. put down C. rambled on D. cordoned off
Question 61: I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right _______ of mind.
A. frame B. way C. set D. turn
Question 62: Her natural and youthful _______, which will never be curbed, makes her a lot of fun to
be with.
A. enticement B. exasperation C. exhilaration D. exuberance
Question 63: The idol singer’s fans are full of _______ for him whenever he goes.
A. adulation B. elation C. glorification D. magnification
Question 64: Playing videos game is a good way to let off _______.
A. moisture B. smoke C. steam D. temper
Question 65: Not being able to find my phone number is a pretty _______ excuse for not contacting me.
A. fragile B. frail C. feeble D. faint
Question 66: When I heard the footsteps behind me I was _________ that I would be attacked.
A. horrified B. terror-struck C. terrorized D. terrified
Question 67: Medieval travelers’ tales of fantastic creatures were often fascinating but not always________.
A. credible B. creditable C. credulous D. imaginable
Question 68: The heavy rain lashed on _________ throughout the night without letting up.
A. continuously B. constantly C. interminably D. continually
Question 69: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very_________ position.
A. weak B. unsteady C. vulnerable D. collapsed
Question 70: Doctors advise people who are deficient __________ vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. from B. of C. in D. for

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Question 71: Her last movie was a surprise _________ hit.
A. box-department B. box-ticking C. box-top D. box-office
Question 72: The high-quality of Mercedes cars has enabled the company to gain a competitive
_________ over the rivals in the world markets.
A. advantage B. money C. edge D. strategy
Question 73: The rehabilitation scheme is at a _________. They are trying their best to come up with the
A. hill B. mountain C. standstill D. valley
Question 74: The first amusement park in our city was a _________ success for its owners. Everybody
would go there to have a good time.
A. cracking B. roaring C. sparking D. ringing
Question 75: When Robert ran out of money, he _________ his mother for help.
A. fell in with B. fell upon C. fell back on D. fell behind
Question 76: She tried windsurfing but she didn’t take _________ it at all.
A. in B. to C. on D. up
Question 77: My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the
_______ wonderfully.
A. event B. performance C. incident D. occasion
Question 78: He _________ on a serious relationship at a very young age, naturally, it ended in tears.
A. got B. embarked C. climbed D. boarded
Question 79: Janet is very modest and always _________ her success.
A. keeping down B. turning around C. playing down D. pushing back
Question 80: I’m opting out of the _________ race and going to live on a small farm in the countryside.
A. horse B. dog C. rat D. duck
Question 81: Unemployment threat has been _________ for a while now.
A. daunting on the lookout B. intimidating on the air
C. overwhelming on the wing D. looming on the horizon
Question 82: I don’t like turning down work, but I’ll have to, I’m afraid I’ve got far too much _________ at
the moment.
A. on my plate B. in effect C. on my mind D. up my sleeve
Question 83: I don’t want to listen to any more of your half-_________ ideas. Come back when you
have some ideas that aren’t impractical and stupid.
A. mashed B. peeled C. rinsed D. baked
Question 84: After listening to all arguments I am now of the _________ that there should be no more new
A. opinion B. idea C. thought D. attitude
Question 85: Over the centuries, the feet of many visitors have worn _________ the steps to the castle.
A. out B. through C. down D. in
Question 86: We do expect to meet your new manager - you've been _______ his praises ever since he
A. calling B. shouting C. singing D. crying
Question 87: When a show is popular, everyone is content but if its popularity _______. It is likely to be

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A. subsides B. dims C. fades D. weakens
Question 88: Stuart went to great _______ to complete a high quality presentation on the company's new
A. torment B. pains C. efforts D. difficulty
Question 89: Maria’s still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.
A. jubilantly B. blissfully C. delightedly D. ecstatically
Question 90: Did you see John this morning? He looked like _______. It must have been quite a party last
A. a bear with a sore head B. a wet blanket C. a dead duck D. death warmed up
Question 91: The voyage has been _______ with danger, waves swamped the ship and the navigation system
A. imminent B. packed C. thick D. fraught
Question 92: I feel it must be too late to apologize to my piano teacher, but at least I've got it off my _______.
A. chest B. heart C. stomach D. soul
Question 93: I don’t believe there’s a _______ of evidence that could help against him.
A. drop B. shred C. strain D. grain
Question 94: The newspaper was sued for _______ after publishing lies about a celebrity.
A. deface B. defamation C. diligence D. disturbance
Question 95: The Red Cross is _______ an international aid organization.
A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly
Question 96: The match _______ in darkness.
A. glared B. flared C. glowed D. gleamed
Question 97: The new student found the informality at school _______ at first.
A. off-putting B. foreign C. mysterious D. blinding
Question 98: I notice the bride looking _______ at the best man as he started making vulgar jokes during
his speech.
A. up to B. daggers C. angry D. down on
Question 99: The experience might have been no more than a temporary _______ of an exhausted mind.
A. abnegation B. apparatus C. deterioration D. aberration
Question 100: The bully tried to _______ the small kids into giving him their lunch money.
A. compel B. duress C. coerce D. beset

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Question 1: A
Question 2: D
Question 3: B
Question 4: B
Question 5: C
Question 6: D
Question 7: B
Question 8: A
Question 9: D
Question 10: C
Question 11: C
Question 12: B
Question 13: C
Question 14: B
Question 15: B
Question 16: A
Question 17: A
Question 18: C
Question 19: A
Question 20: A
Question 21: C
Question 22: C
Question 23: D
Question 24: A
Question 25: D
Question 26: A
Question 27: C
Question 28: C
Question 29: D
Question 30: B
Question 31: A
Question 32: A
Question 33: C
Question 34: C
Question 35: A
Question 36: B
Question 37: A
Question 38: B
Question 39: B
Question 40: A
Question 41: C
Question 42: C

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Question 43: D
Question 44: C
Question 45: B
Question 46: C
Question 47: B
Question 48: C
Question 49: B
Question 50: B
Question 51: A
Question 52: B
Question 53: C
Question 54: A
Question 55: A
Question 56: B
Question 57: D
Question 58: A
Question 59: C
Question 60: D
Question 61: A
Question 62: D
Question 63: A
Question 64: C
Question 65: C
Question 66: D
Question 67: A
Question 68: A
Question 69: B
Question 70: C
Question 71: D
Question 72: C
Question 73: C
Question 74: B
Question 75: C
Question 76: B
Question 77: D
Question 78: B
Question 79: C
Question 80: C
Question 81: D
Question 82: A
Question 83: D
Question 84: A
Question 85: C
Question 86: C
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Question 87: C
Question 88: A
Question 89: A
Question 90: D
Question 91: D
Question 92: A
Question 93: B
Question 94: B
Question 95: C
Question 96: C
Question 97: A
Question 98: B
Question 99: C
Question 100: C

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