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Norh ghorm alomari - ID / 439001134

The Rise Of Novel

( Robinson crusoe )
Robinson crusoe novel at tje first talk
about his Family . His father was a
merchant from Germany . He married his
mother settled in york . Robinson crusoe
is 18 years old and he had Two older
prother . Robinson wanted to go to the
sea with his friend, and his father was
advising him not to go and become a
lawyer . Unfortunately, Robinson
disobeyed his father and went with his 19-
year-old friend to London and boarder a
ship . The sea was scandalous, and crusoe
promised to repent of his father’s
disobedience, and in good luck Crusoe
spared his life.
And he was embarrassed to return to his
family . He arrived in London and began to
search for his replacement journey . The
second voyage to Africa is tragic, because
the ship was attacked by pirates from the
Moroccan port. The staff was sold into
slavery, and the pirates took the ship.
Robinson was made a slave. Their captain
takes Crusoe as his own slave. In order to
avoid Robinson's escape trials, he gives
Crusoe the responsibility of guarding his
home when he is at sea or when his ship is
in port.
For two years he was planning to escape.
An opportunity appears when he is sent
with two other young men to hunt. Soon
they saw the blacks living there. And they
were so friendly to Crusoe they sailed
along the African coast until they reached
land . They were surprised by the
presence of predators, and they killed the
lion and kept the skin to make a blanket .
They continued traveling on the African
coast until they excused a ship going to
Brazil, and when the crusoe arrived, he
started making sugar cane and Join other
farmers and take a trip to Africa to refill
the ship's cargo of slaves. After
encountering a fierce storm at sea,
Robinson Crusoe escaped the storm, and
was thrown ashore only to discover that
he was the only survivor of the wreck
Crusoe made immediate plans for food,
then protected himself from wild animals.
He brought as many things from the
wrecked ship as possible, which would be
useful to him later. In addition to this, he
began to develop talents that he had
never previously used in order to equip
himself with the necessities. After cutting
off all contact with people, he began
communicating with God, thus beginning
the first part of his religious conversion.
To keep his mind and also to entertain
himself, he began writing his diary and in
it, recording every task he had undertaken
every day since he was stranded on this
deserted island. He built a small boat and
drove it around the island.
After spending about fifteen years on the
island, Crusoe found bare footprints that
he was certain did not belong to him, and
he was so anxious because of the fears
that kept him awake for several nights.
Crusoe was later terrified when he found
human bones scattered around the shore,
apparently the remains of a brutal feast.
He was struggling again with new fears.
He explored the nature of a cannibal and
discussed his right to interfere with the
customs of another gender.
Later, Crusoe sees a ship in distress, but
everyone has already sunk on the ship
and Crusoe is again left without a mate.
However, he was able to take many
judgments from this newly wrecked ship.
Later, cannibals land on the island and
their victim escapes. Crusoe saved his life,
called him Friday meaning Friday, and
taught him English.
Friday soon became a humble and loyal slave
of Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe and Friday made
plans to leave the island, and accordingly built
another boat. Crusoe also pledged the
religious education of Friday, transforming it
from savagery to a Protestant religion. Then
their journey was postponed due to the
return of the savages. This time it was
necessary to attack the cannibals in order to
save the other prisoners, especially since one
of them was a white man. The white man was
Spanish and the other was Friday's father.
Later, four of them planned a trip to the
mainland to save sixteen Spanish citizens.
First, they built their food supply to ensure
adequate food for the additional people.
Crusoe and Friday agreed to wait on the
island while the Spaniard brought back
Friday's father and the other men.

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