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TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 - HOW TO WRITE WELL CRITERIA OF EVALUATION MODELS .. DOs & DON'Ts ... Chapter 2— HOW TO READ EFFECTIVELY ... CRITERIA OF EVALUATION ... TASKS AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS. DOs & DON'Ts... Chapter 3— HOW TO SPEAK TO IMPRESS... CRITERIA OF EVALUATION .. TASKS AND SUGGESTED ANSWERS. TAKING PART IN A CONVERSATION... DOs & DON'Ts... Grammar and vocabulary mind maps ... Discussion clock Chapter 4 - TESTS. Reading — Subiecte tip 1 (nivel A1-A2) Answers ... Reading — Subiecte tip 2 (nivel B1-B2) Answers ... Writing — Subiecte tip 1 (nivel A1- A2) . Suggested answers .... Writing - Subiecte tip 2 (nivel B1-B2) .. Suggested answers .. Speaking — Subiecte tip 1. Suggested answers... Speaking — Subiecte tip 2 Suggested answers Speaking — Subiecte tip 3 Suggested answers .. 115 116 122 Bibliography .. Chapter 1- HOW TO WRITE WELL CRITERIA OF EVALUATION Every piece of writing for an exam is accompanied by a set of rules that have to be tespected and a number of points granted accordingly. Before starting to tackle a particular task, students should be aware of the way their work is to be assessed so that they can organise it for the highest level possible, not forgetting their potential at the same time. There are a number of various written tasks expected to be performed by a high school graduate. The most frequent are: emails, narratives, informal and formal letters, articles, essays. Each of them has a particular structure that must be followed as such so that the piece can send the right message to the reader, which is actually the aim of writing it in the first place. According to the length and the degree of the difficulty, some may fit into A2 scale (the equivalent of an intermediate level = 60 points maximum), such as the email, informal letters and narratives, while others aim at B2 (the equivalent of an experienced user = 100 points maximum). Here is the marking scheme for A1-A2 scale used for the Baccalaureate exam: Subiectul | 40 de puncte [Confinut (20 puncte) |scrie un text adecvat situatiei /tipului de text propus| __4 puncte respecta limita legata de numérul de cuvinte indicat! 4 puncte| [scrie enunturi simple pe tema propusa 4 punetel lexprima in fraze Scurte ceea ce simte 4 punctal lexplicd pe scurt aciiunile prezentate / descrise 4 puncte [Organizarea textului lordoneaza corect cuvintele in enunturi simple 5 puncte| (10 puncte) leaga enunfuni scurte prin conectorii cal mai des folositi, producdnd un text simplu si coerent 5 puncte| [Corectitudine gramaticala |foloseste relativ corect structuri sintactice si forme gramaticale| (5 puncte) |simple, fara a afecta sensul global al mesajului focabular lfoloseste corect un repertoriu elementar de cuvinte si expresil (5 puncte) ladecvate temei propuse Subiectul al II-lea 60 de puncte [Confinut (30 puncte) [scrie un text adecvat situafiei /Tipului de text propus|__10 puncte] respecta limita legata de numarul de cuvinte indicat! 49 puncte largumenteaza opinille prezentate 10 puncte| (Organizarea textulut ullizeazi 0 gam& variaté de conecton pentru al (10 puncte) levidentia relatille dintre idei 5 puncte| ifoloseste corect paragrafele 5 punete| (Corectitudine gramaticala |foloseste corect structurile gramaticale 5 puncte| (10 puncte) jfojoseste o gama variatd de structuni gramaticale puncte| \Vocabular (10 puncte) |foloseste vocabularul in mod corect 5 puncie| ffoloseste un vocabular variat si adecvat temer 5 puncte| Nivelul de competenta se va acorda in functie de punctajul obtinut, dupa cum urmeaza: A1: 11-30 puncte B1: 61- 80 puncte A2: 31-60 puncte B2: 81-100 puncte Prepare yourself for the BAC exam MODELS 1. EMAIL You recently borrowed your best friend's DVD player. Unfortunately it has been broken. Write to him an email of 80-100 words explaining what happened and ‘suggesting ways to make up for your mistake. STEP 1 » Pay attention to the format of an email: + Use a specific way to write the sender's and the recipient's addresses: TO: (the email of the person to whom the e-mail is addressed) FROM: (the address of the person who writes the email) SUBJECT: (what the email is about) + Itusually starts with Dear...., ( the recipient's first name) separated by the rest of the text, but you can also use any other familiar greeting depending on the relationship you have with the recipient: Hil, Hello!, My dear... : + All the paragraphs start from the leit side of the page because e-mails are a fast way of writing messages on computer requiring the least typing effort; + The introduction should always include the reason for writing; + The conclusion should always include closing greetings; + Separated from the main body of the text, at the end we should include a greeting such as Dearly ..., With love, Hugs, ..., followed by your first name; + Informal register. STEP 2 ) Identify the keywords and what you are expected to write: + recently borrowed; it has been broken = you should include a short explanation of the circumstances in which the DVD player was damaged: + best friend = a highly familiar tone; + explaining what happened = details of the location and the period of time involved; + suggesting ways = apologies and promises of making things right. STEP 3 » Use connectors to make your ideas easy to follow: because, firstly, so, that’s why, if, contrary to, in the end. } Use paragraphs to organise your explanations. ) Use varied grammatical structures so that your language makes a good impression upon the reader. } Use vocabulary related to technology, giving explanations and apologizing. Prepare yourself for the BAC exam Ny SUGGESTED ANSWER: HELP MODEL HELP PARAGRAPHS EMAIL GRAMMAR ‘Addresses: To: From: Subject: sincere apologies Greeting My dear Jane, Reason for I'm writing to tell you how sorry | am_that I've | Connectors for writing broken the DVD player that you lent me last week! | organising It must have been my baby brother who tried to | ideas and Factual details | watch some cartoons when | was not at home. | | events shouldn't have let the DVD player within his Expressing regret | reach! Modal verbs Convincing details Closing greetings and apologies | have already talked to my uncle who is an engineer and he promised to take care of it, but it may take some time. Please, rest assured that, you'll have it back alright, or I'll buy you another one. Kisses and apologies, Doreen 2. OPINION ESSAY Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: Success in life comes with taking risks or chances, Write your answer in 180-200 words. STEP 1: ) Pay attention to the format of an opinion essay: + Inthe introduction you present the topic and your opinion on the matter; +The main body - several paragraphs to develop your opinion from different angles; -no matter what your opinion is, the last paragraph of the main body should deal with a different perspective than yours and the reasons why you consider it unconvincing; +The conclusion should reinforce your opinion, but using different words; + Formal register; STEP 2: D Identify the keywords and what you are expected to write: + success = vocabulary related to fame, being successful, winning, positive evaluation; + taking risks / chances = going for something you are not very sure of, but which seems like a good opportunity. 7 Prepare yourself for the BAC exam STEP 3: » Use connectors to link both sentences and paragraphs in a coherent way, such as: in my opinion, from my point of view, firstly, secondly, in addition, moreover, after all, however, either way, not to mention, to conclude; + Every paragraph should deal with one idea, that is to be presented in a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph; + "Dress up” your topic sentences with relevant explanations and examples! © Check: » The tense most often used in an opinion essay is the Present Simple, BUT: - if a particular thing is undergoing a transformation you should use the Present Continuous; - if you want to give an example from your personal experience, you should use the Past Simple and mention the time when the events took place; ) Use varied grammatical structures for a better impression; » Use vocabulary related to success, risks, explaining, evaluating. Nd SuccesTED ANSWER: HELP MODEL HELP PARAGRAPHS OPINION ESSAY GRAMMAR Introducing the | It is hard to believe that nowadays we can find a| Modal verbs topic of the person who does not desire success, either in their essay field of work, their hobbies or at least among their group of friends. Unfortunately, the more people | Connectors strive for success, the more they realize how hard it is to reach it, mainly because it implies a great amount of unexpected. Passive voice . There are many ingredients for success, such as Developing hard work, good connections, talent, interpersonal each idea into a | skills, charisma, to be in the right place at the right separate time. While the first ones are achievable by will, effort J paragraph and dedication, the last one is of a totally different | Constructions kind; it can be done only_by being able to take your chances when you recognise them and also to take risks from time to time. Undoubtedly no one can guarantee success even if risks and chances are taken, but it is a sure thing that without them, there is no way to reach it as life is full of surprises of all kinds that cannot be calculated, but welcomed and well-used. In conclusion, | think that two directions should be followed: to work for our dreams and to be alert to whatever life presents us with Gerundial Developed adjectives Adverbs Conclusion: reinforcing your personal opinion 8 Prepare yourself for the BAC exam 3. FORMAL LETTER Your class is organising a graduation celebration at the end of high school and you want to invite your headmaster to it. Write the letter in about 150 words. STEP 1: ) Pay attention to the format of a formal letter — it uses a specific way of writing the sender's and the recipient's addresses: + It always starts either with Dear ..., (the recipient's full name or Mr./ Mrs. and the surname) if you know the person to whom you are writing to or with Dear Sir/ Madam,..., in case you don’t know him/ her, separated by the rest of the letter; +The introduction must contain the reason for writing the letter and state the position you hold for writing the letter; + The conclusion always contains closing remarks showing that you expect a reply to the letter, such as “I look forward to receiving an answer from you...”; At the end, separated from the main body of the letter, in the left bottom corner, every formal letter ends either with Yours sincerely, (if you used a name at the beginning of the letter) or with Yours faithfully, (if you used Sir/ Madam as a salutation) followed by your first name and surname on the line below it; + Formal register; STEP 2: D Identify the key words and what you are expected to write: + Aletter to a school headmaster is a formal letter as the recipient holds a particular position in an institution; + When you make an invitation it is necessary to write about the event and its importance first and then to try to convince the reader about your desire for him/ her to attend it STEP 3: ) Use connectors to make your ideas easy to follow by the reader, such as: the reason why, firstly, secondly, as, because, as well as, in conclusion; ) Use paragraphs to organise your letter and your ideas. © Check: ) Use a variety of grammatical structures for a better impression; ) Use vocabulary related to keywords such as: invitation, celebrating, feelings, schoo! Prepare yourself for the BAC exam > SUGGESTED ANSWER: HELP MODEL HELP PARAGRAPHS FORMAL LETTER GRAMMAR Sender's 23 Florilor Street, apart. 158 address Bucharest, 6th district dune 10, 2012 Recipient's Dan lonescu Formal address Headmaster of “No 50” High school constructions 14 West Avenue Bucharest, 6th district Salutation Dear Mr. lonescu, The purpose of |My name is Popescu Radu, the students’ | Passive the letter and _ | representative of the Xllth A grade, and | am writing | Structure the position of | this letter on behalf of my colleagues to invite you the sender to our graduation ball. We would be extremely honoured to have you Giving the together with us. As the event is scheduled for June necessary 17th at 5 p.m. at “Drumetului” Restaurant, we hope details that the remaining week will allow our celebration to fit your agenda. Connectors We look forward to receiving an answer from you, as well as being notified about the way we can help you reach the location. Closing Yours sincerely, Popescu Radu Conclusion 4. ARTICLE Your school magazine organises a competition of articles entitled “Remembering my first day in high school”. Write your article in 180-200 words. STEP 1: » Pay attention to the format of an article: + A catchy introduction able to make the reader want to continue reading your article; + Semi-formal register; + Ideas to engage the reader into your writing, to transmit a positive and memorable message; STEP 2: » Identify the key words and what you are expected to write: + remembering = a narrative, using past tenses and respecting the rules of the sequence of tenses; + my = first-person narrative, feelings and vocabulary related to feelings; 10

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