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Pershore High School Name:

Performing Arts Department Class:

Year 9 Music – Pachelbel Performing (1)

INTRODUCTION: Pachelbel – The ‘Taught’ Lesson

You will be exploring the music of Pachelbel’s Canon in school in a number of ways, both in
performing on guitar/keyboard and also as part of a ‘remix’ project. This lesson explains in
more detail the piece Canon by Pachelbel.

• Work your way through the lesson following the instructions given by the teacher. This is
a practical lesson (hooray!); you will be performing music in the session.
• You do not need to hand in any specific work from the lesson.
• You must complete the quiz set in Assignments in Teams after you have viewed the lesson.

Pachelbel’s Canon – Accessing the Practical Work

To be able to access this task ideally you should use a piano or other instrument. However,
if these are not available to you then download a keyboard app to your phone, tablet or

See suggestions for these below:

For iPhone or iPad: GarageBand. This is a free download and includes a piano keyboard you
can play using your phone touchscreen.

For Android systems: Search at where there are a wide number of apps
available to choose from.

On a PC/Mac: You can click using a mouse, or

use your computer keyboard as an instrument.

You can hear the original version of the piece following this link:

In your next lesson you will be learning how to play the full version of the piece.

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