Omm CH 4 Quiz - Qs Sts

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Of Mice and Men Chapter 4

Question 1

Why is Crooks called "Crooks"?

4. He has a crooked spine

Question 2

Why does Lennie go to Crook's stable room?

1. To play cards

2. To see if George is there

3. To feed the horses

4. To pet the puppies

Question 3

What does Crooks repeatedly say to Lennie that upsets him?

4. That he is ugly and will never have a woman

Question 4

True or False: Crooks never buys into George and Lennie's dream

2. True

Question 5

How does Candy get Curley's wife to leave Crooks's room?

1. Candy promises to come see her later

2. Candy says he hears the men returning from town

3. Candy gives her money

4. Candy threatens to hit her

Question 6: Why has Crooks been able to accumulate more personal items than the other ranch

Question 7: What reason does Crooks first give for Lennie nor being welcome in his room?

Question 8: According to Crooks, why does a person need a companion?

Question 9: What is Crooks’ initial response to candy’s account of the dream farm and what
evidence is there that his attitude changes?

Question 10: According to Curley’s wife, why are the men afraid to talk to her when there is more
than one present?
Question 11: Why doesn’t Curley’s wife like talking to her husband?

Question 12: What reason does Candy give when he says they are no longer afraid that Curley’s wife
will get them fired?

Question 13: What makes Crooks so bold as to confront Curley’s wife and tell her to leave his room?

Question 14: Howe does Candy finally make Curley’s wife leave the barn?

Question 15: What does George say about Candy and Lennie visiting with crooks?

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