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S5 End of Unit Test - Napoleon

Section A – Factual Recall [6]

ONLINE QUIZ to be done later

Section B – Source Analysis [6]

Source A - French drawing of Napoleon entitled ‘Cannes March 1, 1815’

Cannes is a city in the South of France
Source B – French cartoon of Napoleon produced in September 1815 and showing the Duke
of Wellington driving Napoleon before him on a shore.

The caption says: ‘At last, Bonaparte realises his project of Landing in Britain’

1. Compare and contrast sources A and B about Napoleon in 1815.

Make sure you identify similarities as well as differences between the two sources.

Section C – Short Essay (use information in your book, especially pp. 70-71)[8]

2. How did Napoleon change Europe?

Looking at political, economic and socio-cultural changes brought by Napoleon in

France and in the countries he invaded in Europe, explain how Napoleon changed

Your essay will have an introduction, a main body of the text with different
paragraphs and in your conclusion, you will assess if, in your opinion, Napoleon
changed Europe for the better or the worse.

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