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We live in a world addicted to so-called ‘fast fashion’.

Big brands offer us

affordable ways of keeping up with trends. Fast fashion causes huge
environmental problems. Companies try to reduce costs and speed up production
time that`s why the fashion industry is the second largest polluter of clean water.
Toxic dyes and other chemicals often end up in rivers. Some very famous shops
and brands produce their clothes in sweatshops. Sweatshops are factories where
people work very hard in dangerous conditions for low wages, and without basic
human rights.
Finally, fast fashion can impact consumers themselves. It makes us believe we
need to shop more and more to stay on top of trends, creating a constant sense
of need and dissatisfaction. But we can reduce the harmful effects of our
shopping habits. Buying clothes from green companies is a great idea but the best
way to help the environment is buying less. Organising clothes-swapping events,
recycling and reusing old clothes can help. If something doesn’t fit you anymore
or you think it’s not trendy, you can alter this item of clothing and it will last
longer. If you know how your trendy clothes are made, you understand that it
isn`t worth following latest fashion.

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