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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Sumndad Street, Bangon, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, 9700

Quarter 1 - Module 4
Cultural, Social and Political Organization

First Semester
S.Y 2020-2021

Prepared By


Lesson 1: Analyze The Forms and Functions of Social Organizations
This module provides activities to analyze the forms and functions of social organizations.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. trace kinship ties and social networks.

2. described and organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior;
3. learn about different kinds of authority and legitimacy practiced in politics.

In the previous lesson, the learners identified their social participation in primary and secondary
groups. They are now ready to be socially involved in bigger mainstream of Institutions in the society. In
this part of the lesson they will be able to learn and analyze about functions of different social organizations
that radically affects their cultural orientation.

Social organization is defined as the system of relationships between persons and among groups
with regard to the division of activity and functional mutual obligations within society. The family serves as
an important universal social institution. It is the basic unit of social organization that is essential part of
human society. There are several kinds of families: nuclear (consist of parents and children), extended
(nuclear family with relatives), and reconstituted families (spouses and children from previous marriage) .
 a system of social organization which is based on recognized family ties.
 It explains the nature and reason for the formation of the different types of bonds that exist within a
 Sociologists define kinship as the different forms of socially accepted relations among people
developed through blood or consaguineal relationships, marriage or affinal relationships, adoption,
and other culturally accepted rituals.
 Kinship ties is based on descent can be Matrilineal (female line), Patrilineal Kinship (male line), and
Bilineal kinship (both female and male lines).
Kinship is of three types:
1. Consanguineous kinship that is also known as a kinship by blood,
2. Affinal kinship which is also known as kinship by marriage,
3. kinship by ritual.


 is considered as the most basic and general forms of relations. The relationship is achieved by
birth or blood affinity. The relationship existing parents and their children, between siblings, and
between nieces/nephews and aunts/uncles are examples of this type of kinship.
 In the study of consaguineal kinship, descent is an important key concept.
Descent-refers to the biological relationship. Societies recognize that children descent from parents and
that there exists a biological relationship between parents and their offspring.
Lineage – on the other hand, refers to the line where one’s descent is traced. An individual’s descent can
be traced by studying either the person’s paternal or maternal line in both the father’s and mother’s line.
Principles of Descent
 Anthropologists develop a diagrams to clearly explain and illustrates the different consaguineal
relationships. Below are the examples of the different symbols used by anthropologist to visually
explain patterns of descent and kin groups.

1. Unilineal Descent
 Descent is usually traced by most societies through a single line of ancestors from either the male
and the female line. This called the unilineal descent principle. In this principle of descent, both
male and female are members of a unilineal family but their descent lines are recognized by only
through the relatives of either the male or female member.
Two Basic Forms:
A. Patrilineal Descent- both males and females are belonging to the kin group of their father but they
do not belong to their mother’s kin group. In this form of descent, only the males pass on to their
children family identity.
B. Matrilineal Descent- focuses on the unilineal descent that is traced through the female line. In this
form of descent pattern, persons are related if they can trace their descent through females to the
same woman ancestor. Both male and female offspring are considered members of their mother’s
matrilineal descent group but only the daughters can pass on the family line to their offspring.
 On the other hand, refers to the bond that is formed through marriage.
 Marriage is an important social institution wherein two persons, a man and a woman, enter into
family life. During this process, the partners make a public, official, and permanent declaration of
their union as a lifetime couples.
Marriage Across Culture
 Different societies have different sets of cultural practices, norms, and rules pertaining to marriage.


 Some societies practice endogamy, or compulsory marriage, in their own village,
community, ethnic, social, or religious group. Members of the societies who do not follow
or who disobey the endogamous rules of marriage are sometimes penalized mildly,
through others may receive more severe sanctions like death or ostracism.
 Exogamy or out-marriage, on the other hand, refers to a marriage custom wherein an
individual is required by society’s norms and rules to marry outside of their own group,
community, or social classes. Exogamous marriage prevents incest or marriage within
one owns family and clan.
Monogamy came from Greek words monos and gamos which literally mean “one union”. It refers to
marriage or sexual partnering custom or practices wherein individual has only one male or female partner
or mate.
Polygamy, on the other hand, refers to the practice of having more than one partner or mate. It can be
polygyny (a man has a multiple female partners or mates), or polyandry (a woman has a multiple male
partners and mates)
A. Patrilocal rule of residence occurs when married couple stay in the house of the husband’s
relatives or near the husband’s kin.
B. Matrilocal rule of residence happens when the couple live with the wife’s relatives or near
the wife’s kin
C. Biolocal residence happens when the newlywed couple stay with the husband’s relatives
and the wife’s kin alternately.


Referred Marriage is when a matchmakers help their single friends of relatives to find their possible
husband or wife by referring them to another man or woman who is also interested in finding a life partner.
Fixed or Arranged Marriage. In this kind of marriage, the man or woman’s parents, community leaders, or
religious leaders or officials determine the marital partner of the individual.
Child Marriage- it happens when parents arrange for the marriage of their children long before the marriage
takes place. The marriage will be consummated in the future.
A. Exchange Marriage- in this form of marriage, there is a reciprocal exchange of spouses between
two countries, tribes, or groups.
B. Diplomatic Marriage- this form of marriage occurs when an arranged marriage has been
established between two royal or political families in order to forge political or diplomatic alliances.
C. Modern arranged marriage- in this form of marriage, the child’s parents, with consent of the child,
choose from several possible mates.

 Compadrazgo, literally translated as “godparenthood”, is a ritualized form of forging co-
parenthood of family. Originating in the medieval Catholic church in Europe, this can be
done through the performance of Catholic rituals like baptism, confirmation, and marriage.
Through compadrazgo set-up, a relationship between child’s biological parents, their
children, and persons close to the parents but not related by blood become a family.


The family is considered as the basic unit of social organization. It is made up of a group of
individuals who are linked together by marriage, blood relations, or adoption. It constitutes a single
household that interrelates with each other and performs the social roles of husband, wife, mother, father,
brother, and sister.
A nuclear family is a type of family that is made up of a group of people who are united by social ties. It is
usually made up of two adults and their socially recognized children.
Extended Family, on the other hand, is a type of family whose members go beyond the nuclear family
made up of parents and their offspring.
 A type of family where parents have child or children from previous marital relationships
but all the members stay and congregate to form a new family unit. It is sometimes called
step family, reconstitute family, or a complex family.


 Kinship plays a huge role in the kind of society that we are living today. Its influences affect
our politics and economy. One example would be the existence of the political dynasties. A
dynasty refers to a succession of rulers from the same family or lineage.
 According to the pending Political Dynasty Bill of the House of Representatives, the house
proposal states that a political dynasty exists when “two or more individuals who are
related within second degree of consanguinity” or “those relatives of a person who may be
the latter’s brother or sister, direct ascendant or direct descendant, whether legitimate or
illegitimate, full or half blood, including their spouses” hold elected government position.
 Political organizations follow certain guidelines or regulations to ensure that political
processes are going smoothly.
Political organization
1. Band is typically formed by several families living together based on marriage ties, common
descendants, friendships affiliations, and members usually have a common interest, or enemy.
Thus the main source of integration is kinship by blood or affinity
2. Tribe- a band that eventually survive fissioning and social velocity, even as it experiences
increasing population and a shift from foraging and hunting community, to one where there is
now a presence of multiple communities engaged in pastoral or horticultural forms of
The manner by which tribes are organized is through the presence of pantribal associations, or
what anthropologists refer to as “sodalities”
3. Chiefdoms- is defined a more political organization that is more defined. Formal leadership
exists and authority rests solely on the members of a select family.
It is composed of a number of communities that is ruled by a permanent paramount chief coming
from this elite family.
It can be simple or complex. A simple chiefdom is characterized by a central village or community
ruled by a single family. A complex chiefdom is composed of several simple chiefdoms ruled by a
single paramount chief residing in a single paramount center.


-Authority – is the concept of right to issue and, using coercive power to enforce a command.
-Legitimacy – originated from the Latin word “legitimare”, meaning to declare, lawful”. According to
Weber, it is the basis of every system of authority, a willingness to obey, and a belief by virtue of which
persons exercising authority are lent prestige”
-Weber’s Theory of Authority is classified into three types:
1. Traditional Authority-is legitimated by sanctity of tradition or custom
2. Charismatic Authority-is authority made legitimate by a leader with a mission and vision that
inspires others.
3. Legal-Rational Authority-refers to a form of leadership made legitimate by legal rationality. It
legitimacy derived from the power of the content of law.
Instructions: The details pertaining to cultural, social and political institutions are given below. Identify what
is asked by completing the statement. Choices are cited below right after the sentences.
ACTIVITY 1: Complete the statements below by supplying the correct answer. Write your answer in your 1
whole sheet of paper. ANSWER ONLY.
1.________________a relationship with other people through blood kinship ties based on descent can be
2. ___________ (based on female line), 3. ____________ (based on male line) or 4. ____________
(consist of both female and male lines).
B. Kinds of family (SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS)
1.____________consist of parents and children
2.____________composed of nuclear family and relatives
3.____________composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage
C. Political Organizations (POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS)
1.____________a small group connected by family ties and is politically independent.
2.___________ a tribal organization which are united by a common culture
3. ___________ governed by a governing body, aptly called a chief. It is a political organization that
involves a more formal and permanent political structure compared to tribal and band organizations.
4.____________organized political community that is living under a single system of government which
governs a large population, with a hierarchy of differing political positions and the power to enforce

In a vertical bullet list are real issues in the community which affects family relationship and
involvement and participation in the community. Express your personal views on how this certain issues
and concern in the community affects you personally? How did you deal with it? and respond to how these
issues be resolved?

(Marital issues)
What is your stand on legalization of divorce in the Philippines?


(leadership and administration issues and concern)

What is you personal assessmant on the leadership enactment of President Rodrigo Duterte on resoving
the health crisis in the Philippines?

Take a selfie together with

your family, print and make a
journal on your own. Answer
the questions below.
Answer the following questions: Write only the letter of your answer in your paper.
1. Kinship refers to those relationships found in all societies that______________.
a. is based on blood c. includes affinal relatives
b. includes consaguineal relatives d. all of the above
2. Anthropologists, as compared to other social scientists spent a great deal of time studying kinship
because they have:
a. always focused largely on biological relationships.
b. concentrated mainly on a small-scale society where kinship relations tend to be important.
c. always studied fictional relationships.
d. concentrate on industrial societies where kinship relations tend to be important.
3. A kinship diagram of a son, father, grandfather, and great grandfather would include ________.
a. affinal relatives c. two genders
b. collateral relatives d. bilineal relatives
4.The system of acknowledge social parentage; which varies from society to society.
a. descent b. kinship c. dynasty d. parental role
5. In bilateral descent, individuals
a. are members of the kinship group their parents have selected for them.
b. is equally related to both the mother’s and the father’s side of the family.
c. trace descent from both a patrilineage and a matrilineage.
d. can choose with which side of the family they wish to affiliate.
6. An organized political community that is living under a single system of government which governs
a large population, with a hierarchy of differing political positions and the power to enforce decisions
a. State b. chiefdom c. band d. society
7. A kind of family structure composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage.
a. Extended b. reconstituted c. single d. nuclear
8. Also known as a politics of kinship is ____
a. political dynasty c. political structure
b. political stratification d. political arena
9. A relationship with other people through blood kinship ties based is ____
a. Consanguineous kinship b. patrilineal c. polyandry d. polygyny
10. A descent based on a female line.
a. patrilineal b. bilineal c. matrilineal d. lineal
11. Bond that is formed through marriage is _______.
a. patrilineal kinship c. affinal kinship
b. b. politics of kinship d. kinship by ritual
12. A type of polygamy in which a husband can take many wives.
a. monogamous b. polygyny c. polyandry d. descent
13. A type of authority that is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition or custom.
a. legal b. rational c. charismatic d. traditional
14. The concept of right to issue and, using coercive power, to enforce a command.
a. power b. authority c. legitimacy d. rule of law
15. According to Weber, it is “the basis of every system of authority, and correspondingly of every kind of
willingness to obey, a belief by virtue of which persons exercising authority are lent prestige.”
a. charismatic b. political power c. jurisdiction d. legitimacy

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