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fy Begum CONFIDENTIAL ‘*****For training purposes only ~ not for further distribution**** ASSESSMENT OF PARENTING CAPACITY: EXAMPLE Name of parent(s): Ann Finley (ALL NAMES CHANGED) [Name of child(ren): Scott Kerner Dos: “Age: 14 Kevin Taylor Andrew Taylor Keith Taylor Date of assessment: 3-11-02 Social worker: Holly Church FAMILY ASSESSMENT ‘Emotional/Mental Health ‘Moderate diagnosed mental heath problems: Ann is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. She has been involved with a variety of mental health support services, however inconsistent in her utilization of them. Mental health issues significantly impede hher daly functioning and parenting, especially in the areas of care of herself and children, hhousehold organization, and stress management. Parenting Ski Moderate difficulties in parenting skills: Ann has not provided stable and consistent supervision for har children, often leaving the younger ones inthe care of the oldest child or questionable acquaintances. Ann has difficulty setting limits and providing structure and predictability inthe hhome environment. She has directly exposed th children to drug dealing activity. She is often impatient with and berating toward the children. She has difficulty with providing emotional support and nurture ofthe children. Ann displays closer attachment withthe younger three children, Her relationship with her oldest son is more conflicted and detached. ‘Substance Use Serious substance use problems: Ana has a history of drug and alcohol abuse. She has not participated in any chemical dependency treatment. Although she has allegedly been involved in drug taffcking, she denies using illegal substance herself. She admits to drinking on occasion. Some alcohol and drug use is suspected with oldest son, Scot ‘Housing/Environment/Basic Physical Needs ‘Some problems, but correctable: Family has a history of unstable housing, They recently moved from an apartment of two years due to eviction by the landlord because of upkeep and visitor problems. Current apartment is messy and without adequate furniture; it does not have accessible ‘outdoor play space forthe children. Clothing forthe children is barely adequete. Food is adequate. ‘Serious domestic discord/domestic violence: There is much conflict between Ann and the children, especially with 14-year-old Scott. There is significant arguing and physical fighting between siblings, especially by Scott toward the younger brothers. Ann has had « number of domestic partes inthe recent past. She has experienced domestic abuse and ongping threats by her most recent partner. ‘Child Characteristics (Children have severe/chronic problems: Scott is exhibiting significant behavioral problems, including: oppositional behavior toward parent and teachers, delinquent yehavior, and violence toward his siblings. He has improved his school attendance since last year, however. Kevin has ‘menial health difficulties. Inadequate attention to children’s emotional needs results in much ‘confit between siblings and between the chidren and mother. Physical health, intelligence, and fanetionol skills ofall the children are normal, ‘Social Support System ‘Limted support network: Ann and family have a limited support system. Some extended family ‘members are supportive, but not nearby. Friends are quite transient. Vacious members of their social network are also involved in drug-related activity. Many community service providers have been involved withthe family, but Ann's follow through with those services has been inconsistent. ‘Ann has experienced racist attitudes among some people at her children’s schools and inthe ‘community, which has contributed to her feeling uncomfortable at times in Duluth as a white Woman involved with African American partners and having biracial children. These issues present barriers to her access and utilization of potential supports, 'No evidence of problem: No history of childhood abuse or neglect has been reported by Ann. Reparis received by Social Services regarding suspicions of abuse or neglect of the children by ‘Annave not been substantiated. (Communieation/Tnterpersonal Ski Limited or inefectve skis: Ann is often able to communicate her concems clearly. However, she perieically withdraws from contact with support people in her and her children’s life. She has poor boundaries in relationships wih significant others. She is often negative inher responses to her children, especially toward Scot. Corezivets) Life Skills ‘Poor ijeskils: Ann exhibit reat dificult in budgeting, ime management, houschold organization, housing stability, and maintaining daly routines. She has difficulty with follow through with available assistance with thes issues. Ann cognitive functioning is normal; “Aiffiities appear o stem primarily from mental health problems and highrek behavior. Ann is ‘elived tobe involved in drug trafficking which exposes hr children to criminal activity, interferes with her attention to he children’s need, and puts herself andher children in physical ‘danger. Physical Health Health problem or disability: Ann has numerous medical problems. She recently suffered severe clotting in her legs which caused a serious health risk and limited her dsily functioning fora period of time. EmploymentIncome Management {Underemployed: Ann does not work outside the home. She receives SSI due t chronic mental hnealth and physical problems, as well as MFIP. Her money management skills are poor. She

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