My Resolution of 2021

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My resolution of 2021

New Year is the perfect time to turn a new page and that is why mostly people make New Year’s
resolution. Setting New Year resolution is good habit as it is helpful to refine ourselves by
aiming to make desired changes in ourselves. We being humans have some good habits but on
the other hand there are some bad habits in each human being too. New Year resolution is very
helpful to take a fresh start by giving opportunity to change our bad habits and cultivate new and
positive habits.
I also set goals and targets to be achieved in the coming year. My resolution of 2021 is to be
good Muslim by offering prayers five times a day. I will keep fast this year in Ramadan in true
spirit. Moreover I will be a good human. In 2020 we all faced pandemic and we all suffered a lot
too. In 2021 I am planning to do some social welfare work by creating donations for needy
people. This pandemic create lot of unemployment and there are many needy families that need
charity and donations to fulfill their needs. I will become a member of a group of my friends who
will gather charity and donation from neighborhood for needy families. I am promising to myself
that in this year I will never tell a lie. I will be courteous and friendly to all. I will be more
organized as I set target to make efficient use of time by reducing unproductive use of time.
Being a student of grade 3 my resolution is to study hard and maintain my 1 st position this year
too. I will focus on learning more along with grades as being a student of upper primary section
more important for me is what I have learned too. I will focus on healthy diet and reduce
consumption of fast food. Being elder daughter I will be more helpful to my mother in doing
house chores. I will be more obedient to my Parents, teachers and elders. Being Pakistani my
resolution for 2021 is to follow country laws. I will keep my home, streets and country clean. I
will not throw garbage on streets. I will not waste electricity and water. I will also plant a tree
with my father. I will be a patriotic citizen of Pakistan.

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