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Govardhan Ecovillage is founded by Radhanath Swami Maharaj, we interviewed Mr.

Yachneet pushkarna
who takes social initiatives for the place. Govardhan Ayurveda is a village retreat and wellness destination
that employs the 3000-year old authentic ayurvedic practices to find the perfect balance between body,
mind and soul with the five elements - space, wind, fire, water and earth. Their proactive approach
promotes living a healthy lifestyle rooted in nature over the reactive method of fighting a disease. A stay
at the eco resorts will open your eyes to the world of Ayurveda and holistic wellness. Their location is in
the midst of nature with the Sahyadri hills towards its north, this attracts a lot of people i.e
universities,school’s who are willing to give back to nature through sustainability. A lot of main problems
such as Poverty, Migration, Scarcity of water leading to other problems such as poor life quality,
agriculture. This inturn forms a nexus of problems which was initially just a small problem turned into
larger ones. Hence, only one solution is required to solve all these problems. This is done by Focusing on
all the UNSDGs and achieving this using sustainable energy sources like organic composting and
farming, solar power, rain water harvesting and biogas plants to keep the village functioning properly and
ensuring it is eco-friendly.

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