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KAIRA LOORO | Architecture for Peace

KAIRA SALOO is a sacred space where people can spiritually communicate. Our goal is to have a space
where 4 or more different religions can interact and pray at the same time. We strongly believe that giving
a name to the structure can easily make it a more approachable space for the citizens. KAIRA SALOO
means “praying in peace”, which supports our idea for collectivity in praying. One of our main goals is
the holistic interpretation and integration of the structure in the existing landscape, while at the same time
enabling community participation and sustainability.
The basic principles of our synthesis consist of a central courtyard-atrium where people can gather and
interact with one another, while dividing each religion to its certain space, and the east orientation of the
structure. The hyperbolic paraboloid roof, made of palm wood and leaves, invites people to a spiritual
journey. Its distinct shape, along with the centrally located rain collector, serve as a landmark for the
region and the village community.
The sloped roof collects water during the rain season, in its two lower sides, while the cylindrical
element, inspired by the baobab tree in its dimensions and shape, brings water to the courtyard and stores
it underground in three water tanks, where later phytopurification takes place, providing an important
water resource to the community.
The building filters light in various ways, especially by the perforations made on the exterior brick walls,
where focused light is entering the inside enhancing the spirituality of the design. The sunbeams that enter
the sacred space indicate either a passage or the coordination of the prayer.
Considering the economic and social sustainability, the local adobe technique, used for the exterior
spaced brick walls, along with the gap between the walls and the roof, provide good ventilation and
reduce the internal temperature. In case of environmental emergencies or special occasions, the interior
wooden partitions can be removed, so as to rearrange the space according to the needs of the village.
In this context, we propose the design of a place that calls for a meeting between heaven and earth, divine
and human. Despite the challenge of designing for different religions, our conceptual idea is based on the
belief that faith, in any form, should ultimately unify people.

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