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The afternoon, the senses walked toward the hangout with their friends, just to drink

coffee and spend the afternoon. This place looks right to the right where he works. After
finishing work, he went straight to his favorite place with his theme. After chatting for a long
time with his friends, the senses immediately returned home to rest, on the way he saw a
grandmother across the street who had difficulty crossing the road. Out of pity he directly
addressed the grandmother and helped her to get through these roads. He immediately said back
to his home, and coincidentally the house of grandmother and one way senses. After delivering
the grandmother, he immediately rushed to the house because it was late at night. When he got
home he went straight into the room to wash up first. Finished cleaning himself, he sat in front of
the television to watch his favorite movie and accompanied his mother who was on the side.
After finishing watching he immediately returned to his room to rest.

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